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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
March 28, 2007.
No. 286/13553
of December 22, 2006 No. 1179
About approval of Rules of the organization and accomplishment of aerial works in rural and forestry
1. Approve Rules of the organization and accomplishment of aerial works in rural and forestry (further - Rules) (are applied).
2. To the deputy director of the department of operational inspection of State aviaservice M. G. Masharovskoma:
2.1. Provide submission of this order to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine for state registration.
2.2. Bring Rules to the attention of operators, airlines, and also the companies and the organizations performing aviation activities in field of application of aircraft in rural and forestry in the territory of Ukraine.
3. To heads of the companies which are carrying out this type of economic activity to bring the acts regulating procedure for the organization and accomplishment of flights on aerial works in rural and forestry and also the organization of servicing of the aviation engineering applied at these works into compliance with these Rules, - till 01.07.2007.
4. Consider not applied in the territory of Ukraine:
4.1. Subitem 10.1.4 of Item 10.1 and subitems 10.2. 1, 10.2.7, 10.2.9 of Item 10.2 of the Section 10 "Flight Regulation Manuals in Civil Aviation of the USSR" (NPP GA - 85), the Minister of civil aviation of the USSR approved by the order of April 8, 1985 N77.
4.2. Subitems 9.1. 7, 9.1.8, 9.1.9, 9.1.10, 9.1.11 of Item 9.1 of the Section 9 "Manuals on Technical Operation and Repair of Aviation Engineering in Civil Aviation of the USSR" (NTERAT of HECTARE - 83), the Minister of HECTARE of the USSR B. P. Bugaev approved by the order of December 27, 1983, the "Management on air-chemical works of civil aviation of the USSR" approved by the Minister of HECTARE of the USSR B. P. Bugaev on December 30, 1982.
5. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the deputy minister A. A. Kolisnyk.
Minister N. Rudkovsky
Approved by the Order of Mintranssvyaz of Ukraine of December 22, 2006 No. 1179
1.1. These rules determine procedure for the organization of aerial works in rural and forestry, the choice and the equipment of landing sites, preparation and the admission of flight and maintenance personnel to accomplishment of aerial works, flight to the place of accomplishment of aerial works and preparation for their accomplishment, accomplishment of flights on aerial works, feature of meteorological, medical support of flights, the organization of radio-fraquency voice communication and air traffic maintenance, procedure for rescue flight servicing and aviation safety, the organization and flight servicing, management of aircraft crews, accounting and delivery of the performed works and other.
1.2. Rules extend and are obligatory for legal entities, irrespective of patterns of ownership and departmental accessory which activities are connected with providing the organization and accomplishment of aerial works in rural and forestry of Ukraine.
In case of development of these Rules the following regulatory legal acts were used:
Convention on international civil aviation, Chicago, 1944 and appendices to it;
The law of Ukraine "About pesticides and agrochemicals" of 02.03.95 N86/95-BP;
The law of Ukraine "About ensuring sanitary and epidemic wellbeing of the population" of 24.02.94 N4004-XII;
The law of Ukraine "About protection of plants" of 14.10.98 N180-XIV;
The law of Ukraine "About the State program of aviation safety of civil aviation" of 20.02.2003 N545-IV;
resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 18.09.95 N746 "About Approval of the Procedure for Receipt of the Admission (Certificate) on the Right of the Work Connected with Transportation, Storage, Application and Trade in Pesticides and Agrochemicals";
The regulations on use of airspace of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 29.03.2002 of N401 (further - Regulations on use of airspace);
resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 12.10.2002 N1535 "About Approval of the Procedure and Rules of Carrying Out Compulsory Aviation Insurance of Civil Aviation";
The rules of determination of on-duty time and time of rest of crews of air vehicles of civil aviation of Ukraine approved by the order of Ministry of Transport of Ukraine of 02.04.2002 of N 219, registered in the Ministry of Justice 24.04.2002 for N390/6678;
The rules of flights of air vehicles and air traffic maintenance in the classified airspace of Ukraine approved by the order of Ministry of Transport of Ukraine of 16.04.2003 of N 293, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 05.05.2003 for N346/7667 (further - Rules of flights of air vehicles);
The rules of aviation telecommunication in civil aviation of Ukraine approved by the order of Ministry of Transport of Ukraine of 23.09.2003 of N 736, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 31.10.2003 for N1001/8322;
Rules of conducting radio-fraquency voice communication and the phraseology of radio exchange in airspace of Ukraine approved by the order of Ministry of Transport of Ukraine of 10.06.2004 of N 486, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 06.07.2004 for N844/9443 (further - Rules of radio communication in airspace of Ukraine);
The rules of meteorological providing aircraft approved by the joint order of State aviaservice, Ministry for Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of 14.11.2005 of N851/409/661, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 22.12.2005 for N1546/11826 (further - Rules of meteorological providing aircraft);
The rules of medical support and control of flights of civil aviation of Ukraine approved by the order of State aviaservice of 05.12.2005 of N 920, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 19.01.2006 for N44/11918 (further - Rules of medical support of flights of civil aviation of Ukraine);
