of January 15, 2025 No. 10
About the republican budget of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2025 and planning period of 2026-2027
Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on December 11, 2024
Approve the forecast of the budget of the sector of public administration (consolidated budget) of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2025-2027 according to appendix 1.
1. Approve the republican budget of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2025 according to the income in the amount 430244620, by 0 thousand som and to expenses in the amount 405946753, 0 thousand som according to appendix 2.
2. Establish surplus of the republican budget of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2025 in the amount 24297867, of 0 thousand som and direct it to financing of expenses for implementation of transactions with financial assets and coverings of the main part of external obligations (the main amount of the public external debt) according to appendix 2.
3. Approve planned parameters of the republican budget of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2026-2027:
1) the plan for the income for 2026 - in the amount 465964762, 6 thousand som, for 2027 - in the amount 514104951, 8 thousand som;
2) the expense plan for 2026 - in the amount 429247082, 5 thousand som, for 2027 - in the amount 470861252, 7 thousand som;
3) the plan of surplus of the republican budget of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2026 - in the amount 36717680, 1 thousand som;
4) the plan of surplus of the republican budget of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2027 - in the amount 43243699, 1 thousand som.
4. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic has the right to make refining of the planned parameters of the republican budget of the Kyrgyz Republic approved for 2026-2027 in case of their acceptance for each specific period.
Create revenues of the republican budget of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2025-2027 for acquisition account of sources according to appendices 3 and 4.
1. Establish funds for financing of expenses from the republican budget of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2025-2027 according to appendices 5, 6 and 7.
2. Establish money transfer in the Stabilization fund of the Kyrgyz Republic through account part of the republican budget at the expense of part of the income of the republican budget as other income for the Stabilization fund of the Kyrgyz Republic in the following procedure:
1) in 2025 - 10000000, 0 thousand som;
2) in 2026 - 10000000, 0 thousand som;
3) in 2027 - 10000000, 0 thousand som.
3. Perform expenses from the Stabilization fund of the Kyrgyz Republic on the purposes determined by the budget legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
4. Use the means accumulated due to return of grants and credits of foreign partners based on decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic with the subsequent entering of corresponding changes into this Law.
1. Establish expenses on the state investments for 2025-2027 according to appendix 8.
2. Approve amount of the funds allocated for financing of the capital investments in 2025 in the amount 10000000, by 0 thousand som and taking into account priority to direct them to completion/continuation of designing, construction, capital repairs and reconstruction of social and economic objects, systems of drinking water supply, irrigational constructions, highways, objects of national security, law and order, armed forces and objects of strategic importance according to the approved list for 2025.
3. Approve planned amount of the funds allocated for financing of the capital investments in 2026 in the amount 10000000, by 0 thousand som, in 2027 - 10000000, 0 thousand som.
4. Direct 50000, 0 thousand som to payment of the budgetary funds provided to victims of natural disasters according to the state hypothecation certificates of Financial and credit fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic.
5. Direct 25400, 0 thousand som to issue of budget credit to the subjects of entrepreneurship of Batken Province injured with the conflict on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border on September 14-17, 2022, according to established procedure.
6. Approve amount of the funds allocated for financing of the stimulating (equity) grants in 2025 in the amount 1500000, by 0 thousand som, in 2026 - 1500000, 0 thousand som, in 2027 - 1500000, 0 thousand som. Establish priority of financing of the stimulating (equity) grants to the local government bodies receiving the grant from the republican budget.
1. Make in first-priority procedure financing of expenses under the protected Articles ("Salary", "Fees in Social fund", "Acquisition of medicines and products of medical appointment", "Acquisition of food", "Social security benefits", "Benefits on the public assistance to the population", "Grants"), and also on the state debt obligations and the current grants of other units of the sector of public administration ("Transfers to Social fund" and "Transfers to Fund of compulsory medical insurance").
Reduction of the amounts provided on the protected Articles in connection with formation of vacancies in budgetary institutions, acceptance of the regulatory legal acts which entailed change of their number of staff is allowed.
2. Confer responsibility on heads of state bodies for complete providing own expenses under the protected Articles according to this Law.
3. To local government bodies in first-priority procedure to perform financing of expenses of local budgets for 2025-2027 under the protected Articles and utilities.
4. Procurement plans of state bodies are subject to approval according to the procedure and terms, stipulated by the legislation the Kyrgyz Republic about public procurements.
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic has the right to bring amendments in mutual calculations of the republican budget with budgets of local government bodies according to the regulatory legal acts adopted by relevant organs, and also structural changes, changes of production volumes (works, services), price levels.
1. It is at least establish turnover cash under the republican budget of the Kyrgyz Republic for January 1, 2025 in the amount 1500000, of 0 thousand som.
2. Set quantitative restriction of formation of debt to one creditor no more than 45 percent from the total amount of the public external debt.
3. Set limit of public debt no more than 70 percent to the gross domestic product (GDP).
1. Make financing from the republican budget of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2025 of the organizations which were earlier consisting on the budget of areas according to appendix 9.
2. Approve the planned amount of financing from the republican budget of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2026-2027 of the organizations which were earlier consisting on the budget of areas according to appendices 10 and 11.
1. Establish for 2025-2027 the following standard rates of assignments from the nation-wide income:
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