Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of January 13, 2025 No. ZRU-1017

About space activities

Accepted by Legislative house on September 30, 2024

Approved by the Senate on December 21, 2024

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Purpose of this Law

The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations in the field of space activities.

Article 2. Legislation on space activities

The legislation on space activities consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.

If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about space activities then are applied rules of the international treaty.

Article 3. Basic concepts

In this Law the following basic concepts are applied:

objects of land space infrastructure - land constructions, buildings and the equipment used when implementing space activities;

remote sensing of Earth - process of receipt of data on objects on the land surface and in subsoil by means of the equipment installed on spacecrafts and other devices (the airplane, the helicopter, unmanned aerial vehicles and others);

the national operator of remote sensing of Earth (further - the National operator) - the legal entity performing activities for management and (or) use of space systems, determined by specially authorized state body in the field of space activities;

the spacecraft - the technical device intended for start in the space allowing to research space and Earth, including the artificial satellite device;

space monitoring - the component of space services directed to studying of condition of objects of space monitoring by processing and the analysis of the space pictures received by means of spacecrafts, and also other additional data;

space object - the technical device intended for work in space including the spacecraft and (or) means of its conclusion in space and their components;

space picture - the two-dimensional image received in the different ranges of electromagnetic range by means of the special devices established on spacecrafts, and visualized on certain algorithm;

space technologies - set of the methods, devices, means, methods and processes used for collection, storage, search, processing and distribution of information and (or) the data necessary for implementation of space activities, and also obtaining and use of results of these activities;

space system - functionally interconnected set of technical means and applied works including the space objects and objects of land space infrastructure intended for research of space and Earth, and use of their results;

space - space which according to the natural characteristic surrounds the airspace which is outside the atmosphere of Earth in which space objects can perform the functional tasks;

space activities - the activities directed to research of space and Earth by means of space technologies and their use for achievement of scientific, social and economic, ecological, information, commercial purposes are more whole than defense, safety and the purposes of other spheres;

objects of space activities - the objects of space infrastructure used when implementing space activities;

subjects of space activities - the legal entities performing space activities, including the international organizations performing space activities in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to this Law and international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

space services - the services rendered with use of geographic information systems, representing space data, space and digital technologies including by space monitoring.

Article 4. Basic principles of space activities

The basic principles of space activities are:

efficiency of use of scientific and technical capacity of the country and opportunities of space activities;

assistance to increase in level of digitalization and transparency of industries by means of space technologies;

implementation of international cooperation on equal and mutually advantageous basis;

support and stimulation of the priority directions of development of space activities;

priority of observance of ecological requirements, requirements of regulating documents in the field of technical regulation and requirements for ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population when implementing space activities.

Article 5. Main objectives of implementation of space activities

Main objectives of implementation of space activities are:

assistance to sustainable social and economic development, strengthening of defense capability and safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

research of Earth, space and celestial bodies, and also accumulating and development of scientific knowledge of them;

acceleration of digitalization of industries by means of space technologies;

research of the territory of the country for the benefit of scientific, social and economic, ecological, commercial and other spheres by means of space technologies;

provision of space services in the field of space activities;

assistance to permanent monitoring of the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the purpose of mitigation of climate change and mitigation of its impact;

development of international cooperation in the field of space activities.

Chapter 2. State regulation in the field of space activities

Article 6. The main directions of state policy in the field of space activities

The main directions of state policy in the field of space activities are:

development and realization of single state policy and strategic directions in the field of space activities;

participation in international cooperation on research of space and planets in the peace purposes and to use of space technologies;

use of results of space activities, creation and (or) start of space objects for the purpose of sustainable social and economic development of the country, and also strengthening of its defense and safety;

creation and development of the national space service market;

preparation of suggestions for improvement of the legislation on space activities, including project development of regulatory legal acts and implementation of the state control of compliance with law about space activities;

development and realization of complex measures for development of space infrastructure, space researches and technologies, research and development works;

the organization of preparation, retraining and advanced training of personnel for the directions of space activities in the educational organizations, including in the leading foreign educational organizations;

assistance to increase in efficiency of accomplishment of the tasks assigned to the ministries and departments performing activities in social and economic spheres with use of remote sensing of Earth, geographic information systems, space and digital technologies;


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