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of March 24, 1999 No. 548-XIV

About the Charter of internal service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

(as amended on 21-03-2024)

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve the Charter of internal service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine it (is applied).

2. This Law becomes effective from the date of its publication.

President of Ukraine

L. Kuchma

Approved by the Law of Ukraine of March 24, 1999, No. 548-XIV

Charter of Internal service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


This Charter determines common laws and obligations of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and their relation, obligations of the main officials of crew (regiment, the ship 1 and 2 of rank, detached battalion) and its divisions, regulations in military unit and its divisions.

All military units, the ships, managements, headquarters, the organizations, organizations and military educational institutions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are guided by the charter (further - military units).

The obligations of officials which are not noted in this Charter are determined by the corresponding recommendations and provisions.

Operation of the Charter extends to the military personnel of Service of foreign intelligence of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, Public service of special communication and information security of Ukraine, National guard of Ukraine, the State Border Service of Ukraine, the Public special service of transport, Management of the state protection of Ukraine formed according to the laws Ukraine of other military forming, bodies of special purpose with law-enforcement functions.

Provisions of the Charter extend to persons liable for call-up and reservists during passing of charges by them.

Military oath

I, (surname, name and middle name), enter on military service and solemnly I swear to the Ukrainian people always to be to it true and devoted, to protect Ukraine, to protect its sovereignty, territorial integrity and immunity, honesty and fairly to fulfill military duty, orders of commanders, to steadily observe the Constitution of Ukraine and the laws of Ukraine, to keep the state secret.

I swear to carry out the obligations for the benefit of compatriots.

I swear never to betray the Ukrainian people!

Obligations of the foreigner and stateless person

I, (surname, name), enter on military service the Armed Forces of Ukraine and I promise to protect the Ukrainian state, its independence and territorial integrity.

I will carry out honesty and fairly obligations of military service, orders of commanders, steadily to observe the Constitution of Ukraine and the laws of Ukraine, to keep military secret, and during execution of tasks and orders in the conditions of warlike situation or fighting or military operations - to be effective according to the conventional principles and regulations of international humanitarian law.

Battle flag of military unit

1. The battle flag of military unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is symbol of honor, valor, glory and obliges each serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to serve faithfully the Ukrainian people, courageously, was able and to protect unshakably the Ukrainian state, without feeling sorry for the life.

2. The battle flag of military unit is medal which determines features of its fighting appointment, of history and merits and testifies to belonging of military unit to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

3. The battle flag after sformirovaniye of military unit is handed to it on behalf of the President of Ukraine by the representative appointed the Minister of Defence of Ukraine.

4. The battle flag is assigned to military unit for all the time irrespective of change of its name and number. Changes of the name of military unit are made to the Letter of the President of Ukraine which is issued during delivery of the Battle Flag.

5. The battle flag always is with the military unit, and in the battlefield - around fighting in which part is involved.

6. In case of loss of the Battle Flag the commander of military unit and the military personnel who is direct responsible for it bear responsibility according to the law.

General provisions

1. The Armed Forces of Ukraine - military forming to which according to the Constitution of Ukraine defense of Ukraine, protection of its sovereignty, territorial integrity and immunity are assigned.

2. Protection of the Fatherland, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, honoring of its state symbols is debt of citizens of Ukraine.

3. The military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military forming formed according to the laws of Ukraine is public service of special nature which consists in professional activity suitable for it for health reasons and to age of persons (except as specified, determined by the law), Ukraine connected with protection.

The procedure for passing of military service, the right and obligation of the military personnel are determined by the laws of Ukraine, regulations on passing of military service the corresponding categories of the military personnel which affirm the President of Ukraine, and other regulatory legal acts.

4. Everyday life and office activities of the military personnel are regulated by the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine, this Charter and other regulatory legal acts.

5. The internal service is system of actions which are applied to the organization of everyday life and activities of military unit, divisions and the military personnel according to this Charter and another is normative - to legal acts.

6. The internal service is performed for the purpose of support in military unit of the schedule and military discipline, proper moral and psychological condition which provide permanent combat readiness and high-quality training of staff, preserving health of the military personnel, organized accomplishment of other tasks.

Shall know requirements of this Charter and carry out honesty each serviceman.

7. Internal service in military units and divisions their commanders direct. In case of arrangement in one premises of several divisions which commanders have no general immediate superior the management of internal service of the order of the commander of military unit is assigned to the commander of one of these divisions. The direct organizer of internal service in military unit is the chief of staff, and in company - the chief sergeant of company.

