of May 18, 2007 No. 232-Z
About the state program of arms and the state defense order
Accepted by the House of Representatives on April 25, 2007
Approved by Council of the Republic on May 4, 2007
This Law establishes legal and economic basis, procedure for forming, approval, financing and implementation of the state program of arms and the state defense order, and also procedure for placement of the state defense order.
In this Law the following main terms and their determinations are applied:
the state program of arms - the planned medium-term legal act providing approval according to the list (nomenclature), terms and the amounts of financing of the measures aimed at the development of arms and maintenance in alert of arms, the military and special equipment of Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, other troops, military forming and paramilitary organizations of the Republic of Belarus (further - military forming and paramilitary organizations);
the state defense order - the legal act providing annual public procurements of goods (works, services) for maintenance of necessary level of defense capability and homeland security of the Republic of Belarus;
the state customer of the state defense order (further - the state customer) - the state body, other state organization receiving means for public procurements of goods (works, services) in the state defense order and the conducting such procurements;
the public contract on delivery of goods (performance of works, rendering services) in the state defense order (the daleegosudarstvenny contract) - the agreement under which the supplier (the contractor, the contractor) the state defense order (further - the supplier (the contractor, the contractor)) shall report goods (to perform works, to render services), which public procurement is provided by the state defense order, and state to zakazchikobespechit payment of these goods (works, services);
the contract to deliver goods (performance of works, rendering services) in the state defense order (further - the contract) - the agreement on purchase of goods (works, services) signed by the supplier (the contractor, the contractor) with the consent of the state customer with the subsupplier (subcontractor, the collaborator) of the state defense order (further - the subsupplier (subcontractor, the collaborator));
the supplier (the contractor, the contractor) - legal entity or physical person with which the state customer signed the public contract;
the subsupplier (subcontractor, the collaborator) - legal entity or physical person with which the supplier (the contractor, the contractor) signed the contract;
development of arms, the military and special equipment - package of measures, directed to creation new and upgrade of the existing samples of arms, the military and special equipment;
content of arms, the military and special equipment - package of measures for servicing, running repair and storage of arms, the military and special equipment, directed to their maintenance in alert (technically serviceable condition).
The legislation of the Republic of Belarus on the state program of arms and the state defense order is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and consists of acts of the President of the Republic of Belarus, this Law and other acts of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
The state program of arms and the state defense order are created and implemented taking into account requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus about the state secrets.
The purpose of the state program of arms is ensuring military forming and paramilitary organizations with the arms, the military and special equipment which are in alert (technically serviceable condition) and meeting the modern requirements.
The state program of arms joins measures on:
to accomplishment of research, developmental and experienced and technological works for the purpose of creation of new samples (components), upgrade, prolongation of resource (useful lives) of arms, the military and special equipment;
to serial deliveries of arms, military and special equipment;
to construction (repair, reconstruction) and technical retrofitting of the objects intended for installation and placement of arms, the military and special equipment;
to content, capital recovery repair and upgrade of arms, military and special equipment;
to utilization and destruction taken out of service of arms, the military and special equipment.
Coordination of activities of the state customers in the field of forming of the state program of arms, and also their methodical and information support performs the State military-industrial committee of the Republic of Belarus.
Control over the implementation of the state program of arms is exercised by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.
Forming of the state program of arms is performed taking into account the main macroeconomic indicators of programs of social and economic development of the Republic of Belarus, construction plans, development of military forming and paramilitary organizations, quantitative and high-quality levels of their security with arms, the military and special equipment, and also opportunities of economic, scientific and technical and production capacities of the Republic of Belarus on basis:
Military doctrine of the Republic of Belarus;
Concepts of homeland security of the Republic of Belarus;
Concepts of military and technical policy of the Republic of Belarus;
programs of military and technical cooperation of the Republic of Belarus with foreign states.
The state program of arms is developed by the State military-industrial committee of the Republic of Belarus together with the state bodies having military forming and (or) paramilitary organizations, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Belarus, National academy of Sciences of Belarus, other interested state bodies and the state organizations.
The state program of arms affirms the President of the Republic of Belarus on representation of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.
The state program of arms is developed for the five-year period.
Development of the next state program of arms is performed one year prior to the termination of term of implementation of the previous state program of arms.
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