of December 24, 2024 No. 780
About approval of the Procedure for storage of seeds of crops by the physical persons and legal entities which acquired the right to production and realization of seed (landing) grain
According to article 5 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About seeds", articles 13, of the 17th constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:
1. Approve the Procedure for storage of seeds of crops by the physical persons and legal entities which acquired the right to production and realization of seed (landing) grain according to appendix.
2. This resolution becomes effective after ten days from the date of official publication.
Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic
A. Kasymaliyev
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of December 24, 2024 No. 780
1. The procedure for storage of seeds of crops by the physical persons and legal entities which acquired the right to production and realization of seed (landing) grain is developed according to article 5 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About seeds".
2. This Procedure establishes Regulations of Admission, placements, storages and shipments (leave) of seeds.
3. Acceptance and sampling of seeds are performed according to requirements of the Interstate standard (further - GOST) 12036 "Seeds of crops. Acceptance procedures and sampling procedures".
4. Each arrived batch of seeds shall be followed by documents on high-quality and sowing qualities according to requirements of GOST 12046 "Seeds of crops. Quality certificates" (certificate of conformity).
5. Acceptance of seeds of crops by the company-otvetkhranitelem from suppliers shall include:
1) joint survey by the supplier (or his representative) and the representative of the company-otvetkhranitelya of the vehicle and the seeds which are in it on compliance to requirements of GOST 14192 "Marking of loads" both GOST 30090 "Sacks and sack cloths. General specifications";
2) sampling and determination of quality of seeds by specialists of the authorized state body performing state policy in the field of agro-industrial complex according to GOST 12036; 12037; 12038; 12039; 12041; 12042; 12043; 12044; 12045;
3) recalculation of sacks with seeds or weighing;
4) delivery of seeds in storage and unloading.
In case when quality factors of seeds by results of their check in the place of obtaining disperse from indicators in the document of the supplier of seeds at the size exceeding the discrepancy tolerances specified in appendices 1-3 state standard specifications 12047 "Seeds of crops. Rules of arbitral determination of quality", in the quality certificate of seeds in addition note: "The measure value exceeds the allowed discrepancy with indicator of the document of the sender. Seeds are subject to the umpire analysis".
In case of disagreement of the supplier of seeds with data of laboratory analyses test of seeds in daily time shall be directed for carrying out the umpire analysis to the accredited laboratory chosen on consensus. At the same time the results received in case of the umpire analysis compare to the measure values of quality of seeds which are written down in documents of the supplier and otvetkhranitel of seeds then as a result of the umpire analysis of seeds give one of the following conclusions:
"The measure value ___________________________________________ proves to be true
(name of indicator)
the document of the supplier of seeds" if the measure value of quality specified in the accompanying document of the sender of seeds is in limits of the allowed discrepancies with result of arbitral determination;
"The measure value ___________________________________________ proves to be true
(name of indicator)
the document of otvetkhranitel of seeds" if the measure value of quality of seeds of the document issued in the place of receipt of seeds is in limits of the allowed discrepancies with result of arbitral determination;
"The result of arbitral determination ______________________________ is valid",
(name of indicator)
if the measure value of quality of seeds received in case of the umpire analysis has discrepancy more allowed or is in limits of the allowed discrepancy with measure values of both documents, or quality of seeds was heterogeneous.
The allowed discrepancy between measure values of quality of seeds in case of arbitral determination shall correspond to the values given in appendices 1-3 state standard specifications 12047 "Seeds of crops. Rules of arbitral determination of quality".
6. For all procedures specified in this Procedure document creation according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic and internal regulations of the company-otvetkhranitelya shall be performed (acceptance reports of seeds, the sampling report on determination of quality of seeds, the act of results of weighing, the act of delivery of seeds in storage and unloading of seeds).
7. The seeds of nurseries of reproduction, superelite and elite which are subject to realization pack into cloth or propylene sacks according to requirements of GOST 30090 "Sacks and sack cloths. General specifications" with a net weight no more than 50 kg. The variation on the mass of the filled sacks ± is allowed by 1%.
8. Each sack shall be sewn up.
9. Transport marking is performed according to requirements of GOST 14192 "Marking of loads" with indication of details in the state and official languages of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Marking shall be applied on each sack with seeds with indication of:
- cultures;
- grades;
- reproductions;
- varietal purity;
- net weights or quantities of seeds;
- years of harvest;
- batch numbers of seeds;
- names of pro-etchant and film-forming substance;
- the name and the document number certifying high-quality and sowing qualities;
- names of the economy which grew up seeds;
- designations of the standard;
- countries of source, legal address of economy.
With seeds put the label with the same data in each sack.
10. Seeds transport all modes of transport according to the rules of transportation of goods existing on this mode of transport. Transportation of seeds railway and water transport is made in the covered vehicles.
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