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of May 18, 2007 No. 561

About the Customs integrated information system

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of 18.07.2018 No. 709)

The government DECIDES:

1. Approve:

The concept of the Customs integrated information system according to the appendix N1;

Regulations on access to the Customs integrated information system according to the appendix N2.

2. Appoint Customs Service the holder of the Customs integrated information system.

3. To Customs Service to develop and within 3 months to implement necessary software products for access of the central industry bodies of public management to the Customs integrated information system.


Prime Minister

Vasile Tarlev


first Deputy Prime Minister


Zinaida Grechany

minister of information development

Vladimir Molozhen

Appendix №1

to the Order of the Government No. 561 of May 18, 2007

The concept of the Customs integrated information system


According to the plan of strategic actions for implementation of reforms in Customs Service cardinal upgrade of information system is performed, necessary measures for its reduction in compliance with the growing amount of information, adaptation to the regulations operating in the international practice are undertaken.

The concept of the Customs integrated information system (further - the concept) formulates the main requirements for implementation of new information technologies in customs activities.

Informatization of customs authorities is strategic and priority activity of Customs Service and represents process of implementation of modern information technologies in customs activities.

I. General provisions

This concept is developed according to the plan of strategic actions approved annually within Customs Service and with the General concept of the information system ASYCUDA World (The law N301-XV of July 11, 2003 on ratification of the Credit agreement for development (The "Simplification of Trade and Transportations in Southeast Europe" project between the Republic of Moldova and International Development Association).

The concept determines the purposes, tasks, functions, and also set of the conclusions concerning development of the Customs integrated information system and implementation of new information technologies in customs activities. It represents methodical basis of creation of complex information system for the purpose of ensuring functioning of customs authorities.


Basic concepts

For the purpose of submission of this concept the following basic concepts are used:

information technical means - means of informatization: computer facilities, network equipment, specialized equipment for customs control, including for detection of radioactive materials, laboratory equipment, supportive technical electronic applications;

software product - set or part of the programs, procedures, rules and documents accompanying system of information processing;

Information system ASYCUDA World (ASYCUDA: Automated SYstem for CUstoms DAta) - the software product developed by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development for the purpose of support of reforms in customs authorities and rendering assistance in simplification of trade and customs control;

The customs integrated information system (in дальнейшемТИИС) - set of the information technical means and software products used in engineering procedure of customs authorities;

information security - set of the organizational and technical procedures and regulations used for exception of causing any losses to interests of holders of data, information systems, and also users of information;

safety of information - the attribute of data characterizing their safety before any events posing threat of their integrity.

TIIS joins in the National information system of the Republic of Moldova, namely "The state administration and safety" (fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The place of TIIS in structure of the National information system of the Republic of Moldova

Рисунок 1 к Пост. от 18.05.2007 №561

II. Regulatory framework

The regulatory framework of TIIS is based on the current legislation and the international acts which party the Republic of Moldova is. Development and functioning of TIIS is regulated by the following legal and regulations:

The customs code of the Republic of Moldova N1149-XIV of July 20, 2000;

The tax code of the Republic of Moldova N1163-XIII of April 24, 1997;

The law N1380-XIII of November 20, 1997 on customs tariff;

The law N1417-XIII of December 17, 1997 on enforcement of the Section III of the Tax code;

The law N1054-XIV of June 16, 2000 on enforcement of the Section IV of the Tax code;

The law N982-XIV of May 11, 2000 on information access;

The law N467-XV of November 21, 2003 on informatization and about the state information resources;

The law N264-XV of July 15, 2004 on the electronic document and the digital signature;

The law N301-XV of July 11, 2003 on ratification of the Credit agreement for development ("Simplification of Trade and Transportations in Southeast Europe" project) between the Republic of Moldova and International Development Association;

The order of the Government N1140 of November 2, 2005. "About approval of the Regulations on enforcement of the customs appointments provided by the Customs code of the Republic of Moldova".


Purpose and main objectives of TIIS

The purpose of creation of TIIS is development of the integrated platform based on platform of the ASYCUDA World system, interaction of all software products, and also creation of perspective information system and the organization of its effective application in customs authorities of the Republic of Moldova.

Implementation of the ASYCUDA World system promoted creation of TIIS. All technical and functional solutions provided by the information system ASYCUDA World constitute skeleton and the main structure to which the software products specific to customs activities in Moldova will be added.


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