8. Responsibility for condition of internal service in military units is conferred on all direct chiefs who shall give help to subordinate military units and divisions in the organization and ensuring fulfillment of requirements of internal service and to systematically check its condition.

Part I. Military personnel and relations between them

Section 1. Obligations, rights and responsibility of the military personnel

General provisions

9. The military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has the rights and freedoms taking into account the features determined by the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine by military questions, charters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other regulatory legal acts.

10. Each serviceman has military rank according to the Law of Ukraine "About conscription and military service". Military ranks are subdivided on army and ship according to part two of article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "About conscription and military service".

General obligations of the military personnel

11. Need of task performance of defense of Ukraine, protection of its sovereignty, territorial integrity and immunity, and also the tasks determined by the international obligations of Ukraine assigns the following obligations to the military personnel:

sacredly and indestructibly to observe the Constitution of Ukraine and the laws of Ukraine, the Military oath, faithfully to serve the Ukrainian people, honesty and fairly to fulfill war debt;

be brave, initiative and disciplined;

it is unreversed to execute orders of commanders (chiefs) and to protect them in fight as shrine to protect the Battle Flag of the part;

it is permanent to increase the level of military professional knowledge, to enhance the training and skill, nobility and carry out the obligations and to observe requirements of charters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;

nobility and contain the fixed arms, military and other equipment in readiness for application, protect state-owned property;

value fighting glory of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the military unit, honor and advantage of the serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;

respect fighting and military traditions, help other military personnel who is in danger, constrain them from making of illegal actions, respect honor and advantage of each person, not to allow the violations connected with discrimination on the basis of floor, sexual harassment, violence on the basis of sex, offenses against sexual freedom and sexual integrity;

be vigilant, strictly to store state and secret;

Vesta fighting initiatively, persistently, before full implementation of objective;

render respect to commanders (chiefs) and seniors on military rank, to assist them in support of the schedule and discipline;

follow rules of military greeting, politeness and behavior of the military personnel, always to be in the uniform, net and tidily.

12. Everything that happened to the serviceman and concerns execution of service duties by him, and the serviceman shall report on the remarks made it on the immediate superior, except those circumstances concerning which provision there is direct prohibition in the law (seal of confession, the medical secret, professional secrecy of the defender, the mystery of the consultative room and so forth).

13. The serviceman shall observe safety requirements, take measures for prevention of disease, injury rate, to daily increase physical tempering and fitness, to keep from unhealthy habits.

14. On office and private matters the serviceman shall address the immediate superior and if he cannot solve them - to the following direct chief.

On private matters the serviceman also shall address the immediate superior and if he cannot solve them - to the senior chief.

15. The serviceman shall know and unshakably respect the rules of international humanitarian law accepted by Ukraine.

16. Each serviceman shall carry out service duties which determine amount of task performance, charged to it on position. These obligations are determined by charters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and also the corresponding benefits, recommendations, provisions, instructions.

17. Special obligations are assigned to the military personnel in the time spent for alert, in the internal and garrison job specification, and also during execution of other tasks. These obligations and procedure for their accomplishment are determined by the laws and charters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and also others is normative - legal acts which are adopted on the basis of the laws and charters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Rights of the military personnel

18. The military personnel is under protection of the state and has all completeness of the rights and freedoms set by the Constitution of Ukraine.

19. The state guarantees to military personnel and members of their families social and legal protection according to the laws and regulatory legal acts adopted according to them.

20. The military personnel on duty has the right to apply measures of physical impact, and also to carry, store and use special means, weapon according to the procedure, established by the legislation.

21. Application of measures of physical impact, special means and weapon is allowed if other measures were inefficient or if in accordance with the circumstances application of other measures is impossible.

To use of weapons, except as specified sudden attack, attack using military equipment, vehicles, aircraft, ocean and river crafts, escape from custody with weapon or by means of vehicles during movement, shall precede the warning of intention to use weapon and shot up.

In case of application and use of weapon the serviceman shall take all measures in order that harm was not done to strangers.

22. The military personnel has the right to apply special means, means of physical impact and weapon personally or as a part of division:

for protection of the health and life, and also health and life of other military personnel and civilians against attack if by other methods and means to protect them in this situation it is impossible;

for detention of the person who was found when making serious crime and who tries to escape or who shows armed resistance, tries to escape from custody, and also for detention of the armed individual which threatens with use of weapons and other means constituting threat for life and health of the serviceman or other persons;

for reflection of attack on objects which are protected by the military personnel, and also for release of these objects in case of capture;

in case of attempt of violent occupancy by weapon, military and other equipment if by other methods and means it is impossible to stop this attempt.

