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of December 22, 2006 No. 523-V

About the scientific park "Kiev Polyequipment"

(as amended of the Law of Ukraine of 16.10.2012 No. 5460-VI)

This Law governs the legal, economic, organizational relations connected with creation and functioning of the scientific park "Kiev Polyequipment" (further - the scientific park), and is directed to intensification of processes of development, production, implementation of high-tech products in the internal and external markets, increase in receipts in state and local budgets by consolidation of education, science and production for the purpose of acceleration of innovative development of economy of Ukraine.

Section I. General provisions

Article 1. Determination of terms

In this Law the terms below are used in the following value:

the partnership agreement with the scientific park - the contract between the scientific park and subjects of managing which expressed desire to participate in process of development and project implementation of the scientific park;

customers of products of the scientific park - organizations, the organizations, the companies, the domestic and foreign companies of all patterns of ownership which order and completely pay the cost of accomplishment of specific developments or services in projects of the scientific park;

founders of the scientific park - National technical university of Ukraine "Kiev polytechnical institute" (further - University) and other subjects

managing which signed the foundation agreement about creation of the scientific park (further - the foundation agreement) and can carry out projects of the scientific park;

the scientific park - the contractual consolidation of subjects of managing created for the purpose of the organization, coordination and control of process of project implementation of the scientific park;

partners of the scientific park are the subjects of managing which signed the partnership agreement with the scientific park and participating in project implementation of the scientific park;

the project of the scientific park - the innovative or scientific and technological project consisting of set of documents which determines the procedure and complex of necessary measures for development and realization of innovative products and/or products and includes information on the material, financial, personnel resources necessary for accomplishment of the innovative project.

Article 2. Legislation on the scientific park and its partners

The scientific park and its partners are effective according to the Constitution of Ukraine, Economic, Civil codes of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine "About the higher education", "About investing activities", "About scientific and scientific and technical activities", "About innovative activities", "About state regulation of activities in the field of transfer of technologies", this Law and other regulatory legal acts governing the relations in scientific and technical and innovative spheres.

Section II. Organizational principles of activities of the scientific park

Article 3. Constituent documents and functions of the scientific park

1. Constituent documents of the scientific park are the foundation agreement and the charter of the scientific park (further - the Charter).

2. The purpose and object of activity of the scientific park, structure and powers of its governing body, procedure for the entry into the scientific park and exit from it, forming of its property, procedure for reorganization and liquidation of the scientific park and other principles of its activities are determined by the Charter.

3. The scientific park performs the following functions:

implementation of full range of the measures directed to intensification of processes of development, production and implementation of the knowledge-intensive, competitive products on the domestic and foreign markets;

coordination of scientific, innovative, productive and business activity of founders and partners of the scientific park;

the organization and implementation of measures for development of the international and domestic cooperation in the field of innovative activities;

assistance to attraction of foreign investments;

information and methodical, legal and consulting support of founders and partners of the scientific park, provision of the patent and licensed help;

attraction and use in the activities of the risk (venture) capital, support of the knowledge-intensive business;

involvement of students, graduates and scientists of University to performance of works on projects implementation of the scientific park;

organization of preparation, retraining and advanced training of the specialists necessary for projects implementation of the scientific park;

protection of interests of founders and partners of the scientific park in public authorities and local government bodies, and also in the relations with other subjects of managing;

other functions which are not prohibited by the legislation.

Article 4. Features of the status of University as member of the scientific park

1. The university as the leading higher educational institution can act as the founder (participant) of legal entities and/or their associations for the purpose of development and realization of innovative products and/or products.

2. The university has the right to the term of project implementation of the scientific park to provide to subjects of managing which are created by scientific and scientific and pedagogical employees of University, rooms and the equipment necessary for them according to the agreements signed between University and specified by subjects of managing in which the payment procedure of utilities and the rent is determined.

3. The university participates in the forming of authorized fund of the scientific park by entering into it of intangible assets (property rights on intellectual property items) according to the procedure established by the legislation.

4. The governing body of the scientific park annually reports to University on results of the activities.

Article 5. Projects of the scientific park

1. Projects of the scientific park are represented to governing body of the scientific park of legal entities according to the conditions and requirements developed and approved by governing body of the scientific park.

2. The decision on acceptance to project implementation of the scientific park is made by governing body of the scientific park and is the basis for the conclusion of the partnership agreement with the legal entities specified in part one of this Article.

3. Control over the implementation of projects of the scientific park and realization of innovative products and/or products is performed by governing body of the scientific park.


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