of December 11, 2003 No. 1382-IV
About freedom of travel and the free choice of the residence in Ukraine
This Law according to the Constitution of Ukraine governs the relations connected with freedom of travel and the free choice of the residence in Ukraine which are guaranteed by the Constitution of Ukraine and are fixed by the General declaration of human rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention on human rights protection and fundamental freedoms and protocols to it, other international acts, and also determines procedure for realization of freedom of travel and the free choice of the residence and establishes cases of their restriction.
Operation of this Law extends to citizens of Ukraine, and also to the foreigners and persons without citizenship staying in Ukraine on legal causes according to their rights and freedoms provided by the Constitution, the laws or international treaties of Ukraine.
To citizens of Ukraine, and also foreigners and stateless persons who on legal causes stay in Ukraine, freedom of travel and the free choice of the residence in its territory, except for the restrictions set by this Law are guaranteed.
The part two is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 05.11.2021 No. 1871-IX
In this Law the stated below terms are used in the following value:
freedom of travel - the right of the citizen of Ukraine, and also the foreigner and stateless person, on legal causes staying in Ukraine freely and freely, voluntarily to move on the territory of Ukraine in any direction, in any manner, at any time, except for the restrictions set by the law;
the free choice of the residence or stay - the right of the citizen of Ukraine, and also the foreigner and stateless person, on legal causes staying in the territory of Ukraine to the choice of administrative and territorial unit where they wish to live or stay;
the place of stay - housing or specialized social agency for homeless persons, other supplier of social services with accommodation in which person who received the certificate of the request for protection in Ukraine lives less than six months in year or receives social services;
the place of residence - housing with the address appropriated in the procedure established by the law in which person lives and also apartments, except apartments in hotels), numbers and other real estate units, organizations, suitable for accommodation, for homeless persons, other supplier of social services with accommodation, stationary social medical institution and other organizations of social support (leaving) in which person receives social services;
person - physical person;
the paragraph of the seventh is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 05.11.2021 No. 1871-IX;
the paragraph of the eighth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 05.11.2021 No. 1871-IX;
the paragraph the ninth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 05.11.2021 No. 1871-IX;
the paragraph the tenth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 05.11.2021 No. 1871-IX;
the paragraph the eleventh is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 05.11.2021 No. 1871-IX;
the paragraph the twelfth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 05.11.2021 No. 1871-IX;
the paragraph the thirteenth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 05.11.2021 No. 1871-IX.
The legislation on freedom of travel and the free choice of the residence consists of the Constitution of Ukraine, this Law, other laws and international treaties of Ukraine.
If the international treaty of Ukraine establishes other regulations, than those which contain in this Law are applied regulations of the international treaty which consent to be bound is this the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
Legal causes of stay in the territory of Ukraine of foreigners and stateless persons for realization of the rights to liberty of movement and the free choice of the place of residence in Ukraine are the bases established by the Law of Ukraine "About legal status of foreigners and stateless persons" or the Law of Ukraine "About the refugees and persons needing additional or temporary protection".
Foreigners and stateless persons which on legal causes are in the territory of Ukraine have the right freely and freely voluntarily to move on the territory of Ukraine in any direction, in any manner, at any time, except restrictions, the stipulated in Clause 12 these Laws.
Foreigners and stateless persons which on legal causes are in the territory of Ukraine have the right to the choice of the residence, except restrictions, the stipulated in Clause 13 these Laws.
No. 1871-IX is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 05.11.2021
No. 1871-IX is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 05.11.2021
No. 1871-IX is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 05.11.2021
It is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 20.11.2012 No. 5492-VI
It is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 20.11.2012 No. 5492-VI
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