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of December 26, 2024 No. 635-HK

About approval of professional standards in the field of mass media

According to Item 5 of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications", PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve:

1) the professional standard "Activities of News Agencies" according to appendix 1 to this order;

2) the professional standard "Activities for Processing of News in Mass Media" according to appendix 2 to this order;

3) the professional standard "Representation of Media Advertising" according to appendix 3 to this order;

4) the professional standard "Activities of Web Portals" according to appendix 4 to this order;

5) professional standard "Edition of newspapers. The edition of magazines and periodic publications" according to appendix 5 to this order;

6) the professional standard "Activities of Professional Public Organizations" according to appendix 6 to this order;

7) the professional standard "Activities for Production Film, Videos and Television Programs" according to appendix 7 to this order;

8) the professional standard "Activities for Distribution of Movies, Video and Television Programs" according to appendix 8 to this order;

9) the professional standard "Post-production Fabrication Stage of Movies, Video and Television Programs" according to appendix 9 to this order;

10) the professional standard "Activities for Creation and Broadcast of Television Programs" according to appendix 10 to this order;

11) the professional Broadcasting standard according to appendix 11 to this order.

2. To provide to department of state policy in the field of mass media of the Ministry of Culture and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) within five working days from the date of signing of this order the direction it the copy in electronic form in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "Institute of the legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan" the Ministries of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for official publication and entering into Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) placement of this order on official Internet resource of the Ministry of Culture and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order becomes effective after day of its first official publication.

Acting minister of culture and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan

K. Iskakov

It is approved

Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Appendix 1

to the Order of the acting minister of culture and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2024 No. 635-HK

Professional standard: "Activities of news agencies"

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. Scope of the professional standard: The professional standard "Activities of News Agencies" is developed according to Item 5 article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications", establishes requirements to forming of educational programs, including personnel trainings at the companies, recognitions of professional qualification of workers and graduates of the organizations of education and solutions of wide range of tasks in the organizations and at the companies and is applied in the field of mass media of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The standard is applied to regulation of processes of collection, processing and distribution of information, and also quality assurance of content and respect for ethical standards in journalism.

2. In this professional standard the following terms and determinations are applied:

1) news agency – the Internet edition which activities are directed to collection, processing and distribution of messages and materials of information nature;

2) information and communication technologies – set of methods of work with electronic information resources and the methods of information exchange performed using the hardware and software and network of telecommunications;

3) mass media – the periodic printing edition, TV, radio channel, the Internet edition;

4) knowledge – the studied and acquired information necessary for accomplishment of actions within professional task;

5) skill – capability to apply knowledge and abilities, allowing to carry out professional task entirely;

6) the Internet edition – the Internet resource, including news agency which underwent the procedure of registration in authorized body as mass media which information and communication infrastructure is placed in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

7) profession – the occupation performed by physical person and requiring certain qualification for its accomplishment;

8) the professional standard – the written official document establishing general requirements to knowledge, abilities, skills, work experience taking into account formal and (or) informal, and (or) informalny education, to skill level and competence, content, quality and working conditions in specific area of professional activity;

9) the national qualifier of occupations of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the document on standardization reflecting names of the occupations applied in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and classifying them by the level and specialization of skills according to type of the performed works;

10) ability – capability physically and (or) intellectually to perform separate single operations within professional task;

11) national system of qualifications (further – NSK) – complex of legal and institutional instruments and mechanisms of regulation and coordination of demand for qualifications from the labor market and the offer of qualifications from education system, including informalny.

3. In this professional standard the following reducings are applied:

1) ICT – information and communication technologies;

2) KS – the job evaluation catalog of positions of heads;

3) media – mass media;

4) the ORK – industry frame of qualifications;

5) NSK – National system of qualifications;

6) NRK – National frame of qualifications;

7) ETKS – Single wage rate book;

8) OKED – the general qualifier of types of economic activity.

