of August 29, 1997 No. 463-I
About the National program for training
The Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan decides:
1. Approve the National program for training.
2. To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan to develop and perform comprehensive plan of actions for step-by-step implementation of the National program for training, having paid special attention on financial and its material security in case of approval of the government budget.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Islam Karimov
Approved by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 29, 1997 No. 463-I
General provisions
The Republic of Uzbekistan performs creation of the democratic constitutional state and the open civil society providing observance of human rights and freedoms, spiritual updating of society, forming of socially oriented market economy, integration into the world community.
Main goal and driving force of the transformations realized in the republic is the person, its harmonious development and welfare, creation of conditions and efficient mechanisms of realization of interests of the personality, change of the become obsolete stereotypes of thinking and social behavior. Important condition of development of Uzbekistan is forming of committed system of training on the basis of rich intellectual heritage of the people and universal values, achievements of modern culture, economy, science, the equipment and technologies.
The national program for training corresponds to provisions of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About education", is developed on the basis of the analysis of national experience, proceeding from world achievements in education system and is oriented to forming of new generation of personnel with high general and professional culture, creative and social activity, ability to be guided independently in social and political life, capable to put and solve problems on perspective.
The program provides realization of national model of training, creation of social and economic, legal, psychology and pedagogical and other conditions for forming of comprehensively developed personality, adaptations to life in the modern changing society, the conscious choice and the subsequent development of educational and professional programs, education of the citizens understanding the social responsibility, the state and family.
1.1. The reached level of development
Finding of the state sovereignty by the Republic of Uzbekistan, the choice of own way of economic and social development caused the necessity of reorganization of structure and content of training, caused acceptance of number of measures: introduction of the Law "About Education" (1992); implementation of new curricula, programs, textbooks, development of modern didactic providing; implementation of certification and accreditation of educational institutions; creation of new types of educational institutions.
In the field of preschool education the network of home kindergartens and the complexes "kindergarten-school" develops. More than 800 groups on training of children in foreign languages, choreography, to fine and musical arts, bases of computer literacy are created.
The network of schools and general education educational institutions of new type develops. 238 lyceums and 136 gymnasiums function. Target programs "Sogl авлод учун", "Majnaviyat va majrifat", "Economic education", "Rural school", "Rehabilitation of children with variations in development" and others are implemented.
At comprehensive schools of the republic over 435 thousand teachers from whom 73 percent have the higher education work.
Reorganization of vocational training taking into account territorial features of market grouping of work, first of all in the rural zone is begun. In this system 442 educational institutions nowadays function, including - 209 vocational schools, 180 professional lyceums and 53 business schools with general school enrollment 221 thousand people. In educational institutions of primary professional education about 20 thousand teachers and qualified specialists work now.
In the republic 258 educational institutions of secondary professional education with school enrollment of 197 thousand people are effective. In them about 16 thousand teachers and engineering and pedagogical workers work.
The system of the higher school of Uzbekistan includes 58 higher educational institutions, including 16 universities, 12 of which 164 thousand people are created for the first two years of independent development of Uzbekistan and 42 institutes with the contingent of students. In higher education institutions 52 percent of the doctor and candidates of science work with 18,5 of thousand teachers, from them. In the higher education decentralization and regionalization of training is carried out, the network of educational institutions extends, university education gains development. Training in new industries of knowledge is begun, transition of the higher school to multi-level system is performed.
Progressive methods of assessment of level of knowledge of entrants and students on the basis of testing and rating control take root.
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The document ceased to be valid since September 24, 2020 according to article 72 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 23, 2020 No. ZRU-637