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of September 27, 2003 No. 935

About approval of the Instruction for record keeping in state bodies, in the legal entities and state-financed organizations which are in state-owned property whose controlling stake of shares (shares) belongs to the state

(as amended on 16-08-2016)

For the purpose of further enhancement of work on record keeping in public authorities, organizations, the organizations and at the companies, I decide its reductions in single system and form:

1. Approve "The instruction for record keeping in state bodies, in the legal entities and state-financed organizations which are in state-owned property whose controlling stake of shares (shares) belongs to the state".

2.    No. 569 is excluded according to the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of 14.07.2015

3. Determine that general control of observance of requirements "Instructions for record keeping in state bodies, in the legal entities and state-financed organizations which are in state-owned property whose controlling stake of shares (shares) belongs to the state" performs Department of work with documents and addresses of citizens of Administration of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic.

4. Charge to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic within one month:

* provide to the President of the Azerbaijan Republic offers on procedure for record keeping on work with classified documents in executive bodies, organizations, the organizations and at the companies;

* within the powers to resolve other issues following from this Decree.

5. This Decree becomes effective from the date of publication.

President of the Azerbaijan Republic

Heydar Aliyev

Approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of September 27, 2003 No. 935

The instruction for record keeping in state bodies, in the legal entities and state-financed organizations which are in state-owned property whose controlling stake of shares (shares) belongs to the state

1. General provisions

1. This instruction regulates record keeping in state bodies, in the legal entities and state-financed organizations which are in state-owned property whose controlling stake of shares (shares) belongs to the state (further - the organizations), and also preparation, registration, movement, execution, accounting of documents, and their transfer to archive. The clerical work in bodies of the local executive authority is conducted based on "The instruction for work with documents in offices of chief executives of the cities, areas and urban areas of the Azerbaijan Republic". Provisions of this instruction do not belong to record keeping in the organizations concerning addresses of citizens.

2. Clerical work is the organization activity on the organization of work with documentation and documents connected with implementation of the tasks by it. The clerical work in the organizations is conducted in state language of the Azerbaijan Republic.

3. The clerical work in the organizations is performed by office or the employees who are specially allocated for this purpose (further - services of clerical work). Control of observance of clerical work of requirements of this Instruction by service is exercised by management of the organization. The duty on control of observance of rules of record keeping in the subordinate organizations is performed by their parent organizations.

4. The main objectives of service of clerical work are:

4.1. acceptance, registration, distribution on otnesennost and bringing to contractors of the arriving documents by means of mail, e-mail, the fax, telephone messages, courier communication and it is direct in service of clerical work;

4.2. sending documents;

4.3. monitoring completion date of documents, on creation and archiving according to requirements of this Instruction;

4.4. reclamation from structural divisions of the performed documents;

4.5. copying, reproduction of documents and implementation of shorthand works;

4.6. create documents according to the nomenclature of cases and hand over in archive;

4.7. store documents and use them by office need;

4.8. implementation of methodical management of deloproizvoditelny work in all fields of activity of the organization, increase in professional readiness by the employees conducting clerical work for the purpose of systematic enhancement of clerical work;

4.9. monitoring record keeping in the subordinate organizations.

5. Depending on structure, and also from document flow amount the system of clerical work can be centralized and decentralized.

In centralized procedure the clerical work is conducted in the organizations with small amount of structural divisions and amount of document flow to 25.000 documents a year.

In the decentralized procedure the clerical work is conducted in the organizations with complex structure and amount of document flow over 25.000 documents a year, and also in case of territorial dissociation of structural divisions.

In the centralized system of clerical work documents acceptance and correspondence which is not subject to registration (appendix No. 16), their sending, accounting, distribution to structural divisions, and also document registration, their registration, forming of cases is performed in service of clerical work.

And in not centralized system of clerical work documents acceptance and correspondence which is not subject to registration their sending, accounting, distribution to structural divisions is performed in service of clerical work, document registration, their registration, forming of cases is performed by structural divisions.

6. When changing heads of the organizations and structural divisions acceptance and transfer of cases or being on execution of documents is made under the act. One copy of the act is stored in service of clerical work.

In case of dismissal or transfer to other work the contractor shall submit the cases which are available for it and documents to the person who is again appointed to this position or temporarily replacing it under the act.

All cases and separate documents with indication of condition of their execution are listed in the act.

2. General requirements to execution of documents

7. Legal grounds of creation of administrative documents (decisions, orders, orders) in the organizations are:

7.1. requirements of the existing regulatory legal acts;

7.2. specific orders of superior organizations;

7.3. implementation of the current organizational and administrative or administrative activities for the purpose of accomplishment by the organization of the tasks assigned to it within its competence;

7.4. requirement of legal regulation of operation of the office of the organization.

8. For production of documents forms and the paper of formats are used: A4 (210 x 297 mm) and A5 (210 x 148 mm) according to the interstate standard 9327-60 "Paper consumer. Formats".

9. In the organizations with big document flow forms are applied to separate document types on which the typographical method prints the name of document type (the decision, the protocol, the order, etc.).

The documents produced on behalf of two or more organizations are constituted without form. "These documents affirm the signature of the head of the organization and official stamp of the organization.

Forms on administrative documentation are developed according to the interstate standard 6.38-90 "System of administrative documentation. The form - sample".

Forms shall be made on white paper number 1. It is in exceptional cases allowed to apply the paper which is poorly painted in light tone.

10. In case of creation of often repeating same documents (the notice, the letter, etc.) forms of documents with the pattern texts produced by typographical method can be applied.

11. On forms of the organizations made by typographical method the following details are printed:


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