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of December 27, 2024 No. 494

About approval of professional standards in the oil and gas sphere in the "Exploration and Production of Oil and Gas" direction

According to Item 5 of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications", PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve:

1) the professional standard "Boring Crew (Provision of Services, Promoting Oil Extraction and Natural Gas)" according to appendix 1 to this order;

2) the professional standard "Vyshkomontazhny Works (Provision of Services, Promoting Oil Extraction and Natural Gas)" according to appendix 2 to this order;

3) the professional standard "Geologic-geophysical Works on Investigation of Oil and Gas" according to appendix 3 to this order;

4) the professional standard "Well survey" according to appendix 4 to this order;

5) the professional standard "Servicing and Repair of Special Equipment and Trade Equipment" according to appendix 5 to this order;

6) the professional standard "Servicing of Wells" according to appendix 6 to this order;

7) the professional standard "Preparation and Transfer of Oil and Gas" according to appendix 7 to this order;

8) the professional standard "Maintenance of Reservoir Pressure" according to appendix 8 to this order;

9) the professional standard "Preparation of Flushing Liquids" according to appendix 9 to this order;

10) the professional standard "Commissioning and Repair Work" according to appendix 10 to this order;

11) the professional standard "Technology of Oil and Gas Extraction" according to appendix 11 to this order;

12) the professional standard "Management of Drilling (Provision of Services, Promoting Oil Extraction and Natural Gas)" according to appendix 12 to this order;

13) the professional standard "Production Management of Oil and Gas Extraction" according to appendix 13 to this order;

14) the professional standard "Cementation of Wells" according to appendix 14 to this order;

15) the professional standard "Operation of Oil and Gas Wells" according to appendix 15 to this order.

2. To provide to department of exploration and production of oil of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) within five working days from the date of signing of this order the direction it the copy in electronic form in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "Institute of the legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan" the Ministries of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication;

3) within three working days after day of the first official publication of this order the direction of the reference to its official publication in the Kazakh and Russian languages in National authority on professional qualifications for placement on digital platform of National system of qualifications;

4) within ten calendar days after publication of this order in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Department of legal service of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1), 2) and 3) of this Item.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

A. Satkaliyev

It is approved

Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Appendix 1

to the Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 27, 2024 No. 494

Professional standard "Boring Crew (Provision of Services, Promoting Oil Extraction and Natural Gas)"

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. Scope of the professional standard:

The professional standard "Boring Crew" is applied in the oil and gas industry. This PS covers activities for well-drilling for oil and gas extraction. Boring crews carry out various transactions connected with drilling, servicing and repair of wells, providing production process continuity.

2. In this professional standard the following terms and determinations are applied:

1) knowledge – the studied and acquired information necessary for accomplishment of actions within professional task;

2) drilling capacity – the resilience of rocks to destruction in the course of drilling. It is estimated by drilling speed (passing in unit of time). Drilling capacity worsens with increase in density, durability, viscosity, hardness, abrasivity of rocks, depends also on mineral structure, structure of breeds and thermodynamic conditions in which they are. Drilling capacity scales are developed for different types of the rock cutting tool, methods of drilling;

3) drilling – process of construction of excavation in subsoil of the earth which diameter is much less than its length, without access for the person to face;

4) boring column – certain quantity of pipes connected among themselves are intended for energy supply (mechanical, hydraulic, electric) to chisel, ensuring supply of drilling mud fluid to face, creations of axial load of chisel, perceptions of the jet moment of chisel of the bottomhole engine, supply of flushing liquid for cleaning of face and carrying out of slags;

5) accidents with boring column – leaving in well of elements of boring column or its parts (the leading, boring and weighted pipes, rewater-transport workers, couplings, locks, centralizers, shock-absorbers, calibrators) as a result of breakdowns on body on the smooth site, in zone of castle carving or on welded seam, owing to failure on the threaded connection and because of fall in well of the called elements;

6) holding straps of boring column – loss of mobility of column owing to their sticking to wall of well, jamming in trenches in places of narrowings or foreign objects, and also as a result of collapses and salnikoobrazovaniye;

7) drilling mud fluid – the flushing agent who is consisting of the disperse circle and disperse phase of various chemical compounds, having certain functions. Solution function – chilling and lubricant of boring chisel and the tool, removal of vyburenny breed and carrying out of breed on surface, ensuring stability of wall of well, ensuring necessary pressure on well face in order to avoid emission of hydrocarbons;

8) system of purification of drilling mud fluid – the mechanical equipment for control of content of firm phase, such, as vibrosieve, hydroclones and centrifuges;

9) emergency works when drilling – the works connected with elimination of consequences of accident: breakdowns of boring pipes, holding strap of the boring tool, leaving in well of metal objects – chisels, pipes, geophysical devices;

10) boring chisel – the tool used in well-drilling for mechanical rock breaking and gradual penetration into underground layers forming excavation of round section;

11) the drilling rig – complete set of the equipment for well-drilling;

12) talevy system boring – set of the functional elements intended for carrying out transactions on descent and raising of the boring tool, delivery to face of the rock cutting tool, descent in well of casing pipes and also implementation of measures for liquidation of the emergencies connected with carrying out lovilny transactions;

13) boring pipes – the main component of boring column intended for descent in borehole and raising of the rock cutting tool, transfer of rotation, creation of axial load of the tool, transportation of flushing liquid to well face;

14) the boring lock (the lock for boring pipes) – connecting element of boring pipes for their screwing together in column. The boring lock consists of two details: the castle nipple with external carving and the castle coupling with female thread. By means of such carving the specified details unite among themselves for connection with boring pipes on castle details the small pipe carving is cut;

15) derrick – the metal design established over trunk of well and intended for rise and lowering in well of pipes and tools;

16) skill – capability to apply knowledge and abilities, allowing to carry out professional task entirely;

17) labor safety – condition of working conditions on objects of oil and gas production in case of which impact on the working dangerous and harmful production factors is excluded. Labor safety is ensured for the purpose of labor protection by accomplishment of complex of actions for prevention of injury rate, diseases and accidents;

18) kickoff of new trunk of well – the recovery procedure of creation of new trunk of well with the purpose to bypass emergency trunk of well;

19) accidents with bottomhole engines – leaving in well of turbo-drills or electrodrills, screw engines or their nodes as a result of discrediting on carving or breakdowns;

20) professional standards – the written official document establishing general requirements to knowledge, abilities, skills, work experience taking into account formal and (or) informal, and (or) informalny education, to skill level and competence, content, quality and working conditions in specific area of professional activity;

21) actions for creation of safe conditions of works – are held according to cross-industry and industry rules on labor protection (safety regulations and fire safety, sanitary standards and rules) and instructions to them, and also with separate instructions and instructions;

22) accidents with chisels – leaving in well of chisel, boring head or its elements and parts;

23) annular space – ring space between well walls upsetting and boring column. In operation annular space call also space between external surface of pumping and compressor pipes and upsetting column;

24) annular pressure – pressure in borehole space which can be caused by availability of the pressure head horizons which are not blocked by cement, break of water, oil or gas from the part of well blocked by cement ring. The measurement of annular pressure is made usually at the mouth of well by the special manometer;

25) the manifold – the element of oil and gas armature representing several pipelines which are usually fixed on one basis, expected high pressure, and connected according to certain scheme, and supplied with necessary shutoff, other valves, boring sleeves and compensators;

26) ability – capability physically and (or) intellectually to perform separate single operations within professional task;

27) emergency emissions of oil, gas and the mineralized waters – carrying out on the land surface from oil and gas wells of considerable mass of the underground fluids (reservoir waters, oil, gas, condensate) which are under high pressure. Emergency emissions can have catastrophic character and be followed by the human victims. In case of emergency emissions formation fluids get into all permeable horizons in well, there is their mixing to waters of zone of free water exchange, including drinking waters;

