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of March 2, 2007 No. 52-XVI

About approval of Disciplinary army regulations

(as amended on 08-11-2018)

The Parliament adopts this organic law.

Art. 1. - Approve Disciplinary army regulations according to appendix.

Art. 2. - Operation of Disciplinary army regulations extends to the military personnel:

a) National army;

b) No. 283 is excluded according to the Law of the Republic of Moldova of 28.12.2011

c) General inspectorate of carabineers.

Art. 3. - In three-months time:

To the government to bring the regulations into accord with this law;

to the central industry bodies of public management and other central administrative authorities in which according to the current legislation execution of military service is provided to bring the regulations into accord with the Charter of military discipline.

Art. 4. - From the date of entry into force of this law to recognize invalid:

The law on approval of the Disciplinary charter of Armed forces of N776-XIII of March 13, 1996;

the article XI of the Law on modification and amendments in some legal acts N754-XIV of December 23, 1999;

the article XVIII of the Law on modification and amendments in some legal acts N543-XV of October 12, 2001;

the article XXI of the Law on modification and amendments in some legal acts N206-XV of May 29, 2003.


Chairman of the parliament

Marian Lupu


Disciplinary army regulations

Section I. General provisions

Art. 1. - The disciplinary army regulations determine essence of military discipline, obligation of the military personnel by its maintenance and observance, types of encouragement and authority punishments, the rights of commanders (chiefs) on their application and imposing, and also procedure for giving and consideration of offers, statements and claims of the military personnel.

Art. 2. - (1) Instructions of this charter are applied by the central industry bodies of public management and other central administrative authorities in which according to the current legislation execution of military service is provided (further - military structures).

(2) Instructions of this charter are applied to the following categories of the military personnel: contract servicemen, the military personnel of conscription service, the military personnel of the reduced service, students of educational institutions of the sphere of military science, and also the reservists called on military charges or on mobilization.

(3) All military personnel shall support and observe military discipline, strictly be guided by instructions of this charter.

Art. 3. - The basis of this charter is constituted by the Constitution, the laws in the field of national defense, and also the international agreements, one of the parties of which is the Republic of Moldova.

Art. 4. - (1) Execution of military service obliges to observe strictly military discipline and with firmness to endure all hardships and deprivations of military service.

(2) the Military discipline is strict and exact observance by all military personnel of procedure for service and the obligatory standards of behavior provided by the laws, army regulations, the Code of professional behavior of contract servicemen approved by the head of military structure and also other regulations regulating military service. The military discipline is one of the determining factors of fighting capacity of Armed forces and is based both on conscious observance of the established regulations, and on coercion to observance of these regulations according to the current legislation.

(The Military discipline obliges 3) to implicit subordination in execution precisely and in time job responsibilities and powers, observance of procedure for service and regulations of military and civil behavior, and also to responsibility for committed acts.

Art. 5. - The military discipline obliges each serviceman:

a) to selflessly serve the people, to be devoted to the Republic of Moldova, to protect sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the country up to self-sacrifice;

b) respect and observe provisions of the Constitution and other laws, protect values of the constitutional democracy, observe international agreements, one of the parties of which is the Republic of Moldova;

c) be faithful to the military oath, observe instructions of army regulations, implicitly, precisely and in time to execute orders (orders) of commanders (chiefs), be actionee of objectives;

d) value honor and fighting glory of the people, military unit, be worthy military rank and military uniform which he wears;


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