22-1. The commander (chief) in the conditions of the special period, including in the conditions of warlike situation or fighting situation, for the purpose of detention of the serviceman, makes the act falling under signs of the criminal offense connected with disobedience, resistance or threat to the chief, use of violence, unauthorized leaving of fighting line items and certain places of dislocation of military units (divisions) in areas of accomplishment of fighting tasks has the right to personally apply measures of physical impact without damnification to health of the serviceman and the special means sufficient for the termination of illegal actions.

In fighting situation the commander (chief) can use weapon to give to subordinates the order on its application if in a different way it is impossible to stop criminal offense, at the same time without causing death to the serviceman.

If circumstances allow, the commander (chief) before application of measures of physical impact, special means or weapon shall warn by voice or shot about it up person against whom such measures can be applied.

23. Officials of guard and patrol have the right to use weapon in cases and according to the procedure, determined by the Charter of garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

24. And special means the serviceman reports on use of physical force on the direct commander (chief).

About all cases of use of weapons the serviceman shall notify on wound or death which occurred owing to application of physical impact and special means and also without delay and in writing the commander (chief), and the commander (chief) of military unit without delay reports on the direct commander (chief), and also notifies the corresponding prosecutor and the chief of governing body of Military service of law and order in the Armed Forces of Ukraine (further - Service of law and order) in garrison.

The notification of the chief of governing body of Service of law and order on application of measures of physical impact, special means and weapon is performed in case of their application by the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

25. The serviceman has the right to use weapon for giving of alarm signal or challenge of the help.

Responsibility of the military personnel

26. The military personnel depending on nature of committed offense and fault bears taking into account the fighting immunity determined by the Law of Ukraine "About defense of Ukraine" disciplinary, administrative, material, civil and criminal liability according to the law.

27. The military personnel on whom authority punishment for committed offense is imposed are not exempted from material and гражданско - legal responsibility for these offense. The military personnel is brought in making of criminal offense to trial in accordance with general practice.

Chiefs and subordinate, senior and younger on military ranks

28. One-man management is one of the principles of construction and management of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and consists in:

investment of the commander (chief) with all completeness of the administrative power rather subordinate and assignment on it the personal responsibility before the state for all aspects of life and activities of military unit, division and each serviceman;

provision to the commander (chief) of the right to solely make the decision, to give orders;

ensuring accomplishment of noted decisions (orders), proceeding from comprehensive assessment of situation and being guided by requirements of the laws and charters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

29. On the official position and military rank the military personnel can be chiefs or subordinates concerning other military personnel.

30. The chief has the right to give to the subordinate orders and shall check their accomplishment.

The subordinate shall execute unconditionally orders of the chief, except cases of return of obviously criminal order and be respectful to it.

31. Chiefs to whom the military personnel is subordinated on service including it is temporary are direct chiefs for this military personnel. The direct chief, closest to the subordinate, is immediate superior.

32. On the military ranks chiefs are:

military personnel of sergeant and foreman structure - for the military personnel of ordinary structure of one with them military unit;

military personnel of younger officers - for the military personnel of younger sergeant and foreman structure of one with them military unit and the military personnel of ordinary structure;

majors, captains 3 ranks, lieutenant colonels, captains 2 ranks - for the military personnel of ordinary, younger and senior sergeant and foreman structure;

colonels, captains of 1 rank, brigade generals, commodores, major generals, rear admirals, lieutenant generals, vice admirals - for the military personnel of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure and younger officers;

generals, admirals - for the military personnel of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure, younger and senior officers

33. The military personnel who on the official position and military rank (articles 31 and 32 of this Charter) is not chiefs or subordinates concerning other military personnel can be senior or younger on military rank.

Seniors on military rank the military personnel have the right to demand from the military personnel, junior on military rank, respect for military discipline, public order and dress code, and also rules of conduct and military greeting. The military personnel, junior on rank, shall fulfill unconditionally noted requirements of seniors for military rank of the military personnel.

And content in rooms for temporarily detained Services of law and order does not extend to the military personnel serving criminal penalty in the form of arrest on guardroom of Service of law and order, administrative punishment in the form of arrest with content on guardroom action of part two of this Article and article 32 of this Charter. The specified military personnel shall execute commands and orders of military officials and military personnel of duty shifts of Service of law and order.

34. In case of collateral execution of service duties by the military personnel who is not subordinated each other if their office relations are not determined by the commander (chief), the chief is the senior from them on position, and in case of equal positions - the senior on military rank.

