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of January 14, 2025 No. 10

About approval of the professional standard "Organization of Construction, Upgrade and Equipment of Courts"

According to Item 5 of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications", PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the enclosed professional standard "Organization of Construction, Upgrade and Equipment of Courts".

2. To provide to committee of rail and water transport of the Ministry of transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) within ten calendar days from the date of approval of this order the direction it electronically in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "Institute of the legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan" Kazakhstan for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) placement of this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.


M. Karabayev

It is approved

 Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Approved by the Order of the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 14, 2025 , No. 10

Professional standard "Organization of Construction, Upgrade and Equipment of Courts"

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. Range of application of the professional standard: The professional standard "Organization of Construction, Upgrade and Equipment of Courts" is developed according to article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications", establishes requirements to forming of educational programs, including personnel trainings at the companies, recognitions of professional qualification of workers and graduates of the organizations of education and solutions of wide range of tasks in the field of personnel management in the organizations and the companies.

2. In this professional standard the following terms and determinations are applied:

1) mooring testing – technological stage of delivery testing which main objective are quality check of construction of the vessel, mounting and adjustment of the equipment; pre-testing under loading of the main propulsion plant and auxiliary mechanisms; check in work of the systems and devices providing survivability of the vessel; preparation of the vessel for ride tests;

2) knowledge – the studied and acquired information necessary for accomplishment of actions within professional task;

3) skill – capability to apply knowledge and abilities, allowing to carry out professional task entirely;

4) upgrade – set of transactions on change of design of the vessel (vessel element) for the purpose of improvement of technical utilization properties, work environment and life, and also fulfillment of requirements of International conventions;

5) ride tests – check of compliance of the vessel to terms of the contract and the approved engineering design, namely: compliance of the actual indicators of operation of the main and auxiliary mechanisms, devices, systems and pipelines, refrigeration, trade and processing equipment, means of automatic equipment and distant control by mechanisms and devices, electric equipments, the radio equipment and electroradio navigational devices to specifications on delivery and to the approved engineering design;

6) the vessel – self-propelled or non-self-propelled floating construction, held for use for the purpose of navigation, including the vessel mixed (the river - the sea) swimmings, the ferry boat, dredging and dnoochistitelny shells, the floating crane and other technical constructions of this sort;

7) designing of courts – production of all calculations and creation of drawings, the technical and operational documentation developed both before and in the course of construction of the vessel;

8) ship systems and the equipment – complex of devices, devices, mechanisms, aggregates, devices, the installations guaranteeing smooth operation of the vessel, safety of crew and passengers, the accuracy of navigation and management;

9) ship-raising actions – determination of method (method) of rise depending on depth of object, remoteness from the coast and further use of the vessel (recovery, cutting on scrap), features of reservoir and relief of bottom;

10) shipbuilding – process of creation of floating constructions, such as vessels and floating objects. Floating constructions usually build on specialized enterprises;

11) navigation – the activities connected with use on waterways of courts for transportation of goods, passengers and their baggage (including transactions on loading and unloading of loads and baggage, landing and disembarkation of passengers), mailings, towage of courts and floating objects, carrying out search, exploration and production of minerals, construction, traveling, hydrotechnical, underwater and technical and other similar works, pilot and icebreaking posting, rescue operations, implementation of actions for protection of water objects, protection them from pollution and contamination, raising of the sunk property, holding actions for control, carrying out scientific research, for the educational, sports and cultural purposes, other purposes of water transport;

12) trade testing – check of operability of the vessel for the intended purpose and compliance of the actual technical and economic indicators of trade and processing equipment to project requirements;

13) uniform system of design documentation – complex of the state standards establishing the interconnected rules, requirements and regulations on development, registration and the circulation of the design documentation developed and applied at all stages of product lifecycle (during the designing, development, production, control, acceptance, operation, repair, utilization);

14) single system of technological preparation of production – system of the organization and management of technological preparation of production which is regulated by the state standards which are drawn up in the form of complex of interstate standards which use provides reducing terms of preparation of production of the set quality, ensuring high flexibility of production structure and considerable economy of labor, material and financial resources.

