Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of January 10, 2002 No. 2918-III

About drinking water and drinking water supply

(as amended on 06-09-2022)

This Law determines the legal, economic and organizational basis of functioning of system of drinking water supply aimed at secured provision of the population by drinking water, high-quality and safe for health of the person.

Section I. General provisions

Article 1. Determination of terms

In this Law terms are used in the following value:

production of drinking water - water intake from sources of drinking water supply and/or finishing its quality to requirements of drinking water;

drinking water - the water intended for consumption by the person (water, packed up, from pump rooms, Items of flood, mine wells and piping of sources), for use by consumers for satisfaction of physiological, sanitary and hygienic, domestic and economic needs, and also for production that requires its use which structure on organoleptic, microbiological, parasitological, chemical, physical and radiation indicators conforms to hygienic requirements. Drinking water is not considered foodstuff in system of drinking water supply and in Items of compliance to quality of drinking water;

The paragraph the fourth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 12.01.2023 No. 2887-IX

water supply system – system of pipelines, the corresponding constructions and the equipment for distribution and supply of drinking water to consumers;

source of drinking water supply – water object which water is used for drinking water supply after the corresponding processing or without it;

ecological armor of drinking water supply – the minimum level of use of drinking water by consumers (except the population), necessary for prevention of emergence of emergency situations of technogenic or natural nature;

the investment project - the package of measures approved in accordance with the established procedure, for increase in level of reliability and ensuring effective work of systems of centralized water supply, containing obligations of the company in the field of centralized water supply for construction (reconstruction, upgrades) objects in this sphere, improvement of service quality with the corresponding calculations and reasons, and also specifying of sources of financing and the schedule of accomplishment;

individual and collective installations (devices) of drinking water supply – installation (device) for water intake from water object or water supply system and bringing its quality to requirements of the state sanitary standards and rules;

control alignment of water object - the cross section of water object in which water quality control is exercised;

standard rates of drinking water supply - the settlement amount of drinking water necessary for providing drinking, physiological, sanitary and hygienic and domestic needs of one person within a day in the specific settlement, on separate object or the vehicle in case of normal functioning of systems of drinking water supply, in case of their violation and in case of emergency situations of technogenic or natural nature;

not centralized drinking water supply – providing individual consumers with drinking water from sources of drinking water supply, by means of Items of spill of water (including portable), applications of installations (devices) of preparation of drinking water and supply of the packed-up drinking water;

the company of drinking water supply - the company performing operation of subjects to centralized drinking water supply provides the population with drinking water by means of flood Items (including portable), applications of installations (devices) of preparation of drinking water and/or production of the packed-up drinking water;

the paragraph the fourteenth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 12.01.2023 No. 2887-IX

drinking water supply - the activities connected with production, transportation and supply of drinking water to consumers of drinking water, protection of sources and systems of drinking water supply;

the paragraph the sixteenth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 12.01.2023 No. 2887-IX

current accounts with the special mode of use for borrowing facilities (further – special accounts for borrowing facilities) – the accounts of subjects of managing in the field of centralized water supply opened in national or foreign currency, intended for accumulating and use of the credit (loan) means received from international financial institutions, foreign public institutions or according to intergovernmental agreements or the funds raised by the state or subjects of managing in the field of centralized water supply under the state or local guarantees only for preparation and accomplishment of investment projects (measures) in the specified sphere at the expense of such means and also for receipt of funds for return and servicing of the credit (loan) according to agreements of the credit (loan);

current accounts with the special mode of use for carrying out payment under investment projects (further - special accounts) - the accounts of business entities in the field of centralized water supply intended for accumulating and use of means only for accomplishment of investment projects in the specified sphere;

Item of compliance to quality of drinking water – the place of sampling of water in which compliance of quality of water to hygienic requirements to drinking water is established, namely:

from cranes of systems of drinking water supply – for tap drinking water;

in places of flood in consumer pack – for the packed-up drinking water;

in places of flood in the consumer's container – for drinking water from Items of spill of drinking water;

in places of use at the company – for the drinking water used for production (technological) needs;

Item of spill of drinking water – the place of spill of drinking water (from truck tanks, wells, piping, etc.) in the consumer's container;

system of drinking water supply – set of technical means, including networks, constructions, the equipment (devices), for centralized and not centralized drinking water supply;

the paragraph of the twenty sixth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 12.01.2023 No. 2887-IX

technological standard rates of use of drinking water – the most admissible amount of technological expenses of water in case of its production and transportation, use for own needs the companies of drinking water supply and content of zones of sanitary protection;

specifications are complex of conditions and requirements to engineering support of water supply systems which shall correspond to its calculated parameters;

the packed-up drinking water - the drinking water of underground sources of drinking water supply or drinking water of centralized drinking water supply which is in addition processed for the purpose of improvement of its quality in hermetically sealed container;

centralized drinking water supply – economic activity on providing consumers with drinking water by means of complex of objects, constructions, distribution water supply systems connected by single engineering procedure of production and transportation of drinking water;


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