Procedure for return and accomplishment of orders

35. Orders are given, as a rule, according to the procedure of subordination. In case of emergency the commander (chief), the senior on official position, than the immediate superior, can give the order to the subordinate, passing his immediate superior what reports to the immediate superior of the subordinate about or orders to the subordinate to report on the immediate superior personally.

The order can be given one or group of the servicemen orally or in writing, including with use of technical means of communication.

The order shall be formulated accurately and cannot allow double interpretation.

36. The commander (chief) is responsible for the given order, its effects and compliance to the legislation, and also for rejection of measures for its accomplishment, for abuse, exceeding of the power or office powers.

Perpetrators are made for return and accomplishment of obviously criminal order (order) responsible according to the law.

37. The serviceman after receipt of the order answers: "I obey" and further carries out it. To be convinced whether correctly the subordinate understood the given order, the commander (chief) can demand from it to retell matter of the order briefly. The subordinate has the right to appeal to the commander (chief) to specify the order.

The serviceman shall execute unshakably the order given him in the specified time.

The serviceman shall report on accomplishment or failure to carry out of the order on the commander (chief) who gave the order and the direct commander (chief), and also to specify the reasons of failure to carry out of the order or its untimely (incomplete) accomplishment. If the serviceman understands that he is not able to execute the order timely and in full, he shall report on it on above-mentioned persons without delay.

38. In case when the serviceman who executes the order received from other commander (chief), the senior on official position or military rank, the new order which becomes obstacle for accomplishment previous, he reports on it on the commander (chief) who gave this order, and after receipt of its consent stops accomplishment of the previous order.

The commander (chief) who gave the last order informs of it the commander (chief) who gave the previous order.

Representation to commanders (chiefs) and persons who arrived for inspection (check)

39. The commander of military unit shall meet and accompany on arrangement of military unit of the President of Ukraine, the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, the Minister of Defence of Ukraine, the chief of the General Staff - the Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and deputy defense secretaries of Ukraine, all direct chiefs, and also persons designated for management of inspection (check) of military unit.

In case of meeting of these persons the commander (chief) of military unit sends the command "Quietly" and reports to them. For example: "Mister (madam) * major general. The first mechanized crew - on occupations (the doctrine, servicing of the equipment, meal, has a rest). Commander of crew colonel Lisogor".


* For the address of the military personnel in the Armed Forces of Ukraine "mister (madam)" is used. With participation in the military exercises, peacekeeping and other similar transactions, joint with the foreign contingents, performed based on international treaties of Ukraine, the address to persons who are part of the military contingents of other states shall correspond to authorized rules of these states.

Having received team "Is free", the commander (chief) of military unit repeats it and shall be ready to report for each division of crew and further acts according to the order of the arrived person.

40. The military personnel is independently represented to the immediate superior in case:

position assignments and dismissals from it;

assignments of military rank;

deliveries of award;

departure or return from business trip, leave or treatment.

Being represented to the immediate superior, the military personnel calls the position, military rank, surname and the reason of the address. For example: "Mister (madam) major. The commander of the First mechanized company captain Tkachenko. It am represented on the occasion of assignment to me military rank of the captain".

41. The military personnel of officers, military personnel of sergeant and foreman structure appointed to positions of the chief sergeant (the chief foreman) of crew who are new appointed in military unit (the shelf, the ship of 1 rank), battalion, the chief sergeant of company, are represented to the commander of military unit and his deputies, and after the direction to divisions - to the commander of division and its deputies.

The commander of military unit represents newly arrived officers to officers of military unit at the next meeting of officers or during creation of staff of military unit.

42. In case when person designated for management of inspection (check) of military unit has military rank equal or the highest, than at the commander of military unit, the commander of part is represented arrived. If arrived has rank below, than at the commander of military unit, it is represented to this commander.

43. Before inspection (check) the commander of military unit represents the deputies, chiefs of types of military forces and services and commanders of divisions which are subject to inspection (check), inspecting (checking).

44. During visit inspecting (checking) divisions their commanders report on these persons.

If inspecting (checking) arrives to division together with the commander of military unit, report on it in that case when it has equal or highest rank, than the commander has parts.

45. If for inspection (check) there arrives the senior commander (chief), he is reported by the commander of military unit (division), and inspecting (checking) it is represented.

46. The commander of military unit (division) is represented only to the military personnel, senior and equal on military rank, who arrived to military unit (division) for accomplishment of orders of the senior commanders (chiefs). In other cases arrived it are represented to the commander of military unit (division) and inform on the purpose of the arrival.