28) the industry frame of qualifications – is developed on the basis of the National qualifier of occupations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, national frame of qualifications and classifies requirements to qualification of the specialist in levels depending on complexity of the performed works and nature of the used knowledge, abilities and competences of industry. Development and (or) updating of industry framework of qualifications are performed by industry state bodies according to the procedure, determined by authorized body. Industry framework of qualifications affirms industry councils on professional qualifications;

29) accidents owing to unsuccessful cementation – holding strap the hardened cement mortar of column of boring pipes on which the section of casing pipes or shaft went down. the failure and damage of nodes of suspension bracket of section of upsetting column breaking process of fixture and further posting of well, stripping of boot, nedopodjy in annular space or leaving in column of cement mortar if extra works on violation elimination are required;

30) rock – the natural set of minerals having permanent mineralogical structure, forming independent body in crust;

31) well – the excavation of round section drilled from the Earth's surface or from underground development without access for the person to face at any angle to the horizon which diameter is much less than its depth;

32) well face – the surface of rock in trunk of well to which at present it is drilled;

33) accidents as a result of fall in well of foreign objects – fall in well of inserts of rotor, rotor wedges, keys, sledge hammers, nodes of pneumatic wedges, pneumatic boring keys and other hand tools, devices or their parts by means of which works on the mouth of well or over it were conducted;

34) well-drilling – the process of construction of wells consisting of the following main transactions: deepenings of well by means of destruction of rocks the boring tool, removals of the destroyed breed from well, fixtures of trunk of well in the course of its deepening, production of geological and geophysical surveys of the rocks passed by trunk of well, fixture of trunk of well steel pipes at the end of its construction, preparation of well for accomplishment of basic purpose;

35) accident in case of well-drilling – the sudden general or partial damage to machinery, well (excavation), constructions, various devices which is followed by production process violation. Main types of accidents in case of construction of oil and gas wells are holding straps, breakdowns in well of chisels and turbo-drills, breakdown and unscrewing of boring pipes and fall of the boring tool and other objects in well;

36) completion of well – set of transactions (installation of operational column, the equipment of the mouth of well), necessary for introduction of production well in operation;

37) zaburivany wells – the beginning of drilling of well from small deepening by boring chisel of big diameter;

38) well construction – the complete cycle of works including all set of actions from designing of well according to geological conditions of the area and carrying out preparatory work before process of testing for inflow of oil and development of well;

39) cementation – process of pumping of cement mortar in ring space between upsetting column and wall of well for fixture of upsetting column, strengthening of walls of well and isolation of layers;

40) chalochny devices – the devices used to hoisting-and-transport transactions in case of transportation, production and knockout of forms, extraction of castings, etc. Free hooks 1, hooks 2, the fixed on chains, chalochny chains, chains with regulated couplings 3, cables, balance weights belong to chalochny devices;

41) upsetting column – system of the steel pipes used for strengthening of surface of trunk of well. Is fixed by cementation of ring space between upsetting column and wall of trunk of well. In case of installation of each next section of upsetting column diameter of well decreases;

42) accidents with upsetting columns – accidents with the lowered, lowered or cemented upsetting columns or with their parts, caused by separation on threaded connections, break on welded seam and body of pipe, smyatiy or gap on pipe body, holding strap, fall of the column or its part, damage of pipes when drilling cement glass, stop ring of the backpressure valve directing traffic jams or defect of elements of the equipment of bottom of upsetting columns;

43) casing pipes – section elements which have length from 9 to 12 meters and are screwed together by threaded connections;

44) hole – the superficial well constructed near well and intended for descent of the leading pipe in case of building-up of boring pipes;

45) emission – the short-term intensive and periodic replacement of drilling mud fluid from well caused by energy of the expanding gas which arrives from layer in well when lowering gidrastatichesky pressure of solution one face lower bedded;

46) the protivovybrosovy equipment – the devices intended for sealing of the mouth of well;

47) elevator – the device holding pipes (boring, boring, pumping and compressor) in the hanging provision in case of lifting operations and descent;

48) electrodrill – the bottomhole boring machine with the submersible electric motor intended for drilling of deep wells, mainly on oil and gas.

3. In this professional standard the following reducings are applied:

1) KS – the job evaluation catalog;

2) ETKS – single wage rate book;

3) PS – the professional standard;

4) the ORK – industry frame of qualifications;

5) TIPO – technical and professional education;

6) OKED – the general state qualifier of types of economic activity.

Chapter 2. Passport of the professional standard

4. Name of the professional standard: Boring crew (Provision of services, promoting oil extraction and natural gas)

5. Code of the professional standard: B09100030.

6. Instruction of section, the Section, group, class and subclass agrees OKED:

B Mining industry and development of pits;

09. Provision of services in the mining industry;

09.1. Provision of services, promoting oil extraction and natural gas;

09:10. Provision of services, promoting oil extraction and natural gas;

09.10.0. Provision of services, promoting oil extraction and natural gas.

7. Short description of the professional standard: The boring crew is the primary work collective uniting diverse on qualification, profession and functions of employees and workers for accomplishment of certain circle of works on well construction. The nomenclature of the performed works and labor organization depend on the purposes of drilling operations, depth and design of well. The labor organization of boring crew and its structure are influenced significantly by duration and structure of cycle of construction of well. The boring crew before construction of well receives three main documents: the geological and technical job specification, the job specification on production of drilling operations and the instructive process chart.

8. List of cards of professions:

1) the chief boring - the 7th ORK level;

2) the field drilling engineer - the 6th ORK level;

3) the drilling foreman - the 6th ORK level;

4) the Mechanic of boring installation - the 5th ORK level;

5) the driller of operational and prospecting well-drilling on oil and gas - the 4th ORK level;

6) the assistant driller of operational and prospecting well-drilling on oil and gas - the 4th ORK level;

7) the assistant driller of operational and prospecting well-drilling on oil and gas - the 3rd ORK level.

Chapter 3. Cards of professions

9. Profession card "The boring chief"

Group code


Code of the name of occupation


Name of profession

Chief boring

Skill level on ORK


Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard

qualification characteristics of positions of the serving organizations:

The job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees the Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2020 No. 553 "About approval of the Job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees". No. 22003 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 31, 2020.

§ 94 Shop manager (site)

Level of professional education

Education level:

postgraduate education


The production and processing industries



Requirements to work experience

The highest (or postgraduate) education in the corresponding direction of training and length of service in the specialty on the specialist's positions at least 5 years

Connection with informal and informalny education

It is not required

Other possible names of profession

1322-0-051 - Head of department (mining industry)

Main objective of activities

Ensuring trouble-free and smooth drilling operations. Control of observance of developed plans when carrying out complex and dangerous works

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions

Obligatory labor functions

1. Organization and management of drilling operations;

2. Production supervision and coordination of works on the drilling rig.

Labor function 1:

Organization and management of drilling operations

Skill 1:

Organization of smooth operation of the drilling rig


1. Support drilling equipment in technically serviceable condition;

2. Prevent complications and variations of trajectory of well from project profile;

3. Observe technology of drilling of well in strict accordance with the plan of carrying out separate transactions;

4. Control quality of flushing liquid;

5. Implement the actions directed to improvement of quality of works;

6. Observe providing healthy and safe working conditions for subordinate contractors, and also exercise control of observance of requirements of the above-stated legal and other legal acts by them.


1. The regulatory legal acts another leading methodical and normative materials of the higher bodies concerning production organization of drilling operations;

2. The existing standards, specifications, provisions and instructions for creation and execution of technical documentation;

3. Drilling equipment, tool and rules of their technical operation;

4. Fundamentals of geology and geological structure of the razburivayemy areas, technical rules of construction of wells;

5. Best practices in area of the equipment and technology of construction of wells;

6. The reasons and conditions of emergence of technical malfunctions, accidents and complications when drilling, methods of their prevention and liquidation;

7. Equipment and technology of well-drilling;

8. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, regulation on industrial safety and labor protection, environmental protection, production sanitation, requirements of fire safety, means of collective and individual protection from impact of dangerous and harmful production and natural factors and other.

