of January 11, 2025 No. 5
About standardization
Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on December 4, 2024
This Law establishes the legal basis of standardization in the Kyrgyz Republic, including functioning of national system of standardization, and is aimed at providing carrying out single state policy in the sphere of standardization.
This Law governs the relations in the sphere of standardization arising in case of development, establishment and application of requirements to products and other subjects of standardization.
For the purposes of this Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) harmonization - activities for creation of conditions for implementation and use in national interests of the international and regional standards reflecting the latest developments in science and technology and determining modern requirements to the quality level and competitiveness of subjects of standardization;
2) the state system of cataloguing of products (SSCP) - organizational and technical information system on providing state bodies, companies and organizations with comprehensive and reliable information about the nomenclature, consumer and utilization properties of products which are turned out in the republic, her manufacturers and documents on standardization on which products are delivered;
3) the state qualifier of technical and economic and social information (further - the state qualifier) - the document on standardization distributing technical and economic and social information according to its classification (classes, groups, types, etc.) and being obligatory for application in the state information systems and in case of the interdepartmental exchange of information according to the procedure established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic;
4) the document on standardization - the document in which for voluntary and repeated application general characteristics of subject of standardization, and also the rule and the general principles concerning subject of standardization are established;
5) sign of national system of standardization - the designation serving for marking of documents of national system of standardization for the purpose of informing interested persons on belonging to national system of standardization by which products conforming to the national standard and (or) the operational or other documentation attached to such products can be also marked;
6) information system in the sphere of standardization - the information system on standardization which is created by national authority of the Kyrgyz Republic on standardization functions on the basis of the information technologies and technical means providing collection, processing, storage, placement, use and provision of information;
7) the information technical reference manual - the document of national system of standardization containing the systematized data in certain area and including the description of technologies, processes, methods, methods, the equipment and other data;
8) the information index of documents on standardization - periodically published index which contains information on the accepted documents on standardization, changes in them, and also terms of their enforcement and the additional information;
9) the catalog sheet - the document containing reliable information about the nomenclature, consumer and utilization properties of products;
10) the international standard - the standard accepted by International Organization for Standardization and available to wide range of consumers;
11) the interstate standard - the regional standard accepted by Interstate council on standardization, metrology and certification of the Commonwealth of Independent States;
12) National information fund of technical regulations and standards - the state information resource public in spheres of technical regulation, standardization;
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