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of June 12, 1999 No. 50

About political parties

Accepted by General Court of Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on May 25, 1999

(as amended of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 21.01.2025 No. 17)

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Concept of political party

In this Law the political party is meant as voluntary consolidation of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic who have the common political goals and tasks promoting implementation of political will of certain part of the population and take part through the representatives in administration of the state.

Article 2. Legal framework of the organization and activities of political parties

Chapter II. Purposes and principles of creation and activities of political parties

Article 3. Purposes of creation and activities of political parties

Political parties are created for the purpose of realization of political will of certain part of the population and put the main objective participation in administration of the state in forms:

promotions of the candidates for election for Jogorku Kenesh, to the state positions and in local government bodies;

forming of fractions in representative bodies.

Creation and activities of the political parties having the purpose and by method of actions overthrow, violent change of the constitutional system, undermining sovereignty and violation of integrity of the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, propaganda for war, violence and cruelty, kindling of social, racial, national and religious discord and hostility, making of other acts contradicting the constitutional system of the Kyrgyz Republic and not compatible to the universally recognized norms of international law is not allowed.

In the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic it is not allowed:

creation and activities of political parties of the foreign states, and also their divisions;

creation of political parties on religious basis, and also participation of political parties in religious activities.

Article 4. Principles of creation and activities of political party

The basic principles of creation and activities of political party are:

freedom of action;

voluntariness of participation;

equality of members;


legality and publicity;


Article 5. Conditions of creation of political parties

Political parties are created at the initiative of at least 10 citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Initiators of creation of political party convene constituent congress (conference) or general meeting on which the charter is accepted and governing bodies are created.

Article 6. Membership in political party

Political parties have the fixed and/or unstable membership.

The capable citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic who reached 18-year age, voluntarily entered party, recognizing its charter and the program can be members of political parties.

The citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic can be the member only of one political party.

Government employees have the right to perform party activities out of connection with the office activities.

Article 7. Rights of members of political party

The rights of members of political party are determined by its charter and cannot contradict the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic and the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic, the international legal acts about the rights and personal freedoms ratified by the Kyrgyz Republic.

Participation or nonparticipation of the citizen in activities of political party cannot form the basis for restriction of its rights and freedoms or for preventing to execution of the service duties established by the law by it, except as specified, the stipulated in Article 6 these Laws.

Each member of the party or group of her members have the right to free declaration of will.

Article 8. Charter of political party

The political party shall have the charter open for general data.

In the charter are reflected:

name of political party, its location;

structure of political party, procedure for forming, competence and terms of power of its governing bodies;

terms of convocation of conferences, congresses;

conditions and procedure for admission to membership of political party and exit from it;

rights and obligations of members of political party;

procedure for decision making, their implementation and form of control;

sources of formation of means and other property of political party;

procedure for modification and amendments in the charter of political party;

procedure for the termination of activities of political party and destiny of its property.

Article 9. Name and symbols of batch

The name of batch, its reduced name and symbolics shall differ from the name and symbolics of other batches registered in the Kyrgyz Republic.

In case of change of the name of batch shall be re-registered in the procedure established by the legislation.

Batches can have as emblem symbols, flags, the anthem, pennants and badges. Symbols do not owe promotion of the serve purposes specified in part two of article 3 of this Law.

When carrying out election propaganda in the name of batch display and other use in propaganda materials of parts and elements of information (images) containing direct and indirect borrowings or references to religious subject is not allowed.

Article 10. State registration of political party

The political party is registered according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Chapter III. Political parties and state

Article 11. Rights and obligations of political parties

For implementation of the purposes and tasks determined in their program documents, other acts, political parties have the right:

it is free to distribute information on the purposes and activities, to establish mass media, in the procedure established by the law to hold meetings, demonstrations, meetings and other mass actions;

unite on a voluntary basis in political blocks, the unions, associations;

participate in presidential elections, in Jogorku Kenesh and in other elected state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic;

in the democratic way to influence development of decisions of state bodies;

push the applicants in candidates for President of the Kyrgyz Republic;

propose the candidates for election for Jogorku Kenesh and in local government bodies the single party list, carry on election propaganda, create support groups;

perform other functions provided by this Law and other legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Governing bodies of batch shall be surely in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.


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