of December 24, 2024 No. UP-224
About additional measures for enhancement of the state control in the field of industrial, radiation and nuclear safety
For the purpose of the organization of the state control in the field of industrial, radiation and nuclear safety according to requirements of time, enhancement of the legislation and implementation in practice of the international requirements, and also according to the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 24, 2024 No. PP-186 "About measures for the effective organization of activities of Committee of industrial, radiation and nuclear safety under the Cabinet of Ministers":
1. Assign to the chairman of Committee of industrial, radiation and nuclear safety under the Cabinet of Ministers (further - Committee) and his deputies the following priority tasks for 2025:
review of requirements of industrial, radiation and nuclear safety and safety of operation of park attractions;
implementation of international standards and requirements in the field of radiation and nuclear safety in the national legal system;
implementation of mechanisms of remote control when ensuring industrial safety;
increase in knowledge and skills of employees of the organizations operating hazardous production facilities;
strengthening of responsibility for violation of requirements of the legislation on industrial, radiation and nuclear safety;
development of infrastructure of state regulation of industrial, radiation and nuclear safety.
To committee to approve target indicators and the plan of measures for accomplishment of the specified priority tasks in a month and to quarterly enter information on results of their execution in the Cabinet of Ministers.
2. Transfer to Committee function on control of safety in metal industry of Inspectorate for control in the field of the mining industry and geology under the Ministry of the mining industry and geology (further - Inspection).
Abolish Bekabadsky mining inspection in structure of Inspection.
3. Form in structure of Committee:
Navoiy inspection of industrial safety;
Almalyk inspection of industrial safety;
Bekabadsky inspection of industrial safety;
Railway inspection of industrial safety.
Determine that:
the number of managerial personnel of the specified inspections is determined in coordination with JSC Navoiysky MMC, JSC Almalyksky MMC, JSC Uzmetkombinat and JSC Uzbekiston temir yullari according to the corresponding directions of the sphere of industrial safety given in appendix No. 1 to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 24, 2024 No. UP-79;
activities of the specified inspections are financed by JSC Navoiysky MMC, JSC Almalyksky MMC, JSC Uzmetkombinat and JSC Uzbekiston temir yullari respectively.
4. For the purpose of complete digitalization of the sphere of industrial safety to Committee until the end of 2025 to start the information system "The Single Integrated Ecosystem" and to integrate it with information systems and resources of other ministries and departments.
5. Approve the offer of Committee on implementation since July 1, 2025 of procedure for application of penalties concerning legal entities for the following offenses in the field of industrial, radiation and nuclear safety:
violation of requirements of industrial safety on hazardous production facilities;
abuse of regulations and other requirements connected with ensuring radiation and nuclear safety;
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