15) the National qualifier of occupations of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the document on standardization reflecting names of the occupations applied in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and classifying them by the level and specialization of skills according to type of the performed works.

3. In this professional standard the following reducings are applied:

1) ESKD – Uniform system of design documentation;

2) the ORK – industry frame of qualifications;

3) KS – Job evaluation catalog;

4) ESTPP – Single system of technological preparation of production;

5) RK – the Republic of Kazakhstan;

6) CAD – Computer-Aided Design;

7) – Gas welding (building up);

8) RD – Manual arc welding (building up, cutting) the melting covered electrode;

9) I AM GLAD – Manual arc welding (building up) by not melting electrode in protective gas;

10) T – Aluminothermic welding;

11) NG – Welding by manual method with external source of heating (welding by heated gas);

12) – Welding by the heated tool (HT);

13) E – Extrusion welding.

Chapter 2. Passport of the professional standard

4. Name of the professional standard: Organization of construction, upgrade and equipment of courts.

5. Code of the professional standard: F42910.

6. Instruction of section, the Section, group, class and subclass agrees OKED:

C Processing industry;

30 Production of other vehicles;

30.9 Production of the vehicles which are not included in other groups;

30.99 Production of the other vehicles and the equipment which is not switched on in other groups;

30.99.0 Production of the other vehicles and the equipment which is not switched on in other groups.

7. Short description of the professional standard: Includes requirements of functions, professional tasks, abilities and knowledge of professions to specialists of core activity in construction, upgrade and the equipment of courts.

8. List of cards of professions:

1) the Fitter ship – the 2nd ORK level;

2) the Pipe erector ship – the 2nd ORK level;

3) the Assembler of cases of metal courts – the 2nd ORK level;

4) the Welder ship – the 2nd ORK level;

5) Sudokorpusnik-remontnik – the 2nd ORK level;

6) 3.1 Pipe erector ship – the 3rd ORK level;

7) 3.1 Fitter ship – the 3rd ORK level;

8) 3.1 Sudokorpusnik-remontnik – the 3rd ORK level;

9) 3.1 Assembler of cases of metal courts – the 3rd ORK level;

10) 3.2 Fitter ship – the 3rd ORK level;

11) 3.2 Sudokorpusnik-remontnik – the 3rd ORK level;

12) 3.2 Assembler of cases of metal courts – the 3rd ORK level;

13) 3.2 Pipe erector ship – the 3rd ORK level;

14) the Welder ship – the 3rd ORK level;

15) the Assembler of cases of metal courts – the 4th ORK level;

16) the Fitter ship – the 4th ORK level;

17) the Welder ship – the 4th ORK level;

18) Sudokorpusnik-remontnik – the 4th ORK level;

19) the Pipe erector ship – the 4th ORK level;

20) the Engineer shipbuilding – the 6th ORK level.

Chapter 3. Cards of professions

9. Profession card "the ship Fitter":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Fitter ship

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Release 23. The order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 20, 2017 No. 208 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (releases 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 35)" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 15923).

The mechanic - the assembler ship

Level of professional education:

Education level:

main secondary education





Requirements to work experience:

without experience

Connection with informal and informalny education:

Certificates and short-term training courses

Other possible names of profession:

7233-9-011 - Fitter ship

Main objective of activities:

Ensuring compliance of characteristics of the mounted mechanisms, fittings, equipments, the equipment, pipelines, systems and aggregates of courts and floating constructions to project and passport requirements

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Accomplishment of preparatory and auxiliary metalwork installation works

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Accomplishment of preparatory and auxiliary metalwork installation works

Skill 1:

Accomplishment of preparatory work in case of assembly, mounting and servicing of simple shipboard equipment


Dlya1-2 discharge:

1. Carry out pyzhevaniye of pipes after chemical processing, except special systems;

2. Dismantle, establish fabric sleeves;

3. Make temporary butts;

4. Control parameters and quality of sharpening and operational development of the simple cutting tool;

5. Fill armature glands;

6. Cut thread on bolts and nuts using manual taps and dies;

7. Perform strapping and cargo transfer weighing up to 500 kg by means of hoisting-and-transport and special means within workplace;

