of December 26, 2024 No. 801
About approval of the National export program "It Is Made in Kyrgyzstan" for 2025-2028
For the purpose of increase in the export potential of the country and competitiveness of domestic production in the world market, within implementation of the National development program of the Kyrgyz Republic till 2026 approved by the Presidential decree of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the National development program of the Kyrgyz Republic till 2026" of October 12, 2021 No. 435, according to articles 13, of the 17th constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:
1. Approve:
1) the National export program "It Is Made in Kyrgyzstan" for 2025-2028 according to appendix 1;
2) the actions plan on implementation of the National export program "It Is Made in Kyrgyzstan" for 2025-2028 (further - the actions plan) according to appendix 2.
2. To the ministries and departments, offices of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic in areas, National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic (under approval) and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic (under approval):
1) to take measures for accomplishment in full of the actions plan specified in the subitem 2 of Item 1 of this resolution;
2) quarterly, no later than the 15th following the accounting period to provide information on execution of the above-stated actions plan in the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Kyrgyz Republic for generalization.
3. Recommend to commercial banks of the Kyrgyz Republic, consolidation of legal entities "The union of banks of Kyrgyzstan", to Guarantee fund open joint stock company, State Insurance Company open joint stock company, the Russian-Kyrgyz Fund of development, Azerbaijani Kyrgyz Fund of development, Uzbek Kyrgyz Fund developments, Hungarian Kyrgyz to Fund of development:
1) to take measures for accomplishment in full of the actions plan specified in the subitem 2 of Item 1 of this resolution;
2) quarterly, no later than the 15th following the accounting period to provide information on execution of the specified actions plan in the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Kyrgyz Republic for generalization.
4. To the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Kyrgyz Republic quarterly, no later than the 30th following the accounting period to provide summarized information on execution of the actions plan specified in the subitem 2 of Item 1 of this resolution in Administration of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.
5. To impose control of execution of this resolution on management of control of execution of decisions of the President and the Presidential Administration Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic.
6. This resolution becomes effective after seven days from the date of official publication.
Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic
A. Kasymaliyev
Appendix 1
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of December 26, 2024 No. 801
The economy of the Kyrgyz Republic develops in the postkovidny period which is characterized as the situation having all signs of evolution of world economic system. In 2023 the world economy was characterized by the proceeding intensity of geopolitical situation, violations of logistics chains of deliveries, sanctions, volatility in the raw and financial markets, value increase of costs for production, global nature of inflation, etc.
To the Kyrgyz Republic as these external factors, naturally, exert impact on open economy. Nevertheless the internal capacity of the country allowed to provide recovery of economic activity.
In recent years the Kyrgyz Republic achieved considerable success in economic development. The economy grew at considerable rates, and average height constituted % 6,9 (2021 - % 105,5, 2022 - % 109,0, 2023 - % 106,2, is preliminary for 2024 - % 108,4) that testifies to stability of economy and its gradual adaptation to postkovidny and geopolitical situation.
During the period from 2019 to 2023 gross domestic product per capita in the Kyrgyz Republic considerably increased, having risen with 99, 2 thousand som to 173, 1 thousand som that in terms of US dollars constituted growth with 1421, of 8 US dollars to 1969, of 2 US dollars. It became possible thanks to acceleration of growth rates of gross domestic product since 2021.
Following the results of 2023 the amount of gross domestic product developed in the amount 1228, of one billion som and real growth rate made % 106,2 (for 2022 - % 109,0). The deflator of gross domestic product developed at the % 113,4 level.
The economic policy of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2021-2024 was directed to economic revival and reforming of industries of economy for achievement of long-term strategic objectives of development of the country. Work on acceptance of crisis response measures, management reform, forming of the circle for business development, to development of priority industries of economy, "green" economy, social development, digitalization, upgrade of the cities, etc. was actively carried out. Nevertheless taking into account the current situation in global economy and probable delay of economic growth in the countries - the main trading partners work on review of export policy of the country was continued.