Chapter 2. Passport of the professional standard

4. Name of the professional standard: Activities of news agencies.

5. Code of the professional standard: J63910036.

6. Instruction of section, the Section, group, class and subclass agrees OKED:

J Information and communication;

63 Activities in the field of information servicing;

63.9 Other activities in the field of information servicing;

63.91 Activities of news agencies;

63.91.0 Activities of news agencies.

7. Short description of the professional standard: Activities of news agencies include the organization of works on collection, information processing, production and distribution of news materials, photos and other information materials for media. The professional standard determines qualification requirements and competences for the specialists working in the sphere of collection, processing and distribution of information. The standard covers skills of analytical work, creation of news materials, managements of information flows and interactions with other media, and also includes knowledge of ethical standards and the quality standards in journalism.

8. List of cards of professions:

1) the Responsible secretary of the structural agency (edition) - the 7th ORK level;

2) the Observer - the 6th ORK level;

3) the Coordinator on communications with state bodies - the 6th ORK level;

4) the Consultant for work with multimedia editions - the 6th ORK level.

Chapter 3. Cards of professions

9. Profession card "The responsible secretary of the structural agency (edition)":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Responsible secretary of the structural agency (edition)

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard qualification characteristics:


Level of professional education:

Education level:






Requirements to work experience:


Connection with informal and informalny education:


Other possible names of profession:

Main objective of activities:

The description of the professional card "Responsible Secretary of the Structural Agency (Edition)" is in the professional standard "Activities for Processing of News in Mass Media".

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. -

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:


Skill 1:






Possibility of recognition of skill:


Requirements to personal competences:

List of technical regulations and national standards:


Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:



10. Profession card "Observer":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:


Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard qualification characteristics:



Level of professional education:

Education level:






Requirements to work experience:


Connection with informal and informalny education:


Other possible names of profession:

Main objective of activities:

The description of the professional Observer card is in the professional standard "Activities of Web Portals".

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. -

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:


Skill 1:






Possibility of recognition of skill:


Requirements to personal competences:

List of technical regulations and national standards:


Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:



11. Profession card "Coordinator on communications with state bodies":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Coordinator on communications with state bodies

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard qualification characteristics:

The job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees approved by the order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2020 No. 553 "About approval of the Job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts No. 22003).

Paragraph 58. The public relations manager (public relations - manager).

Level of professional education:

Education level:

the higher education (bachelor degree, specialist programme, internship)


Social sciences



Requirements to work experience:

the highest (or postgraduate) education in the corresponding direction of training, additional preparation in the field of public relations and mass media and length of service at least 2 years.

Connection with informal and informalny education:

It is not required

Other possible names of profession:

2431-3-017 - Specialist in public relations

Main objective of activities:

Ensuring mutual understanding and cooperation between the organization and state bodies of all levels

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Monitoring and analysis of legislative, political decisions and tendencies

2. Ensuring communications with state bodies, professional communities

3. Organization and holding (participation) actions

4. Preparation of information materials, letters, appeals to authorities and replies to the requests

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Monitoring and analysis of legislative, political decisions and tendencies

Skill 1:

Analyze the existing legislative requirements and standards.


1. Analyze public and internal sources of information.

2. Research and analyze internal and external environment.


1. Legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of mass media.

2. Methods of analytical work with large volumes of information.

3. Methods of data collection and processing using modern technical means and computer technologies.

4. The labor law, procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Trace various sources of information in the sphere of legislative regulation.


1. Collect information from all appropriate sources.

2. Unite information fragments for forming of general rules or conclusions.

3. Estimate and control the obtained information.


1. Legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of mass media.

2. Industry and cross-industry information of state bodies.

3. Methods of analytical work with large volumes of information.

4. Methods of data collection and processing using modern technical means and computer technologies.

5. The labor law, procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 3:

Reveal and trace key political, legislative and business solutions and tendencies.


1. Trace social, economic and political events (problems).

2. Research and predict tendencies, estimate their value for the organization and for PR-strategy.


1. The legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating questions in the field of mass media.

2. Fundamentals of market economy, entrepreneurship and management.

3. Methods of data collection and processing using modern technical means of communication and computer technologies.

4. The labor law, procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Labor function 2:

Ensuring communications with state bodies, professional communities

Skill 1:

Provide realization and development of PR-strategy in the sphere of interaction with state bodies and professional communities.


