of December 6, 1991 No. 1934-XII
About the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Ukraine, considering need of ensuring own military safety and defense, realizing the responsibility in maintenance of the international stability as the sovereign and independent, democratic, social, constitutional state has the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the necessary level of their combat readiness and fighting capacity.
This Law determines functions, structure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, legal principles of their organization, activities, dislocation, management and management of them.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine are military forming to which according to the Constitution of Ukraine defense of Ukraine, protection of its sovereignty, territorial integrity and immunity are assigned.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine provide control of the armed aggression against Ukraine and repulse to it, protection of airspace of the state and underwater space in borders of the territorial sea in the cases determined by the law participate in the actions directed to fight against terrorism.
The part three is excluded.
Connections, military units and divisions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to the law can be involved in implementation of actions of legal regime of warlike and emergency state of safety and protection of critical infrastructure of implementation of actions for the treatment of prisoners of war during the special period, actions for ensuring national security and defense, repulse and control of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the organization and support of actions of resistance, carrying out military information and psychological operations, fight against terrorism and piracy, measures for implementation of protection of life, health of citizens and objects (property) of state-owned property outside Ukraine, ensuring their safety and evacuation (return), strengthening of protection of frontier, protection of the sovereign rights of Ukraine in its exclusive (sea) economic zone and on the continental shelf and their legal registration, safety of national sea navigation of Ukraine in the high sea or in any place outside jurisdiction of any state, actions for prevention of distribution of weapons of mass destruction, counteraction to illegal transportation of weapon and drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogs or precursors in the high sea, liquidation of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature of crisis situations, rendering military aid to other states and also to participate in the international military cooperation, the international anti-terrorist, anti-counterfeiting and other international peace support operations and safety based on international treaties of Ukraine and according to the procedure and on the conditions determined by the legislation of Ukraine.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine in the field of protection of critical infrastructure provide the organization of protection of military facilities of critical infrastructure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine against terrorist threats, preparation for use of troops (forces) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in case of making of act of terrorism in airspace or the territorial sea of Ukraine, holding actions for increase in level of security, elimination of risks and threats of vzryvopozharobezopasnost of arsenals, bases and warehouses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, task performance on antiaircraft cover of important objects of the state (critical infrastructure) which list is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Bodies of military management of investigation and military units of investigation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Forces of special transactions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to the law can be involved in accomplishment of prospecting tasks.
Bodies of military management provide strict observance of requirements of the Constitution of Ukraine that the Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot be used for restriction of the rights and freedoms of citizens or for the purpose of overthrow of the constitutional system, elimination of public authorities or preventing of their activities.
No force majeure, orders or orders of commanders and chiefs can be the basis for any illegal actions in relation to the civilian population, its property and the environment.
Military personnel bears responsibility according to the law for return and execution of obviously criminal order or order.
The rights and obligations of the military personnel which are involved in implementation of the measures provided by part four of this Article are determined by the law.
Connections, military units of division and the military personnel, including forces on duty, the Armed Forces of Ukraine in peace time and during the special period (except the period of action of warlike situation) have the right to apply and use weapon and military equipment for:
reflections of blows of means of air and underwater attack to important state and military facilities which direct cover is performed by forces on duty;
the terminations of violation of frontier of Ukraine by aircrafts of paramilitary groups of other states which do not execute commands (signals) which are sent by interception aircrafts (helicopters) on duty or use weapon;
the terminations of illegal actions of aircrafts in airspace of Ukraine if they are used for the purpose of implementation of act of terrorism;
coercions to landing of the seized (stolen) aircrafts;
ensuring accomplishment of the tasks assigned to the Armed Forces of Ukraine concerning repulse of the possible armed aggression against Ukraine, ensuring immunity of airspace and underwater space within the territorial sea of Ukraine;
self-defenses in case of use of weapons against them or threat of such application, and also in case of any actions which can lead to drawing considerable loss of property to objects which are covered with them, in the place of dislocation or around task performance;
assistance to the ships (motor boats) of Sea protection of the State Border Service of Ukraine in case of use of weapons against them or threat of such application, and also during continuous pursuit which began in the territorial sea of Ukraine, the foreign vessel in the high sea for coercion it to stop;
reflections of piracy attacks on sea or aircrafts and persons who are on their board, capture piracy sea or aircrafts, release of hostages, and also sea or the aircrafts seized by pirates in the high sea or in other place outside jurisdiction of any state;
ensuring accomplishment assigned to connection, military units and divisions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of tasks during their application around conducting anti-terrorist operation, in case of making of act of terrorism in airspace or the territorial sea of Ukraine;
ensuring protection against terrorist encroachments of objects and property of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, weapons of mass destruction, rocket and small arms, ammunition, the explosive and toxic agents which are in military units or is stored in certain places;
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