8. Use the tool-grinding instrument and the equipment for sharpening;

9. Make degreasing and outside preservation of details, armature;

10. Wash out, leach, clear of scum, rust nodes and details of ship diesels, steam-engines, turbines (cover of cylinders, blocks, collectors, chilling cavities);

11. Unpack boxes with mechanisms, aggregates, heat-exchanging devices, armature, devices;

12. Establish technological stubs.


1. Kvaliteta and parameters of roughness of surfaces;

2. The equipment and the tool used to thread cutting;

3. The main brands staly and the color alloys applied in shipbuilding and ship repair;

4. Basic elements of thread (profile, step, profile corner, depth, outside, internal and average diameters);

5. Rules and acceptances of use of the pneumatic and electrified tool;

6. Rules of metalwork processing of details and assembly of simple nodes;

7. Rules of strapping and cargo transfer weighing up to 500 kg by means of hoisting-and-transport and special means within workplace;

8. Methods of thread cutting of bolts, nuts;

9. Methods of degreasing and preservation of details and nodes, brands and purpose of the preserving materials.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 2:

Dismantle and dismantling of the equipment, irresponsible nodes or not intended for recovery


For 1-2 discharges:

1. Make marking of rectangular and round laying of sheet material (rubber, paronite, canvas, fiber) using hand marking and measuring tool;

2. Carry out dismantle, dismantling of oil, fuel, air, water filters;

3. Carry out metalwork transactions during the dismantling, assembly and mounting of not centered auxiliary mechanisms, electric equipments, aggregates, heat-exchanging devices, pipelines, armature and dismantle of ship diesels, turbines, shaft trains, devices, special systems and pipelines;

4. Make electrotack of irresponsible details, nodes and products of steel by contact machines of alternating current and manual adjusting guns;

5. Dismantle manual deck mechanisms (spikes, cargo winches, boat frame cranes, work line racks);

6. Dismantle covering of auxiliary and utilization boilers, mechanisms, the equipment and pipelines;

7. Dismantle installations desalination, auxiliary and utilization boilers with pipelines;

8. Dismantle, disassemble reservoirs, fuel and account tanks;

9. Dismantle, sort mud boxes, heating hot-water bottles, compensators, sanitary appliances;

10. Dismantle, disassemble horizontal and inclined screws, pulleys, flat-belt conveyors (without reducers);

11. Fix details in case of assembly under welding by means of electrotack;

12. Make, make cutting-out of openings, installation of rectangular and round laying of sheet material (rubber, paronite, canvas, fiber);

13. Mount manual pumps;

14. Apply electrotack, thermal cutting and the pneumatic cabin in case of installation and mounting of nodes and designs from carbonaceous and alloyed staly in the lower provision;

15. Remove squeezing devices (clamps, brackets, bolts, the screw jack);

16. Remove, sort oil indicators, oil pipelines of forced lubricant; oil, plunger, cog wheel pumps; lubricators of the central lubricant, cover of hatches of the crankcase, pallets of steam-engines and mechanisms;

17. Establish flywheels, handles for armature; grounding crossing points; unary suspenders, shafts, brackets, brackets, levels;

18. Establish under welding of boss, pin according to marking.


1. Marking types (according to drawings, according to lofted sketches, on templates, on rails);

2. Assignment and sequence of dismantle, dismantling and assembly of auxiliary mechanisms, devices, ship pipelines and armature;

3. Rules of accomplishment of thermal cutting, electrotack, the pneumatic cabin on designs from carbonaceous, low-alloyed and alloyed staly in the lower provision;

4. Instructions for use devices, control and measuring tool ipribor;

5. Rules of reading simple drawings;

6. Methods and rules of dissociation of pipelines from mechanisms, tanks, compartments;

7. Methods of marking of simple details according to drawings and sketches.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 3:

