of December 24, 2024 No. PP-454
About measures for development of social and production infrastructure of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2025 - 2027
For the purpose of implementation of the tasks determined by Strategy "Uzbekistan - 2030", further development of social and production infrastructure in regions, especially in makhallyakh, and also increases in level of living of the population and creation of the favorable investment circle for entrepreneurs:
1. Take into consideration that the Development program of social and production infrastructure of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2025 - 2027 (further - the Program) is developed on the basis of offers of khokimiyats, the ministries and departments, Kengashami of People's Deputies is approved local and its priority directions are determined:
allocation of 2,4 of trillion sum in 2025 on environmental protection and the directions of "green" economy, decrease in impact on the environment and effective use of renewable energy resources when designing and constructing facilities;
since 2025, implementation of practice of allocation at least 100 billion sum annually on improvement of sanitary and hygienic infrastructure of comprehensive schools;
construction, reconstruction and capital repairs of 77 preschool educational organizations requiring repair and located in the remote areas on the basis of public opinion and wishes of the population through information portal "The open budget";
improvement of material and technical resources of healthcare institutions, increase in 1, time of expenses on their equipping for the purpose of early detection of diseases by means of screening;
increase by 3 times of amount of the funds allocated for providing at the expense of the state with necessary external engineering and communication networks for the purpose of stimulation of direct investments;
allocation of 400 billion sum on actions for creating favorable conditions for local and foreign tourists, and also to increase in the internal and external tourist potential serving as impulse for the economic growth of regions;
increase in 1, time of amount of the funds allocated for actions for content in good repair, to repair and recovery (concreting) of irrigating networks and hydraulic engineering constructions;
process optimization of the beginning of construction works within the Program and acceleration of terms of their financing.
2. Approve:
Key parameters of development of social and production infrastructure and target reference points for 2025 - 2027 according to appendix No. 1 *;
Key parameters of the directions financed within development of social and production infrastructure in 2025 according to appendix No. 1a *;
Target indicators of input of objects of social and production infrastructure and creation of new capacities in 2025 - 2027 according to appendix No. 2 *;
Address lists of construction, reconstruction, capital repairs and equipment of objects in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas and the city of Tashkent in 2025 according to appendices No. No. 3 - 16 *;
The address list of objects for providing with external engineering and communication networks special economic zones, and also large production projects in 2025 according to appendix No. 17 *;
The address list of perspective objects on which project documentation will be developed in the years ahead, according to appendix No. 18*.
3. Determine that expertize of the design estimates on new objects within the Program is not carried out in cases when are not considered widespread introduction of modern standards, including use in projectible buildings of energy-saving technologies and devices with renewable energy resources, and also use of environmentally friendly and energy efficient construction materials.
To the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services, the Ministry of Economics and finance to take measures for ensuring compliance, provided in this Item, when conducting examination of the design estimates on again begun objects.
4. Establish procedure according to which:
a) The presidium of the Cabinet of Ministers can make the changes and/or additions providing inclusion of additional projects (objects) having the approved preproject and/or project documentation and financing sources, exception of unrealized projects (objects), and also redistribution of capital investments between customers (initiators).
At the same time again begun additional projects (objects) which draft cost constitutes more 50,0 of billion sum join in the Program in coordination with the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
b) since January 1, 2025:
according to public procurements on which works on construction, reconstruction and repair of objects at the expense of budgets of budget system are carried out on objects with construction term less than three months advance funds are allocated in the first month in the amount of 30 percent from project cost, the subsequent payments are financed in accordance with the established procedure;
c) for up to January 1, 2026 as experiment:
examination on projects (objects) which cost of the design estimates exceeds six thousand basic settlement sizes is carried out:
in volume, technical and estimate part (except price part) - GU "Republican Center of Examination of Town-planning Documentation" under the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services;
in price part of goods, works and services - SUE Center of Complex Examination of Projects and Import Contracts under the Ministry of Economics and finance;
the town-planning project documentation (objects) with cost up to six thousand basic settlement sizes passes the examination of GU "Republican Center of Examination of Town-planning Documentation" under the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services.
At the same time:
determine that in case of examination of price part of project (preproject) documentation the national qualifier of construction resources is used, in case of lack of resources (goods and services) in the qualifier are applied this results of the biddings of the current year performed on these resources (goods and services) on platforms of public procurements taking into account indexation the next year;
take into consideration that according to the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 10, 2021 No. PP-43 in cases of lack of specific financing source, selection of the contract (project) organizations without carrying out tender (tender) (except as specified, provided by the Law "About Public Procurements"), is forbidden implementation of expenses and performance of works.
5. To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent, the ministries and departments, and also economic associations - customers:
a) in week time to approve in accordance with the established procedure the address list of the passing construction objects for 2025 in coordination of the amounts of financing with schedules of installation and construction works;
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