Unofficial transfer (c) Soyuzpravoinform LLC
of July 10, 2003 No. 1115-IV
About tour actions in Ukraine
This Law determines the general principles of the organization of tour actions in Ukraine.
In this Law terms are used in the following value:
tour actions - spectacular actions (festivals, concerts, performances, lecture and concert, entertainment programs, performances of portable circus collectives, the portable mechanized attractions like "Amusement park", etc.) organizations, the companies, the organizations of culture, on-stage performance groups, including temporary, certain contractors outside their stationary scenic platforms. Tour actions, except for charitable tour actions, are held for the purpose of receipt of the income;
guest performers - organizations, the companies and the organizations of culture, on-stage performance groups, certain contractors performing tour actions in the territory of Ukraine;
organizers of tour actions are subjects of managing which are engaged in the organization of tour actions in the territory of Ukraine and which statutory documents provide such activities;
the participant of tour action - the physical person who is taking part in public statement before the audience during the tour action either accepts or took part in its creation as the author of audiovisual works, the scenario and/or texts or dialogues, the production director, the producer and so forth.
charitable tour actions - the voluntary disinterested spectacular actions of organizations, companies, organizations of culture, on-stage performance groups, certain contractors which are not providing income acquisition by their organizers and guest performers, except for the income at the expense of which the expenses connected only with the organization and holding tour action are covered. The list and limiting amounts of such expenses are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Also tour actions, all income from which, except for the income at the expense of which the expenses connected only with the organization and holding tour action are covered goes for charity according to the law, are considered as charitable;
the stationary scenic platform - the scenic platform belonging to organization, the company or the organization of culture, on-stage performance group, the contractor on the property rights or which is regularly used by it at least one year based on other civil agreements.
Tours are held based on the agreements signed according to the law.
The procedure for the organization and holding tour actions is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Organizers of tour actions bear responsibility for observance of provisions of this Law and other legal acts of Ukraine, including the legislation of Ukraine on copyright and related rights.
The single databank of tour events which are held in Ukraine creates the central executive body which realizes state policy in spheres of culture and arts.
Making of tour action in the territory of Ukraine with the planned use of objects of copyright and/or the related rights is allowed based on the agreement signed by the organizer of tour action which determines conditions of payment of remuneration for public accomplishment of the corresponding objects during the tour action.
When holding tour actions appeals are not allowed to seizure of power, violent change of the constitutional system and integrity of the state, kindling of race, class, social, religious and other hatred, to propaganda for war, terrorism, extremism, separatism, communistic and/or national socialist (Nazi) the totalitarian modes and their symbolics.
Holding tour actions which popularize is not allowed or propagandize the state aggressor and its authorities, representatives of authorities of the state aggressor and their action creating positive image of the state aggressor justify or recognize lawful occupation of the territory of Ukraine.
Holding the tour actions propagandizing pornography, cult of violence and cruelty, production and the use of drugs and psychotropic substances is not allowed.
Holding tour action which participant is person brought in the list of persons who create threat of homeland security promulgated on the official website of the central executive body which provides forming and realizes state policy in spheres of culture and arts is forbidden.
Features of holding tour actions which participants are citizens of the state aggressor are established by this Law.
The organization and holding tour actions which members are musical contractors (singers) who are citizens of the state recognized by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine the state aggressor except participants who are included in the List of musical contractors (singers) of the state aggressor who condemn aggression against Ukraine, according to the procedure, determined by part two of article 15 of the Law of Ukraine "About culture" is forbidden.
If participant of the planned tour action is the citizen of the state aggressor, the organizer of tour action not later than 30 days about day of its carrying out sends in the Security Service of Ukraine request for receipt of information on availability or lack of legal causes for non-admission of the citizen of the state aggressor to participation in the specified tour action.
At the same time the organizer of tour action shall provide to the Security Service of Ukraine reliable information about name and surname of the participant of tour action, specified in its document for entrance the territory of Ukraine, and also about use of pseudonyms, belonging to on-stage performance groups, the other information characterizing it creative activities.
The Security Service of Ukraine within 10 days from the date of receipt of request considers and provides to the organizer of tour action the answer about availability or lack of legal causes for non-admission of the citizen of the state aggressor to participation in the specified tour action.
After receipt of the reply of the Security Service of Ukraine about lack of legal causes for non-admission of the citizen of the state aggressor to participation in the specified tour action the organizer of tour action signs the contract with the corresponding participant of tour action.
In case of the conclusion of the agreement the organizer of tour action shall consider that legal causes for non-admission of the citizen of the state aggressor to participation in the specified tour action can appear after provision by the Security Service of Ukraine of the response to the corresponding request.
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