Accomplishment of auxillary metalwork operations in case of dismantle of shipboard equipment and when carrying out hydraulic tests of armature, pipes and the equipment in the workshop of pressure up to 15 kgfs/quarter of cm


For 1-2 discharges:

1. Choose necessary metalwork and measuring tool in case of accomplishment of repair work;

2. Carry out separate metalwork transactions in case of repair and dismantle of ship diesels, turbines, shaft trains, devices;

3. Carry out separate metalwork transactions in case of repair and dismantle of special systems and pipelines;

4. Carry out separate metalwork transactions in case of repair of not centered auxiliary mechanisms, electric equipments, aggregates, heat-exchanging devices, pipelines, armature;

5. Apply metalwork and assembly and measuring tool in case of repair and dismantle of ship diesels, turbines, shaft trains, devices, special systems and pipelines;

6. Use simple control and measuring checking tools and devices;

7. Check hermeticity of pipe joints and the equipment;

Carry out hydraulic tests of armature, pipes and the equipment in the workshop of pressure up to 15 kgfs/quarter of cm;


1. Types of the metalwork works performed in the course of carrying out repair and dismantle;

2. Procedure for accomplishment of metalwork transactions in case of repair and dismantle of ship diesels, turbines, shaft trains, devices, special systems and pipelines;

3. Procedure for accomplishment of metalwork transactions in case of repair of not centered auxiliary mechanisms, electric equipments, aggregates, heat-exchanging devices, pipelines, armature;

4. Methods and methods of accomplishment of repair work;

5. Assignment and rules of use of simple control and measuring checking tools and devices;

6. Rules of carrying out hydraulic tests of armature, pipes and the equipment in the workshop of pressure up to 15 kgfs/quarter of cm;

7. Methods of check of pipe joints and the equipment on hermeticity.

8. Methods of check of connections

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:


Written communicative skills

Independence and responsibility

Resistance to stress

Ability to quickly make decisions

Change management

Oral communicative skills

List of technical regulations and national standards:

The technical regulation "Requirements to Safety of Buildings and Constructions, Construction Materials and Products" of November 17, 2010 No. 1202 (of June 9, 2023 No. 435, will become effective on December 19, 2023)

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:





10. Profession card "The ship pipe erector":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Pipe erector ship

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Release 23. The order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 20, 2017 No. 208 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (releases 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 35)" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 15923).

Pipe erector ship

Level of professional education:

Education level:

main secondary education





Education level:






Requirements to work experience:

without experience

Connection with informal and informalny education:

it is not recommended

Other possible names of profession:

Main objective of activities:

Providing courts, floating constructions in case of construction and repair by pipeline systems

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Accomplishment of simple subsidiary and auxiliary works in case of production, assembly, installation of pipes of household systems and dismantle of armature and pipelines on the vessel

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Accomplishment of simple subsidiary and auxiliary works in case of production, assembly, installation of pipes of household systems and dismantle of armature and pipelines on the vessel

Skill 1:

Accomplishment of simple subsidiary and auxiliary works in case of production, assembly, installation of ship pipelines and their constituent parts


For 1-2 discharges:

1. Carry out production and installation of labels according to their purpose and methods of fixture;

2. Carry out lubricant of pipes before flexible;

3. Observe requirements of labor protection, industrial safety and production sanitation in the course of accomplishment of cleaning, outside degreasing, preservation and degreasing of ship pipelines and armature;

4. Carry out metalwork processing of procurements and details of ship pipelines (editing, the cabin, sawing, cleaning after machining);

5. Apply marking texts on surface of labels;

6. Give to wire for production of templates necessary type and the size;

7. Make degreasing of ship pipelines and armature depending on method of preservation and type of protective coatings;

8. Carry out installation and fixture of temporary casings.


1. Types of labels depending on assignment (marking, sealing) and methods of their fixture;

2. Types and purpose of the fixing parts used in case of assembly of pipes;

3. Material types, the flange gaskets used for production;

4. Assignment and types of suspenders;

5. Purpose of the preserving materials and the rule of the treatment of them;

6. Assignment and conditions of use of simple devices and measuring tool;

7. Name and purpose of the equipment of the truboobrabatyvayushchy workshop;

8. The name and arrangement of the main rooms of the vessel, the mechanisms servicing them systems and pipelines, devices;

