of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ
About sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population
Accepted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on March 12, 1999
Approved by Council of the Russian Federation on March 17, 1999
This Federal Law is aimed at providing sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population as one of the main sales terms of constitutional rights of citizens on health protection and the favorable environment.
For the purpose of this Federal Law the following basic concepts are used:
sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population - the state of health of the population, the habitat of the person in case of which there are no harmful effects of factors of the habitat per capita and are provided favorable conditions for its activity;
the habitat of the person (further - the habitat) - set of objects, phenomena and factors surrounding (natural and artificial) environments, determining conditions of activity of the person;
habitat factors - biological (virus, bacterial, parasitic and others), chemical, physical (noise, vibration, ultrasound, infrasound, the thermal, ionizing, not ionizing and other radiations), social (food, water supply, conditions of life, work, rest) and other factors of the habitat which make or can make impact per capita and (or) on the state of health of future generations;
harmful effects per capita - the impact of factors of the habitat creating threat of life or to health of the person or threat of life or to health of future generations;
favorable conditions for activity of the person - habitat condition in case of which there are no harmful effects of its factors per capita (harmless conditions) and are available opportunities for recovery of the broken functions of human body;
safe conditions for the person - habitat condition in case of which there is no danger of harmful effects of its factors per capita;
sanitary and epidemiologic situation - the state of health of the population and the habitat in certain territory in specifically specified time;
the hygienic standard rate - the admissible maximum or minimum quantitative and (or) high-quality measure value established by researches, characterizing this or that factor of the habitat from line items of its safety and (or) harmlessness for the person;
sanitary and epidemiologic requirements - mandatory requirements to safety and (or) harmlessness for the person of factors of the habitat, conditions of activities of legal entities and citizens, including individual entrepreneurs used by them the territories, buildings, structures, constructions, rooms, the equipment, vehicles which non-compliance creates threat of life or to health of the person, threat of origin and spread of diseases and which are established by the state sanitary and epidemiologic rules and hygienic standard rates (further - health regulations) and concerning safety of products and the processes of its production, storage, transportation, realization, operation, application (use) and utilization connected with requirements to products which are established by the documents accepted according to international treaties of the Russian Federation, and technical regulations;
social and hygienic monitoring - the state system of observations of the state of health of the population and the habitat, their analysis, assessment and the forecast, and also determination of causes and effect relationships between the state of health of the population and impact of factors of the habitat;
federal state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance - activities for the prevention, detection, suppression of violations of the law of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population for the purpose of public health care and the habitat;
the sanitary and epidemiologic conclusion - the document issued in the cases established by international treaties of the Russian Federation, the international legal acts, this Federal Law, other Federal Laws by the federal executive bodies authorized on implementation of federal state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance, and certifying compliance or discrepancy to sanitary and epidemiologic and hygienic requirements of factors of the habitat, conditions of activities of legal entities, citizens, including individual entrepreneurs, and also the territories used by them, buildings, structures, constructions, rooms, the equipment, vehicles;
sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) actions - the organizational, administrative, technical, medical and sanitary, veterinary and other measures directed to elimination or reduction of harmful effects per capita of habitat factors, prevention of origin and spread of infectious diseases and mass noninfectious diseases (poisonings) and their liquidation;
restrictive actions (quarantine) - the administrative, medical and sanitary, veterinary and other measures directed to prevention of spread of infectious diseases and providing specific mode of economic and other activity, restriction of movement of the population, vehicles, freights, goods and animals;
infectious diseases - infectious diseases of the person which emergence and distribution is caused by impact per capita of biological factors of the habitat (causative agents of infectious diseases) and possibility of transfer of disease from the sick person, animal to the healthy person;
the infectious diseases constituting danger to people around - the infectious diseases of the person which are characterized by heavy current, the high mortality rate and disability, bystry distribution among the population (epidemic);
mass noninfectious diseases (poisonings) - diseases of the person which emergence is caused by impact of physical, and (or) chemical, and (or) social factors of the habitat.
1. Sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population is provided by means of:
prevention of diseases according to sanitary and epidemiologic situation and the forecast of its change;
ceased to be valid
accomplishment of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) actions and obligatory observance by citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities of health regulations as component of the activities performed by them;
ceased to be valid;
state sanitary and epidemiologic regulation;
federal state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance;
certifications of products, the works and services constituting potential danger for the person;
obligatory confirmation of conformity of products to sanitary and epidemiologic requirements according to the procedure, the established legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation;
state registration of chemical and biological substances, separate types of products, radioactive materials, production wastes and consumption, potentially dangerous to the person, and also for the first time imported on the territory of the Russian Federation of separate types of products;
carrying out social and hygienic monitoring;
scientific research in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population;
forming and maintaining the open and public federal information resources directed to timely informing public authorities, local government bodies, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and citizens on emergence of infectious diseases, mass noninfectious diseases (poisonings), condition of the habitat and the held sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) events;
measures for hygienic education and training of the population, sanitary and hygienic education of the population and promotion of healthy lifestyle;
measures for accountability for violation of the law of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population;
creations, operation and development of the federal state information system of data of sanitary and epidemiologic nature providing information characterizing sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population.
2. Implementation of measures for ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population is payment commitment of the Russian Federation.
Implementation of measures for the prevention of epidemics and liquidation of their consequences, and also on environmental protection is payment commitment of subjects of the Russian Federation.
Public authorities and local government bodies, the organizations of all patterns of ownership, individual entrepreneurs, citizens provide observance of requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population at the expense of own means.
3. Features of ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population in the territory of the innovative center "Skolkovo", including feature of approval and application of sanitary and epidemiologic requirements, are established by the Federal Law "About the innovative center "Skolkovo".
4. Features of ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population in the territory of the international medical cluster, including feature of application of sanitary and epidemiologic requirements, are established by the Federal Law "About the International Medical Cluster and Modification of Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation".
5. Features of ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population in the territories of the innovative scientific and technological centers, including features of approval and application of sanitary and epidemiologic requirements, are established by the Federal Law "About the Innovative Scientific and Technological Centers and about Modification of Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation".
6. Sirius in coordination with the Government of the Russian Federation can be established by regulatory legal acts of bodies of the public power of the federal territory special regulation in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population in the federal territory Sirius, including features of approval and application of sanitary and epidemiologic requirements, according to this Federal Law and the Federal Law of December 22, 2020 No. 437-FZ "About the federal territory Sirius.
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