1. Develop the concept of foreign and domestic policy of the organization in the field of communications with state bodies.

2. Plan and organize system of communication in the organization.

3. Carry out SWOT analysis.

4. Determine target authorities for communication.

5. Understand structure of work of state bodies.

6. Build communication with representatives of state bodies.

7. Integrate the company into projects of government institutions.


1. SWOT analysis.

2. The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of mass media.

3. Labor law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. Methods of project planning.

5. Modern organizations of collective works of technologies.

6. Technologies of time-management.

7. Understanding of system of state bodies, their organization, legislative process.

8. The labor law, procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Organize interaction with professional communities and with state bodies exerting impact on company performance and industry.


1. Organize and keep in touch with the news, advertizing, consulting agencies, public relations agencies, publishing houses, other companies and the organizations, public structures and various groups of the public.

2. Organize and keep in touch with professional communities, experts, analysts, competitors and partners.

3. Determine nature, content and carriers of the information messages proceeding from the organization.

4. Initiate and organize the projects uniting interests of various participants of the market.

5. Research and predict tendencies.

6. Study the legislative and other regulatory legal acts adopted by state bodies.

7. Participate in rule-making activities.

8. Hold negotiations and coordination.


1. Bases of the economy, entrepreneurships, political science, sociology, psychology, marketing, management.

2. The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of mass media.

3. Bases of the economy, entrepreneurships, political science, sociology, psychology, marketing, management.

4. Rule-making process.

5. System of government institutions and their interrelation.

6. The labor law, procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 3:

Advance and protect interests of the company in state bodies and to regularly update bases of contacts in target public authorities


1. Hold negotiations and coordination.

2. Understand structure of work of state bodies.

3. Determine key interests of target public authorities.

4. Have skills of work with office software products.

5. Monitor personnel appointments in state bodies.


1. The regulatory legal acts relating to area of mass media.

2. System of state bodies, their organization, legislative process.

3. Methods of analytical work.

4. Office software products, ICT.

5. The labor law, procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Labor function 3:

Organization and holding (participation) actions

Skill 1:

Trace significant actions of target state bodies and prepare plans of action


1. Carry out monitoring of information sources.

2. Process information using modern technical means of communication and computer technologies.

3. Determine the purposes, tasks and target audience of the organization.

4. Be able to adhere organizational the politician and procedures.

5. Provide interaction of structural divisions of the organization in case of joint activities with the public.


1. Main methods of researches of different types (marketing, sociological, media).

2. Bases of the theory of communication.

3. Forecasts of development of information processes and sphere of mass communications.

4. Main methods of researches of different types (marketing, sociological, media).

5. Fundamentals of logic and theory of the argumentation.

6. Bases of the theory of communication.

7. Forecasts of development of information processes and sphere of mass communications.

8. Environment of information market.

9. Methods and instruments of media planning.

10. The labor law, procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Organize and hold negotiations, events, seminars, trainings with participation of representatives of state bodies


1. Analyze strategic and operating plans for determination of scale, subject and the purposes of actions.

2. Determine audience and participants of actions.

3. Realize actions according to the plan, the schedule and costs.

4. Organize the platform for communication.

5. Work with audience.


1. Technology of work with content (determination is more whole than tasks, strategic focuses, copywriting).

2. The principles and technologies of preparation for public statements (training of public statements, training according to content, image making).

3. Planning methods of actions.

4. Methods and instruments of tactical planning of communications.

5. The principles of the organization of the territory of holding actions which purpose is communication (organizational and technical supply, registration and branding, safety).