The rules of investigation of aviation incidents and incidents with civil air vehicles in Ukraine approved by the order of State aviaservice of 13.12.2005 of N 943, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 29.12.2005 for N1588/11868 (further - Rules of investigation of aviation incidents);
The state sanitary regulations of aviation use of pesticides and agrochemicals in the national economy of Ukraine approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of 18.12.96 of N382 (further - the State sanitary regulations of AHR);
Section 6.2. Applications by aviation method of the State sanitary regulations of transportation, storage and use of pesticides in the national economy, chipboard 8.8.1, of N1 approved by the resolution of the chief state health officer of Ukraine of 03.08.98;
Ukraviation's order of 06.09.93 N65 "About Reducing Control Flights by the An-2 Airplanes of Agricultural Option";
the order of State aviaservice of 01.12.2004 N205 "About Approval of Rules of the Admission to Operation of Runway Platforms for Flights of Light Aircrafts" registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 24.12.2004 for N1644/10243 (further - Rules of the admission to operation of VPPL);
the order of State aviaservice of 27.03.2006 N223 "About application in civil aviation of Ukraine of Joint Aviation Requirements of JAR-FCL 1, 2, 3, 4 "Issue of certificates to flight crew", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 12.04.2006 for N426/12300;
"Management on the organization of flight work in civil aviation", the USSR approved by the order of the Minister of HECTARE of 29.01.87 N25;
The "Instruction on the organization of providing, storage, preparation, quality control, fuel and lubricants AF gas station in airfields of PANH" approved by specifying of the Minister in HECTARE of the USSR of 15.12.88 of N805/U;
"Manual on technical operation and repair of aviation engineering in civil aviation of the USSR", the USSR approved by the order of the Minister of HECTARE of 27.12.83 N241 (further - NTERAT of HECTARE);
The "Flight regulation manuals in civil aviation of the USSR" approved by the order of the Minister of HECTARE of the USSR of 08.04.85 of N77 (further - NPP GA);
"Manual on mate service in civil aviation of the USSR", the USSR approved by the Minister of HECTARE 10.07.86 (further - NShS GA).
In these Rules terms have the following value:
Aerial works in rural and forestry - works on application of aviation method of introduction of pesticides, agrochemicals, biological products and entomophages with use of the air vehicles equipped with the equipment for spraying, spraying, rassev of bulk and liquid solids, resettlement of trikhogramma. This type of aerial works belongs to aerial special works (appendix 17 to the Convention on international civil aviation, Chicago, 1944, the 8th edition, April, 2006).
Aviation safety - complex of actions, and also the human and material resources intended for protection of civil aviation against acts of illegal intervention in its activities.
Aviation telecommunication - telecommunication intended for any aviation requirements.
Aviation land telecommunication - the aviation telecommunication using means of telecommunication of GA, technical means of the automated system of telecommunication of the country and the international network of telecommunication.
Aviation air telecommunication - the aviation telecommunication using means of wire telecommunication and aviation radio communication with crews of AF in the course of all flight.
The aviation radio communication - type of telecommunication which is performed by means of electromagnetic oscillations in the frequency band which is taken away for GA and is intended for terrestrial and air services of telecommunication.
Agrochemicals - the organic, mineral and bacterial fertilizers, chemical ameliorants, regulators of growth of plants and other substances applied to increase in fertility of soils, productivity of crops and improvement of quality of crop products.
Airfield - the land area or surface of the water (including any buildings placed on it, constructions and the equipment) intended fully or partially for arrival, departure and movement of air vehicles.
Airfield mountain - the airfield located on the area with the crossed relief and relative eminences of 500 m and more in radius of 25 km from checkpoint of airfield and also the airfield located at the height of 1000 m and more above sea level.
Aeronautical information - information obtained as a result of selection, the analysis and formatting of aeronautical data.
Aviation safety - the complex characteristic of air transport and aerial works which determines capability to carry out flights without threat for life and human health.
Biomaterials - biological remedies of plants which provide application of entomophages and industrial forms of biological products.
The onboard emergency equipment of airplanes and the GA helicopters - the technical means both which are functionally connected with aircraft design and substitutable means and equipments which are used in case of emergency on the air vehicle.
Briefing office - the general name of Items of preflight information service of airspace users messages on air traffic maintenance, aeronautical and meteorological data.
Visibility - the maximum distance at which dark objects and light markers are observed and will be recognized in the afternoon at night. In case of tool observations meteorological optical visible range (MOR) is accepted to visibility.
MOR (meteorological optical range) - the track length of luminous flux in the atmosphere on which it weakens to 0,05 of its initial value.
Visibility vertical - the maximum distance from the Earth's surface to the level from which vertically down it is visible objects on earth's surface.
Safe height - minimum admissible flight height which guarantees the air vehicle against collision it with earth's (water) surface or obstacles in it.
Height of the lower bound of clouds - distance down between land surface or waters and the lower bound of the lowest cloud cover.
Clear area - specially prepared site terrestrial or surface of the water, adjoining edge of the available take-off run, suitable for initial climb of the air vehicle to set value.
