of November 4, 1999 No. 1216-XIV
About the public geological service of Ukraine
This Law determines legal, organizational and financial basis of activities of the public geological service of Ukraine.
Treat structure of the public geological service of Ukraine the central executive body realizing state policy in the sphere of geological studying and rational use of subsoil, the state companies, organizations and the organizations falling within the scope of its management.
In this Law the main terms are used in the following value:
geological studying of subsoil - the special works and researches directed to receipt of information on subsoil for the purpose of requirements satisfaction of society;
geological activities - the productive, scientific and other activity connected with geological studying of subsoil;
the geological circle - part of crust (rocks, soils, ground deposits, underground waters, etc.) which interacts with landscape elements, the atmosphere and surface water and can be affected by technogenic activities;
the dangerous geological phenomenon - the phenomenon which is result of action of the geological processes arising in crust under the influence of natural or technogenic factors or their general action;
mineral resources - set of mineral deposits, including technogenic, and also waste from production and conversion of the minerals suitable for industrial use;
monitoring of the geological circle - system of observations, collection, processing, transfer, storage and information analysis about condition of the geological circle, forecasting of its changes, development of evidence-based recommendations for adoption of relevant decisions;
monitoring of mineral resources - system of observations, collection, processing, transfer, storage and information analysis about explored reserves and resources of minerals, forecasting of their condition, production and conversion on the basis of what the State fund of mineral deposits and its reserve is created.
Activities of the public geological service of Ukraine are regulated by the Code of Ukraine about subsoil, this Law and other regulatory legal acts.
The main objectives of the public geological service of Ukraine are:
improvement and building-up of mineral resources of the state as bases of development of the extracting and processing industries of national economy;
ensuring development of mineral resources, the organization of geological, geophysical, geochemical, engineering geological and ekologo-geological, seismic studying of hydrogeology of subsoil, search and investigation of minerals in the territory of Ukraine, within territorial waters, the continental shelf and exclusive (sea) economic zone of Ukraine;
monitoring of mineral resources, geological circle and underground waters;
carrying out the basic and applied scientific research connected with development and deployment in production of scientific and methodical bases of forecasting, search and investigation of mineral deposits, forecasting of changes of the geological circle and other requirements of geological studying of subsoil;
creation of unified information system of use of natural resources;
ensuring protection and rational use of natural resources when mining and using the subsoil for the purpose of which is not connected with mining;
assistance of business activity in the sphere of use of natural resources.
The public geological service of Ukraine is constituted:
the central executive body realizing state policy in the sphere of geological studying and rational use of subsoil;
the state companies, organizations and the organizations falling within the scope of management of the central executive body realizing state policy in the sphere of geological studying and rational use of subsoil.
Control of the public geological service of Ukraine is exercised by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the central executive body realizing state policy in the sphere of geological studying and rational use of subsoil.
The central executive body realizing state policy in the sphere of geological studying and rational use of subsoil treats powers:
the organization of conducting state examination of reports on results of geological studying of the subsoil submitted by subsoil users to the State information geological fund of Ukraine;
implementation of functions of the customer of the public contract on stock gain of minerals and the manager of the funds of the government budget allocated for conducting exploration works;
state registration of the works and researches connected with geological studying of subsoil;
organization of conducting state examination of programs, plans and projects on geological studying of subsoil;
implementation of the state geological control of conducting works on geological studying of subsoil;
organization of conducting state examination and assessment of inventories and resources of minerals, and also other geological materials;
The paragraph of the eighth it is excluded
issue to subjects of housekeeping of licenses for production of precious metals and gemstones, gemstones of organogenic education, semiprecious stones, control of observance of licensed conditions by them;
The paragraph the tenth is excluded
control of observance by subsoil users, irrespective of patterns of ownership, requirements of the legislation of Ukraine about subsoil, and also established regulations and rules on geological studying of subsoil;
preparation of analytical materials about condition and results of geological studying and use of subsoil, representation of the executive authority to their relevant organs.
introduction to the head of the central executive body providing forming of state policy in the sphere of protection of the surrounding environment, offers concerning the list of minerals of Ukraine of nation-wide and local value and also concerning establishment of quotas for production of separate types of minerals of nation-wide value;
maintaining bank of hydrogeodeformation and geophysical information;
the paragraph the fifteenth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 20.09.2019 No. 124-IX
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