of May 13, 1999 No. 651-XIV
About general secondary education
This Law determines legal, organizational and financial basis of functioning and development of system of general secondary education that promotes free development of the human person, creates values of legal democratic society in Ukraine.
The legislation of Ukraine on general secondary education is based on the Constitution of Ukraine and consists of the Law of Ukraine "About education", this Law, other regulatory legal acts and international treaties of Ukraine which consent to be bound is this the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
The main objectives of the legislation of Ukraine on general secondary education are:
providing right of citizens to availability and free of charge receipt of complete general secondary education;
providing necessary operating conditions and development of general secondary education;
providing regulatory framework concerning obligation of complete general secondary education;
determination of structure and content of general secondary education;
determination of governing bodies of system of general secondary education and their powers;
determination of the rights and obligations of participants of educational process, establishment of responsibility for violation of the legislation on general secondary education;
creation of conditions for education by children with special educational needs taking into account their individual needs for conditions of inclusive training.
General secondary education - purposeful process of mastering the means of cognitive and practical activities systematized by knowledge of the nature, the person, society, culture and production of which the intellectual, social and physical development of the personality which is basis for further education and labor activity is result.
General secondary education is obligatory main component of continuous education.
General secondary education is aimed at providing all-round development of the personality by training, education and development which are based on the universal values and the principles determined by the Law of Ukraine "About education".
The system of general secondary education is constituted:
organizations of general secondary education of all types and patterns of ownership, including for the citizens needing the public assistance and social resettlement, industrial practice plants, out-of-school organizations, scientific and methodical organizations and governing bodies of system of general secondary education, and also organizations of professional (professional) and professional prehigher education giving complete general secondary education.
Tasks of general secondary education are:
education of the citizen of Ukraine;
forming of the identity of studying (pupil), development of its capabilities and talents, scientific outlook;
fulfillment of requirements of State standard of general secondary education, training of pupils (pupils) for further education and labor activity;
education at studying (pupils) of respect for the Constitution of Ukraine, to the state symbols of Ukraine, rights and freedoms of man and citizen, self-respect, legal liability for the actions, conscientious attitude to obligations of man and citizen;
realization of the right of pupils (pupils) to free forming of political and world outlook convictions;
education of the respectful relation to family, respect for national traditions and customs, state language, regional languages or languages of minorities and native to languages, national values of the Ukrainian people and other people and nations;
education of conscientious attitude to the health and health of other citizens as highest social value, forming of hygienic skills and the beginnings of healthy lifestyle, preserving and strengthening of physical and mental health of studying (pupils).
1. Irrespective of race, skin color, features of intellectual, social and physical development, political, religious and other convictions, floor, ethnic and social origin, property status, the state of health, special educational needs, the place of residence, difficult vital conditions, language or other signs availability and free of charge receipt of complete general secondary education in the state and utility educational institutions is provided to citizens of Ukraine.
2. Citizens of Ukraine have the right to complete general secondary education in private educational institutions.
3. Receipt of complete general secondary education in educational institutions irrespective of subordination, types and patterns of ownership shall meet the requirements of state standards of general secondary education.
4. The foreigners and stateless persons which are in Ukraine on legal causes get the complete general secondary education according to the procedure, established for citizens of Ukraine.
5. Responsibility for receipt of complete general secondary education by children is conferred on their parents, and the children deprived of parent care, - on persons replacing them, or educational institutions where they are brought up.
Language of general secondary education in Ukraine is the state language.
Application of languages in general secondary education is determined by the laws of Ukraine "About ensuring functioning of Ukrainian as state" and "About education".
The right to training by means of the methods, most acceptable for such persons, and methods of communication, in particular, training is provided to children with special educational needs with sign language and relief and dot font (Braille's font).
1. Organization of general secondary education - organization of education which core activity are educational activities in the field of general secondary education.
The organization of education performs educational activities at the certain level of general secondary education, in the presence of the corresponding license granted in the procedure established by the legislation.
2. The organization of general secondary education acts on the basis of the Charter which affirms the founder or the body authorized by it.
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The document ceased to be valid since March 18, 2020 according to Item 2 of the Section X of the Law of Ukraine of January 16, 2020 No. 463-IX