of February 9, 1995 No. 45/95-BP
About environmental assessment
Environmental assessment in Ukraine - type of the scientific practical activities of authorized state bodies, ekologo-expert forming and associations of citizens which are based on cross-industry ecological research, the analysis and assessment of preproject, project and other materials or objects which realization and action can negatively influence or influences condition of the surrounding environment, and is directed to preparation of the conclusions about compliance to the planned or performed activities to regulations and requirements of the legislation on protection of the surrounding environment, rational use and reproduction of natural resources, providing ecological safety.
The relations in the field of environmental assessment are governed by this Law, the Law of Ukraine "About protection of the surrounding environment" and other acts of the legislation of Ukraine.
Task of the legislation on environmental assessment is regulation of the public relations in the field of environmental assessment for providing ecological safety, protection of the surrounding environment, rational use and reproduction of natural resources, protection of environmental laws and interests of citizens and the state.
The purpose of environmental assessment is the prevention of negative impact of anthropogenous activities on condition of the surrounding environment and human health, and also assessment of degree of ecological safety of economic activity and ecological situation in the separate territories and objects.
The main objectives of environmental assessment are:
1) determination of degree of environmental risk and safety of the planned or performed activities;
2) organization of complex, evidence-based assessment of objects of environmental assessment;
3) establishment of compliance of objects of examination to requirements of the ecological legislation;
4) impact assessment of activities of objects of environmental assessment on condition of the surrounding environment and quality of natural resources;
5) efficiency evaluation, completeness, justification and sufficiency of actions for protection of the surrounding environment;
6) preparation of objective, comprehensively reasonable conclusions of environmental assessment.
The basic principles of environmental assessment are:
1) guaranteeing safe for life and human health of the surrounding environment;
2) balance of ecological, economic, medicobiological, social interests and accounting of public opinion;
3) scientific justification, independence, objectivity, complexity, alternativeness, preventiveness, publicity;
4) ecological safety, territorial and industry and economic feasibility of realization of objects of the environmental assessment planned or the performed activities;
5) state regulation;
6) legality.
Objects of environmental assessment are drafts of legal and other regulatory legal acts, documentation on implementation of the new equipment, technologies, materials, substances, products, genetically modified organisms realization of which can lead to violation of ecological standard rates, negative impact on condition of the surrounding environment.
The ecological situations which developed in certain settlements and regions, and also the operating objects and complexes having considerable negative impact on condition of the surrounding environment can be subject to environmental assessment.
Military, defense and other facilities, information on which is the state secret, are subject to environmental assessment according to this Law and other special legal acts of Ukraine.
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The document ceased to be valid since December 18, 2017 according to article 17 of the Law of Ukraine of May 23, 2017 No. 2059-VIII