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of July 10, 2007 No. 257-Z

About fauna

(as amended on 04-01-2022)

Accepted by the House of Representatives on June 7, 2007

Approved by Council of the Republic on June 22, 2007

This Law establishes the legal basis of protection and steady use of objects of fauna and the circle of their dwelling for the purpose of preserving biological diversity, prevention of harm of life and to health of wild animals from harmful effects of anthropogenous factors, diseases, emergency situations, adverse conditions of the environment and providing capability of objects of fauna to satisfy economic, esthetic and other requirements present and future generations. 

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. The terms and concepts applied to the purposes of this Law, and their determination

1. Acclimatization of wild animals - providing adaptation of wild animals to the new habitat as a result of their introduction with formation of stable self-replicating populations.

2. Area of type of wild animals (further, unless otherwise specified, area) - the field of geographical distribution of individuals of certain type of wild animals irrespective of degree of permanency of its dwelling, except for places of accidental hit.

3. Disastrous state of wild animals - finding of wild animals in the conditions posing threat for their health and (or) capable to lead to their death (in the centers of infectious diseases of animals, the fires, in case of flood, drought, ice, poisoning, Zamora in water object, crossing on water and slippery ice, depletion from lack of forages, and also in other similar conditions).

4. Biological diversity of fauna - variety of wild animals within type of wild animals, between types of wild animals and in natural ecological systems.

5.  No. 326-Z is excluded according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 23.12.2015

6.  No. 326-Z is excluded according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 23.12.2015

7.  No. 326-Z is excluded according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 23.12.2015

8. Type of wild animals - taxonomical unit, genetically and (or) reproduktivno the isolated set of the individuals of the wild animals forming populations, having general morpho-physiological signs and occupying general (continuous or partially broken off) area.

9. Reproduction of wild animals - natural (regulated or non-regulated) or artificial process of renewal of wild animals, recovery of their quality and quantity characteristics as a part of population.

10. Installation of wild animals - the activities directed to release of wild animals in grounds.

11. The state inventory of fauna - the systematized code of the types of wild animals this about geographical distribution, quantitative and high-quality characteristics of objects of fauna, about economic evaluation and use of their resources, and also other data on the objects of fauna necessary for ensuring their protection and steady use.

12. Derivative - derivative of wild animal (caviar, eggs, hunting trophies, effigies, souvenirs, jewelry and other products), and also products of their conversion (medical, food, perfumery and cosmetic, etc.).

13. Wild animals are mammals, birds, reptiles, Amphibia, fishes, insects and other animals living on the earth (on surface, in the soil, in underground emptiness), in surface water and the atmosphere in the conditions of natural freedom, and also wild animals in bondage.

14. Wild animals in bondage are the wild animals and their posterity containing and (or) divorced in conditions with restriction of their natural freedom.

15.  No. 326-Z is excluded according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 23.12.2015

16. The wild animals belonging to the rare and being under the threat of disappearance types of wild animals - wild animals of separate types concerning which there are data of monitoring of fauna, the state inventory of fauna, scientific and other research specifying on annual within ten years or three generations (value, bigger on time frame is chosen) reducing their number and (or) area, or on adverse changes of the circle of their dwelling, or on limitation of distribution and small number of their populations.

17. Production of wild animals - withdrawal of wild animals from the circle of their dwelling without preserving their life.

18. Documents for right to use by fauna objects - the decisions of local executive and administrative organs, lease agreements of hunting and fishing grounds, permissions and other documents on the right of implementation of separate types of use of objects of fauna or the activities connected with use of fauna objects provided by this Law and other legal acts.

19. Wild animals abuse - production of the wild animals who are in disastrous state, destruction of habitats of the wild animals, except as specified, provided by this Law and other legal acts the beating, torture of wild animals and other actions (failure to act) contradicting the rules and regulations of the humane attitude towards animals accepted in society established by the legislation.

20. Fauna - the protected environment component, the renewable natural resource representing set of all wild animals who are constantly living in the territory of the Republic of Belarus or it is temporary inhabiting it, including wild animals in bondage.

21. Procurement of the wild animals who are not belonging to subjects to hunting and fishery - the type of special use of fauna objects performed by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs independently or with involvement of citizens based on civil or employment contracts for production of the wild animals who are not belonging to subjects to hunting and fishery for the purpose of their use in economic activity.

22. Purchase of the wild animals who are not belonging to subjects to hunting and fishery, - type of activity, connected with use of fauna objects, performed by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs by acquisition of the wild animals who are not belonging to subjects to hunting and fishery based on the purchase and sale agreement or other transaction about their alienation for the purpose of their use in economic activity.

