Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  May 1, 2016 except Article 37, which is applied to persons specified in Items 10 and 12 of the Section XI of the Law of Ukraine No. 889-VIII  according to Item 2 of the Section XI of the Law of Ukraine of December 10, 2015 to No. 889-VIII


of December 16, 1993 No. 3723-XII

About public service

(as amended on 03-10-2017)

This Law governs the public relations covering activities of the state for creation of legal, organizational, economic and social sales terms by citizens of Ukraine of the right to public service.

It determines the general principles of activities, and also the status of the government employees working in state bodies and their device.

Section I. General provisions

Article 1. Public service and government employees

Public service in Ukraine is professional activity of the persons holding positions in state bodies and their device on practical accomplishment of tasks and functions of the state and receiving the salary for the account of public funds.

These persons are government employees and have the appropriate office authority.

Article 2. Position and official

The position is the primary structural unit of state body and its device determined by structure and the staff list to which the circle of office powers established by regulations is assigned.

According to this Law heads and deputy managers of state bodies and their device, other government employees to whom the laws or other regulations assign implementation of organizational and administrative and advisory and consultative functions are considered as officials.

Article 3. Basic principles of public service

Public service is based on the following basic principles:

services to the people of Ukraine;

democratism and legality;

humanity and social justice;

priority of rights of man and citizen;

professionalism, competence, initiative, honesty, commitment to case;

the personal responsibility for execution of service duties and discipline;

observance of the rights and legitimate interests of bodies of local and regional self-government;

observance of the rights of the companies, organizations and organizations, associations of citizens.

Article 4. Right to public service

Citizens of Ukraine irrespective of origin, social and property status, racial and national identity, floor, political views, religious beliefs, the residences which got the corresponding education and professional training and underwent in accordance with the established procedure competitive selection or according to other procedure provided by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine have the right to public service.

Article 5. Ethics of behavior of the government employee

The government employee shall:

it is fair to fulfill the service duties;

to treat citizens, heads and employees with respect, to observe high culture of communication;

not allow actions and acts which can damage to interests of public service or affect negatively reputation of the government employee.

Section II. State policy in the sphere of public service

Article 6. The main directions of state policy in the sphere of public service

State policy in the sphere of public service is determined by the Supreme Council of Ukraine.

The main directions of state policy in the sphere of public service is determination of main objectives, tasks and principles of functioning of institute of public service, ensuring effective work of all state bodies according to their competence.

Carrying out single state policy and functional control of public service is exercised of specially authorized central executive body concerning realization of state policy in the sphere of public service

Questions of functioning of public service in other state bodies which legal status is regulated by special laws of Ukraine are solved these bodies.


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