Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of March 1, 1995 No. 2-1/6

(as amended on 15-06-2023)

These Regulations on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal constitutional Law of July 21, 1994 N 1-FKZ "About the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" (with subsequent changes) regulate questions of internal activities of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation (further - the Constitutional Court).

Chapter 1. General questions of internal activities of the Constitutional Court

§ 1. Meetings of the Constitutional Court

1. The constitutional court holds meetings:

1) concerning compliance of addresses to requirements of the Federal constitutional Law "About the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" (Item 1 of paragraph 24 of these Regulations);

2) concerning adoption of appeals to consideration (paragraph 28 of these Regulations);

3) on hearing of the case;

4) on adoption of the final decision on case (the closed meeting of judges of the Constitutional Court) (paragraph 58 of these Regulations);

5) on permission of case without carrying out hearing;

6) in other cases provided by the Federal constitutional Law "About the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" and these Regulations including for decision making concerning internal activities of the Constitutional Court.

2. Meetings of the Constitutional Court are convened by the Chairman of the Constitutional Court according to the schedule of holding meetings of the Constitutional Court, and also at the initiative of the Chairman of the Constitutional Court, upon the demand of the vice-chairman of the Constitutional Court, or at least three judges of the Constitutional Court (further - judges), or the commission created by the Constitutional Court.

3. It is excluded according to the Solution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 12.11.2020.

4. In the meetings of the Constitutional Court specified in subitems 1 and 2 of Item 1 of this paragraph other questions, in addition to questions of compliance of addresses to requirements of the Federal constitutional Law "About the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" and adoption of appeals to consideration, according to the Federal constitutional Law "About the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" and these Regulations subject to consideration in meeting of the Constitutional Court can be considered.

5. At the meetings of the Constitutional Court specified in subitems 1 and 2 of Item 1 of this paragraph there can be employees of the device of the Constitutional Court if the Chairman of the Constitutional Court (the chairman in meeting of the Constitutional Court) or the Constitutional Court does not solve other.

The question of presence of employees of the device of the Constitutional Court at the meetings of the Constitutional Court specified in subitems 4 - the 6th Item 1 of this paragraph, is solved the Constitutional Court.

Others, in addition to employees of the device of the Constitutional Court, persons can be present at meetings of the Constitutional Court only with the permission of the Constitutional Court. This rule does not extend to meetings on hearing of the case.

6. The procedure for taking the minutes and the shorthand report of meeting of the Constitutional Court is determined by separate types of meetings by these Regulations. In the part which is not settled by these Regulations the following rules are applied:

1) at meetings of the Constitutional Court the protocol and the shorthand report is taken (except cases when the Constitutional Court makes the decision on lack of need of maintaining the shorthand report);

2) if the Constitutional Court makes the decision on holding meeting without participation of the staff of the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court providing recording and shorthand, then the minutes are taken by one of judges at the request of the Constitutional Court, and shorthand is not performed;

The minutes of the Constitutional Court shall contain 3): date of meeting and time of its beginning and termination; surnames of attendees and the absent judges with indication of absence reasons of each of them known to the Constitutional Court; the questions put to the vote, and disclosed by the Chairman of the Constitutional Court (the chairman in meeting of the Constitutional Court) results of vote;

4) meetings of the Constitutional Court has the right to get acquainted with the protocol and the shorthand report (if that was conducted) only judges if the Constitutional Court does not make the decision on access of employees of the device of the Constitutional Court with them for the purposes of preparation of draft documents. The staff of the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court has the right to get acquainted with the protocol and the shorthand report of the meetings of the Constitutional Court specified in subitems 1 - 3 Items 1 of this paragraph if the Constitutional Court does not solve other. The parties according to part four of article 59 of the Federal constitutional Law "About the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" have the right to get acquainted with the protocol and the shorthand report of meeting of the Constitutional Court on hearing of the case;

5) the judge has the right to bring the notes which are considered by the Constitutional Court on the protocol and the shorthand report.

