of July 20, 2007 No. 271-Z
About the address with waste
Accepted by the House of Representatives on June 7, 2007
Approved by Council of the Republic on June 22, 2007
This Law determines the legal basis of the address with waste and is directed to prevention, reduction of amounts of formation of waste and their maximum use, and also to prevention of harmful effects of waste on the environment, human health, the property which is in state-owned property, property of legal entities and physical persons (further - property).
1. Type of waste - set of the waste having general signs and classified according to this Law and other acts of the legislation on the address with waste, including technical regulatory legal acts.
2. Temporary storage of waste - content of waste in the place of temporary storage of waste before their procurement, sorting, use, neutralization, burial and (or) long-term storage.
3. Secondary material resources - waste concerning which there is possibility of use in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
4. Long-term storage of waste - content of waste concerning which there is no possibility of use, neutralization and (or) burial in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, on objects of storage of waste.
5. Procurement of waste - acceptance on paid or non-paid basis of the waste which is formed after loss by goods and packaging of consumer properties (further - waste of goods and packaging), for the purpose of their accumulating and further transfer on use and (or) neutralization.
6. Environment contamination waste - stay in the environment of waste of first or third of classes of danger in any quantity and on any acreage, other waste in number of more than one ton or on acreage over three square meters in defiance of requirements of the legislation on environmental protection.
7. Waste disposal - the isolation of waste on subjects to waste disposal for the purpose of prevention of harmful effects of waste, products of their interaction and (or) decomposition on the environment, human health, property which is not providing possibility of their further use, neutralization.
8. Inventory count of production wastes - determination of quantitative and qualitative indexes of production wastes for the purpose of accounting of such waste and establishment of standard rates of their education.
9. Use of waste (waste recycling) (further - use of waste) - application of waste for production (conversion of waste), productions (development) of electrical and (or) heat energy (further - energy), performance of works (rendering services).
10. Utility waste - all consumer wastes, and also the production wastes included in the list of the production wastes relating to utility waste established by the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities.
11. Production waste disposal limit - the maximum quantity of production wastes of certain type established to the producer of waste for a certain period of time for their burial on subjects to waste disposal.
12. Limit of storage of production wastes - the maximum quantity of production wastes of certain type established to the producer of waste for a certain period of time for their long-term storage on objects of storage of waste.
13. Medical waste - the waste which is formed in the course of implementation of medical, pharmaceutical activities.
14. The place of temporary storage of waste - capital structure (the building, construction), its part, the special equipment (container, etc.), other place, intended for temporary storage of waste.
15. The standard rate of formation of production wastes - the maximum permissible number of waste formed in case of conversion of unit of raw materials, production of unit of production or production (development) of energy unit, and also in case of performance of work (rendering service).
16. Neutralization of waste - destruction of waste (including the burning of waste which is not connected with their use) and (or) the actions made with waste, leading to decrease or liquidation of their dangerous properties.
17. The address with waste - the activities connected with formation of waste, their collection, separation by types of waste (including separation of waste by types the producer of waste in case of their collection, sorting of waste), removal, transportation, procurement, use, neutralization, burial and (or) storage.
18. Subject to waste disposal - polygon, other capital structure (the building, construction) intended for waste disposal.
19. Subject to neutralization of waste - capital structure (the building, construction), its part and (or) the equipment (installation) intended for neutralization of waste.
20. Object for use of waste - capital structure (the building, construction), its part and (or) the equipment (installation), held for use waste.
21. Object of storage of waste - capital structure (the building, construction), its part and (or) the equipment intended for long-term storage of waste.
22. Dangerous wastes - the waste containing in the structure the substances having any dangerous property or their set in such quantity and type that this waste in itself or in case of the introduction in contact with other substances can constitute direct or potential danger of damnification to the environment, human health, property owing to their harmful effects.
23. Waste - the substances or objects which are formed in the course of implementation of economic activity, life activity of the person and not having certain purpose in the place their educations or lost the consumer properties (there is no possibility of use of the substances or objects relating to products of their initial purpose), except for:
23.1. the substances or objects which are formed and applied as raw materials within the same engineering procedure;
23.2. the substances or objects which are formed in production process of products and in the initial condition conforming to requirements imposed to products;
23.3. corpses (bodies, remains) of people, animal.
24. Consumer wastes - the waste which is formed in the course of the life activity of the person which is not connected with implementation of economic activity, including the waste which is formed in consumer cooperatives and gardening partnerships, and also estimates, formed on lands public.
25. Production wastes - the waste which is formed in the course of implementation by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (further, unless otherwise specified, - subjects of managing) economic activity (production, production (development) of energy, performance of works (rendering services)).
26. Transportation of waste - the movement of waste with use of the vehicle from the place of their departure to the destination which is carried out on contractual basis or other legal causes including loading (filling) of waste, their unloading (discharge), stops, parking and any time spent of waste in the vehicle which is required in accordance with the terms of transportation.
27. The producer of waste - the subject of managing, the physical person who is not the individual entrepreneur (further - physical person), economic activity which life activity is led to formation of waste.
28. Placement of waste - storage and (or) waste disposal.
29. The authorized waste disposal - waste disposal in the authorized place of waste disposal according to the procedure established by this Law and other acts of the legislation on the address with waste.
30. The authorized place of waste disposal - the subject to waste disposal determined to the producer of waste for their burial according to this Law and other acts of the legislation on the address with waste.
31. The authorized storage location of waste - the object of storage of waste or the place of temporary storage of waste determined to the owner of waste for their storage according to this Law and other acts of the legislation on the address with waste.
32. The authorized storage of waste - storage of waste in the authorized storage location of waste according to the procedure established by this Law and other acts of the legislation on the address with waste.
33. Collection of waste - accumulating of waste in places of temporary storage of waste for the purpose of subsequent their removal.
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