Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 30, 2024 No. PP-465

About measures for volumetric gain of cultivation of products with use of additional opportunities on agricultural areas

For the purpose of increase in export indicators of the country by the effective organization and volumetric gain of cultivation of agricultural products at the edges of fields of the parcels of land of agricultural purpose, on squares around channels, irrigating and collector and drainage networks (further - at the edges of fields) except for coastal zones, and also on garden plots and in population households, near multi-storey houses, on internal streets makhally:

1. Determine that the new procedure for enhancement of system of cultivation of agricultural products at the edges of fields, on garden plots and in population households, near multi-storey houses, on internal streets makhally, providing takes root:

a) on the organization of cultivation of agricultural products:

assignment on the Agency on quarantine and protection of plants (further - the Agency) tasks of the organization of cultivation of products at the edges of fields, on garden plots and in population households, near multi-storey houses and on internal streets makhally, deliveries of seeds and saplings to subjects of agricultural industry, and also sending the grown-up products for export;

studying by the Agency within year of needs of export entrepreneurs of fruit and vegetable products for crops and export of profitable cultures;

submission to the Agency of the conclusions on ensuring water supply at the edges of fields and to not hindrance by crops of cultures to holding irrigational and meliorative actions on these lands - the Ministry of water economy, on grades of fruit and grapes proceeding from edaphic-climatic conditions - Agency on development of agricultural industry;

introduction by the Agency annually till January 1 of offers on types of cultures in Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent taking into account demand, and also proceeding from climatic conditions, experience of the population of each area also waved;

attachment of the state inspectors on quarantine and protection of plants separately to each producer of agricultural products;

informing the general public by the Agency by means of the mobile program "Agroko " makchi" about data (including pattern of ownership and water supply) at the edges of fields for the organization of their transfer to the sublease to producers of agricultural products;

acceptance of the Republic of Karakalpakstan by Council of Ministers, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent annually till February 1 of relevant decisions on the organization of sowing works and forecast indicators of cultivation of products at the edges of fields for harvest of the corresponding year;

determination by the Agency annually till February 15 of entrepreneurs who will deliver seeds, saplings for each contour and to buy products, and their attachment to producers of agricultural products;

b) on support of the producers of agricultural products who are effectively using regions of fields:

free issue of the internal phytosanitary certificate for one year;

allocation by the State trust fund on development and support of agricultural industry in accordance with the established procedure subsidies in the amount of 50 percent of expenses on purchase of stocks of the fruit saplings planted at the edges of fields by the in-vitro method, but no more than 25 thousand sum on each stock of fruit sapling.

2. To agency on development of agricultural industry based on requests of commercial banks to allocate it funds of the State trust fund on development and support of agricultural industry as resources at the main rate of the Central bank. At the same time according to recommendations of the Agency on development of agricultural industry:

providing with the seeds, saplings, fertilizers, chemical medicines, material resources necessary for development and cultivation of products at the edges of fields is performed;

the credits for water supply by transfer on bank cards of borrowers of part no more than 50 percent of expenses on installation of pumps and pipes for a period of 12 months, including grace period up to 6 months, at the rate exceeding the main rate of the Central bank on 4 percent points are allocated.

3. Take into consideration that No. PP-121 "About measures for enhancement of system of cultivation on land at the edges of fields of agricultural enterprises" are determined by the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 12, 2023:

a) allocation by Council of farmer, Dehkan farms and owners of garden plots of Uzbekistan (A. Haitov) 50 billion sum on purchase of drying workshops and cold storage warehouses at the expense of Fund of support of farmer, Dehkan farms and owners of garden plots;

b) allocation of these means by Fund of support of farmer, Dehkan farms and owners of garden plots:

to agricultural enterprises for a period of 84 months, including grace period up to 36 months, at the rate of 14 annual interest rates, at the same time as mortgage providing 60 percent of credit amount acceptance of the established drying workshops and cold storage warehouses, 40 percent - insurance policies on risk insurance of their non-return;

to initiators with condition of transfer to the settlement account of product suppliers after installation of drying workshops and cold storage warehouses.

To Central Bank to take measures for regular allocation of the credits by commercial banks to initiators on the basis of requirements, stipulated in Item the 6th the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 12, 2023 No. PP-121, at the rate exceeding the main rate of the Central bank on 4 percent points by means of the Single electronic platform of development programs of family entrepreneurship for the purpose of effective use of fund of support of farmer, Dehkan farms and owners of garden plots. At the same time to determine that the specified credits are allocated also on purchase intended for drying and packaging of fruit and vegetable products of the equipment, racks and plastic boxes.

4. Create:

The republican working group on coordination of the organization of cultivation of agricultural products at the edges of fields, on squares around channels, irrigating and collector and drainage networks, on garden plots and in population households, near multi-storey houses, on internal streets makhally (further - the Republican working group) headed by the director of the Agency in structure according to appendix No. 1 *;

the regional and district working groups on coordination of the organization of cultivation of agricultural products at the edges of fields, on squares around channels, irrigating and collector and drainage networks, on garden plots and in population households, near multi-storey houses, on internal streets makhally (further - regional and district working groups) in structure according to appendices No. No. 2 and 3*.

Assign to the Republican working group (I. Ergashev) the following tasks:

studying and approval of the specific size of acreage at the edges of fields, households, near multi-storey houses, internal streets makhally on each area;

the organization of hokimama of areas (cities) and territorial departments of the Agency of the inventory of works on establishment and the state registration of right to use by regions of fields by which the property right is not determined;


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