§ 2. Working meetings of judges

1. For consideration of questions which do not require according to the Federal Constitutional Law "About the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" or these Regulations of holding meeting of the Constitutional Court working meetings of judges can be held.

2. Working meetings of judges are convoked by the Chairman of the Constitutional Court or according to its order - the vice-chairman of the Constitutional Court. The working meeting of judges can be called upon the demand of any of judges.

3. Employees of the device of the Constitutional Court and other persons can be invited to working meetings of judges.

4. The working meeting of judges is competent to make decisions with the majority from number of effective judges. Decisions on working meetings of judges are made by a majority vote from number of the present judges.

5. Action of Item 8 parts one of Article 18 and part five of article 72 of the Federal constitutional Law "About the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" does not extend to working meetings of judges.

6. On working meetings of judges the protocol and (or) the shorthand report can be taken.

7. Solutions of working meetings of judges have binding character for judges and employees of the device of the Constitutional Court.

§ 3. The commissions and working groups created in the Constitutional Court

1. For preliminary studying and preparation of drafts of decisions concerning change of these Regulations, generalization of practice of the Constitutional Court, to personnel, budgetary and other problems the Constitutional Court can create both the temporary, and permanent commissions from among judges. The commissions employees of the device of the Constitutional Court can be included if other is not established by these Regulations.

2. The commission formed based on Item 2 of paragraph 19 and Item 3 of paragraph 21 of these Regulations is created of three judges determined by lot (except for the judge concerning whom this commission will perform check).

3. The constitutional court or the Chairman of the Constitutional Court for the solution of questions of individual nature can create working groups. Working group employees of the device of the Constitutional Court can be included.

§ 4. Schedule of holding meetings of the Constitutional Court. Leave of judges

1. The constitutional court in meeting determines dates of the meetings of the Constitutional Court specified in subitems 1 - the 5th Item 1 of paragraph 1 of these Regulations. Date of the closed meeting of judges can be determined (by adoption of the final decision) at the previous closed meeting of judges.

2. The annual leave is granted to all judges at the same time for the term established by the law. Time of the beginning and the end of annual leaves of judges is determined in meeting of the Constitutional Court.

§ 5. Solutions of the Constitutional Court

1. On the questions determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal constitutional Law "About the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" and these Regulations, the Constitutional Court makes decisions.

2. In case of decision making of the Constitutional Court if the form of such decision is not established by the Federal constitutional Law "About the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" and these Regulations, the Constitutional Court determines whether it is subject to registration in the form of the separate document or is entered in the minutes of the Constitutional Court.

3. Discussion and decision making of the Constitutional Court is made in the closed meeting of judges in the cases which are directly provided by these Regulations and also upon the demand of at least three judges if other is not provided by these Regulations.

4. The solution of the Constitutional Court which is drawn up in the form of the separate document is signed by the Chairman of the Constitutional Court or person, the acting as the Chairman of the Constitutional Court.

5. Features of the procedure of acceptance and execution of the decisions of the Constitutional Court made during implementation of the constitutional legal proceedings are established by Chapter 7 of these Regulations.

§ 6. Legislative initiative of the Constitutional Court

The decision on performance with the legislative initiative on the question relating to maintaining the Constitutional Court is accepted by the Constitutional Court according to the procedure, established for adoption of final solutions of the Constitutional Court.

§ 7.

It is excluded according to the Solution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 12.11.2020.

§ 8. Powers of the Chairman of the Constitutional Court concerning the organization of activities of the Constitutional Court

1. Along with the powers listed in the Federal constitutional Law "About the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation", the Chairman of the Constitutional Court:

1) is submited the Constitutional Court of date of meetings of the Constitutional Court, by time of the beginning and the end of annual leaves of judges;

Convokes 2) planned, and in the cases provided by these Regulations - unplanned meetings of the Constitutional Court, and also the closed meetings of judges (on development of the final decision) or working meetings of judges, presides over them;

3) also approval of the Constitutional Court the project of expense budget for the next financial year and the report on its execution submits;

4) performs powers of the representative of the employer in relation to the government civil servants of the device of the Constitutional Court;

5) sends judges to official journeys;


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