23. Protection of wild animals - the activities directed to prevention of harm of life and to health of wild animals from impact of anthropogenous factors, diseases, adverse conditions of the environment, and also emergency situations.

24. No. 18-Z is excluded according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 22.01.2013

25. Withdrawal of wild animals - production or catching of wild animals from the circle of their dwelling.

26. Invasive alien wild animals are the wild animals who are outside their natural area, forming viable populations in condition of natural freedom, distribution and which number create threat to biological diversity.

27. Introduction of wild animals - installation of wild animals of certain type in grounds outside area of this type of wild animals.

27-1. Contact zoos - objects (open-air cages, cages, pools, aquariums, terrariums, aquaterrariums and other) which contain for the purpose of demonstration and physical contact wild and other animals.

28. Limits on withdrawal of wild animals - established for users of the objects of fauna performing special use of fauna objects, for a certain period of time maximum permissible amounts of withdrawal of wild animals.

29.  No. 326-Z is excluded according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 23.12.2015

30. The migrating type of wild animals - all population or geographically isolated part of population of separate types of wild animals which considerable part it is cyclic and predetermined crosses Frontier of the Republic of Belarus.

31.  No. 326-Z is excluded according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 23.12.2015

32. Monitoring of fauna - the component of the National monitoring system of the environment in the Republic of Belarus representing system of observations of condition of objects of fauna and the circle of their dwelling, assessment and the forecast of their changes under the influence of natural and anthropogenous factors.

33. Continuity of the habitat of objects of fauna - the spatial arrangement of natural objects providing integrity of areas of types of wild animals and ways of their migration, free crossing of wild animals, forming and preserving places of concentration of wild animals during their reproduction, nagul, wintering.

34. Standard rates of admissible withdrawal of wild animals - the standard rates limiting amounts of withdrawal of wild animals for the purpose of preserving biological diversity and steady use of objects of fauna.

35. Samples of SITES - the wild animals, their parts and (or) derivatives falling under operation of the Convention on international trade in the types of wild fauna and flora which are under the threat of disappearance, (SITES) signed in Washington on March 3, 1973.

36. Fauna objects - the wild animals including belonging to subjects to hunting and fishery, and also population of wild animals.

36-1. Objects of content and (or) cultivation of wild animals - hunting open-air cages, open-air cages for overexposure, the objects used for fur farming, livestock production, poultry farming, fish breeding where the wild animals belonging to the types included in the Red List of the Republic of Belarus, or SITES which are samples (except for sturgeon species of fish), wild animals, which catching for the purpose of content contain and get divorced for the purpose of further use in economic activity and (or) cultivation in bondage it is performed based on permission to withdrawal of wild animals from the circle of their dwelling.

37. The optimum number of wild animals - the number of wild animals who throughout long time can live in grounds it is natural to be reproduced, effectively to use fodder resources in case of which the greatest exit of high-quality products of use of fauna objects without essential harm to environment components, and also to life, health and property of citizens, property of legal entities is provided.

38. Tools of withdrawal of wild animals - the tool of hunting, the tool of fishery, the tool of production of the wild animals who are not belonging to subjects to hunting and fishery, other tools, devices, constructions and means used for withdrawal of wild animals.

39. Catching of wild animals - withdrawal of wild animals from the circle of their dwelling with preserving their life for content and (or) cultivation in bondage, installations, introduction and other similar purposes.

40.  No. 326-Z is excluded according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 23.12.2015

41.  No. 326-Z is excluded according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 23.12.2015

42.  No. 326-Z is excluded according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 23.12.2015

43.  No. 326-Z is excluded according to the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 23.12.2015

44. Protection of objects of fauna - activities (including reproduction, installation (including resettlement), introduction, reintroduction, acclimatization, crossing and protection of wild animals), directed to preserving spatial, specific and population integrity of objects of fauna, their number, resource potential and productivity, prevention of their destruction or other harmful effects on them.

45. Protection of the habitat of objects of fauna - the activities directed to preserving, recovery of the habitat of objects of fauna for the purpose of ensuring natural reproduction and steady use of objects of fauna.

46. Density of wild animals - indicator of quantity of individuals of wild animals of certain type per unit area the grounds suitable for their dwelling.

47. Use of fauna objects - use of objects of fauna, useful properties and (or) waste products of objects of fauna when implementing economic and other activity.

48. Users of the parcels of land and (or) water objects - legal entities and physical persons, including individual entrepreneurs (further, unless otherwise specified, - legal entities, citizens) to whom in the procedure established by legal acts the parcels of land and (or) water objects or their parts in which borders fauna objects live are provided.

49. Users of objects of fauna - legal entities, citizens who in the procedure established by the legislation are granted right to use by objects of fauna and (or) implementation of the activities connected with use of fauna objects.


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