Possibility of recognition of skill

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Control of work of boring crew and all divisions participating in well construction


1. Plan works of boring crew;

2. Control timeliness of providing boring crew with technical means and materials;

3. Prepare necessary documents for payment for work, resources and services in the project in accordance with the established procedure.


1. Regulations and requirements of industrial and fire safety, labor protection and ecological safety in case of work;

2. Relevant provisions about compensation and forms of material stimulation;

3. Origins of technical malfunctions, accidents, complications, scrap in case of performance of works on construction of wells, methods of their prevention and liquidation.

Possibility of recognition of skill

It is not recommended

Labor function 2:

Production supervision and coordination of works on the drilling rig

Skill 1:

Decision making for accomplishment of plans (actions), projects on construction of wells


1. Control observance of previously developed plans in case of work;

2. Provide accomplishment of actions for improvement of quality and adherence to deadlines of performance of works, and also compliance to requirements of the signed agreements;

3. Observe requirements of the project of construction of wells, contracts with the customer, the geological and technical job specification, regulations and the scheduled plan of drilling operations.


1. Designing and planning of drilling operations;

2. Technology of carrying out installation/dismantle, drilling and testing and development of wells;

3. The methods of technical regulation applied when drilling, materials and rules of their storage;

4. Technical characteristic of drilling equipment and tool, rule of their operation and repair.

Possibility of recognition of skill

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Ensuring high-quality process of drilling operations


1. Prepare source documents for execution of claims for contractors on the project in case of violation of undertaken obligations by them;

2. Accept fixed assets and material values in the subreport, ensure their safety, consider movement, correctly and to use timely and write off them;

3. Upon completion of well to prepare the report on the performed works and the spent resources with appendix of the research opinion on the reasons of variations.


1. Contractual commitments of contractors;

2. Procedure for execution of technical documentation;

3. Types, technical characteristics and service regulations of the equipment, the devices and tools used in case of construction of wells;

4. Rules of technical operation and servicing of drilling equipment, control instrumentation, tool;

5. Organization and rules of carrying out assembly and dismantling works and transportation of drilling equipment;

6. The labor law and procedure for tariffing of works and workers, regulations and quotations for works, procedure for their review;

7. Rules and regulations of the equipment of production, fire safety and labor protection;

8. Relevant provisions on compensation;

9. Ecological code of RK, Code of RK "About Subsoil and Subsurface Use", Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About Civil Protection".

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 3:

Identification of geological complications and accident elimination


1. Analyze emergence of accidents in case of geological complications;

2. Establish origins of accidents and complications;

3. To quickly take measures for accident elimination;

4. Choose accident elimination method;

5. Constitute the work plan and choose accident liquidation method.


1. The reasons and conditions of emergence of technical malfunctions, accidents and complications when drilling, methods of their prevention and liquidation;

2. Fundamentals of geology and geological structure of the razburivayemy areas, technical rules of construction of wells;

3. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety;

4. Procedure for execution of technical documentation;

5. Rules of carrying out liquidations of accidents.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended


to personal competences:

The independent solution of professional tasks using theoretical and practical knowledge.

List of technical regulations and national standards

TR CU 010/2011 "About safety of machines and the equipment", GOST 12.2.232-2012 "SSBT. Land drilling equipment. Safety requirements", GOST 12.2.041-79 "SSBT. Drilling equipment. Safety requirements", GOST 31844-2012 "Oil and gas industry. Equipment boring and operational. Equipment of lifting. General technical requirements", GOST 31841-2012 "Oil and gas industry. Equipment for underground repair of wells. General technical requirements", ST of RK ISO 10407-2004 "Oil and gas industry. Drilling production equipment. Calculation and terms of use of boring pipes", ST of RK 1263-2004 "Oil and gas industry. Drilling and operational equipment. Lifting equipment", ST of RK ISO 13626-2006 "Industry oil and gas. Drilling and operational equipment. Constructions for drilling and repair of wells" and other standards in the field of drilling.

Communication with other professions within ORK

ORK level

Name of profession


Director of drilling


Chief engineer

10. Profession card "The field drilling engineer"

Group code


Code of the name of occupation


Name of profession

Field drilling engineer

Skill level on ORK


Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard

qualification characteristics:

Standard qualification characteristics of positions of heads and specialists of the organizations of geology and investigation of subsoil, the order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 29, 2018 No. 619

Chapter 2. § 4 drilling operations Engineer

Level of professional education:

Education level:

the higher education


The production and processing industries



Requirements to work experience

Field engineer on drilling of the I category: the higher education and length of service as the engineer on drilling operations of the II category at least 3 years;

Field engineer on drilling of the II category: the higher education and length of service as the drilling operations engineer without category at least 3 years;

The field drilling engineer without category: the higher (technical) education without presentation of requirements to length of service or technical and professional (average special, average professional) education in the specialty and length of service as the category equipment I at least 3 years.

Connection with informal and informalny education

It is not required

Main objective of activities

Engineering support of transactions of drilling and construction of wells

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions

Obligatory labor functions

Accomplishment of standard tasks on deactivation of overalls and individual protection equipment by means of the decontamination equipment partially independently in familiar and stable conditions

Additional labor functions


Labor function 1:

Organization of works on preparation of drilling equipment for drilling of well

Skill 1:

Preparation of drilling equipment for drilling and construction of wells


1. Carry out the equipment of talevy system;

2. Perform suspension bracket of keys, regulate the indicator of weight and the control system of parameters of drilling;

3. Establish and check work of objects of small-scale mechanization;

4. Perform drilling and fixture of hole;

5. Establish mechanisms for hoisting transactions;

6. Place the tool and means ensuring labor safety;

7. Observe providing healthy and safe working conditions for subordinate contractors, and also exercise control of observance of requirements of the above-stated legal and other legal acts by them.


1. Types, technical characteristics and service regulations of the equipment, the devices and the tool used in case of construction of wells;

2. Requirements of industrial safety to operation and servicing of the used equipment;

3. Mining-and-geological conditions of well-drilling;

4. Rules of carrying out assembly and dismantling works and transportation of drilling equipment;

5. Types and methods of well-drilling, their appointment and designs;

6. Production processes and technology of well-drilling and the works accompanying it;

7. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, regulation on industrial safety and labor protection, environmental protection, production sanitation, requirements of fire safety, means of collective and individual protection from impact of dangerous and harmful production and natural factors and other.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Technical technological support of drilling operations


1. Participate in development of technical documentation (geological and technical job specifications, regime process charts, etc.) on construction of wells and control of its execution;

2. Participate in development of actions for rational use of working hours of boring crews;

3. Participate in development of actions for the prevention of accidents and complications in the course of drilling;

4. Participate in development of actions for enhancement of the organization of carrying out and to increase in efficiency of drilling operations;

5. Participate in development of schemes of assembly and dismantling works;

6. Participate in creation of schedules of construction of wells;

7. Participate in development of designs and technological parameters of well-drilling;

8. Perform the organization and control of works of crew of contract organization.


1. Requirements and procedure for development of the project manufacturing documentation on well-drilling;

2. Regulations and quotations on drilling operations, procedure for their review;

3. Procedure for planning, designing and financing of drilling operations;

4. Procedure and rules of maintaining manufacturing and reporting documentation.

Labor function 2:

Control technically correct and trouble-free operation of the drilling rig

Skill 1:

Control of production and technological discipline


1. Exercise control of rationality of use of material resources;

2. Exercise observance control boring crews of production and technological discipline;

3. Exercise control of service regulations of the equipment;

4. Exercise control of requirements imposed to quality of works.


1. Rules of technical operation and servicing of drilling equipment, control instrumentation, tool.

2. Organization and rules of carrying out assembly and dismantling works and transportation of drilling equipment.

3. Appointment and designs of wells.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Cyclical analysis of construction of wells and efficiency evaluation of the performed work


1. Analyze data on work of boring crews;

2. Analyze use of drilling equipment and boring tool;

3. Analyze the reasons of idle times, accidents and scrap in case of construction of wells.


1. Fundamentals of geology, paleontology, structural geology and geomapping, geotectonics, mineralogy, crystallography, petrography, lithology, geochemistry of oil and gas, regional geology;

2. Mining-and-geological conditions of well-drilling;

3. Orientation, specialization and the prospects of development of drilling operations in the organization;

4. Technology of methods of drilling operations;

5. The geological engineering requirements imposed to quality of drilling, testing and development of wells;

6. Rules of accounting and storage of geological material (core, tests);

7. The reasons and conditions of emergence of technical malfunctions, accidents and complications when drilling, methods of their prevention and liquidation;

8. Bases of the equipment and technology of well-drilling.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:

The independent solution of professional tasks using theoretical and practical knowledge.

