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The document ceased to be valid since July 15, 2014 according to Item 3 of article 20 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 09.07.2014 No. 118


of August 10, 2007 No. 149

About ensuring unity of measurements

(as amended of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 29.05.2012 No. 71)

Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on June 26, 2007

This Law establishes the legal basis of ensuring unity of measurements in the Kyrgyz Republic and is aimed at providing requirements of the state and society for receipt of objective, reliable and comparable results of measurements, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, individual entrepreneurs, legal entities and the state from consequences of doubtful results of measurements, and also assistance to free trade and scientific and technical progress.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. The basic concepts used in this Law

For the purposes of this Law the following concepts are applied:

Ceased to be valid according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 29.05.2012 No. 71

the state metrological supervision - the activities performed by state body of the executive authority, specially authorized Government of the Kyrgyz Republic for implementation of check of observance of mandatory requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of ensuring unity of measurements;

unity of measurements - condition of measurements in case of which their results are expressed in units of sizes allowed to application and error of measurements do not overstep the established bounds with the set probability;

legislative metrology - the Section of metrology relating to the activities connected with legislative requirements, and concerning measurements, units of measurements, measuring instruments and methods of measurements;

calibration of measuring instruments - set of the transactions establishing ratio between the value of size received by means of this measuring instrument and the corresponding value of size determined by means of standard for the purpose of determination of the valid metrological characteristics of this measuring instrument;

metrological certification of measuring instruments - the measuring instrument research which is carried out for determination of metrological characteristics of this means of izmreniye and issue of the document with indication of the obtained data;

metrological examination - the analysis and estimation of correctness of application of the metrological requirements, rules and regulations, first of all, connected with unity and accuracy of measurements;

metrology - science about measurements, methods and means of ensuring of their unity and methods of achievement of required accuracy;

checking of measuring instruments - set of the transactions which are carried out for the purpose of confirmation of suitability of measuring instruments and their compliance to the established technical requirements;

checking of standards - set of the transactions establishing ratio between values of size which unit is reproduced standards of one level of accuracy in identical conditions;

measuring instrument - the technical tool intended for measurements, having the normalized metrological characteristics;

standard sample of structure or properties of substance (material) the measuring instrument in the form of certain amount of substance or material intended for reproduction and storage of the sizes of the sizes characterizing structure or properties of this substance (material) which values are established as a result of metrological certification, used for transfer of the size of unit during the checking, calibration, graduation of measuring instruments, certification of techniques of accomplishment of measurements and approved as standard sample in accordance with the established procedure;

approval like measuring instruments - the decision passed by authorized body on metrology that the type of measuring instrument conforms to the established requirements;

size unit standard - the measuring instrument (or complex of measuring instruments) intended for reproduction and (or) storage of unit and transfer of its size to measuring instruments, subordinate on the testing scheme;

standard initial - the standard having the highest metrological properties from the measurements which are available in this type from which the measuring instruments subordinated to it receive unit size;

standard national - the standard recognized by the decision of state body on ensuring unity of measurements as initial in the territory of the state.

Article 2. The legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic on ensuring unity of measurements

Regulation of the relations connected with ensuring unity of measurements in the Kyrgyz Republic is performed by this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Article 3. State regulation of activities for ensuring unity of measurements

Development and coordination of carrying out national policy and state regulation of activities for ensuring unity of measurements in the Kyrgyz Republic (further - state regulation) are assigned to state body on ensuring unity of measurements.

Competence of state body is determined by ensuring unity of measurements by the Provision approved by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The sphere of state regulation extends:

on health care, veterinary science, environmental protection;

on safety of work and traffic circulation;

on trading activities and mutual calculations between the producer (seller) and the consumer (buyer);

on implementation of activities in the obligatory sphere of technical regulation.

The sphere of state regulation can be extended by regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic also to other types of activity.

Article 4. International cooperation

State body on ensuring unity of measurements and authorized body on metrology represent the Kyrgyz Republic in the regional and international organizations for metrology.

If the international treaty which came in the procedure established by the law into force in which the Kyrgyz Republic participates establishes other rules, than those which contain in this Law then are applied rules of the international treaty.

Chapter 2. Organizational bases of ensuring unity of measurements

Article 5. National system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements

The national system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements represents set of rules of work on ensuring unity of measurements, her participants and rules of functioning of system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements in general.

Participants of national system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements are:

the state body on ensuring unity of measurements establishing rules of functioning of system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements and the rule of work in this area;


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