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of November 20, 2024 No. PP-397

About measures for further enhancement of system of support of the compatriots aiming to participate actively in economic and social life of our country

Now system work on further consolidation of the compatriots living abroad around the historical homeland, to strengthening in their hearts and consciousness of pride for the country, to preserving national originality, encouragement of compatriots which, performing activities in various spheres, make the powerful contribution to development of our state is carried out.

At the same time there is need of further enhancement of system of support and encouragement of the compatriots who achieved good results in the economy, science, culture and art, sport, education, health care and the social sphere aiming at promotion of positive image of Uzbekistan in the world, making big personal deposit in preserving and enhancement of invaluable spiritual cultural heritage of the Uzbek people, performing charitable (philanthropic) activities in the Republic of Uzbekistan in its interests.

For the purpose of ensuring execution of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 21, 2024 No. UP-37 "About the State program on strategy implementation "Uzbekistan - 2030" in "Year of support of youth and business", and also supports of the compatriots living abroad, adjustments with them permanent dialogue, implementation of procedure for execution of the certificate Vatandosh to the compatriots aiming to participate actively in economic and social life of our country:

1. Approve:

Regulations on procedure for registration, issue and cancellation of the certificate Vatandosh and the Vatandosh cards according to appendix No. 1;

form and the description of the certificate Vatandosh and the Vatandosh cards according to appendices No. No. 2 and 3*.

2. Form the Commission on consideration of questions of issue and cancellation of the certificate Vatandosh in structure according to appendix No. 4.

Determine the main objectives of the commission:

studying of compliance of the candidates recommended for certification Vatandosh to requirements imposed to them;

development of offers on the questions entering competence of the commission by creation of working groups;

forming of the candidate list for certification Vatandosh;

studying of initiation of recommendations and representations according to the certificate Vatandosh on the basis of the principles of legality, objectivity, justice and transparency.

3. Approve Regulations on the Commission on consideration of questions of issue and cancellation of the certificate Vatandosh according to appendix No. 5.

4. Determine that:

the expenses connected with certification Vatandosh are performed within the budgetary funds allocated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and also by its extrabudgetary funds;

expenses, the Vatandosh cards linked with issue and data storage, are performed within the budgetary funds allocated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and also by its extrabudgetary funds.

5. To the Ministry of Internal Affairs in three-months time to adjust:

registration completely in digital format of the Vatandosh card by means of upgrade of the automated information system "Passport visa" and server devices;

mutual exchange of information by integration of the automated information system "Passport visa" with information systems of the interested ministries and departments.


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