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of December 20, 2024 No. PP-450

About measures for raising on new stage of development and promoting of national sport кураш

For the purpose of raising on new stage of development of national sport кураш, increases in its status at the international level and further broad promotion in the foreign states, and also the organization of system support of activities for development and promoting of kurash:

1. Approve initiative of International association of kurash and Federation of kurash of Uzbekistan about further expansion of activities of the International institute of kurash on development and promoting of national sport кураш, and also about assignment of the following additional tasks on it:

establishing training of skilled trainers and judges of the international level on national sport кураш, implementation of system of their retraining and advanced training;

implementation of research projects on national sport кураш, and also the organization of development of necessary educational and methodical and scientific and practical benefits;

participation in implementation of the new directions of national sport кураш, taking measures to their promoting;

establishing "export" of trainers and judges of national sport кураш to the foreign states;

implementation of system work on promoting, development and promotion of kurash in the world, and also to transformation of this national sport into sport of universal value.

2. Assign to diplomatic representations of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad task of rendering assistance of activities of International association of kurash and the International institute of kurash on development and promoting of national sport кураш internationally.

At the same time practice of hearing in the Senate of the Oliy Majlis once in each six months of reports of diplomatic representations of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad about rendering assistance of activities of International association of kurash and the International institute of kurash on development and promoting of national sport кураш internationally takes root.

3. Determine that:

The federation of kurash of Uzbekistan is granted the right to allocate necessary funds for financing of activities of the International institute of kurash proceeding from own financial condition;

practice of attraction of domestic large subjects of entrepreneurship as official sponsors of International association of kurash takes root;

at Institute of retraining and advanced training of specialists in physical culture and sport retraining and advanced training of domestic specialists in national sport кураш is performed in cooperation with the International institute of kurash.

4. Approve "Road map" on development and promoting of national sport кураш according to appendix No. 1.

To the Ministry of Sport each half a year to enter information on timely and high-quality implementation of measures in the Cabinet of Ministers, provided in "Road map".

5. For the purpose of enhancement of system of the state financial support of activities for development and promoting of national sport кураш:

a) the system of the one-time monetary reward of the athletes who became winners and prize-winners of the World Cups (adults, youth) on national sport кураш, and also prepared them trainers at the expense of means of the Government budget in half size of the sums of encouragement determined for the athletes who became winners and prize-winners of Asian and Paraasian games, and also prepared them trainers takes root;

b) since 2026 financing of activities of the International institute of kurash is transferred from the local budget of khokimiyat of the city of Tashkent to the republican budget, and funds in the amount of 4,5 of one billion sum will be annually allocated for these purposes.

At the same time for realization of the tasks determined by this resolution to allocate to the International institute of kurash in addition funds in the amount of 1,5 of one billion sum at the expense of the means allocated to the Ministry of Sport for development programs in 2025.

6. Make changes to the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 4, 2020 No. PP-4881 "About measures for development and further increase in the international authority of national sport кураш" according to appendix No. 2.

7. To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs according to visa requests of the Ministry of Sport to provide execution in accordance with the established procedure of entrance visas to the foreign specialists involved by the International institute of kurash to training courses and seminars without collection of the consular fees and charges on account of compensation of actual expenses, if necessary - at the International airport "Tashkent" of Islam Karimov.

8. To the Ministry of Sport together with the interested ministries and departments in three-months time to make in the Cabinet of Ministers offers on the changes and amendments in acts of the legislation following from this resolution.

9. Assign to the minister of sport A. I. Ikramov and the chairman of Federation of kurash of Uzbekistan N. T. Yuldoshev the personal responsibility for the effective organization of execution of this resolution.

Discussion of course of execution of this resolution, implementation of coordination and the control of organization activity responsible for its execution to assign to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. N. Aripov and the head of Department of Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan O. K. Abdurakhmanov.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Sh. Mirziyoev


Appendix №1

to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 20, 2024 No. PP-450

"Road map" on development and promoting of national sport кураш

Name of measures

Realization mechanism

Financing sources

Completion date

Executives in charge


Taking measures to creation of sections to kurash as a part of sports clubs of the highest educational institutions of the republic.

1. Rendering comprehensive assistance and provision of methodical support to the highest educational institutions in the organization of sections for kurash in their sports clubs.

2. Involvement of trainers and other specialists in section in kurash.

3. Establishing system holding sports competitions in kurash among sports clubs in the highest educational institutions.

Extrabudgetary funds of the highest educational institutions

2025/2026 academic year

Ministry of the higher education, science and innovations,

Ministry of Sport,

Association of student's sport of Uzbekistan,

Federation of kurash of Uzbekistan


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