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of May 28, 2007 No. 325

About approval of form of the offer on creation of autonomous organization by change like the existing public or local government office

According to article 5 of the Federal law "About Autonomous Organizations" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed form of the offer on creation of autonomous organization by change like the existing public or local government office.

2. To the Ministry of economic development and trade of the Russian Federation to approve methodical recommendations about filling of the form of the offer approved by this resolution in a month.


Prime Minister

Russian Federation M. Fradkov

Approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2007 No. 325

Form of the offer on creation of autonomous organization by change like the existing public or local government office

I. Reasons for creation of autonomous organization

1. Description of feasibility

changes of the type existing

state or municipal

organizations taking into account possible

social and economic consequences

creations of autonomous organization

2. Availability assessment

provisions of expected services

to the population the created autonomous

organization, description of expected

qualities of the performed works and

the rendered services

3. Description of main objectives and


the created autonomous organization

4. Details of the decision on approval

changes of the type existing

state or municipal

organizations the highest joint

body of this organization (in case of

availability of such body) * or

the head of this organization (in case of

absence of collegiate organ)

II. General information about the existing public or local government office

5. Full name

state or municipal


6. Abbreviated name

state or municipal


7. Location

state or municipal


8. Postal address of state

or local government office

9. Surname, name, middle name

head state or

local government office and

details of the decision on its appointment *

10. Information about the owner

state-owned property or

local government office

(Russian Federation, name

subject of the Russian Federation,

name of municipal


11. Information about the founder

autonomous organization (Russian

Federation, name of the subject

Russian Federation, name


12. Name of body

government, body

local self-government,

performing functions and

powers of the founder

13. Details of the act of creation

state or municipal

organizations *

14. The main state

registration number

state or municipal

organizations *

15. Identification number

taxpayer (INN) *

16. Reason code of registration

state or municipal

organizations in tax authority


17. Codes on All-Russian

to the qualifier of types of economic

activities, products and services

18. List of branches and

representations of state

or local government office on

territories of the Russian Federation

19. List of branches and

representations of state

or local government office for


III. Data on the purposes and types of activity of the existing public or local government office

20. Subject and purposes of activities

state or municipal


21. List of main types

activities (functions),

enshrined in the charter and

performed state or

local government office

22. List of other types

activities, enshrined in the charter

and performed by state

or local government office

23. Information on availability of licenses

(name of licensing

body, the licensed type

activities, license number, term

actions of the license, acceptance date

decisions on provision of the license) *

24. Information on availability

state accreditation

(details and effective period

certificates on state

accreditations, state

the status of organization according to

certificate on state

accreditations) *

IV. Data on property of the existing public or local government office

25. Data on property

state (municipal)

organizations, fixed on the right

operational management:

list of property **

total carrying amount

non-financial assets (on the last

reporting date)

total carrying amount

financial assets (on the last

reporting date)

26. Data on property,

acquired by state

(municipal) organization for the account

the means received from

implementation entrepreneurial and

other revenue-producing activities,

arrived in independent

order of organization and

considered on separate balance:

list of property **

total carrying amount

non-financial assets (on the last

reporting date)

total carrying amount

financial assets (on the last

reporting date)

27. List of objects of movable

property of organization, which

it is supposed to include in structure

especially valuable personal estate

autonomous organization:

name of objects

total carrying amount

objects, except for objects

museum, library and archival

funds (on the last reporting date)

V. Data on other property which is subject to transfer

in operational management of the created autonomous organization

28. Data on other property,

subject to transfer to operational


name of objects

total carrying amount of other


VI. Data on financing and the income of the existing public or local government office

29. Amounts budget year of n-2 year of n-1 year of n

public financing or

local government office for

the previous 3rd years (since year

n preceding giving of form):

federal budget

budget of the subject Russian


local budget

30. Amounts of the means received from year of n-2 year of n-1 year of n

territorial fund

obligatory medical

insurance for the previous 3rd years

(since year of n prior

to giving of form)

31. Amount of the income state year of n-2 year of n-1 year of n

or local government office from

implementation entrepreneurial and

other revenue-producing activities

for the previous 3rd years (since


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