List of technical regulations and national standards:

TR CU 010/2011 "About safety of machines and the equipment", GOST 12.2.232-2012 "SSBT. Land drilling equipment. Safety requirements", GOST 12.2.041-79 "SSBT. Drilling equipment. Safety requirements", GOST 31844-2012 "Oil and gas industry. Equipment boring and operational. Equipment of lifting. General technical requirements", GOST 31841-2012 "Oil and gas industry. Equipment for underground repair of wells. General technical requirements", ST of RK ISO 10407-2004 "Oil and gas industry. Drilling production equipment. Calculation and terms of use of boring pipes", ST of RK 1263-2004 "Oil and gas industry. Drilling and operational equipment. Lifting equipment", ST of RK ISO 13626-2006 "Industry oil and gas. Drilling and operational equipment. Constructions for drilling and repair of wells" and other standards in the area bureniya.99

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level

Name of profession


Drilling supervisor

11. Profession card "The drilling foreman"

Group code


Code of the name of occupation


Name of profession

Drilling foreman

Skill level on ORK


Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard qualification characteristics

Standard qualification characteristics of positions of heads and specialists of the organizations of geology and investigation of subsoil, the order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 29, 2018 No. 619.

Chapter 1. § 4 drilling foreman

Level of professional education

Education level:

the higher education


The production and processing industries



Education level:

TIPO (working professions)


Drilling of oil and gas wells and technology of drilling operations


Requirements to work experience

The highest (or postgraduate) education on the corresponding specialty and length of service in well-drilling at least 3 years or average technical and professional (average special, average professional) education on the corresponding specialty (qualification) and length of service in well-drilling at least 5 years.

Connection with informal and informalny education

It is not recommended

Other possible names of profession

1322-0-024 - Drilling foreman of the site (chief of service, shop)

Main objective of activities

Management of transactions on drilling and construction of wells according to technological standard rates and requirements of industrial safety.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions

Obligatory labor functions

1. Organization of works of boring crew;

2. Ensuring accomplishment of engineering procedure of well-drilling on fields according to the engineering design.

Labor function 1:

Organization of works of boring crew

Skill 1:

Management of productive activity of boring crew


1. Create boring crews and direct them;

2. Organize timely receipt of the tool and materials on boring according to requirements of technology of drilling;

3. Control observance by crew of requirements of the project of construction of wells;

4. Provide timely preparation of production and arrangement of workers;

5. Control timely accomplishment of shop orders working crew according to the approved schedules of production;

6. Provide observance with crew of requirements of the geological and technical job specification, regime process chart and schedule of drilling operations;

7. Provide accomplishment with boring crew of shop orders, full load and effective use of the equipment, economical expenditure of materials and decrease in cost of drilling;

8. Take measures for the correct operation of the boring tool;

9. To timely prepare production and to provide arrangement of workers on workplaces;

10. Take measures for observance of engineering procedures, to quickly reveal and remove the causes of their violation;

11. Observe providing healthy and safe working conditions for subordinate contractors, and also exercise control of observance of requirements of the above-stated legal and other legal acts by them.


1. Resolutions, orders, orders, regulatory legal acts, methodical and regulating documents of monitoring bodies concerning production economic activity of boring crew;

2. The existing standards, specifications, provisions and instructions for creation and execution of technical documentation;

3. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill

It is not recommended

Labor function 2:

Ensuring accomplishment of engineering procedure of well-drilling on fields according to the engineering design

Skill 1:

Management of works on posting of wells


1. Analyze results of productive activity;

2. Control observance of engineering procedures of drilling;

3. Provide accident-free operation of measuring instruments;

4. Control the correct operation of the boring tool;

5. Control carrying out or to instruct independently (periodic and extraordinary) on industrial safety with personnel of contract organizations;

6. Organize and check readiness of drilling equipment for transfer to erection/dismantling team and accept the equipment after vyshkomontazhny works, and also control preparation of the platform after completion of drilling operations;

7. Participate in implementation of the advanced technologies directed to improvement of posting of wells and optimization of the modes of drilling, and also to mechanization and automation of labor-intensive processes;

8. Control providing trajectory of inclined and directed trunk;

9. Take part in acceptance of complete works.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Control of safety of conducting drilling operations according to safety rules


1. To quickly reveal and remove causes of infringement of engineering procedures when carrying out drilling operations;

2. Perform actions for the prevention of geological and technical complications, and also for improvement of quality of works in case of construction of wells;

3. Analyze efficiency of use of the equipment, provide economical and optimum expenditure of materials, and also decrease in cost of drilling;

4. Messages the established documentation on operation of the equipment and the boring tool;

5. Constitute material requisitions, tools and the equipment for crew;

6. Develop actions for work creating favorable conditions, increase in culture of production and rational use of working hours;

7. Record safety of material values, timely and to correctly write off them, and also take measures for providing boring crew with materials, tools and the equipment;

8. Manage well in case of gas and oil water manifestation;


1. The methods of technical regulation applied when drilling;

2. Methods of installation, adjustment and adjusting;

3. Storage precautions and the use of materials applied when drilling;

4. Origins of geological and technical complications, methods of their prevention and liquidation;

5. Technical characteristics, design features, appointment and operating mode of drilling equipment, rule of its technical operation;

6. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 3:

Constitute reports of the performed works of working crew


1. Messages documentation on accounting of the performed works;

2. Constitute reports on the performed works of working crew;

3. Provide correctness and timeliness of execution of source documents on accounting of working hours.


1. Rules of execution of documentation on accounting of the performed works;

2. Economy, production organization and managements;

3. Bases of labor organization;

4. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Requirements to personal competences

The independent solution of professional tasks using theoretical and practical knowledge.

List of technical regulations and national standards

TR CU 010/2011 "About safety of machines and the equipment", GOST 12.2.232-2012 "SSBT. Land drilling equipment. Safety requirements", GOST 12.2.041-79 "SSBT. Drilling equipment. Safety requirements", GOST 31844-2012 "Oil and gas industry. Equipment boring and operational. Equipment of lifting. General technical requirements", GOST 31841-2012 "Oil and gas industry. Equipment for underground repair of wells. General technical requirements", ST of RK ISO 10407-2004 "Oil and gas industry. Drilling production equipment. Calculation and terms of use of boring pipes", ST of RK 1263-2004 "Oil and gas industry. Drilling and operational equipment. Lifting equipment", ST of RK ISO 13626-2006 "Industry oil and gas. Drilling and operational equipment. Constructions for drilling and repair of wells" and other standards in the field of drilling."

Communication with other professions within ORK

ORK level

Name of profession


Field drilling engineer


Drilling supervisor

12. Profession card "Mechanics of boring installation"

Group code


Code of the name of occupation


Name of profession

Mechanic of boring installation

Skill level on ORK


Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard qualification characteristics

The job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees the Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2020 No. 553 "About approval of the Job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees". No. 22003 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 31, 2020.