Visual meteorological conditions - the meteorological conditions expressed in values of visible range, distances to clouds and height of the lower bound of the clouds corresponding to set values or exceeding them.
The owner of runway site - legal entity or physical person to which belongs or which has in permanent use parcel of land where the runway site is located.
The air traffic control clearance - permission to the aircraft commander to be effective in accordance with the terms, established by dispatching body.
The term "air traffic control clearance" can be reduced to the term "permission".
The reduced term "permission" can be used with the words "on taxiing-out", "on take-off", "on departure", "en route flight", "on landing approach" or "landing" for designation of flight stage to which the air traffic control clearance belongs.
The valid height - distance down from the level of the point located directly under the air vehicle to the air vehicle.
Aircraft crew - aeronautical personnel which in accordance with the established procedure carries out obligations on management and servicing of the air vehicle when implementing flights.
The operator of runway site - the legal entity or physical person (the private pilot) operating runway site.
The operator - the legal entity or physical person (the private pilot) operating air vehicles or offering the services in this area.
Task for flight - the document of the established form containing the necessary information about crew, the air vehicle and determining objective of the flight (flights).
Alternate aerodrome - airfield to which the air vehicle if it is excluded or inexpedient to follow to airfield can follow, or runway site of the appointed landing or to perform on them landing.
Flight request - the document of the established form which is submitted at the scheduled time to relevant organ of air traffic maintenance and which contains necessary data for flight support (flights).
Forced landing - aerodrome landing or out of airfield for the reason which is not allowing to execute flight according to the plan.
Runway site - land (water, ice) the site or specially prepared area of minimum admissible sizes providing take off and landing of light aircrafts.
Landing strip - the certain rectangular site prepared for landing and take-off of air vehicles.
The aircraft commander - the pilot who is determined by the operator or, in case of general aviation, the owner of the air vehicle to carry out the commander's obligations, to correspond for safe flight execution.
Consultation (meteorological) - discussion with the meteorologist of the actual and/or expected meteorological conditions connected with flight execution; discussion includes answers to questions.
The controlled airfield - airfield in which dispatching servicing of airfield movement is provided.
The controlled flight - any flight which is carried out in the presence of air traffic control clearance.
Advisory airspace - part of uncontrollable airspace or the established route within which advisory service of air traffic is provided.
The airspace user - the legal entity or physical person having the right to perform the activities connected with use of airspace.
Airfield - part of airfield, runway site on which one or several flying strips, steering paths, platforms and other special zones are located.
Flight personnel - part of aircraft crew to which the obligations connected with management of the air vehicle and its systems during flight are assigned.
Flying strip - the part of airfield intended for take off and landing of air vehicles, including landing strip, clear areas and the planned parts on both sides of landing strip.
The site which is picked up from air - the parcel of land which is picked up by land selection or matching from air by the flight personnel having the admission to flights with the right of matching of landing sites from air.
Network of telecommunication - set of the means and constructions of telecommunication combined in single engineering procedure for ensuring information exchange.
The area mountain - the area with the crossed relief and relative eminences of 500 m and more in radius of 25 km, and also the area with eminence above sea level 2000 m and more.
Hilly terrain - the area with the crossed relief and relative eminences of relief from 200 to 500 m in radius of 25 km.
Minimum of the aircraft commander - minimum admissible values of visibility on landing strip (visibility) and visibility of decision making in case of which the commander is allowed to carry out take-off, landing or flight under visual flight rules (special visual flight rules) on the air vehicle of this type.
Restriction on wind speed - maximum permissible values of the extended and side components of wind, allowing to make take off and landing to the air vehicle of this type.
Body of air traffic maintenance - body of dispatching air traffic maintenance, flight information center or collection point for messages concerning air traffic maintenance.
The organization for maintenance aviation the tekhnikiorganization (company) registered in accordance with the established procedure and one of the main activities of which is maintenance of aviation engineering. Has the appropriate certificate on the right of accomplishment of the corresponding work types issued by State aviaadministration. The independent company, the operator, the airport can be the organization.
Particular case - the situation resulting from sudden refusal of aviation engineering or hit of the air vehicle in the conditions demanding from crew of the actions different from regular piloting of the air vehicle.
Checking - the service employee of command and flight, inspection or instructor structure having the admission to instructor flights on the air vehicle of this type and enlisted in structure of crew for the purpose of its flight check, training or pro-closed sleighs on the route.
Pesticides - the toxic substances, their connections or mixes of substances of chemical or biological origin intended for destruction, regulation and the termination of development of harmful organisms owing to which activities plants are surprised animals, people and harm is done to material values, and also rodents, weeds, wood, shrubby vegetation, the littering species of fish.
Air traffic - all air vehicles which are in flight or moving in zone of maneuvering of airfield.
The air vehicle which was injured disaster - the air vehicle which received major damage in case of take-off, flight, landing, fall or completely destroyed and also the air vehicle which made emergency landing out of airfield.
The air vehicle - any device keeping in the atmosphere due to its interaction with air excepting interaction with the air which is reflected from earth's surface or water.
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The document ceased to be valid since November 6, 2023 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Ministry of social policy of Ukraine of August 29, 2023 No. 764