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of January 7, 2025 No. 3

Some questions of prolongation of effective period of the temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine in the conditions of warlike situation

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

Determine that:

effective period of the temporary certificates of the citizen of Ukraine which are drawn up by territorial authorities of the Public migratory service or embassies or consular establishments of Ukraine abroad, to citizens of the Russian Federation and citizens of the Republic of Belarus who acquired citizenship of Ukraine according to the Law of Ukraine "About citizenship of Ukraine" during the period since February 24, 2020 is prolonged for the term determined by paragraph one of Item 5 of the Section II "Final and transitional provisions" of the Law of Ukraine of August 20, 2024 No. 3897-IX "About introduction of amendments to some laws of Ukraine of rather legal status of the foreigners and persons without citizenship participating in protection of territorial integrity and immunity of Ukraine";

persons specified in the paragraph the second this resolution file petitions for prolongation of effective period of the temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine who is drawn up by territorial authorities of the Public migratory service in territorial authority of the Public migratory service in the place of the address of person or embassy or consular establishment of Ukraine in the place of permanent or temporary residence of person abroad, and person whom temporary certificates of the citizen of Ukraine were drawn up by embassies or consular establishments of Ukraine abroad, file petitions for prolongation of action of the temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine in embassy or consular establishment of Ukraine in the place of issue of the temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine;

prolongation of effective period of the temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine is performed gratuitously within 10 working days from the date of filing of application about its prolongation after receipt of information from the authorized body which issued the temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine on its issue and lack of the decision on the termination of citizenship of Ukraine or cancellation of the decision on registration of acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine.

In case of obtaining from the authorized body which issued the temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine, information on the termination of citizenship of Ukraine or cancellation of the decision on registration of acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine the decision on refusal in prolongation of effective period of the temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine is made, and the temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine is withdrawn;

entering into the temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine of information on prolongation of term of its action is performed by the employee of territorial authority of the Public migratory service by putting down of the mark "The Validity Is Extended for 12 Months from the date of the Termination or Cancellation of Warlike Situation in Ukraine" with indication of date of putting down of mark, position, surname and initials of the head of territorial authority of the Public migratory service or his deputy, making of the signature sealed official by it or the consular official of embassy or consular establishment of Ukraine with indication of date of putting down of mark, position, surname and initials, making of the signature sealed by official by it;

in case of loss or stealing of the temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine who is drawn up by territorial authority of the Public migratory service to persons specified in the paragraph the second this resolution in the place of the address by the territorial authority of the Public migratory service or embassy or consular establishment of Ukraine in the place of permanent or temporary residence of person gratuitously draw up the new temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine within 10 working days from the date of filing of application about execution of the temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine instead of the receipt of information lost or stolen later from the authorized body which issued the temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine which was lost or stolen, of its issue and lack of the decision on the termination of citizenship of Ukraine or cancellation of the decision on registration of acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine with indication of effective period "12 months from the date of the termination or cancellation of warlike situation in Ukraine" if effective period of the kidnapped person or the lost temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine expired and in case the term of its action did not expire, in the new temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine the term for which the preliminary temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine was drawn up is specified.

In case of obtaining from the authorized body which issued the temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine, information on the termination of citizenship of Ukraine or cancellation of the decision on registration of acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine the decision on refusal in execution of the temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine is made;

in case of loss or stealing of the temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine who is drawn up by embassy or consular establishment of Ukraine abroad, to persons specified in the paragraph the second this resolution, the embassy or consular establishment of Ukraine in the place of issue of the temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine gratuitously draw up the new temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine within 10 working days from the date of filing of application about execution of the temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine instead of lost or the kidnapped person with indication of effective period "12 months from the date of the termination or cancellation of warlike situation in Ukraine" if effective period of the kidnapped person or the lost temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine expired and in case the term of its action did not expire, in the new temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine the term for which the preliminary temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine was drawn up is specified.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

D. Shmygal


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