§ 80 Mechanics

Level of professional education

Education level:

postsecondary education (applied bachelor degree)


Drilling of oil and gas wells and technology of drilling operations


Education level:

TIPO (working professions)


Operation of oil and gas fields


Requirements to work experience

Technical and professional, postsecondary education on the corresponding specialty (qualification) and length of service in the specialty on the specialist's positions at least 3 years.

Connection with informal and informalny education:

It is not required

Other possible names of profession

Main objective of activities

Ensuring trouble-free operation and servicing of mechanisms and aggregates of the drilling rig.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions

Obligatory labor functions

1. Implementation of safe, smooth and trouble-free operation of drilling equipment on drilling rigs;

2. Organization of works on repair of the drilling rig.

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Implementation of safe, smooth and trouble-free operation of drilling equipment on drilling rigs


Providing uninterrupted and technically the correct operation of operation of the equipment, increase in its working in shifts, content in operating state at the required level


1. Provide technical availability for service of drilling equipment and other technical means used on drilling operations;

2. Provide timely and high-quality carrying out technical inspections of condition and repair of boring installation and drilling equipment;

3. Control observance of rules of technical operation according to safety requirements of boring installation and the equipment for well-drilling;

4. Organize safe operation of boring installation and the equipment for well-drilling;

5. Control work on installation and dismantle of the drilling rig and the equipment for drilling;

6. Fulfill requirements of regulations about labor and environmental protection, respect the rules, methods and acceptances of safe performance of works;

7. Control completeness of new boring installation and availability of technical documentation on installation;

8. Control respect for consumption rates of fuel and lubricants;

9. Exercise control of carrying out technical inspections and audits of the heavy lift gears, load gripping and chalochny devices, devices and vessels working under pressure, the electro-gas welding equipment, acetylene, oxygen and compressor installations;

10. Participate in carrying out survey of objects together with the serving organization;

11. Observe providing healthy and safe working conditions for subordinate contractors, and also exercise control of observance of requirements of the above-stated legal and other legal acts by them.


1. System of rational operation of processing equipment;

2. Organization and technology of repair work of drilling equipment;

3. Technical characteristics, design features, appointment and operating mode of drilling equipment;

4. Rules of technical operation of drilling equipment;

5. Bases of technology of drilling of oil and gas wells;

6. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, regulation on industrial safety and labor protection, environmental protection, production sanitation, requirements of fire safety, means of collective and individual protection from impact of dangerous and harmful production and natural factors and other.

Possibility of recognition of skill

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Providing performance of works on implementation and development of the new equipment


1. Participate in testing of the equipment, acceptance of the new and left repair equipment, and also the reconstructed buildings and constructions;

2. Implement means of complex mechanization and automation of engineering procedures.

3. Prepare offers on reconstruction of the equipment and modernization of repair base of the company;

4. Prepare offers on upgrade of the equipment, reconstruction and modernization of the company;

5. Prepare offers on implementation of means of complex mechanization and automation of engineering procedures, and also environmental protections of the company;

6. Develop plans of increase in production efficiency;

7. Develop and implement actions for replacement of the ineffective equipment on high-productive, and also on reducing unplanned repairs and equipment downtimes.


1. Main types and methods of corrective maintenance of the company;

2. Requirements of labor organization in case of operation and repair of drilling equipment;

3. Requirements for implementation of change of the new equipment and technologies;

4. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Labor function 2:

Organization of works on repair of the drilling rig

Skill 1:

Ensuring timely and high-quality repair of the drilling rig


1. Study operating conditions of the equipment, separate details and nodes for identification of the reasons of their previous depreciation;

2. Organize plan development of scheduled preventive maintenance of drilling equipment;

3. Reveal not used equipment and take measures for improvement of operation of the operative equipment;

4. Constitute requests for spare parts and materials for repair, and also to control their accomplishment;

5. Control accomplishment of plans (schedules) of surveys, testing and preventive repairs of drilling equipment;

6. Develop and perform actions for the prevention of unplanned stops of the equipment, prolongation of service life of details and nodes, the between-repairs periods, improvement of safety of the equipment and increase in its reliability in operation.


1. Resolutions, orders, orders, the methodical, normative and other leading materials on repair of drilling rigs and drilling equipment;

2. Methods of installation and repair of the equipment, organization and technology of repair work;

3. Rules of creation of technical documentation on repair;

4. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Quality control of repair work


1. Direct the workers performing repair of the equipment of drilling rigs;

2. Control accomplishment of repair work;

3. Direct testing of new types of drilling rigs and drilling equipment;

4. Control performing defectoscopy of the equipment, tool and devices;

5. Record operation of the equipment, expense of spare parts and materials;

6. Organize accounting of the works performed in the course of repair of the equipment;

7. Provide creation of reports on technical condition of the equipment;

8. Messages the established documentation.


1. Bases of the economy, production organization and work;

2. Methods of installation, adjustment and adjusting;

3. Procedure for creation of passports of drilling equipment, sheets of defects, specifications and other technical and reporting documentation connected with operation and repair of the equipment;

4. Organizational and administrative

documentation and methodical materials, concerning operation, maintenance and repair of drilling equipment;

5. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences

The independent solution of professional tasks using theoretical and practical knowledge.

List of technical regulations and national standards

TR CU 010/2011 "About safety of machines and the equipment", the technical regulation "About Safety of Buildings and Constructions, Construction Materials and Products" (the order MIIR RK of 09.06.2023 No. 435, is registered in MYU of RK of 14.06.2023 No. 32783), GOST 12.2.232-2012 "by SSBT. Land drilling equipment. Safety requirements", GOST 12.2.041-79 "SSBT. Drilling equipment. Safety requirements", GOST 31844-2012 "Oil and gas industry. Equipment boring and operational. Equipment of lifting. General technical requirements", GOST 31841-2012 "Oil and gas industry. Equipment for underground repair of wells. General technical requirements", ST of RK ISO 10407-2004 "Oil and gas industry. Drilling production equipment. Calculation and terms of use of boring pipes", ST of RK 1263-2004 "Oil and gas industry. Drilling and operational equipment. Lifting equipment", ST of RK ISO 13626-2006 "Industry oil and gas. Drilling and operational equipment. Constructions for drilling and repair of wells" and other standards in the field of drilling.

Communication with other professions within ORK

ORK level

Name of profession


Mechanical engineer

13. Profession card "Driller of operational and prospecting well-drilling on oil and gas"

Group code


Code of the name of occupation


Name of profession

The driller of operational and prospecting well-drilling on oil and gas

Skill level on ORK


Qualification subtotal on ORK


Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard qualification characteristics

Release 6. The order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 21, 2018 No. 401 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (release 6)". No. 17548 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on October 15, 2018.

Chapter 2. § 14 Driller of operational and prospecting well-drilling on oil and gas (5-8 category)

Level of professional education

Education level:

TIPO (specialist of average link)

Specialty Drilling of Oil and Gas Wells and Technology of Drilling Operations


Requirements to work experience

Length of service assistant driller at least 1 year

Connection with informal and informalny education

It is not required

Other possible

names of profession

Main objective of activities:

Ensuring engineering procedure of development and prospecting drilling of oil and gas wells.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Conducting engineering procedure of drilling of oil and gas wells to 4000 m

Obligatory labor functions

1. Conducting engineering procedure of drilling of oil and gas wells to 4000 m;

2. Performance of works on preparation for geophysical surveys of oil and gas wells when drilling oil and gas wells.

Skill 1:

Implementation of preparatory and final work of drilling of oil and gas wells


Category 5-6:

Category 5 - during the work on wells up to 1500 meters in depth inclusive.

Category 6 - during the work on wells over 1500 meters in depth to 4000 meters inclusive.