The country took reference point on creation of new model of development of economy. If earlier growth of economy was based on money transfers, raw agricultural export and gold, then in new model of development of economy the main attention will be paid to industrialization and commodity export and services with high value added.
In this connection, understanding importance and urgency of realization of the purposes and tasks on promotion of export the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic according to the strategic tasks pledged in the National strategy of development for the Kyrgyz Republic for 2018-2040 will strengthen the state support of export and stimulation of the export potential of production which is expressed in the following directions:
- promotion of export;
- improvement of access to finance;
- simplification of procedures of trade;
- improvement of national infrastructure of quality.
It should be noted that in 2023, according to preliminary data National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, the foreign trade turnover reached 15902, 8 million US dollars that is 31,9% more, than in 2022.
The export volume made 3385, 0 million US dollars, having increased by % 50,1. In structure of export the considerable share is occupied by gold (% 37,9), mechanical engineering (% 16,1), food products and agricultural raw materials (% 11,7), nonmetallic materials (% 9,7) and other categories. Commodity import reached 12517, 8 million US dollars, having increased by % 27,7. The balance of trading balance remained negative and 8 million US dollars increased to 9132,.
The amount of foreign trade turnover for January-August, 2024 made 10, 6 billion US dollars and in comparison with the corresponding period of 2023 grew by % 9,0. At the same time the amount of export deliveries of the Kyrgyz Republic increased by 13,1 of % and made 2, 1 billion US dollars, and import deliveries to the Kyrgyz Republic in comparison with the corresponding period of last year increased by 8,1 of % and constituted 8, 5 billion US dollars. In structure of goods turnover 20,3 of %, import of 79,7 of % fell to the share of export. Growth of amounts of foreign and mutual trade in January-August of the current year in comparison with January-August, 2023 is provided with increase in both export deliveries, and import receipts.
In general trade of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2023 and in 8 months 2024 showed growth in total amount, however structural changes and challenges in the form of decrease in export of certain commodity groups emphasize need of diversification of export and search of the new markets. It is also important to consider global economic tendencies and changes in consumer preferences which can significantly affect future results of foreign trade of the country.
In the Kyrgyz Republic the agricultural industry occupies important role in ensuring food security, the employment level and welfares of citizens, including in increase in amount of export deliveries. About 66% of the population live in the rural zone and 62% of subjects of entrepreneurship perform activities in agricultural industry. According to data of National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Ministry of water resources, agricultural industry and processing industry of the Kyrgyz Republic the total area under crops occupied with crops in farms of all categories on the harvest eve in 2024 constituted 1246,7 of one thousand hectares that on 8,8 of one thousand hectares, or is 0,7% more, than in previous year.
Here the fact that in view of limitation of acreage by farmers bogharic lands under forage crops (silo), and also some unproductive pastures began to be developed is remarkable. In general preserving the size of acreage from shares of their increase also speaks about the aspiration of farmers to apply new technologies and to effectively use each hectare of the earth for cultivation of cultures.
Table 1. Productivity of crops (centners with 1 hectare) and the sizes of acreage in hectare
Name of indicators, 2023 |
Production volume (one thousand tons) |
Share in general production |
Cultivated area (hectare) |
Share in total area |
Potatoes |
1286,6 |
% 24,8 |
72489 |
% 8,6 |
Vegetables |
1216,6 |
% 23,5 |
54779 |
% 6,5 |
Corn on grain |
799,9 |
% 15,4 |
113268 |
% 13,5 |
Sugar beet (factory) |
621,0 |
12% |
13114 |
% 1,6 |
Wheat (in weight after completion) |
440,4 |
% 8,5 |
232075 |
% 27,6 |
Barley (in weight after completion) |
382,1 |
% 7,4 |
245258 |
% 29,2 |
Melon field food |
235,6 |
% 4,5 |
10297 |
% 1,3 |
Leguminous (in weight after completion) |
72,3 |
% 1,4 |
53594 |
% 6,4 |
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