It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
April 4, 2007
No. 310/13577
of December 27, 2006 No. 1196
About approval of Rules of public conveyance, baggage, cargo baggage and mail by railway transport of Ukraine
According to the Law of Ukraine "About rail transport" and Procedure for servicing of citizens by the railway transport approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 19, 1997 N 252, I ORDER:
1. Approve Rules of public conveyance, baggage, cargo baggage and mail by railway transport of Ukraine (are applied).
2. Public administration of rail transport of Ukraine (Kozak V. V.) to provide this order on state registration to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure.
3. This order becomes effective since May 1, 2007.
4. Declare invalid the order of the Ministry of transport of Ukraine of July 28, 1998 No. 297 "About approval of Rules of public conveyances, baggage, cargo baggage and mail by railway transport of Ukraine", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on October 1, 1998 for No. 620/3060 with changes.
5. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the First Deputy Minister Korniyenko V. V.
N. Rudkovsky
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine of December 27, 2006 No. 1196
1.1. These rules are developed according to requirements of the Civil code of Ukraine, the Code of Ukraine about administrative offenses, the Charter of the railroads of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 06.04.98 of N 457, of the Procedure for servicing of citizens by rail, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 19.03.97 of N252 (further the Procedure), and extend to workers of rail transport, physical persons and legal entities irrespective of their patterns of ownership and subordination which:
a) use services of rail transport;
b) perform public conveyance, baggage, cargo baggage and mail by rail;
c) service passengers at stations, in Items of sale of travel documents and in trains.
1.2. Rules are applied in transit passengers, baggage, cargo baggage and mail by rail lines public only in regional traffic (within Ukraine) and in cars of the park of Ukrainian Railroad joint-stock company (further - JSC Ukrainskaya zheleznaya doroga) or other subjects of managing performing public conveyances, baggage, cargo baggage and mail, railway administrations (railroads) and carriers of other states or leased from them and also in own cars belonging to the companies, the organizations, organizations or citizens - to the subjects of business activity including located outside Ukraine (further subjects of managing).
In transit passengers within Ukraine in cars of railway administrations and carriers of other states, regarding calculation of air fare regulations of these Rules are effective, and regarding condition of carriages and calculation of cost of reserved seat regulations of the corresponding international treaties are effective.
1.3. Mail by the railroads of Ukraine is transported on contractual basis.
1.4. Workers of the railroads and subjects of managing shall be polite concerning each passenger, the sender and the receiver of cargo baggage, to show care and attention to them, to take measures for the purpose of remedial action in servicing of citizens irrespective of under what circumstances and on whose fault they arose.
1.5. Service employees of carrier of all levels of process control of public conveyance, baggage, cargo baggage and servicing of passengers shall perform personal reception of citizens concerning servicing by their employees of jurisdictional enterprises.
The schedule of acceptance is hung out directly on door or about door of office office.
1.6. All marks in travel and carriage documents, acts, references are certified by the signature and stamp of the official or stamp of the station with indication of date. On travel documents also time of implementation of mark - hours and minutes is put down (appendix 1).
1.7. The terms used in Rules have the following value:
The automobile-carrier - the car of special design with the equipment for transportation of cars included in structure of the passenger train.
The self-service terminal (booth) - the special equipment intended for printout on paper of the electronic travel document ordered via the Internet for provision of the directory services and other transactions connected with servicing of passengers.
The luggage (cargo luggage) receipt - the carriage document which is issued to the passenger who is checking in luggage in transportation or the sender of cargo baggage and is confirmation of the conclusion of the contract for it transportation. According to the luggage carriage contract (cargo baggage) the carrier shall transport baggage (cargo baggage), and the passenger or the sender of cargo baggage to destination - to pay the freight charge.
Baggage (cargo baggage) lightweight - objects (things) which amount of 1 kg of weight exceeds 8000 cm cube. Brooms, baskets, tow, plastic large bottles (empty), furniture (wattled) and so forth concern to them.
The car through-the passenger rail car which follows to station of destination with rehitching along the line to two or more trains together with the passengers who are in the car.
