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of December 10, 2024 No. 944

About procedure for submission by citizens of data on the acts of civil status registered outside the Republic of Belarus and also their accounting and processing

Based on article 238-1 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus about scrap and family the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve Regulations on procedure for submission by citizens of data on the acts of civil status registered outside the Republic of Belarus and also their accounting and processing by the bodies registering acts of civil status it (is applied).

2. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2025.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

R. Golovchenko

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 10, 2024 No. 944

Regulations on procedure for submission by citizens of data on the acts of civil status registered outside the Republic of Belarus and also their accounting and processing by the bodies registering acts of civil status

1. This Provision determines procedure for submission by citizens of data on the acts of civil status registered outside the Republic of Belarus (further - data on acts of civil status), and also procedure for their accounting and processing by the bodies registering acts of civil status (further - bodies of registry office).

For the purposes of this provision bodies of registry office are understood as departments of civil registration of district, city executive committees and local administrations of areas in the cities (further - departments of registry office), consular establishments, and also diplomatic representations of the Republic of Belarus in case of accomplishment of consular functions by them (further - foreign institutions).

2. Data on acts of civil status are represented to bodies of registry office by citizens in case of the personal address or by means of the mailing.

In cases when civil registration concerning citizens of the Republic of Belarus, and also foreign citizens and persons without citizenship who are constantly living in the Republic of Belarus (further, unless otherwise specified, - citizens), or their minor children is made by competent authority of foreign state with compliance with law of the relevant state, data on these acts of civil status within six months from the moment of registration of the act of civil status by competent authority of foreign state are represented:

the citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and persons without citizenship who are constantly living in the Republic of Belarus - in department of registry office of the place of their residence;

the citizens of the Republic of Belarus living outside the Republic of Belarus and staying on the consular registry in foreign institution - in foreign institution in the place of statement on consular accounting.

3. In case of the personal address citizens submit in writing the application for submission of data on acts of civil status (further, unless otherwise specified, - the statement) which form is established by the Ministry of Justice, with presentation:

the identity document of the citizen of the Republic of Belarus, the foreign citizen and the person without citizenship who are constantly living in the Republic of Belarus;

the originals of the documents confirming the fact of registration of the act of civil status, issued by competent authority of foreign state;

evidences (document) on the birth of the minor child (minor children) and the document certifying his personality (in the presence) - in case of submission by citizens of data on acts of civil status concerning the minor child (the minor children);

the identity document of the citizen which is acknowledged court incapacitated or is limited capable, - in case of representation by the guardian or custodian of data on acts of civil status concerning the citizen who is acknowledged as court incapacitated or is limited capable (further - the ward);

the documents confirming powers of the citizen who is the guardian or the custodian to represent the interests of the ward, - in case of representation by the guardian or custodian of data on acts of civil status concerning the ward.

4. In case of submission by citizens of data on acts of civil status by means of the mailing concerning themselves and (or) the minor child (the minor children), the ward notarially attested copies of the documents provided in Item 3 this provision are enclosed to the application.

Notarially attested copies of documents enclosed to the application which arrived in body of registry office by means of the mailing to citizens do not return.

5. In case of submission of data on the acts of civil status made concerning several citizens by them the joint statement signed by each of them with presentation (appendix) of the documents provided in Item 3 and part one of item 4 of this provision can be submitted.

6. The documents issued by competent authorities of foreign states as a witness of acts of civil status are accepted by bodies of registry office in the presence of their legalization (putting down of apostille) if other is not stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Belarus and international treaties of the Republic of Belarus.

The documents constituted in foreign language shall be followed by the translation on Belarusian or Russian, at the same time fidelity of the translation or authenticity of the signature of the translator shall be attested notarially.

7. In case of the personal address of the citizen with presentation of originals of the documents issued by competent authorities of foreign states as a witness of acts of civil status to them, the body of registry office draws up copies of these documents according to requirements of the legislation in the sphere of archiving and clerical work.

8. The petition from the citizen (citizens) and copies of documents attached to it are registered body of registry office in day of their receipt in register of statements and data on acts of civil status and their processing which form is established by the Ministry of Justice (further - register of statements and data).

Are brought by departments of registry office of the data on civil registration within 5 working days from the date of entering into register of statements and data in the register of the population for the purpose of updating of personal data of citizens.

Foreign institutions of the data on civil registration within 5 working days from the date of entering into register of statements and data go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which no later than the 5th following after month in which data on civil registration were received brings them in the register of the population for the purpose of updating of personal data of citizens.

9. Data on acts of civil status are considered as unaccepted and are not subject to accounting and processing of registry office by body in the following cases:

the citizen provides data on the acts of civil status registered not concerning it personally, his minor child (minor children), his ward;

non-compliance by the citizen (citizens) with procedure for the submission of data on acts of civil status established by this Provision, except for the term of submission of data on acts of civil status to body of registry office.


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