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The document ceased to be valid since  March 31, 2023 according to Item 32 of the Section X of the Law of Ukraine of December 13, 2022 No. 2849-IX


of September 23, 1997 No. 539/97-BP

About procedure for publicizing of activities of public authorities and local government bodies in Ukraine mass media

(as amended on 25-04-2019)

This Law according to the Constitution of Ukraine determines procedure for comprehensive and unbiased interpretation of activities of public authorities and local government bodies by mass media and protection them from exclusive influence of bodies of that or other branch of the government or local government bodies, is component of the legislation of Ukraine on information.

Section I. General provisions

Article 1. Determination of terms

In this Law terms in the following value are used:

publicizing of activities of public authorities and local government bodies in Ukraine - obtaining, collection, creation, distribution, use and storage of information on activities of public authorities and local government bodies, satisfaction of information needs of citizens, legal entities about work of these bodies;

the state order on publicizing of activities of public authorities - the order for publicizing of activities of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine which placement provides National council of Ukraine on channels of the teleradio organizations of Ukraine which is drawn up respectively by resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, orders of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

audiovisual (electronic) mass media of public authority or local government body - mass media, the founder (cofounder) of which are public authority or local government body and which fully or partially contains at the expense of state or local budgets;

procedure for publicizing of activities of public authorities and local government bodies - the schedule, amount, forms and methods of promulgation of data on activities of public authorities and local government bodies within the quotas of time, the newspaper (journal) space and allocated funds determined by this Law;

official printing publications - editions of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, the Supreme Court of Ukraine, the supreme specialized courts, central executive bodies, other state bodies with the special status which are issued for the purpose of publication of regulatory legal acts, decisions of these bodies and information which obligation of publication is stipulated by the legislation by which preparation creative work of journalists is not used;

information services of public authorities and local government bodies - the structural divisions of these bodies performing information and analytical functions and providing communication with mass media, the public;

official information of public authorities and local government bodies (further - official information) - the official documentary information created in the course of activities of public authorities and local government bodies which are brought to the attention of the population according to the procedure, established by the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine "About information" and "About access to public information", this Law.

Article 2. General principles of publicizing of activities of public authorities and local government bodies by mass media

Mass media of Ukraine according to the legislation of Ukraine have the right to cover all aspects of activities of public authorities and local government bodies. Public authorities and local government bodies shall provide to mass media the complete information about the activities through the relevant information services of public authorities and local government bodies, to provide to journalists open entry to it, except the cases provided by the Law of Ukraine "About the state secret", not to put any pressure upon them and not to interfere with their production process. Mass media can conduct own research and the analysis of activities of public authorities and bodies local self-government, their officials, to give it assessment, to comment.

The gap or mixing of contents of obnaroduyemy official information by comments of mass media or the journalist is not allowed.

The right of lighting and commenting of activities of public authorities and local government bodies, events of the state life in Ukraine is guaranteed by the Constitution, this Law, other laws of Ukraine.

Article 3.

It is excluded.

Article 4. Language of distribution of information on activities of public authorities and local government bodies

Information on activities of public authorities and local government bodies extends on state and other languages according to the procedure, established by the Law of Ukraine "About ensuring functioning of Ukrainian as state".

Article 5. Procedure for financing of mass media on publicizing of activities of public authorities and local government bodies

Procedure for financing of mass media on publicizing of activities of public authorities and local government bodies, founders or cofounders of which are these bodies, is determined in contracts between public authorities and local government bodies and the editorial offices of mass media, and also in charters of the editorial offices of these mass media.

Non-state mass media light activities of public authorities and local government bodies on the conditions provided in the prisoner between these bodies and the editorial offices of mass media the agreement. If such agreement is not signed, then the editorial office of non-state mass media has the right independently, according to the legislation of Ukraine, to light activities of public authorities and local government bodies, determining sources of financing of expenses on this lighting in the charter.

Public authorities and local government bodies within the means provided in state or local budgets on publicizing of their activities create the order to mass media on:

creation of special reports and reportings on the important events happening in the state about activities of public authorities and local government bodies;

carrying out straight lines TV and broadcastings about their activities;

the organization systematic (problem, thematic) TV and broadcasts and pages (headings) in printing mass media;

creation and distribution of information, author's materials about activities of public authorities and local government bodies of explanatory nature;


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