Passenger rail cars - the cars intended for public conveyance. Are among these cars also luggage, dining cars, office and technical (office, including cars salons, clubs, sanitary, test and measuring, laboratories, automobile-carriers and other cars of passenger type with the special equipment).
The special passenger rail car - the passenger rail car which is in accordance with the established procedure intended to running by request of any legal entity or physical person for transportation of group of passengers, baggage or cargo baggage.
The car salon - the special office passenger rail car which part is equipped for work, part - for rest.
The car staff - the car for public conveyance where there is working compartment of the guard of train and compartment of other workers providing maintenance of the train, equipped with radio station, broadcasting center or other communicating device with conductors of the train and the driver of the locomotive.
The station - the complex of special constructions, rooms, the equipment intended for temporary stay of passengers and their servicing, provision to passengers of paid and free services including sales of products of power supply, manufactured and joint products, typographical products and placement of service personnel. Are part of this complex: landing platforms, pedestrian tunnels and bridges, transitions through railway tracks, luggage rooms, part of the station square, adjacent to construction. Depending on work contents on departure of passengers stations happen out-of-class, I, II, III classes.
The document for return - visual form of an electronic document on return which is unpacked on paper or remains as set of electronic data (on the smartphone, the tablet, etc.).
The document for services - visual form of an electronic document on services which is unpacked on paper or remains as set of electronic data (on the smartphone, the tablet, etc.).
The waiting room - specially equipped room of the station intended for temporary stay of the passengers expecting departure or train arrival.
The waiting room of the increased comfort - the waiting room in which comfortable conditions of stay of passengers are provided (the increased quality chairs, coffee tables, the press, the TV).
The return departure - registration to the passenger in Item of initial departure of departure in return track.
Infrastructure of rail transport - technological complex which part are: railway tracks of the message, railway stations, structures of power supply, communication, the alarm system, centralization, blocking, information complexes and traffic control system, etc., providing functioning of single complex of transportations by railway transport public.
Cash desk luggage - the certain specially equipped room for registration of luggage transport and cargo baggage.
Ticket office - specially equipped room for registration of journey of passengers and return of payments for unused travel documents.
Baggage storage - specially equipped room for short-term storage of cabin baggage, passengers' luggage.
Category of the car - kind of cars for public conveyance depending on their arrangement, seating capacity in the car and journey conditions.
The head of organized group of children - the person in charge designated by the organizer of transportation of children for their maintenance.
The head of tourist group - the person who is the representative of the subject of tourist activities and acting from his name.
Sales charge - the means paid for the service connected with registration, return, renewal of travel documents.
The compartment mixed - compartment in which sale of travel documents for persons irrespective of floor is performed (men's, women's).
Compartment family - specially equipped compartment of the car with places for lying, sale of travel documents in which is performed as for three persons performing trip together.
Compartment men's (women's) - compartment in which sale of travel documents only for persons of men's (female) floor is performed.
Marking of baggage, cargo baggage - placement is direct on packaging of special information on the station, the railroad of departure and assignment this about the sender, the receiver, features of the address with objects which are drawn up to transportation.
The route of journey is approved - travel of the passenger by the train with the changes approved with the representative of carrier to registration of driving or chosen independently through one of the routes offered by system during registration of journey via channels of self-service taking into account time necessary for safe change.
Piece of luggage, cargo baggage - each separate thing prepared for sending or several things packed into one departure (sac, box, backpack, etc.) with the put marking after weighing.
Non-tariff stopping point - stopping point on which luggage transactions are not performed.
Organized group of passengers - properly the group of passengers organized by the tourist organization or any legal entity or physical person in number of 10 and more people performing joint trip by train along identical route and with one purpose of visit.
The announced value - the actual cost of baggage, cargo baggage specified by the passenger in case of transportation registration.
The passenger - physical person which is transported by rail transport based on the travel document including electronic or is member of the organized group of persons passing based on the group travel document. These persons are considered as passengers from the moment of arrival to the station for implementation of trip (or changes on other train) until completion of trip. The term the passenger(s) is applied also to persons which are in Items of sale of travel documents, service points with the purpose to use services of these Items for journey rail transport, transportation of cabin baggage, baggage, cargo baggage, receipt of the reference, etc.
