of June 30, 2007 No. 417
About approval of Fire safety regulations in the woods
According to Article 53 of the Forest code of the Russian Federation the Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the enclosed Fire safety regulations in the woods.
2. Recognize to invalid:
resolution of Council of Ministers - The governments of the Russian Federation of September 9, 1993 N886 "About Approval of Fire Safety Regulations in the Woods of the Russian Federation" (Collection of acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, N 39, the Art. 3612);
Item of 35 changes and additions which are made to decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation in connection with adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, N1428 "About Change and Recognition Voided Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation in connection with Adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation" approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1994 (The Russian Federation Code, 1995, N 3, the Art. 190).
Russian Prime Minister
M. Fradkov
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2007 No. 417
1. These rules establish single requirements to measures of fire safety in the woods depending on purpose of lands and purpose of the woods and to ensuring fire safety in the woods during the using, protection, protection, reproduction of the woods, implementation of other activities in the woods, and also in case of stay of citizens in the woods and are obligatory for execution by public authorities, local government bodies, and also legal entities and citizens.
2. Fire safety regulations in the woods for each forest area are established by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation.
3. Measures of fire safety in the woods include:
a) prevention of wildfires (fire-proof arrangement of the woods and providing with warning facilities and suppressions of wildfires);
b) monitoring of fire risk in the woods and wildfires;
c) development and approval of plans of suppression of wildfires;
d) other measures of fire safety in the woods.
4. The measures of fire safety in the woods specified in Item 3 of these rules are performed:
a) public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation or local government bodies - concerning the woods located on the lands which are respectively in property of subjects of the Russian Federation or municipalities;
b) public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation - concerning the woods located on lands of forest fund which implementation of powers on protection is transferred to public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation according to part 1 of Article 83 of the Forest code of the Russian Federation;
c) Federal Forestry Agency - concerning the woods located on lands of forest fund which implementation of powers on protection is not transferred to public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation according to part 2 of Article 83 of the Forest code of the Russian Federation, and also in cases when the powers delegated by the Russian Federation to public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation according to part 1 of Article 83 of the Forest code of the Russian Federation are withdrawn in accordance with the established procedure from public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation;
d) The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation - concerning the woods located on lands of especially protected natural territories of federal importance;
e) the federal executive bodies authorized in the field of defense and safety - concerning the woods located on lands defenses and the safety which are in federal property.
5. The measure of fire safety in the woods provided by the subitem "an" of Item 3 of these rules on the timberland provided in permanent (termless) use or lease is performed by persons using the woods based on the project of development of the woods.
6. The measures of fire safety in the woods specified in Item 3 of these rules are performed taking into account purpose of lands and purpose of the woods, indicators of natural fire risk of the woods and indicators of fire risk in the woods depending on weather conditions.
Classification of natural fire risk of the woods and classification of fire risk in the woods depending on conditions of weather are established by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation.
7. Involvement of legal entities and citizens for suppression of wildfires is performed according to the Federal Law "About Protection of the Population and the Territories against Emergency Situations of Natural and Technogenic Nature" and plans of suppression of wildfires developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure.
8. During the period from the date of descent of snow cover before establishment of steady rainy autumn weather or formation of snow cover in the woods it is forbidden:
a) make fire in coniferous young growths, on гарях, on sites of the damaged wood, peat bogs, in places of the cabins (on cutting areas) which are not cleared of felling remaining balance and the prepared wood in places with the dried-up grass, and also under crowns. In other places cultivation of fires is allowed on the platforms separated fire-proof mineralized (that is cleared to mineral layer of earth) strip width meter 0,5 suffices. After completion of burning of felling remaining balance or use with other purpose the fire shall be carefully covered with earth or filled in with water before complete cessation of decay;
b) throw the burning matches, stubs and hot ashes from pipes, glass (glass bottles, banks, etc.);
c) use when hunting pyzha from the combustible or smoldering materials;
d) leave the materials oiled or impregnated with gasoline, kerosene or other combustible substances (paper, fabric, tow, vatu, etc.) in the places which are not provided especially for it;
e) fuel fuel tanks of internal combustion engines during the operation of the engine, use machines with defective power supply system of the engine, and also smoke or use naked flame near the vehicles serviced by горючим$
e) perform works with naked flame on peat bogs.
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The document ceased to be valid since January 1, 2021 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2020 No. 1132