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of August 8, 2007 No. 1003

About procedure for expense recovery on compensation of lawyers at the expense of means of the local budget

(as amended on 03-10-2023)

According to part 9 of Article 46 of the Code of penal procedure of the Republic of Belarus the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Determine that:

1.1. the basis for expense recovery on compensation of the lawyer who is involved in inquiry, pretrial investigation, legal proceedings to destination through territorial Bar upon the demand of the body conducting criminal procedure for rendering legal aid to the suspect or the person accused, and it is equal to implementation of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the died suspect accused at the expense of means of the local budget the resolution (determination) of the body conducting criminal procedure on participation of the defender is;

1.2. financial managements (departments) of local executive and administrative organs at the expense of means of the relevant budget for each case based on the resolution (determination) specified in subitem 1.1 of this Item refund expenses on:

to compensation of lawyers in the amount of 150 percent of basic size in one working day in case of performance of work to destination in the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus, regional, Minsk city courts;

to compensation of lawyers in the amount of 110 percent of basic size in one working day in case of performance of work to destination in district (city) courts, criminal prosecution authorities;

1.3. the sums of money specified in subitem 1.2 of this Item go in corresponding regional, Minsk city Bars.

2. Control of expenditure of budgetary funds according to this resolution is exercised by the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Finance.

3. To the Ministry of Justice in two-month time together with the Ministry of Finance to develop and approve the instruction about procedure for expense recovery on compensation of lawyers at the expense of means of the local budget.

4. Declare invalid the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 26, 1991 No. 163 "About procedure for expense recovery on compensation of lawyers by budget funds" (Collection of the orders of the Government BSSR, 1991, No. 15, the Art. 148).

5. This resolution becomes effective from the first following after month of its official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

S. Sidorsky

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