6. Technology of organization of events.

7. Fundamentals of psychology.

8. The labor law, procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 3:

Organize participation in specialized exhibitions and conferences


1. Choose actions taking into account the strategy of the organization.

2. Constitute the action plan.

3. Determine procedure for organizational actions and programs.

4. Prepare information materials.

5. Own technicians of business negotiations.


1. Methods and instruments of tactical planning of communications.

2. Planning methods and organizations of advertizing and information campaigns.

3. Instruments of marketing communications.

4. The labor law, procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Labor function 4:

Preparation of information materials, letters, appeals to authorities and replies to the requests

Skill 1:

Prepare letters and appeals to state bodies


1. Prepare the text of letters and appeals to state bodies according to the purposes of communication and style.

2. To communicate effectively in writing according to needs of audience.

3. Constitute business letters.


1. Spelling, punctuation and stylistic regulations and rules state, official, foreign languages.

2. The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of mass media.

3. Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on procedure for consideration of appeals of physical persons and legal entities.

4. Requirements to document creation.

5. The labor law, procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Prepare replies to the requests of state bodies


1. Work with documentation.

2. Interact with structural divisions.


1. Legislation of the area of the Republic of Kazakhstan of mass media.

2. Procedure for submission of information which is the state, official and trade secret, procedure for its protection and use.

3. Structure and business processes of the organization.

4. Operating procedure with documentation, the legislation in the field of personal data, ministerial procedures.

5. The labor law, procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Requirements to personal competences:









List of technical regulations and national standards:

Is not object of technical regulation

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Consultant for work with multimedia editions


Specialist in media planning

12. Profession card "Consultant for work with multimedia editions":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Consultant for work with multimedia editions

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and standard qualification characteristics:



Level of professional education:

Education level:






Requirements to work experience:


Connection with informal and informalny education:


Other possible names of profession:

Main objective of activities:

The description of the professional card "Consultant for Work with Multimedia Editions" is in the professional standard "Activities for Distribution of Movies, Video and Television Programs".

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. -

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:


Skill 1:






Possibility of recognition of skill:


Requirements to personal competences:

List of technical regulations and national standards:


Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:



Chapter 4. Specifications of the professional standard

13. Name of state body: Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

14. The organizations (company) participating in development: JSC Republican Teleradio Corporation Kazakhstan.

Project manager: Mynzhasar Aygul T_leubaldykyzy.

Contractors: Tatanov Miras,

15. Industry council on professional qualifications: 28.10.2024.

16. National authority on professional qualifications: 29.10.2024.

17. National chamber of entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of Atameken: 20.12.2024.

18. Number of the version and year of release: version 3, 2024.

19. Date of approximate review: 12.12.2027.

Appendix 2

to the Order of the acting minister of culture and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 26, 2024 No. 635-HK

Professional standard: "Activities for processing of news in mass media"

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. Scope of the professional standard: The professional standard "Activities for Processing of News in Mass Media" is developed according to Item 5 article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications", establishes requirements to forming of educational programs, including personnel trainings at the companies, recognitions of professional qualification of workers and graduates of the organizations of education and solutions of wide range of tasks in the organizations and at the companies and is applied in the field of mass media of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. In this professional standard the following terms and determinations are applied:

1) information and communication technologies – set of methods of work with electronic information resources and the methods of information exchange performed using the hardware and software and network of telecommunications;

2) mass media – the periodic printing edition, TV, radio channel, the Internet edition;

3) knowledge – the studied and acquired information necessary for accomplishment of actions within professional task;

4) skill – capability to apply knowledge and abilities, allowing to carry out professional task entirely;

5) profession – the occupation performed by physical person and requiring certain qualification for its accomplishment;

6) the professional standard – the written official document establishing general requirements to knowledge, abilities, skills, work experience taking into account formal and (or) informal, and (or) informalny education, to skill level and competence, content, quality and working conditions in specific area of professional activity;

7) the national qualifier of occupations of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the document on standardization reflecting names of the occupations applied in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and classifying them by the level and specialization of skills according to type of the performed works;

8) ability – capability physically and (or) intellectually to perform separate single operations within professional task;

9) national system of qualifications (further – NSK) – complex of legal and institutional instruments and mechanisms of regulation and coordination of demand for qualifications from the labor market and the offer of qualifications from education system, including informalny.