1. Perform preparatory work prior to drilling;

2. Perform installation (dismantle) of machine, hydraulic and pneumatic keys, skirts against spraying of drilling mud fluid;

3. Perform installation/dismantle of the estuarial equipment;

4. Perform installation (dismantle) of indicators of weight, flowmeters, manometers, level gages, momentomer, the limiter of height of raising of the talevy block, limiter of the allowed loading on hook, blocking for shutdown of the boring pump and the prevention of inclusion of rotor in case of the removed barriers or the lifted wedges;

5. Perform connection (rassoyedineniye) of the leading boring pipe with the swivel, the swivel with boring sleeve, boring sleeve with the delivery manifold of the drilling rig;

6. Carry out trial start of the equipment, carry out testing of blocking and safety devices;

7. Lower and lift casing, boring and pumping and compressor pipes and bars;

8. Make assembly and dismantling of boring and lovilny tools;

9. Determine problems of construction and refer matters technical technologically to management of the organization;

10. Prepare trunk of well and install the mouth equipment for production of geophysical works;

11. Direct work of boring crew / change;

12. Observe on workplace of requirements for industrial safety and labor protection, environmental protection, production sanitation, requirements of fire safety, means of collective and individual protection from impact of dangerous and harmful production and natural factors and other.

Category 7 - during the work on wells from 4000 meters to 6000 meters in depth inclusive, and also inclined and directed wells over 1500 meters in depth and horizontal wells.

Category 8 - during the work on wells over 6000 meters.


Category 5-8:

1. Procedure for installation and technical operation of the hinged equipment;

2. Scheme of installation and rule of installation of instrumentations, blocking and safety devices;

3. The scheme of supply of flushing liquid in well;

4. Characteristic signs of defects in operation of the equipment, procedure for carrying out testing of blocking and safety devices;

5. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, regulation on industrial safety and labor protection, environmental protection, production sanitation, requirements of fire safety, means of collective and individual protection from impact of dangerous and harmful production and natural factors and other.

Possibility of recognition of skill

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Organization of carrying out complex of works of engineering procedure of drilling of oil and gas wells up to 4000 m in depth


Category 5-8:

1. Receive (to transfer) to the driller of replaceable watch of the data on the performed works, condition of well and the equipment of drilling rigs, to fill in the shift log, to check individual protection equipment and devices of control of the air circle;

2. Manage the boring winch, pneumatic wedges of rotor, machine keys, use instrumentations and automatic equipment;

3. Use control facilities of management of drilling, lift and lower the leading pipe in hole;

4. Perform washing of trunk of well with all necessary methods;

5. Organize works on loading (unloading) of chemical reagents, provide control of preparation of boring solutions;

6. Determine parameter values of drilling mud fluid, its structure, control operation of the equipment of elements of system of cleaning;

7. Lift from well and lower the boring tool in well;

8. Collect (to sort) coring shell, perform adjustment of the core lifter;

9. Select tests of air in places of possible accumulation of sulphurous hydrogen, control gas contamination of the working area individual devices of control;

10. Messages engineering procedure of well-drilling to oil, gas, thermal, iodine-bromine waters and other minerals installations of deep drilling and all related works it agrees geological technically to the job specification, the regime and technical map and production schedules;

11. Perform stacking and assembly of the boring tool;

12. Carry out hoisting transactions using automatic mechanisms;

13. Perform works on oriented / naklonno-napravlennomu to drilling.


Category 5-8:

1. Condition of drilling equipment and trunk of well, availability of necessary amount of materials and spare parts.

2. Appointment, device and rules of use of individual protection equipment.

3. Appointment, the device and technical characteristics of the used equipment, type, the sizes, marking of boring chisels, carvings, strength characteristics of boring pipes, and also elements of boring column.

4. Optimum parameters of the mode of drilling on all intervals, drilling methods: merits and demerits, factors determining the choice of method of drilling.

5. Optimum parameters and methods of determination of efficiency of washing.

6. Physical and chemical properties of boring solutions and chemical reagents for preparation and processing of drilling mud fluid, methods of its preparation, recovery and reuse.

7. Appointment, the device and technical characteristics vibrosit, peskoilootdelitel, centrifuges, the device and procedure for use of devices of control of parameters of drilling mud fluid.

8. Optimum modes of conducting hoisting transactions, safe acceptances and methods of their accomplishment.

9. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, regulation on industrial safety and labor protection, environmental protection, production sanitation, requirements of fire safety, means of collective and individual protection from impact of dangerous and harmful production and natural factors and other.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Labor function 2:

Performance of works on preparation for geophysical surveys of oil and gas wells when drilling oil and gas wells

Skill 1:

Accomplishment of complex of works taking into account working conditions


Category 5-8:

1. Make hydraulic testing of the delivery line;

2. Prepare well trunk for carrying out researches;

3. Control of filling of well with flushing liquid in the course of carrying out researches;

4. Mount (to dismantle) autonomous complex for geophysical surveys on boring pipes;

5. Lower autonomous complex in well, perform its rise in the modes of record and shutdown;

6. Organize works on installation of binding of the mouth of well before works as the tester of layers and carry out its testing;

7. Collect set of the tester of layers on boring pipes and bring him to the venue of testing;

8. Take set of the tester of layers on boring pipes from well and sort it;

9. Perform process of preparation and maintenance of necessary parameters of liquids of muffling, boring and cement mortars.


Category 5-8:

1. Intervals, modes of study and washing;

2. Geometrical sizes and loading capacity of logging rollers

3. Bases of hydrodynamic and geophysical surveys of wells;

4. Procedure and schemes of implementation of doliv of wells;

5. Design and technical characteristics of the hardware complexes lowered on the boring tool;

6. The scheme of binding of the mouth of well when carrying out testing by the tester of layers on boring pipes;

7. Complexes and configurations of testers of layers on pipes for work in open trunk of well;

8. The technical instruction on testing of layers tools on pipes;

9. Requirements to cementing head and shutoff valves;

10. Instructions on the prevention of gas, oil and water shows and open fountains in case of construction and repair of wells in the oil and gas industry.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

The organization of works on the prevention and liquidation of incidents when drilling oil and gas wells


Category 5-8:

1. Perform early detection and the prevention: losses of stability of walls of well, absorption of flushing liquid, gas, oil and water shows;

2. Perform input and alluvium of exicipients, pumping not hardening pastes, installation of cement bridges, pumping fast-setting mixes, to transfer well to other type of drilling mud fluid;

3. Pressurize the mouth of well, inform management on emergence of incident, exercise control of well;

4. Control availability of circulation of flushing liquid and its parameters, establish devices against hit of foreign objects in well;

5. Control behind actions of watch in case of detection and liquidation of gas, oil and water shows;

6. Watch the control system of parameters of drilling.


Category 5-8:

1. Geological section of well and intervals of possible incidents, indirect signs of the beginning of emergence of incident: change of the mode of drilling and hoisting transactions, parameters of flushing liquid, characteristics of the taken-out slime, methods of the prevention of all types of incidents;

2. Methods and methods of liquidation of absorption of flushing liquid;

3. Procedure for first-priority actions of watch in case of detection gas, oil and water shows;

4. Technical technical characteristics, passports and operation manual on all elements of boring column;

5. Methods and technical means of liquidation of holding straps of the processing and share equipment;

6. Safety rules for the oil and gas industry.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Requirements to personal competences

Independence and responsibility. Resistance to stress

Endurance and diligence. Concentration and management of attention.

List of technical regulations and national standards

GOST 12.2.232-2012 "SSBT. Land drilling equipment. Safety requirements", GOST 12.2.041-79 "SSBT. Drilling equipment. Safety requirements", GOST 31844-2012 "Oil and gas industry. Equipment boring and operational. Equipment of lifting. General technical requirements", GOST 31841-2012 "Oil and gas industry. Equipment for underground repair of wells. General technical requirements", ST of RK ISO 10407-2004 "Oil and gas industry. Drilling production equipment. Calculation and terms of use of boring pipes", ST of RK 1263-2004 "Oil and gas industry. Drilling and operational equipment. Lifting equipment", ST of RK ISO 13626-2006 "Industry oil and gas. Drilling and operational equipment. Constructions for drilling and repair of wells" and other standards in the field of drilling.

