of May 2, 2000 No. 414
About approval of the Regulations on the Inventory of objects and complexes of fund of the natural territories protected by the state
For the purpose of maintaining the Inventory of objects and complexes of fund of the natural territories protected by the state according to provisions of the Law on fund of the natural territories protected by the state, N1538-XIII of February 25, 1998. The government of the Republic of Moldova DECIDES:
1. Approve Regulations on the Inventory of objects and complexes of fund of the natural territories protected by the state it (is applied).
2. To the Ministry of Agriculture, regional development and environment:
coordinate at all levels of work on creation of the Inventory of objects and complexes of fund of the natural territories protected by the state;
systematize the cadastral information in the terms established in the above-approved provision.
3. To bodies of the central and local public authority to keep daily cadastral information and to represent it to the central body of the environment according to the above-approved provision.
4. To make financing of works on maintaining the Inventory of objects and complexes of fund of the natural territories protected by the state from ecological funds, subsidies of foreign and local donors, and also from the budgetary funds allocated to National Institute of Ecology for carrying out kadastralny works according to the current legislation.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova
To Dumitr Bragish
Minister of the environment and improvements of the territory of Arkadiye Kapchel |
Minister of Finance Mikhail Manoli |
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 414 of May 2, 2000
1. The regulations on the Inventory of objects and complexes of fund of the natural territories protected by the state (further - provision), are developed according to provisions of the Law on fund of the natural territories protected by the state, N1538-XIII of February 25, 1998.
2. The provision establishes appointment, structure and method of maintaining the Inventory of objects and complexes of fund of the natural territories protected by the state (further - the inventory).
3. The central body of environmental protection will organize, coordinates and controls procedure for accomplishment and quality of kadastralny works at the republican level.
4. The inventory represents single independent and obligatory system of accounting which performs the description and drawing on topographic maps and plans of all parcels of land of objects and complexes of fund of the natural territories protected by the state irrespective of classification and type of property and provides the bodies of local public authority interested the companies, organizations, the organizations and citizens in information about:
a) the name and legal position of the protected object;
b) owners of the earth;
c) site arrangement;
d) quantitative and high-quality parameters of objects and complexes;
e) ecological importance and mode of protection of objects and complexes;
f) scientific, cognitive and recreational value of objects and complexes;
g) restrictions in use of the territories.
5. Maintaining the inventory is included into competence of the central body of environmental protection. The databank of the inventory is created and contains in Institute of Ecology and geography - division of the central body of environmental protection.
6. Works on collection and accounting of data of the inventory will be organized:
a) at the republican level - the central body of environmental protection;
b) at the level of the area - the authorities of the area on which lands there are territories protected by the state;
c) at the local level - primeriya on which administrative lands there are territories protected by the state and owners of lands of objects and complexes of fund of the natural territories protected by the state.
7. The public authorities, physical persons and legal entities, under property or under authority of which are objects and complexes of fund of the natural territories protected by the state, provide free of charge and without fail necessary information for maintaining the inventory according to the subitem е) article 16 of the Law on environmental protection.
8. Coordination of organizational and scientific works on maintaining the inventory is performed by the joint scientific council of fund of the natural territories protected by the state operating under the central body of environmental protection.
9. Technical and economic information on the protected natural territories is systematized in the cadastral book with appendix land кадастральных plans schemes for each object and complex of fund of the protected natural territories.
10. The cadastral book is constituted time in ten years and contains the systematized information on objects and complexes of the protected natural territories with the short characteristic of each category according to the sample established by the central body of environmental protection.
11. The Kadastralny plan scheme of objects and complexes of fund of the natural territories protected by the state, located within forest fund contains graphical representation of information on arrangement of the sites included in the cadastral book with differentiation of quarter, subquarter lines and allocation of location of the main forest forming breeds and rare species of plants.
12. For creation of the inventory financial resources of National ecological fund are used. Maintaining the inventory is financed from ecological funds, subsidies of foreign and local donors, and also from the means intended for ensuring the organization activity responsible for maintaining the inventory.
13. Contents of data of the inventory and kadastralny information, subject to publication, the method and terms of publication of the inventory are determined by the joint scientific council of fund of the natural territories protected by the state.
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