3. In this professional standard the following reducings are applied:

1) KS – the job evaluation catalog of positions of heads;

2) the ORK – industry frame of qualifications;

3) NSK – National system of qualifications;

4) NRK – National frame of qualifications;

5) ETKS – Single wage rate book;

6) OKED – the general qualifier of types of economic activity.

Chapter 2. Passport of the professional standard

4. Name of the professional standard: Activities for processing of news in mass media.

5. Code of the professional standard: J61909035.

6. Instruction of section, the Section, group, class and subclass agrees OKED:

J Information and communication;

61 Telecommunications;

61.9 Other activities in the field of telecommunications;

61.90 Other activities in the field of telecommunications;

61.90.9 The other activities in the field of telecommunications which are not included in other groups.

7. Short description of the professional standard: High-quality processing of news of media due to transformation of flow of messages to the structured subject set of news. The professional standard determines qualification requirements and competences for the specialists collecting the analysis and submission of news information. It includes skills of journalistic investigation, editing, work with sources, and also knowledge of the legal and ethical standards regulating covering of events in media.

8. List of cards of professions:

1) the Responsible secretary of the structural agency (edition) - the 7th ORK level;

2) the Observer - the 6th ORK level;

3) the Coordinator on communications with state bodies - the 6th ORK level;

4) the Consultant for work with multimedia editions - the 6th ORK level;

5) the Screenwriter - the 6th ORK level.

Chapter 3. Cards of professions

9. Profession card "The responsible secretary of the structural agency (edition)":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Responsible secretary of the structural agency (edition)

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Communication with ETKC or KC is absent


Level of professional education:

Education level:

postgraduate education (magistracy, residency)


Journalism and information



Requirements to work experience:

it is not required

Connection with informal and informalny education:

It is not required

Other possible names of profession:

Main objective of activities:

The organization in editorial work.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. The organization of editorial work concerning planning, timely and high-quality preparation of materials for printing and in air.

2. Control schedule performance of receipt of publications, headings, strips, selections.

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

The organization of editorial work concerning planning, timely and high-quality preparation of materials for printing and in air.

Skill 1:

Develop drafts of the current and perspective plans of the newspaper (magazine) and their representation for consideration to the editor-in-chief and editorial board.


1. Carry out the analysis of the internal circle and external environment of the organization for determination of its market position and to industries.

2. Collect, process and analyze significant data from various sources, unite information for forming of general conclusions and structure it according to statutory rules.

3. Estimate plans, projects and situations, to analyze possible risks and results of performance of works within objectives.

4. Reveal current events in life of society and find the new points of view on them for preparation of materials.

5. Determine circle of problems and priority subjects for the publication in the edition or transfer, focusing attention on the most significant aspects.


1. The purposes and tasks of the offered media project.

2. Target audience for which this project is intended, its social and psychological characteristics.

3. Experience of domestic and foreign media of similar format and subject.

4. Principles of development of the concept of the media project (including modeling and design), methods of its analysis and correction.

5. Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan On mass media.

6. The labor law, procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Select materials in the newspaper (magazine), the program


1. Analyze quality of the provided materials, checking their compliance to requirements and format specific media.

2. Mark up originals of editions and illustration, determining procedure for their arrangement and elements of registration.

3. Check relevance and accuracy of the information, provided by authors, for ensuring high level of content.

4. Adjust defects in author's materials and explain them to authors for improvement of quality of future works.

5. Reveal strong and weaknesses of the provided materials to offer improvements and optimization of content.


1. Theories, methods, methods and instruments of editorial activities.

2. Editorial policy, including political, economic, communicative interests of owners of media.

3. Tasks and methods, technology and technology of creation of journalistic publications, their substantial and structural and composite specifics.

4. Rules and regulations of the modern literary languages necessary for execution of job responsibilities.

5. The labor law, procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not required

Labor function 2:

Control schedule performance of receipt of publications, headings, strips, selections.

Skill 1:

Direct preparation of dummy of issue of the newspaper (magazine), program.