47. All instructions inspecting (checking) or the military personnel who carries out office orders of the senior commanders (chiefs), are transmitted for accomplishment through the commander of military unit. Marked-out persons shall report to the commander of military unit (division) about results of inspection (check) or accomplishment of the office instructions given them.

48. For holding poll of the military personnel of military unit (division) inspecting (checking) are guided by instructions of appendix 6 to this Charter.

About military politeness and behavior of the military personnel

49. The military personnel shall be permanent example of high culture, modesty and endurance, to protect military valor, to protect the and to respect advantage of other people, shall remember always that they on their behavior judge not only them, but also the Armed Forces of Ukraine in general.

All military personnel shall welcome each other during the meeting (overtaking), following the rules determined by the Front charter of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The military greeting is manifestation of mutual respect and unity of the military personnel.

50. The relations between the military personnel shall be based on mutual respect, and concerning service they address to each other on "you".

Chiefs and seniors on military rank the military personnel concerning service and younger address subordinate on military rank and surname or only on rank, adding in the latter case before rank the word "mister (madam)". For example: "Soldier Chernyak", "Mister (madam) of soldiers"; "Sergeant Mishin", "Mister (madam) sergeant"; "Lieutenant Malyshenko", "Mister (madam) lieutenant".

Address cadets of military educational institutions which have no military ranks of sergeant and foreman structure "Cadet Stadnikov", "the sir (lady) the cadet.

51. The military personnel in case of the address of the commander (chief) to them or the senior on military rank shall become in front provision.

Subordinate and younger on military rank address on official matters commanders (chiefs) and seniors on military rank, adding the word "Mister (Madam)" before rank. For example: "Mister (madam) lieutenant".

52. In case when it is necessary to address other serviceman in the presence of the commander (chief) or the senior on military rank, it is necessary to ask on this permission of the commander (chief) or senior on military rank. For example: "Mister (madam) colonel, permit to address the major Ivashchenko".

53. In case of the address to each other out of system, and also in case of return or receipt of the order the military personnel shall become in front provision, and those who are in headdress lay hand to it.

Reporting or listening to the official report, the serviceman lays hand to headdress and lowers it after the termination of the report. If before the report the team "Quietly" was given, then the speaker behind the subsequent team "Is free" repeats it and lowers hand.

During the address to the Minister of Defence of Ukraine and his deputies who are civilians the serviceman calls their positions, adding the word "Mister (Madam)" before the job title.

54. In public places, in urban transportation and local trains in the absence of empty seats the serviceman shall offer the place to the commander (chief) or the senior.

If during the meeting there is no opportunity freely will miss each other with the commander (chief) or the senior on military rank, the subordinate (younger on military rank) shall, welcoming, to pass it. If necessary to overtake the commander (chief) or the senior on military rank it is necessary to ask on it for permission from it.

55. The military personnel is forbidden to keep hands in clothes pockets, and also to sit in the presence of the commander (chief) or the senior on military rank without its permission.

It is allowed to smoke only in places specially allotted for this purpose.

56. The military personnel shall be polite in communication with other persons, show special attention to elderly people, women and children, to give way to them in public transport, to promote honor and dignity protection of citizens, observance of the public schedule, and also to give help in case of accidents, emergence of the fire or natural disaster.

57. Rules of military politeness, behavior and military greeting are obligatory also for persons discharged from military service if they wear military uniform of clothes.

Section 2. General obligations of commanders (chiefs)

58. The commander (chief) is edinonachalnik and personally answers to the state for combat and mobilization readiness of the military unit entrusted it, the ship (division) for ensuring protection of the state secret; for combat training, education, military discipline, moral and psychological condition preserving life and strengthening of health of staff; for internal procedure, condition and safety of arms, ammunition, military and other equipment, fuel and appliances; for comprehensive providing military unit, the ship (division); for respect for principles of social justice.

The commander (chief) according to position which he holds, shall be effective independently and demands from subordinates of fulfillment of requirements of the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine, charters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and others is normative - legal acts.