The transient - the passenger who is performing trip with changes, and having the travel documents on departure from change Items processed in Item of initial departure.
The passenger building - the building at the station where there is no station, with the rooms equipped for execution of travel documents, luggage and cargo luggage receipts, expectation of the train.
The platform - part of the territory of the station, approximate to railway tracks, on which landing and disembarkation of passengers, loading and unloading of luggage, mail vans are performed.
The carrier - JSC Ukrainskaya zheleznaya doroga or other subject of managing which performs public conveyances of baggage, cargo baggage and mail based on the agreement signed with the passenger (sender) and bears responsibility according to the legislation.
Platform - the flat sublime platform built according to regulations of construction about which the train for performing landing and disembarkation of passengers stops.
The day train - the train which is created from the cars equipped with places for sitting of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes with individual numbering.
The train additional - the passenger train which is not included in trains of year-round running;
The train commercial - the passenger train intended by carrier expensive to public conveyance to order of legal entity or physical person on contractual conditions.
The train local - the train which is serviced by motor car railway vehicles from the cars equipped with places for sitting both with indication of individual numbering and without numbering of places and is intended for public conveyance and cabin baggage on the certain site in the regional traffic connecting infrastructure of different types of transport".
The train city - the train created from the cars intended for public conveyance and cabin baggage (baggage) in the city message with certain seating capacity for sitting.
The night train - the train which is created from the cars equipped with places for lying - SV, compartment (To) and reserved seat (PL), with individual numbering of places.
The passenger train - the train created from the cars intended for public conveyance, baggage and cargo baggage. Depending on the speed of the train can be passenger, the ambulances accelerated, high-speed, high-speed, high-speed. The cars with the special equipment relating to passenger can also be part of the passenger train. Allocate day and night trains
The train of the increased comfort - the passenger train created from cars of standard or special pattern to which the category of the increased comfort is appropriated.
The special train - the additional passenger train intended for transportation of groups of passengers by request of legal entity or physical person.
The suburban train - the train created from the cars intended for public conveyance and cabin baggage (baggage) in the suburban message.
The train the suburban fast train created from the cars intended for public conveyance and cabin baggage (baggage) in the suburban message with numbering of places on suburban rate".
The regional train - the train which is created from the cars equipped with places for sitting of 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes with individual numbering and is intended for public conveyance in through and local traffic.
The landing document - visual form of the electronic travel document which is unpacked on paper or remains as set of electronic data (on the smartphone, the tablet, etc.).
The suburban ticket - the travel document certifying the conclusion of the contract between carrier and the passenger on journey or transportation of cabin baggage, live animals, plants in the suburban message on certain period. Suburban tickets happen complete - for journey of the adult passenger for all-in cost and preferential - for journey of separate categories of the passengers having the right to the privileges and discounts established by the legislation (free, children's, student's, etc.), according to the approved rates.
Service transport - public conveyance and their cabin baggage in all categories of passenger trains and luggage transport, cargo baggage in luggage cars.
Service additional - the service connected with transport, provided to passengers during registration of journey, acceptance of baggage or cargo baggage, stay in the train or at the station during return of unused travel and carriage documents.
The travel document - the document of the established sample certifying the passenger's right to journey by railway transport is also the transportation agreement, is drawn up on the corresponding form of the travel document, and also can be created in electronic form. Types of travel documents: complete, preferential, children's, free (free), group.
The travel document complete - the travel document processed for journey of the adult passenger for all-in cost according to the approved rates.
The travel document preferential - the travel document processed for person having the right to privileges on payment of fare based on the legislation, and which is drawn up with the corresponding discount of fare or it is free.
The travel document children's - the travel document processed for the child with the discount established by the legislation.
The travel document free - the travel document processed for person having the right to free pass according to the legislation.
The travel document group - the travel document processed for journey of persons following as a part of organized group.
The travel document which is not used partially - the travel document according to which the trip was performed only partially, for example, the interrupted trip along the line, trip were performed by the smaller number of passengers, than is specified in the travel document, etc.
The travel document with the postponed seal - the ordered document which cost is paid through the Internet with the subsequent seal of the travel document on the form of the established sample in ticket office for any time to train departure.
