of December 15, 1993 No. 3691-XII
About breeding case in livestock production
This Law determines the general legal, economic and organizational basis of breeding case in livestock production directed to improvement of breeding and productive qualities of animals, increase in cost efficiency and competitiveness of industry.
In this Law the stated below terms are used in the following value:
breeding case - system of the zootechnical, selection and organizational and economic measures directed to improvement of breeding and productive qualities of animals;
breeding (genetic) resources - animals, the sperm, embryos, ova having breeding (genetic) value;
(Paragraphs 4-6 of Article 1 are excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of June 29, 2010 No. 2374-VI)
identification of animals - their numbering, assignment of nicknames, photography, etc. that provides possibility of forming of information on each animal in particular and establishments of compliance of this information to this animal;
sperm identification - drawing on packaging in which the spermodoza, identification number, nickname and breed of the producer, date of production of spermoproduktion and information on the producer is packed;
the improving breed - breed which is used for improvement of breeding and productive qualities of animal other breeds and removal of new breeds, pedigree types, lines, families;
genofondny herd - the thoroughbred group of animals allocated for preserving and reproduction of gene pool of breed;
breeding animal - thoroughbred animal; or
the animal received on adopted agenda of pedigree enhancement, registered in the state books of breeding animals has breeding (genetic) value and can be used in selection process according to programs of selection; or
the hybrid breeding pig received by method of deliberate crossing of breeding pigs of the different breeds registered in the state books of breeding animals or method of deliberate crossing of the breeding pigs and pigs received owing to deliberate crossing of breeding pigs of different breeds according to programs of selection;
not breeding animal - the animal who does not have data on origin according to requirements of breeding accounting;
the certificate of breeding (genetic) resources - the document of the established form of origin, productivity, type and other qualities of animals, sperms, embryos, ova constituted on the basis of data of official accounting of the productivity, official assessment on type issued to owners of breeding (genetic) resources and hybrid breeding pigs;
breeding (genetic) value - the value of breeding animals according to data of their actually certain or provided influence on quality of descendants;
selection achievement - the group of breeding animals (breed, pedigree type, the line, family and so forth) having new genetic signs which with firmness transfers to posterity and on performance measures created as a result of purposeful creative activities exceeds the previous types of animals;
breeding accounting - determination and entering into information databases (the automated systems of documents on breeding case) subjects of breeding case in livestock production of data on origin, performance, type and other qualities of animals for the purpose of conducting breeding case in livestock production;
official accounting of productivity - account of productivity of animals which is kept by the state controllers assistants and is confirmed by the relevant organizations performing researches of qualitative indexes of the received products;
official assessment on type - assessment in points like animals and their classification which is carried out by experts-boniterami;
genetic examination of origin and anomalies of animals - identification of animals by laboratory methods for the purpose of control of reliability of their origin and detection of genetic anomalies;
the status - certain condition (level) of conducting selection and breeding work as subjects of breeding case in livestock production;
approbation - commission assessment of selection achievements in livestock production;
site class determination - complex assessment of breeding and under control animals on breeding and productive qualities and type of animals;
under control animal - not breeding animal whose origin is determined by results of genetic examination of origin and anomalies of animals behind which performance control is exercised and which can be used in selection process according to programs of selection.
The legislation of Ukraine on breeding case in livestock production consists of this Law and other regulatory legal acts published according to it.
This Law governs the relations in the field of breeding case in livestock production, determines the rights and obligations of owners and consumers of breeding (genetic) resources, establishes quality requirements and to procedure for use of these resources, determines system of selection and basis of the state control of compliance with law about breeding case in livestock production, and also procedure for financing of breeding case in livestock production.
Objects of breeding case in livestock production are cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, horses, bird, fish, bees, silkworms, fur animals also stole whom they part for the purpose of obtaining from them certain products (further - animals).
Subjects of breeding case in livestock production are:
owners of breeding (genetic) resources;
(Paragraph 3 is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of June 29, 2010 No. 2374-VI)
the companies, organizations and the organizations irrespective of pattern of ownership and physical persons - subjects of business activity who participate in production preserving, use, creation, determination of breeding value of breeding (genetic) resources, trade in breeding (genetic) resources and provide the services connected with breeding case in livestock production;
owners of not breeding animals are consumers of breeding (genetic) resources and customers of services in breeding case in livestock production.
Tasks of breeding case in livestock production are:
creation, preserving, reproduction and rational use of breeding (genetic) resources of the supreme breeding (genetic) value for the purpose of improvement of genetic quality of animals, increases in cost efficiency and competitiveness of industry;
ensuring functioning of single system of selection in livestock production, in particular identifications of breeding animals, breeding accounting, site class determination, assessment of animals on quality of posterity and other signs, forming of the information database on breeding case and the periodic publication of analytical data on breeding case in livestock production;
receipt of animals with new high genetic signs;
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