59. The commander (chief) shall:

nobility, observe personally and demand from staff of strict observance of regulations of international humanitarian law;

plan work and perform measures for maintenance and enhancement of combat and mobilization readiness and to require them accomplishment, to timely make necessary changes (amendments) to work plans, to take measures of protection of the state secret, ensuring the hidden management of troops;

to immediately report on the senior commander (chief) on criminal or administrative offense, connected with corruption, made by the subordinate serviceman, and the commander (chief) of military unit (organization) - immediately to report about it to the corresponding prosecutor, and in case of making of criminal or administrative offense, connected with corruption by the serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - to the chief of relevant organ of management of Military service of law and order in the Armed Forces of Ukraine;

know the state of affairs in the military unit charged to it, by the ship (in division), business, moral and psychological qualities of directly subordinate military personnel, military and other equipment, arms which are in part, by the ship (in division) is able to direct military unit, the ship (division) both in everyday life, and during execution of fighting tasks;

organize and to direct directly combat training, exercise control of its course, to objectively estimate the results achieved by subordinates, sum up the results and encourage the best, generalize and implement the best practices in practice of training of staff, to effectively use educational material resources, direct cash and appliances to enhancement of this base;

it is permanent to enhance personal training and skill of subordinate commanders (chiefs), methods of management of military unit, the ship (division), to personally provide training and occupation with staff of military unit, the ship (division), to be engaged in legal education of subordinates, to timely take measures for accomplishment of tasks of social and psychological ensuring combat training;

always to have the exact information about staff, arms, ammunition, military and other equipment, combustible, material (cash) means which are in military unit, by the ship (in division) on the state, the list and available;

establish in military unit, by the ship (in division) such internal procedure which would guarantee steady accomplishment of the laws of Ukraine and provisions of charters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;

organize observance and strictly personally to adhere to the principle of providing the equal rights and opportunities of women and men in office activities;

set example to discipline, steady fulfillment of requirements of the legislation, orders and orders of commanders (chiefs); be polite and fair in the attitude towards subordinates, not degrade their honor and advantage;

it is permanent to train subordinates in the spirit of humanity and humanity, relying at the same time on the conventional principles of international law;

carry out work on strengthening of military discipline, prevention of emergencies to criminal and other offenses among staff, to timely show and remove their causes; analyze condition of military discipline and to report objectively on it on the senior commander (chief);

be sensitive and be attentive to subordinates, combine insistence and adherence to principles yours faithfully to their honor and advantage, to penetrate into problems of their life, to provide social and legal security, to strive in case of need for them before the senior commanders (chiefs);

know requirements and requests of staff, to make decisions according to its statements, claims and other addresses;

organize timely issue of all types of providing and check its completeness;

organize culturological work, create conditions for strengthening of health and physical development;

perform measures for safety of staff of military unit, the ship (division) and other persons in operating time with arms, military and other equipment, the equipment, carrying out firing practice, doctrines, executions guard and internal (on duty and log) services, accomplishment of other military obligations;

not allow to participation in fighting of the military personnel from among called on military service during mobilization, for the special period which did not complete course of basic general preparation or have no fighting experience;

to direct personally personnel work and candidate screen for the accession to military educational institutions;

organize operation, safety and proper use of barracks housing stock, utility constructions, the engineering networks provided for accommodation of military units and divisions;

control observance of measures of fire safety in military unit, by the ship (in division);

take environmental measures in the locations and actions of troops;

organize and perform the actions directed to protection of staff, arms, ammunition, military and other equipment and property against weapons of mass destruction, regular weapons of destruction;

in case of the solution of the questions connected with labor activity of workers to strictly observe the legislation on work;

take measures for compensation of the loss of property caused to military unit, the ship (division).

60. In case of impossibility of accomplishment of service duties in connection with departure out of limits of garrison, due to illness and on other reasonable excuses the commander (chief) for accomplishment of these service duties appoints one of deputies. If the regular deputy is absent and nobody was appointed the commander (chief), command undertakes the senior on position, and in case of absence of the senior on position - the senior on military rank what it reports on the senior commander (chief) on.

61. The new appointed commanders of military units (ships) enter position based on the order or the order of the senior commander (chief). The commander of part (ship) announces the assumption of office the order and reports on the senior commander (chief).

The commander of military unit (ship) accepts or hands over position personally in the presence of the representative from the senior commander (chief).

62. For acceptance and delivery of position of the commander of military unit (ship) the order of the senior commander (chief) appoints the commissions which after conducting check draw up the relevant statements.

In the act of acceptance and delivery of position are specified data on staff of military unit (ship) on the list and available; condition of combat and mobilization readiness; moral and psychological condition of staff, condition of military discipline, combat training and educational material resources; condition of protection of the state secret.

In the act of acceptance and delivery of arms, ammunition, military and other equipment their quantity according to documents and the actual availability, high-quality and technical condition, conditions of keeping and storages is specified.

