of February 7, 2002 No. 3023-III
About stimulation of development of domestic engineering industry for agro-industrial complex
This Law determines main routes of state policy of priority development of domestic engineering industry for agro-industrial complex, creates favorable economic conditions for growth in volumes of production of agricultural machinery and the equipment for food and processing industry, determines making-up sidings of the market and enhancement of system of providing agro-industrial complex with the domestic machinery and equipment.
In this Law the following concepts are used:
1) the machinery and equipment for agro-industrial the kompleksamashina, mechanisms, the equipment, technological complexes and lines from them used in agricultural production, food and processing industry for work on cultivation, collection, storage and conversion of agricultural products.
To specified to the machinery and equipment belong: tractors and other self-propelled power means of agricultural purpose, special equipment vehicles of agricultural purpose, self-propelled and trailing combines, harvesters and mowers for collection of grain, forage and commercial crops, the sowing and soil-cultivating equipment and the combined aggregates from it, machines and the equipment for work in livestock production, poultry farming and forage production, the irrigating and irrigation equipment for agricultural production, and also machines, the equipment and lines from them for food and processing industry used for storage and conversion of agricultural products including its packing, flood, packaging and forging;
2) new the machinery and equipment for agro-industrial kompleksatekhnik and the equipment, specified in Item 1 of this Article, developed according to approved (approved) Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine programs, passed test, delivered on production, certified in Ukraine and serially produced by the companies of mechanical engineering for agro-industrial complex within no more than three years since statement on production;
3) the domestic machinery and equipment for agro-industrial complex - made by the companies of domestic engineering industry for agro-industrial complex the machinery and equipment, specified in Item 1 of this Article if extent of their localization exceeds 60 percent, except tractors and other self-propelled energy means of agricultural purpose, special equipment vehicles of agricultural purpose, self-propelled and trailing combines which extent of localization shall exceed the indicator established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
4) the companies of domestic engineering industry for agro-industrial complex - residents in the territory of Ukraine which make the domestic machinery and equipment for agro-industrial complex;
5) extent of localization - specific weight of cost of raw materials, the materials, nodes, aggregates, details and components of national production in cost of the machinery and equipment specified in Item 1 of this Article.
1. The domestic engineering industry for agro-industrial complex is element of system of engineering facilities of agro-industrial complex.
2. The domestic engineering industry for agro-industrial complex is set of industrial enterprises, scientific research, design organizations, educational institutions and other organizations, irrespective of pattern of ownership which provide system approach to creation, carrying out testing, production organization, operation, repair, maintenance and services, market monitoring, personnel training for the purpose of ensuring requirements of agricultural production, food and processing industry in the domestic machinery and equipment for agro-industrial complex.
3. The normative and legal, economic and organizational principles of domestic engineering industry for agro-industrial complex are determined and performed by the central executive body which provides forming and realizes the state agrarian policy.
The main objectives of mechanical engineering for agro-industrial complex are:
1) ensuring requirements of agro-industrial complex with the domestic machinery and equipment for implementation of the current technologies in production, storage and conversion of agricultural products;
2) carrying out scientific and technical policy of development of mechanical engineering for agro-industrial complex, assistance to increase in level of engineering procedures and ecological safety;
3) No. 124-IX Is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 20.09.2019
4) implementation of scientific research, developmental, technological and project developments of complex nature, developmental productions of the machinery and equipment for agro-industrial complex;
5) determination of amounts of production and coordination of production in the nomenclature of the machinery and equipment for agro-industrial complex, introduction of maintenance and development of progressive technologies of repair of equipment;
6) assistance to expense reduction of energy and material resources in case of production, maintenance and repair of equipment and the equipment for agro-industrial complex, to increase in reliability and increase in terms of their operation;
7) participation in development of programs of social and economic development of the village, assistance to complex delivery of the machinery and equipment for agro-industrial complex to agricultural producers and the companies of food and processing industry;
8) project development of development programs of domestic engineering industry for agro-industrial complex according to the procedure, determined by the legislation;
9) accomplishment of programs of production of technological complexes of machines and the equipment for agro-industrial complex, stimulation of development of production of the new machinery and equipment for agro-industrial complex, increase in responsibility of industrial enterprises for quality of the produced equipment, creation of system of its maintenance and repair;
10) expansion of network of the companies for realization, maintenance, repair, provision in use (in particular under agreements of financial leasing) the machinery and equipment for agro-industrial complex;
11) forming and market development of the machinery and equipment for agro-industrial complex;
12) development of suggestions for improvement of financing terms, the taxation, crediting, to features of privatization of the companies of domestic engineering industry for agro-industrial complex;
13) implementation of the economic and organizational measures directed to growth of the export potential, growth in volumes of realization of the machinery and equipment for agro-industrial complex in Ukraine and beyond its limits;
14) attraction of domestic and foreign investments for development of production of the new machinery and equipment for agro-industrial complex, updating of fixed assets, modernization and reconstruction of the companies of domestic engineering industry for agro-industrial complex;
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