The acceptance inspector of baggage - the employee of the station (station) who accepts baggage and cargo baggage for shipment in the luggage car and issues it at stations of stop of the train to workers of the station (station) or the passenger.
The Item passenger stopping - Item on stage which has no traveling development and is intended only for landing and disembarkation of passengers.
Item of sale of travel documents (tickets) - network of railway ticket offices where journey registration, return of payments for unused travel documents, other transactions connected with transportation, combined by general accounting and the reporting is performed. One cash desk can also be separate Item of sale.
Booking - allocation for a certain time places based on the non-repeat order or the agreement, according to requests of legal entities and physical persons with the subsequent execution of travel documents in specialized cash desk.
Cabin baggage - personal objects or things of passengers which are transported together with them.
Cabin baggage large-size - cabin baggage which sizes on the amount of three dimensions exceed 200 cm.
Service center - specially equipped room for servicing of passengers in the conditions of the increased comfort, provision of additional services by it (registration of journey on different types of transport, copying of documents, use of communicating device, computer services, etc.).
The message city - public conveyance by city trains in transport systems of the large cities and their agglomerations and to the first or second station behind their line.
Internal passenger traffic - public conveyance, baggage and cargo baggage in passenger, fast, rapid, high speed trains, regional trains and other categories of passenger trains (cars) within Ukraine between the Items located:
a) on network of one railroad - local;
b) on network of two and more railroads - direct.
The message Suburban - public conveyance within residential suburb the suburban trains created from motor car railway vehicles (electro-and diesel trains, etc.) or from cool cars with locomotive draft without numbering of places and with indication of individual numbering of places.
Intermediate station - any station located between initial and final stations of rout to follow of the train.
Insurance fee - the payment established by the legislation of Ukraine which is brought by the passenger during registration of journey for obligatory personal accident insurance.
Baggage rate - the freight charge of baggage and cargo baggage in regional traffic in luggage cars of passenger trains.
Rate passenger - the freight charge of passengers in regional traffic in all categories of passenger trains and cars.
Reduced rate - the fare of separate categories of the passengers having the right to discounts or privileges, calculated by way of application to rates for public conveyance (air fare and reserved seat) established by the legislation of discounts and privileges.
Rate suburban - the freight charge of passengers within residential suburb in all categories of suburban trains (cars) determined by carrier.
The term of validity of the travel document - period of time between the train departure specified in the travel document and its arrival on station of destination of the passenger.
Engineering procedure of work of the station - the process consisting of purposeful and consecutive actions in the plane of ensuring public conveyances and their servicing in residence time at the station.
Cliche - information indicator on the car about route of its following.
Branch of ticket office (service center) - specially equipped room in which one or several transactions of ticket office are performed (service center).
The corporate train - the train created from cars to which the category of corporate is appropriated. In case of need, the corporate train not corporate cars can be included
1.8. Servicing of passengers at stations, Items of sale of travel documents, in branches of ticket offices (service centers) is performed according to engineering procedure of work of the station, Item of sale of travel documents, branch of ticket office (service center).
Depending on sales amounts of travel documents and technology of work of Items of sale specialization of their work is established.
Ticket offices where the number of the realized travel documents (tickets) makes 50 and more per day, perform registration of journey in internal, international and suburban messages.
At stations, stations, stopping points, sales amount of travel documents (tickets) on which less than 50 in days, the carrier ensures functioning of ticket offices taking into account technology and local conditions, graphic time-table.
The carrier performs informing passengers on regulations of work of ticket offices with use of sound and visual systems of the message.
1.9. The military personnel is transported by separate rules.
1.10. The baggage of the National Bank of Ukraine is transported in own cars of the National Bank of Ukraine on the conditions defined by the agreement between it and the railroad.
2.1. At each station (the passenger building) at the stand the schedule of movement of passenger trains, bezperesadochny and trailer cars on this station is placed. The schedule of movement of passenger trains consists of two separate parts: arrival of trains on the station and departure of trains from the station.