In the acceptance report and delivery of military and financial economy are specified data on domestic conditions, availability and condition of buildings, constructions, stock and the equipment; legality of expenses, accounting and condition of fuel storage, food, ware and technical property, other appliances both current providing, and emergency ration, and also accounting and use of money.

The specified acts are signed by the commander who accepts, and the commander who hands over position, and also members of the commission, the corresponding deputy commanders of military unit (chiefs of services) and go to the senior commander (chief) for approval and for decision making on the facts of the found shortcomings.

63. Commanders of divisions (chiefs) accept and hand over position personally based on the order on military unit (ship).

The new appointed commander of division (chief) is represented to staff of division by the senior commander (chief).

In case of acceptance and delivery of position by the commander of division (chief) inventory count of property and the equipment of division (service) is surely carried out. By results of the carried-out inventory count inventory sheets and the act are constituted.

About acceptance and delivery of position the commander of division (chief) submits the official report according to the procedure of subordination to the commander of military unit (ship).

Person who accepts position attaches the act of acceptance of division to the official report. In the act data on structure of division on the list and available are specified; condition of combat and mobilization readiness; morally - psychological state of staff, condition of military discipline, combat training; availability and condition of arms, ammunition, equipment, fuel and other appliances; housing and living conditions of the military personnel.

The statement is drawn up and signed by person who accepts, and person who hands over position, and also chiefs of services of military unit, the chairman and members of internal survey board. Inventory sheets about property and the equipment of division (service) are attached to the act.

64. The following terms for acceptance and delivery of positions are established: - it is no more than 10 days of commander of crew (regiment, the ship 1 and 2 of rank, detached battalion), - it is no more than 20 days of deputy commander for the back, - it is no more than 5 days of commander of battalion and commander of company (rank ship 3 and 4), the chief of service to whom warehouses are subordinated, - it is no more than 15 days.

To other officials the term of acceptance and delivery of position is established by the senior commander (chief). The end of acceptance (delivery) of position approval date is considered the senior commander (chief) of the relevant act.

65. The new appointed commanders, beginning from the commander of company (the ship 4 ranks) and above, during acceptance of position conduct survey of the military personnel. The military personnel is notified on time and procedure for poll for one - two days according to appendix 6 to this Charter.

Section 3. Obligations of officials, military personnel of ordinary structure

Commander of crew (regiment, ship 1 and 2 of rank, detached battalion)

66. The commander of crew (regiment, the ship 1 and 2 of rank, detached battalion) * in peace and wartime is responsible for combat and mobilization readiness, completeness with staff, successful accomplishment by crew (regiment, the rank ship 1 and 2, detached battalion) of fighting tasks; combat training, education, military discipline, moral and psychological condition, preserving life and strengthening of health of staff; internal procedure; condition and safety of weapon, ammunition, military and other equipment, fuel and other appliances; condition of financial economy; comprehensive providing crew, condition of fire and ecological safety.


* Further - the commander of crew.

The commander of regiment is the direct chief of all staff of regiment.

67. The commander of crew shall:

support crew in combat and mobilization readiness;

direct combat training and education of staff;

ensure safety of arms, ammunition and other appliances of crew, their timely replenishment to certain regulations;

direct development and accomplishment of plans of combat and mobilization readiness and combat training, to personally develop the plan of sudden check of combat readiness;

to timely take measures for accomplishment of tasks of social and psychological ensuring combat training and professional activity of the military personnel, organization of events of moral and psychological providing;

stage drills with battalions, conduct preparation of the headquarters, give classes with commanders of battalions, companies, with their deputies and chiefs of types of military forces and services (by the ship - with assistants, deputies, commanders of military units and chiefs of services);

give control classes with divisions after the end of their fighting approval;

monthly and upon termination of certain period of training and academic year to sum up the results of combat training and condition of military and performing discipline;

direct candidate screen for transfer on military service under the contract, and also distribution on divisions the replenishment which arrived to crew, delivery to it arms and technicians, to lead replenishment to the Military oath according to appendices 1, 4 and 5 to it the Charter;

know about real situation in divisions of crew and exercise control of ensuring protection of the state secret;

know business and moral and psychological qualities of each serviceman of officers of crew, the chief sergeant of crew and the chief sergeants of divisions, to company inclusive, to constantly carry out work on their military education and enhancement of professional training with officers;

establish daily routine and require maintenance of internal rules and procedures;

to direct personally personnel work, to approve candidates for the highest positions and for the accession to military educational institutions;

