of February 10, 1995 No. 51/95-BP
About scientific and scientific and technical examination
This Law determines legal, organizational and financial basis of expert activities in the scientific and technical sphere, and also general bases and the principles of regulation of the public relations in the field of the organization and conducting scientific and scientific and technical examination for the purpose of ensuring scientific reasons for structure and content of the priority directions of development of science and technology, scientific, scientific and technical, social and economic, ecological programs and projects, determination of the directions of scientific and technical activities, the analysis and efficiency evaluation of use of scientific and technical potential, results of researches.
Scientific and scientific and technical examination is activities which purpose are research, check, the analysis and assessment of scientific and technical level of objects of examination and preparation of the reasonable conclusions for decision making concerning such objects.
Scientific and scientific and technical examination in the field of scientific and technical developments and developmental works, basic and applied researches, including at stage of their practical application (implementation, use, results of use, etc.), is carried out by the research organizations and organizations, higher educational institutions, other organizations and separate legal entities and physical persons accredited on this type of activity.
The main objectives of scientific and scientific and technical examination are:
objective, complex research of objects of examination;
check of compliance of objects of examination to requirements and regulations of the current legislation;
assessment of conformity of objects of examination to the modern level of scientific and technical knowledge, tendencies of scientific and technical progress, principles of the state scientific and technical policy, requirements of ecological safety, economic feasibility;
analysis of level of use of scientific and technical potential, assessment of effectiveness of research works and developmental developments; forecasting
scientific and technical, social and economic and ecological effects of realization or activities of object of examination;
preparation of evidence-based expert opinions.
The basic principles of scientific and scientific and technical examination are:
competence and objectivity of persons, organizations and organizations which are carrying out expertize;
world-class accounting of scientific and technical progress, regulations and rules of technical and ecological safety, international agreements;
examination of public opinion on the question concerning examination subject, its objective assessment;
responsibility for reliability and completeness of the analysis, justification of recommendations of examination.
Subjects of scientific and scientific and technical examination are customers, organizers of examination, and also experts.
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