9. Instructions for use the emulsions and oils applied to processing of pipes;

10. Acceptances of the cabin of wire and metal;

11. Acceptances of removal of templates from pipes;

12. Methods of fixture of temporary casings;

13. Methods of fixture of pipes and armature when mounting on the vessel;

14. Methods of cleaning of pipes of scale and rust and production requirements imposed to quality of the processed surfaces;

15. Methods of degreasing and preservation of details and products of ship pipelines and armature;

16. Methods of cutting of pipes the pipe cutter and by detachable machines;

17. Methods of elimination of defects in the course of accomplishment of metalwork processing of procurements and details of ship pipelines;

18. Typical defects in case of accomplishment of metalwork processing of details and products, the reasons of their emergence and methods of the prevention;

19. Types of connections and methods of adjustment of pipes;

20. The production requirements imposed to procurements of pipes before flexible;

21. The production requirements imposed to purity of surface of the covered pipes;

22. Types of technical documentation for accomplishment of cleaning, outside degreasing, preservation and degreasing of ship pipelines and armature, its content;

23. Requirements of labor protection in case of accomplishment of cleaning, outside degreasing, preservation and degreasing of ship pipelines and armature.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 2:

Accomplishment of simple works on dismantle of armature and pipelines on the vessel


For 1-2 discharges:

1. Support workplace condition according to requirements of labor protection, fire, industrial and ecological safety, rules of work site arrangement of the pipe erector ship in case of accomplishment of dismantling works;

2. Carry out the cabin manually in case of dismantle of armature and pipelines;

3. Clear outer surface of pipes of isolation;

4. Remove temporary casings, flywheels, armature handles, distinctive levels and plates, stubs technological according to task;

5. Read technical documentation on dismantle of armature and pipelines on the vessel;

6. Fulfill requirements of labor protection and production instructions in case of performance of works on dismantle of armature and pipelines on the vessel.


1. Types of the metalwork works performed in the course of carrying out dismantle of ship pipelines and armature;

2. Methods of cleaning of surfaces of pipes of isolation;

3. Methods of dismantling of fixture of temporary casings;

4. Requirements of labor protection imposed to the layout and equipment of workplace of the pipe erector ship in case of accomplishment of dismantling and repair work;

5. Types of technical documentation for performance of works on dismantle of armature and pipelines on the vessel, its content;

6. Requirements of labor protection in case of accomplishment of metalwork and mounting transactions.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:

Independence and responsibility

Resistance to stress

Flexibility of thinking

Ability to quickly make decisions

Ability to work in team

Change management


Oral communicative skills

Written communicative skills

List of technical regulations and national standards:

TP PK of 1351 Requirement to safety of designs from other materials (the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 31, 2008 No. 1351); TP PK 1202 Requirements to safety of buildings and constructions, construction materials and products (the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 17, 2010 No. 1202); TP PK 405 General requirements to fire safety (the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 405 of August 17, 2021); TP PK 1353 Requirements to safety of metal designs (the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 31, 2008 No. 1353).

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


7233-9-015 Pipe erector ship

11. Profession card "Assembler of cases of metal courts":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Assembler of cases of metal courts

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Release 23. The order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 20, 2017 No. 208 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (releases 21, 23, 25, 27, 31, 35)" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 15923).

Level of professional education:

Education level:

main secondary education





Requirements to work experience:

without experience

Connection with informal and informalny education:

Professional development course for collectors

Other possible names of profession:

Main objective of activities:

Nodal, section and building slip assembly of cases of courts and floating constructions in case of their construction and repair

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Accomplishment of assembly works with flat small-size sections

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Accomplishment of assembly works with flat small-size sections

Skill 1:

Accomplishment of preparatory and auxillary operations in case of assembly, installation, dismantle and repair of flat small-size sections, installation of simple nodes and details



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