know condition of completeness of divisions of crew and take measures to increase in its level, organize effective and rational office use of the prepared staff which arrives on completing of crew;

approve the layout of products for week, organize daily control of quality of preparation and completeness of issue of food for staff, it is at least once a week personally to check quality of cooking;

it is at least two times in year to perform inspection, planned and sudden verifications of presence, conditions, safety and the correct use of arms, ammunition, military and other equipment, fuel, other appliances, their combat readiness with the announcement of results of checks by the order on military unit (the captain has less once in two months to perform inspection of the ship, there is at least once a month - survey of arms, ammunition and technical means, to perform daily bypass of the ship), in case of identification of the facts of shortage (loss), excesses, spoil, plunders of property to appoint investigation;

manage legal education of the military personnel of crew, in case of making by the serviceman of criminal offense immediately to report about its making to body of pre-judicial investigation;

know the valid condition of military discipline in crew, take measures for the prevention of criminal and other offenses, without delay to report on the senior commander (chief) on events, criminal offenses, administrative, the offenses connected with corruption and military administrative offenses in crew and to notify on them the corresponding prosecutor (in case of crew belonging to the Armed Forces of Ukraine to notify also the chief of relevant organ of management of Service of law and order), to find out personally the cause of accident and other cases connected with death of people or with other serious consequences;

take measures for creation of the atmosphere of frankness and mutual trust between the military personnel in divisions, intolerance to shortcomings, emotional neglect and passivity;

determine days and reception hours of staff and visitors by private matters it is at least two times a month, and for arrived from other settlements - in convenient for them and the commander time; at the request of parents of the military personnel to acquaint them with life and life of staff of divisions;

determine security measures and exercise control of their observance (to the captain, besides, to take measures for ensuring survivability of the ship and safety of its swimming);

before academic year (the training period) to publish the written order concerning the organization of combat training, guard and internal services;

to daily publish written orders by front part, and in case of need - concerning combat training, separately on the back, to technical part and service it is rocket - artillery arms;

organize protection of military unit (ship), control of execution guard and internal (by the ship - on duty and log) services, there is at least once a week personally to check condition of their execution;

perform scheduled and sudden inspections, organize annual carrying out inventory count of appliances in services, direct work of the internal commissions which carry out such inspections;

direct financial activities of crew, dispose according to the legislation of means, provide careful expenditure of means in strict accordance with the approved estimate;

organize financial accounting of military property (including emergency ration) and to know upkeep cost of military unit;

ensure safety of means in delivery time them from organization of bank in crew and in other cases; for delivery of means to provide transport and armed security forces; organize internal financial control and personally, not later than the next day, check receipt of means according to the magazine of accounting of the cash received in organization of bank about what do mark in this magazine;

it is at least once in month to carry out sudden verification of presence of sums of money and values in strongbox (cash desk), on results of check to do mark in the relevant magazine;

take measures for compensation of the loss of property caused to military unit;

provide the correct content and operation of barracks, housing stock and other constructions in the territory of military unit, and also their fire safety (by the ship - to inspect residential and service premises, constantly to watch operability of the case of the ship);

organize providing conditions of the military personnel of service, preparation, life and rest, favorable for health; respect for sanitary standards and rules, accomplishment by the military personnel of rules of personal and collective hygiene to care about health of subordinates, to take all necessary measures for their physical strengthening, the prevention and prevention of injury rate and occupational diseases;

organize and perform the measures directed to protection of staff, arms, military and other equipment, appliances against weapons of mass destruction, regular weapons of destruction;

take environmental measures and to rational use of natural resources around arrangement of military unit, during conducting exercises and other actions of combat training, daily activities.

Chief sergeant (chief foreman) of crew (regiment, ship 1 and 2 of rank, detached battalion)

67-1. The chief sergeant (the chief foreman) of crew (regiment, the ship 1 and 2 of rank, detached battalion) (further - the chief sergeant of crew) in peace and wartime is responsible for provision to the commander of crew of information and offers on passing of military service by the military personnel of sergeant (foreman) structure, level of individual preparation and moral and psychological condition of ordinary and sergeant (foreman) structure in divisions, the organization for sergeant (foreman) vertical of timely and effective implementation of the tasks determined by the commander of crew, informing and coordination of activities of the chief sergeants of divisions and unity of sergeant (foreman) structure of crew.

The chief sergeant of crew submits to the commander of crew and is the direct chief for the military personnel of ordinary, sergeant (foreman) structure of crew. He is the chief adviser of the commander of crew for all questions which concern ordinary and sergeant (foreman) structure.


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