of October 19, 2000 No. 2064-III
About physical protection of nuclear installations, nuclear materials, radioactive waste, other sources of ionizing radiation
This Law is component of the nuclear legislation of Ukraine and determines the basic principles of activities of physical persons and legal entities for physical protection of nuclear installations, nuclear materials, radioactive waste, other sources of ionizing radiation.
Physical protection of nuclear materials, nuclear installations, radioactive waste, other sources of ionizing radiation is directed to protection of interests of homeland security, the prevention and suppression of diversions, plunder or any other unlawful taking of nuclear material, radioactive waste, other sources of ionizing radiation, and also strengthening of non-proliferation regime of nuclear weapon.
In this Law the terms below are used in such value:
1) diversion - any intentional actions of the individual or group of persons of rather nuclear installations, nuclear materials, other sources of ionizing radiation in the course of their use, storage or transportation and radioactive waste in the course of the treatment of them who directly or can mediately create threat for health and safety of personnel, the population and the environment owing to influence of ionizing radiation or emission of radioactive materials;
2) the vital places - the places determined in the project documentation where especially important technical elements and the capital equipment of nuclear installations, nuclear materials, radioactive waste, other sources of ionizing radiation concerning which diversion can lead to radiation of people or emission of radioactive materials in the amount exceeding the admissible levels established by the legislation are directly located;
3) security of nuclear installations, nuclear materials, radioactive waste, other sources of ionizing radiation - compliance of level of physical protection of nuclear installations, nuclear materials, radioactive waste, other sources of ionizing radiation to the legislation;
4) access restriction zones - determined in the project documentation on the nuclear installations, objects intended for the treatment of radioactive waste, other sources of ionizing radiation, the parcels of land and strips, buildings, constructions, their parts by which free movement is limited and controlled by the relevant divisions of protection;
5) category of nuclear installations, nuclear materials, radioactive waste, other sources of ionizing radiation - indicator of level of physical protection of nuclear installations, nuclear materials, radioactive waste, other sources of ionizing radiation depending on their potential danger;
6) culture of security - the characteristic of organization activity and behavior of individuals which demonstrates that securities of nuclear installations, nuclear materials, radioactive waste, other sources of ionizing radiation the attention taking into account the importance of such security for ensuring nuclear and radiation safety is paid;
7) borders of nuclear installations, objects intended for the treatment of radioactive waste, other sources of ionizing radiation - physical barriers and the outside surface of buildings, the constructions located on perimeter of nuclear installations, the objects intended for the treatment of radioactive waste, other sources of ionizing radiation;
8) the capital equipment of nuclear installations - the equipment provided in the project documentation on nuclear installations which is used in their basis production cycle;
9) especially important technical elements of nuclear installations - the devices provided in the project documentation on nuclear installations, devices, the equipment, technical systems, important for safety, which damage (several of them at the same time) can lead directly or mediately to radiation of people or emission of radioactive materials in the amount exceeding the admissible levels established by the legislation;
10) special works - all works in the field of use of nuclear energy and radiation safety which admission to accomplishment is provided on condition of conducting special verification of data of rather physical persons - contractors of such works;
11) division on protection - division of National guard of Ukraine or subject of guarding activities which according to the legislation carries out tasks on protection of nuclear installations, nuclear materials, radioactive waste, other sources of ionizing radiation;
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