Communication with other professions within ORK

ORK level

Name of profession


Mechanic of the drilling rig


Drilling foreman

14. Profession card "Assistant driller of operational and prospecting well-drilling on oil and gas"

Group code


Code of the name of occupation


Name of profession

The assistant driller of operational and prospecting well-drilling on oil and gas

Skill level on ORK


Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard qualification characteristics

Release 6. The order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 21, 2018 No. 401 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (release 6)". No. 17548 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on October 15, 2018.

Chapter 2. § 15 Assistant driller of development and prospecting drilling (4-7 category).

Level of professional education

Education level:

TIPO (specialist of average link)


Drilling of oil and gas wells and technology of drilling operations


Requirements to work experience

Without requirements to work experience

Connection with informal and informalny education

Professional development course based on the organization of education or training in the organization (at the company);

short-term rates of preparation and retraining of personnel on the platform

Main objective of activities:

Accomplishment of separate works in case of engineering procedure of drilling of oil and gas wells under the leadership of the driller.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions

Implementation of complex of works on in case of process of drilling of oil and gas wells

Labor function 1:

Implementation of complex of works on in case of process of drilling of oil and gas wells

Skill 1:

Accomplishment of preparatory work on well-drilling


Category 4:

1. Perform riding works in case of hoisting transactions;

2. Perform works at height, connect boring sleeve to manifold strut, hang machine keys, skirt against spraying of drilling mud fluid, ropes of auxiliary winches;

2. Make connection of the swivel with the leading pipe and boring sleeve;

3. Establish (to remove) the directing trench with clamp;

4. Watch circulating system and clear it of slime;

5. Check and carry out lubricant of the equipment and tool;

6. Carry out measurement of length and calculation of quantity of pipes and pumping bars;

7. Accept and warehouse chemical reagents, cement, the equipment of upsetting and boring columns, spare parts and fuels and lubricants;

8. Connect and switch-off electric equipment and the lighting equipment on well in the presence of plug sockets;

9. Observe on workplace of requirements for industrial safety and labor protection, environmental protection, production sanitation, requirements of fire safety, means of collective and individual protection from impact of dangerous and harmful production and natural factors and other;

10. Carry out works on reception planked footway for stacking of pumping and compressor pipes and boring pipes, in case of well-drilling of the II category of complexity.

Category 5-7:

1. Perform riding works in case of hoisting transactions;

2. Perform works at height, connect boring sleeve to manifold strut, hang machine keys, skirt against spraying of drilling mud fluid, ropes of auxiliary winches;

2. Make connection of the swivel with the leading pipe and boring sleeve;

3. Establish (to remove) the directing trench with clamp;

4. Watch circulating system and clear it of slime;

5. Check and carry out lubricant of the equipment and tool;

6. Carry out measurement of length and calculation of quantity of pipes and pumping bars;

7. Accept and warehouse chemical reagents, cement, the equipment of upsetting and boring columns, spare parts and fuels and lubricants;

8. Connect and switch-off electric equipment and the lighting equipment on well in the presence of plug sockets;

9. Observe on workplace of requirements for industrial safety and labor protection, environmental protection, production sanitation, requirements of fire safety, means of collective and individual protection from impact of dangerous and harmful production and natural factors and other;

10. Carry out works on reception planked footway for stacking of pumping and compressor pipes and boring pipes, in case of well-drilling of the II category of complexity.


Category 4:

1. Instructions on safe operation at height, personnel remedies during the work at height;

2. Appointment and service regulations of the equipment, the mechanisms and instrumentations used in case of well-drilling;

3. Schemes of binding of the equipment;

4. The principle of operation of the used instrumentations;

5. Device of lifting constructions and mechanisms;

6. The sequence of transactions during descent and raising of pipes and bars and in case of building-up of the tool;

7. Requirements of ecological safety in case of storage of materials, regulations of storage of chemical reagents and cement;

8. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, regulation on industrial safety and labor protection, environmental protection, production sanitation, requirements of fire safety, means of collective and individual protection from impact of dangerous and harmful production and natural factors and other.

Category 5-7:

1. Instructions on safe operation at height, personnel remedies during the work at height;

2. Appointment and service regulations of the equipment, the mechanisms and instrumentations used in case of well-drilling;

3. Schemes of binding of the equipment;

4. The principle of operation of the used instrumentations;

5. Device of lifting constructions and mechanisms;

6. The sequence of transactions during descent and raising of pipes and bars and in case of building-up of the tool;

7. Requirements of ecological safety in case of storage of materials, regulations of storage of chemical reagents and cement;

8. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, regulation on industrial safety and labor protection, environmental protection, production sanitation, requirements of fire safety, means of collective and individual protection from impact of dangerous and harmful production and natural factors and other.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Carrying out separate work types on well-drilling


Category 4:

1. Perform check of serviceability of the used equipment and materials, to check individual protection equipment and devices of control of the air circle;

2. Perform preparation of the drilling rig for installation and dismantle;

3. Stack and give pipes and pumping bars from planked footway and on planked footway in case of hoisting transactions;

4. Sort pipes and pumping bars on planked footway;

5. Make start-up and stop of boring pumps;

6. Eliminate variations from the normal mode according to production schedules of work;

7. Perform installation and dismantle, binding and pressure testing of lines of high and low pressures during the work on the working platform for giving of pumping and compressor pipes and boring pipes;

8. Serve and operate clay mixers, milling and jet mills, hydromixers, blocks of preparation of boring solutions, to use devices of control of parameters of drilling mud fluid, to perform input of converter of sulphurous hydrogen of all types in drilling mud fluid;

9. Control work vibrosit, hydroclones, the centrifuge, to work with shutoff valves of rastvoroprovod;

10. Take core from vertically or obliquely the located core lifters, stack core in special boxes;

11. Prepare keys, elevators, automatic machines of screwing together and discrediting of pipes and bars to hoisting transactions;

12. Provide serviceability of mid-flight ladders and polaty;

13. Provide serviceability of condition of rotor with the drive, parameters of filling liquids, tamponiruyushchy mixes and chemical reagents.

Category 5-7:

1. Perform check of serviceability of the used equipment and materials, to check individual protection equipment and devices of control of the air circle;

2. Perform preparation of the drilling rig for installation and dismantle;

3. Stack and give pipes and pumping bars from planked footway and on planked footway in case of hoisting transactions;

4. Sort pipes and pumping bars on planked footway;

5. Make start-up and stop of boring pumps;

6. Eliminate variations from the normal mode according to production schedules of work;

7. Perform installation and dismantle, binding and pressure testing of lines of high and low pressures during the work on the working platform for giving of pumping and compressor pipes and boring pipes;

8. Serve and operate clay mixers, milling and jet mills, hydromixers, blocks of preparation of boring solutions, to use devices of control of parameters of drilling mud fluid, to perform input of converter of sulphurous hydrogen of all types in drilling mud fluid;

9. Control work vibrosit, hydroclones, the centrifuge, to work with shutoff valves of rastvoroprovod;

10. Take core from vertically or obliquely the located core lifters, stack core in special boxes;

11. Prepare keys, elevators, automatic machines of screwing together and discrediting of pipes and bars to hoisting transactions;

12. Provide serviceability of mid-flight ladders and polaty;

13. Provide serviceability of condition of rotor with the drive, parameters of filling liquids, tamponiruyushchy mixes and chemical reagents.


