of January 6, 2025 No. 1/Tax Code, 6 of January, 2025 No. 7
About start and realization of pilot project of "Digital Nomad Residency" on rendering the state service "Issue of Permission to Foreigners and Stateless Persons to Permanent Residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan" for specialists in the sphere of information and communication services
According to article 22 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the state services" PRIKAZYVAYEM:
1. Start pilot project of "Digital Nomad Residency" (further - the Pilot project) on rendering the state service "Issue of Permission to Foreigners and Stateless Persons to Permanent Residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan" for specialists in the sphere of information and communication services (further - the state service) by means of subsystem "The automated workplace of state body" of the Integrated information system for "Service centers of the population" of non-commercial joint-stock company "The Government for Citizens state corporation (further - automated workplace GUO IIS of "TsON") in the cities of Astana and Almaty.
2. Approve the enclosed Algorithm of interaction of state bodies (Management of migratory service of Department of police (further - UMS DP), and the Ministries of digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - MTsRIAP)) and the organizations (the NAO "The Government for Citizens state corporation) in case of realization of the Pilot project according to appendix to this order.
3. To provide to National Information Technologies joint-stock company for the purpose of realization of pilot project necessary accesses for authorized employees of UMS DP and MTsRIAP to automated workplace GUO IIS TSON.
4. To National Information Technologies joint-stock company provides creation and setup of automated workplace GUO IIS to "TsON" for access for authorized employees of UMS DP and MTSRIAP RK.
5. To the Ministries of Internal Affairs, digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide:
1) realization of access according to algorithm to this joint order;
2) training of employees of UMS DP, Service center of the population of non-commercial joint-stock company "The Government for Citizens state corporation, MTsRIAP on work with automated workplace GUO IIS "TsON".
6. When rendering the state service to provide observance of Single requirements in the field of information and communication technologies and the ensuring information security approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 20, 2016 No. 832.
7. To impose control of execution of this joint order on the supervising vice-ministers of digital development, innovations of the aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Chairman of Committee of migratory service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
8. To provide to committee of artificial intelligence and innovative development of MTsRIAP in the procedure established by the legislation:
1) placement of this joint order on the MTsRIAP Internet resource after its official publication;
2) the direction of the copy of this joint order in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "Institute of the legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan" within five working days from the date of signing of the joint order for inclusion in reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
9. This joint order becomes effective after day of its official publication and is effective till December 31, 2025.
Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
__________________ E.Sadenov |
Minister of digital development, innovations and aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan
__________________ Zh. Madiyev |
It is approved Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
It is approved Committee of homeland security of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Approved by the joint Order of the Minister of digital development, innovations and aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 6, 2025, No. 1/Tax Code, 6 of January, 2025 No. 7
1. This Algorithm determines interaction of state bodies and organizations in case of realization of pilot project of "Digital Nomad Residency" by rendering the state service "Issue of Permission to Foreigners and Stateless Persons to Permanent Residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan" for specialists in the sphere of information and communication services (further - the state service) by means of subsystem "The automated workplace of state body" of the Integrated information system for "Service centers of the population" of non-commercial joint-stock company "The Government for Citizens state corporation in the cities of Astana and Almaty (further - the Algorithm).
2. In this Algorithm the following concepts and reducings are used:
1) information system - the organizational ordered set of the information and communication technologies, service personnel and technical documentation realizing certain technological actions by means of information exchange and intended for the solution of specific functional objectives;
2) IIN - individual identification number of foreign IT of the specialist;
3) uslugopoluchatel / the applicant - the foreign IT specialist to whom the petition of industry state body for compliance to the list of demanded professions is issued;
4) the employee of migratory service (further - the employee of MS) - the official of Management of migratory service of Department of police of areas, cities of republican value and the capital who performs processing of electronic statements on receipt of permission to permanent residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
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