1. Estimate degree of competence of authors for quality assurance of materials.

2. Constitute the list of the found typographical errors and other errors for further correction.

3. Explain to authors of their mistake to help them to improve quality of future works.

4. Constitute the editorial passport of material including all important data on the publication.

5. Instruct employees together with the author in specifics of work with material (illustrations, audio, video, etc.) both its technical and to decorating.

6. Advise on feasibility of the publication of the provided materials and methods of their use in the project.

7. Determine nature of information necessary for amendment of author's materials.

8. Analyze content of the received materials and their feasibility for the publication.

9. Advise according to decisions on the publication (or transfer) materials.

10. Release materials in production, providing their readiness for the publication.


1. Theories, methods, methods and instruments of editorial activities.

2. Theories, methods, methods and instruments of consulting.

3. Editorial policy, including political, economic, communicative interests of owners of media.

4. Tasks and methods, technology and technology of creation of journalistic publications, their substantial and structural and composite specifics.

5. The labor law, procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not required

Skill 2:

Provide observance of standards, specifications and other regulating documents by preparation of the original for the publication.


1. Combine various formats as a part of one media for creation of many-sided content.

2. Analyze structure and content of materials for detection of their efficiency.

3. Find mistakes and defects which need to be corrected for improvement of quality.

4. Check actual data for reliability and relevance.

5. Analyze strong and the weaknesses provided by authors of the materials for quality improvement.

6. Determine nature of the necessary additional information for more complete disclosure of subject.

7. Choose methods of editing materials for the most complete disclosure of author's plan.

8. Bring material into accord with requirements of media for ensuring uniformity.

9. Edit context, spelling, syntax, punctuation and style of material for increase in readability.

10. Process material for increase in its relevance to requests of target audience of media.

11. Explain to the author of its mistake for the purpose of training and advanced training.

12. Formulate offers to the author about correction and amendment of material for improvement of its quality.

13. Work with photo, video, audio-, graphical information for creation of multimedia content.

14. Determine the keywords of the text necessary for search optimization and use them in headings.

15. Realize package of measures for raising of line items of the website in results of issue of search engines for the purpose of promotion.

16. Process digital data (the text, graphical representations, audio-, video) with use of the most widespread software for quality assurance of content.


1. Bases journalese, TV, radio - the production Internet.

2. Standards, specifications, instructions and other regulating documents for preparation and release of the newspaper (magazine).

3. Bases of labor organization and management.

4. Bases of the labor law RK.

5. Copyright bases.

6. Legislation of PK O of mass media.

7. Specifics of information work.

8. Procedure for the conclusion of author's agreements.

9. Methods of editing and basis of art technical execution of editions.

10. The labor law, procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of fire safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not required

Requirements to personal competences:

Resistance to stress





Working capacity





List of technical regulations and national standards:

Is not object of technical regulation

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Editor (general profile)









10. Profession card "Observer":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:


Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:



Level of professional education:

Education level:






Requirements to work experience:


Connection with informal and informalny education:


Other possible names of profession:

Main objective of activities:

The description of the professional Observer card is in the professional standard "Activities of Web Portals"

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. -

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:


Skill 1:






Possibility of recognition of skill:


Requirements to personal competences:

List of technical regulations and national standards:


Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:



11. Profession card "Coordinator on communications with state bodies":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Coordinator on communications with state bodies

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:



Level of professional education:

Education level:






Requirements to work experience:


Connection with informal and informalny education:


Other possible names of profession:

Main objective of activities:

The description of the professional card "Coordinator on Communications with State Bodies" is in the professional standard "Activities of News Agencies"

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. -

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:


Skill 1:






Possibility of recognition of skill:


Requirements to personal competences:

List of technical regulations and national standards:


Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:



12. Profession card "Consultant for work with multimedia editions":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Consultant for work with multimedia editions

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:


Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:



Level of professional education:

Education level:






Requirements to work experience:


Connection with informal and informalny education:


Other possible names of profession:

Main objective of activities:

The description of the professional card "Consultant for Work with Multimedia Editions" is in the professional standard "Activities for Distribution of Movies, Video and Television Programs"

Description of labor functions


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