Category 4:

1. Technical characteristics of the checked equipment. Appointment, device and rules of use of individual protection equipment;

2. Operation manual on boring and retaining pumps, scheme of control of pumps, device of elements of management system, sound and light alarm system, safety devices and blocking of boring pumps;

3. Operation manual on the equipment for preparation and processing of drilling mud fluid, regulations of preparation and processing of drilling mud fluid, property and procedure for input of converters of sulphurous hydrogen;

4. Scheme of circulating system of the drilling rig, process charts of work with circulating system;

5. Types and sizes of elevators, lifting hooks, talevy blocks, kronblok, swivels and ropes;

6. Rules of control of the protivovybrosovy equipment;

7. Maintenance instruction of coring shell.

Category 5-7:

1. Technical characteristics of the checked equipment. Appointment, device and rules of use of individual protection equipment;

2. Operation manual on boring and retaining pumps, scheme of control of pumps, device of elements of management system, sound and light alarm system, safety devices and blocking of boring pumps;

3. Operation manual on the equipment for preparation and processing of drilling mud fluid, regulations of preparation and processing of drilling mud fluid, property and procedure for input of converters of sulphurous hydrogen;

4. Scheme of circulating system of the drilling rig, process charts of work with circulating system;

5. Types and sizes of elevators, lifting hooks, talevy blocks, kronblok, swivels and ropes;

6. Rules of control of the protivovybrosovy equipment;

7. Maintenance instruction of coring shell.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences

Responsibility. Resistance to stress. Discipline. Endurance and diligence.

Concentration and management of attention

List of technical regulations and national standards

GOST 12.2.232-2012 "SSBT. Land drilling equipment. Safety requirements", GOST 12.2.041-79 "SSBT. Drilling equipment. Safety requirements", GOST 31844-2012 "Oil and gas industry. Equipment boring and operational. Equipment of lifting. General technical requirements", GOST 31841-2012 "Oil and gas industry. Equipment for underground repair of wells. General technical requirements", ST of RK ISO 10407-2004 "Oil and gas industry. Drilling production equipment. Calculation and terms of use of boring pipes", ST of RK 1263-2004 "Oil and gas industry. Drilling and operational equipment. Lifting equipment", ST of RK ISO 13626-2006 "Industry oil and gas. Drilling and operational equipment. Constructions for drilling and repair of wells" and other standards in the field of drilling.

Communication with other professions within ORK

ORK level

Name of profession


The driller of operational and prospecting well-drilling on oil and gas

15. Profession card "Assistant driller of operational and prospecting well-drilling on oil and gas"

Group code


Code of the name of occupation


Name of profession

The assistant driller of operational and prospecting well-drilling on oil and gas

Skill level on ORK


Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard

qualification characteristics

Release 6. The order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 21, 2018 No. 401 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (release 6)". No. 17548 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on October 15, 2018.

Chapter 2. § 15 Assistant driller of development and prospecting drilling (3rd category)

Level of professional education

Level education: TIPO (working professions)


Drilling of oil and gas wells and technology of drilling operations


Requirements to work experience

Length of service assistant driller at least 1 year

Connection with informal and informalny education

It is not required

Other possible names of profession


Main objective of activities

Accomplishment of separate works in case of engineering procedure of drilling of oil and gas wells under the leadership of the driller

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions

Obligatory labor functions

1. Conducting engineering procedure of drilling

oil and gas wells to 4000 m

2. Performance of works on preparation for geophysical

to researches of oil and gas wells when drilling

oil and gas wells

Additional functions

Labor function 1:

Conducting engineering procedure of drilling

oil and gas wells to 4000 m

Skill 1:


preparatory and

final works

drillings oil and

gas wells


Category 3:

1. Participate in engineering procedure of well-drilling on oil, gas, thermal waters, iodine-bromine waters and other minerals with use of installations of deep drilling;

2. Prepare the drilling rig for dismantle and installation under the leadership of the driller of operational and prospecting well-drilling on oil and gas;

3. Participate in unloading and stacking of boring and casing pipes on planked footway, in configuration of bottom of boring column and pressure testing of boring pipes;

4. Carry out inspection of serviceability on a shift basis of elevators, wedges, keys, hydraulic keys and means of small-scale mechanization;

5. Participate in preparation and processing of drilling mud fluid, to control circulation of solution and level of solution in mernik;

6. Clear plaintive system and vibrosieve of vyburenny breed and contaminations;

7. Clear mernik, technological reservoirs and settlers of slime and contaminations;

8. Under the leadership of the driller of operational and prospecting well-drilling on oil and gas to participate in installation, dismantle and servicing of the protivovybrosovy equipment, in works on "binding" of processing equipment of the mouth of well, and also in the equipment of the mouth of well the pressurizing devices;

9. Measure and shablonirovat casing pipes, clear carving of pipes of contaminations;

10. Participate in development operational and testing of exploratory wells, preparation of various pastes and liquids, liquidation of complications and accidents, cementation of upsetting columns and installation and drilling of cement bridges under the leadership of the driller of operational and prospecting well-drilling on oil and gas;

11. Observe on workplace of requirements for industrial safety and labor protection, environmental protection, production sanitation, requirements of fire safety, means of collective and individual protection from impact of dangerous and harmful production and natural factors and other.


Category 3:

1. The main data on engineering procedure of oil extraction, gas, thermal, iodine-bromine waters and other minerals, on engineering procedure and work types on development operational and to testing of exploratory wells;

2. Appointment, the device and technical characteristics of the used equipment, mechanisms, the tool, the rule of their operation;

3. Methods of the equipment of talevy system;

4. Rules and map of lubricant of drilling equipment;

5. Rules of preparation of casing pipes for descent in well;

6. Single technical rules of conducting drilling operations;

7. Service regulations of portable generators of lighting;

8. Purpose of the used devices of small-scale mechanization and instrumentations, the land equipment of gushing and pumping wells;

9. Procedure for the internal labor schedule, regulation on industrial safety and labor protection, environmental protection, production sanitation, requirements of fire safety, means of collective and individual protection from impact of dangerous and harmful production and natural factors and other.

Possibility of recognition of skill

It is not recommended

Skill 2:

Carrying out separate work types on well-drilling


Category 3:

1. Participate in building-up of the tool and descent of upsetting column, to give column on the rotor platform under the leadership of the driller of operational and prospecting well-drilling on oil and gas;

2. Participate in installation, dismantle and transportation of drilling equipment when moving crew with the block under the leadership of the driller of operational and prospecting well-drilling on oil and gas;

3. Maintain purity on "floor" of the drilling rig, the drill bit platform and processing equipment of the drilling rig;

4. Make small repair of shelters, floorings and barriers of the reception bridge, floor of boring, circulating system, cultural boxes and subsidiary constructions of the drilling rig;

5. Participate in final works on completion of construction of well and in preventive repair of drilling equipment under the leadership of the driller of operational and prospecting well-drilling on oil and gas;

6. Perform subsidiary works, such as cleaning and cleaning of the equipment, lubricant of mechanisms and other similar tasks.


Category 3:

1. Main physical and chemical properties of boring solutions and chemical reagents;

2. Methods of preparation, processing and purification of boring solutions;

3. Main physical and chemical properties of boring solutions and chemical reagents;

4. Device of devices and methods of determination of parameters of boring solutions;

5. Schemes of the drilling rig and service regulation of the protivovybrosovy equipment;

6. The orders, orders and other regulating documents ensuring labor safety in case of well-drilling.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences

Responsibility. Resistance to stress. Discipline

Endurance and diligence. Concentration and management of attention.

List of technical regulations and national standards:

GOST 12.2.232-2012 "SSBT. Land drilling equipment. Safety requirements", GOST 12.2.041-79 "SSBT. Drilling equipment. Safety requirements", GOST 31844-2012 "Oil and gas industry. Equipment boring and operational. Equipment of lifting. General technical requirements", GOST 31841-2012 "Oil and gas industry. Equipment for underground repair of wells. General technical requirements", ST of RK ISO 10407-2004 "Oil and gas industry. Drilling production equipment. Calculation and terms of use of boring pipes", ST of RK 1263-2004 "Oil and gas industry. Drilling and operational equipment. Lifting equipment", ST of RK ISO 13626-2006 "Industry oil and gas. Drilling and operational equipment. Constructions for drilling and repair of wells" and other standards in the field of drilling.

Communication with other professions within ORK

ORK level

Name of profession


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