2.2. Information at the stand with the schedule of departure of passenger trains shall include:
departure time of the train;
initial and final stations of route of the train;
train number and class of train;
the list of stations with indication of in brackets of arrival time and departure on which the train after this station stops (together no more than 15 stations, at the same time the benefit is provided to stations which are placed in the capitals of the states, the cities of regional value or administrative and territorial units which are big junction stations);
arrival time of the train on the station and time of its departure;
number of platform and way from which the train usually goes;
arrival time in final destination;
frequency of running of the train;
In notes types of cars which are included in the train, the name of the operator or operators of passenger rail cars in the train are noted availability in the train of the dining car, the car bar, the automobile-carrier car.
Information at the stand with the schedule of departure of passenger trains is stated in chronological procedure for from 0 to 24 hours of departure time of trains.
Similarly information on trailer cars is placed.
Information at the stand with the schedule of arrival of passenger trains shall include:
arrival time of the train;
initial and final stations of route of the train;
train number and class of train;
the list of stations with indication of in brackets of arrival time and departure on which the train before this station stops (together no more than 15 stations, at the same time the benefit is provided to stations which are placed in the capitals of the states, the cities of regional value or administrative and territorial units which are big junction stations);
arrival time of the train on the station and time of its departure;
number of platform and way to which usually there arrives the train;
frequency of running of the train;
In notes types of cars which are included in the train, the name of the operator or operators of passenger rail cars in the train are noted availability in the train of the dining car, the car bar, the automobile-carrier car.
Information at the stand with the schedule of arrival of passenger trains is stated in chronological procedure for from 0 to 24 hours of arrival time of trains.
Similarly information on trailer cars is placed.
The stand with the schedule of departure of passenger trains has yellow background. The stand with the schedule of arrival of passenger trains has white background.
At stands of the schedule of movement of passenger trains information on Intersiti's trains +, Intersiti and the night express moves letters of red color, and about trains of other categories - letters of black color.
The schedule of movement of passenger trains at the stand joins suburban trains which go from the station or arrive to the station from/to the cities of regional value, the city of Kiev, Sevastopol and Simferopol or go in the international message.
All changes of the schedule of movement of passenger trains which are constants from the moment of introduction shall be brought in the schedule at the stand within 1 days from the moment of decision making about change of the schedule of movement.
All changes of the schedule of movement of passenger trains which are temporary can be displayed on separate posters about stands with obligatory specifying of terms of temporary changes and the reasons by which these changes are caused.
At each station (the passenger building) place stands and posters with the schedule of movement of passenger trains.
The model of placement of information concerning the schedule of departure and arrival of passenger trains is given in appendix 4 to these Rules.
2.3. In cash halls of advance sale of travel documents takes place posters with the schedule of movement of passenger trains on the station of arrangement of cash desks.
Before introduction of the new schedule of movement by administration of Item of sale information on changes according to the new schedule of movement is hung out, and in days of its introduction the new train schedule instead of old is hung out.
2.4. At each station information on availability of places at the time of request in all trains departing from this station is free of charge provided to passengers.
2.5. Information on fare is provided through electronic help systems or through reference bureaus.
2.6. Information on delay of trains, way to which arrives or from which the train goes shall be transmitted to passengers through loudspeakers, electric and electronic boards. At the end of information transfer about train delay time of the following information transfer shall be specified.
2.7. Information on arrival of the transit train, track number, procedure for numbering of cars shall be transferred to passengers beforehand so that to guarantee timely and safe exit of passengers and the meeting persons to the car.
2.8. After train arrival and during disembarkation of passengers from cars information on procedure for exit to the station, the settlement, the location of baggage storage of cabin baggage the location of public transport stops shall be transferred.
2.9. Before giving of trains on landing in Items of forming and turnover information on train departure siding, procedure for exit to it, arrangement of cars is transferred in the train, and in case of departure delay - delay time and time of giving for landing.
2.10. Oral information on the schedule of movement of passenger trains, fare and luggage transport and cargo baggage, availability of places, delay of trains, departure siding, train arrivals, rules of public conveyance, baggage, cargo baggage and another is provided free of charge.
2.11. Written references, except certificates of delay of trains, are issued to physical persons and legal entities for a fee.
2.12. Written confirmations about train delay are issued on station of destination of the passenger only in case of presentation of the travel document by drawing mark in it or on the separate form directly after train arrival. Without presentation of travel documents written certificates of delay of trains are not issued.
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