Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of January 16, 2025 No. 17

About approval of the list of words, terms of religious nature and their determinations which use in trade name of the legal entity is not allowed

For the purpose of implementation of Article 89 of the Civil code of the Kyrgyz Republic, according to articles 13, of the 17th constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:

1. Approve the list of words, terms of religious nature and their determinations which use in trade name of the legal entity is not allowed, according to appendix.

2. This resolution becomes effective after seven days from the date of official publication.

Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic

A. Kasymaliyev


The list of words, terms of religious nature and their determinations which use in trade name of the legal entity is not allowed

Abu Hanifa is the founder of hanafitsky madhhab, the Islamic theologian

The avista - the sacred book of Zoroastrians

Adventists are the followers of religious movement of Adventism expecting the Second coming of Jesus Christ

Adie Grantkh - the sacred book of Sikhism

Azrail is death angel

Arz mavud - the promised land in Judaism

Armageddon - great fight at the end of times

Akhit - the first part of the Bible in Christianity

Akhriman is god of evil spirits in Zoroastrianism

Akhura Mazda - the Supreme deity in Zoroastrianism

Ashura - the tenth day of month Mukharram in Islam

Biotas - the fidelity vow fastened with handshake

The bible - the Scripture of Christianity

The brahman - the creator of the world in Hinduism

Buddha is the founder of the Buddhism

Vadzhib - obligatory instructions in Islam

Valait - the spiritual status of sanctity

Vaftiz - ceremony of acceptance of Christianity through immersion in water

Waqf - in the Islamic law the property transferred by the state or the individual to the religious or charitable purposes

Gatkh - the book written by Zaratushtra

Ginza - the sacred book sabeev

Gurus are spiritual leaders in Sikhism

Dakhma - the place for leaving of bodies of the dead in Zoroastrianism

Dianetics - the book in scientology about interaction of soul with body by means of reason

The Dyophysite - belief in the dual nature of Christ: divine and human

Eucharist - participle sacrament in Christianity

Dzhabrail is the archangel giving revelations to prophets

Ioann - one of Christ's apostles

Jehovah - name of god at Jehovah's Witnesses

Jihad - fight for belief in Islam

Zabur - the sacred book granted to David

Zukhd - ascetic conduct of life for the sake of Allah

Icon (worship subject) - the sacred image of god, Saint or Saints in the form of portrait in paints, image in Christianity

The gospel (Inzhil) - the Scripture granted to Jesus

Incarnation - the embodiment of spirit, soul in material body in Christianity

Infak - charity in Islam

Irfan - spiritual knowledge through mystical experience

Israfil is angel who blows in the Doomsday

Ikhlas - sincere worship of Allah

Ikhsan - worship with understanding that you are seen by god

Yom Kipur - the Jewish Day of Atonement

Karma - requital for acts in east religions

Catholicism - one of three main Christian directions

Pile - the Jewish headdress

Cathedral (Konsil) - meeting of Christian religious figures

Kosher - the permitted objects and food in Judaism

Baptism - ritual of acceptance of Christianity through water

Krishna is the divine savior in Hinduism

Makrukh - undesirable actions in Islam

The Messiah (Masikh) is the savior of believers

-Maturidi (Abu Mansour al-Maturidi) is the founder of maturidiysky school

Makhr - gift which the man gives to the woman in case of marriage

Makhram is close relative with whom scrap in Islam is forbidden

Mikail is the angel managing the natural phenomena

Millennium - thousand-year happy kingdom before doomsday in Christianity

The missionary - the preacher extending religion

The monk - the member of religious community who vowed maintaining ascetic life

Mubarak - blessed, happy

The hermit (Munzavy) is the person living in solitude

Munit - the member of sect Muna

Muslim is the person practising Islam

Muta - temporary scrap at Shiites

The muhajir - immigrants from Mecca to Medina for the sake of Islam

Mukhtadi is the person who found true way

Nanak (Guru Nanak) is the founder of religion of Sikhism

Nafil (Napil) - voluntary actions in Islam

Nirvana - the highest condition in east religions

The opus of Dei - Catholic religious movement

The orthodox - one of the large directions of Christianity

Pavel (Pabyl) - one of Christ's apostles

Easter - holiday of Revival of Christ

The patriarch (Patrick) is the religious leader of church

The priest (Pop) - the Christian spiritual figure

Protestantism - the Christian direction which arose in the 16th century

Reiki - the religious movement connected with spiritual energy

Roche ha - Shana - the Jewish New year

Saby - followers of the religion following Ginz's book

Scientology - the religious doctrine based by Ron Hubbard

Sadzhda - bow to the ground in Islam

Sakofat - the term meaning culture in the Arab language

Sakrament - the main ceremonies in Christianity

Samsara - cycle of regenerations in east religions

Saoshyant - the Messiah in Zoroastrianism

Sathya Sai Baba is the founder of religious movement Sai Baba

Silsila - chain of succession of spiritual knowledge

Synagogue - house of worship of Jews

Savvov (Soop) - award for good deeds from god

Sukkot - holiday of tents at Jews

Tavassul - the address to god through the intermediary

Tanut - false deities or subjects to worship

Tazkiya - clarification of soul from shortcomings

Tayammum - ablution with use of the earth in the absence of water

Takyya - concealment of belief for the sake of self-preservation

Talit - prayful vestments in Judaism

The Talmud - the sacred text regulating the religious laws of Judaism

Tanasukh - resettlement of soul in other body after death

The Tanakh - the Scripture in Judaism

Dao (Tao) - natural procedure for things in the Universe

Trinity (Taslis) - the doctrine about Triune god: Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Taukhid - faith in the One God

Tafakkur - reflection, the analysis and discussion

Tafsir - science of interpretation of the Koran

Tfilin - the small boxes with texts from the Torah used in prayer are elements of prayful vestments

Torah (Toorat) - the Scripture this to the prophet Moisey

Totem - objects or the beings allocated by sacred value

Tripitaka - the Scripture of the Buddhism consisting of three parts


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