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of December 19, 2024 No. 418

About approval of professional standards in the field of civil aviation

According to Item 5 of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve:

1) the professional standard "Aviation Fuel Supply of Flights of Air Vehicles", according to appendix 1 to this order;

2) the professional standard "Airfield Flight Servicing of Air Vehicles", according to appendix 2 to this order;

3) the professional standard "Ground Handling Operations of Air Vehicles", according to appendix 3 to this order;

4) the professional standard "Management of Dangers of the Created Birds and Other Animals for Flights of Civil Air Vehicles", according to appendix 4 to this order;

5) the professional standard "Rescue Flight Servicing of Air Vehicles", according to appendix 5 to this order;

6) the professional standard "Electrolighting Flight Servicing of Air Vehicles", according to appendix 6 to this order;

7) the professional standard "Meteorological Flight Servicing of Air Vehicles", according to appendix 7 to this order;

8) the professional standard "Medical Support of Flights", according to appendix 8 to this order;

9) the professional standard "Air traffic maintenance", according to appendix 9 to this order;

10) the professional standard "Radio Engineering Flight Servicing and Aviation Telecommunication", according to appendix 10 to this order;

11) the professional standard "Management of Aeronautical Information", according to appendix 11 to this order;

12) the professional standard "On-board Maintenance of Passengers", according to appendix 12 to this order;

13) the professional standard "Organization of Airborne Transportations", according to appendix 13 to this order;

14) the professional standard "Ensuring Aviation Security", according to appendix 14 to this order;

15) the professional standard "Professional Training of Aeronautical Personnel", according to appendix 15 to this order;

16) the professional standard "Engineering Supervision and Supervision", according to appendix 16 to this order;

17) the professional standard "Maintenance and Maintenance of the Flight Validity of Air Vehicles", according to appendix 17 to this order;

18) the professional standard "Flight Operation of Air Vehicles", according to appendix 18 to this order;

19) the professional standard "Pilotless Aviation Devices and Systems", according to appendix 19 to this order.

2. To provide to committee of civil aviation of the Ministry of transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) within ten calendar days from the date of approval of this order the direction it electronically in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "Institute of the legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order becomes effective from the date of its first official publication.

Acting minister of transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan

M. Kaliakparov

It is approved

Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Appendix 1

to the Order of the acting minister of transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 19, 2024 No. 418

Professional standard: "Aviation fuel supply of flights of air vehicles"

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. Field of application of the professional standard: The professional standard "Aviation Fuel Supply of Flights of Air Vehicles" is developed according to article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications", establishes requirements to forming of educational programs, including personnel trainings at the companies, recognitions of professional qualification of workers and graduates of the organizations of education and solutions of wide range of tasks in the field of personnel management in the organizations and at the companies

2. In this professional standard the following terms and determinations are applied:

1) aeronautical personnel – the physical persons having special and (or) professional training, performing activities: on accomplishment of flights of air vehicles (flight and cabin crew); on maintenance of air vehicles (the personnel performing maintenance of the flight validity of the air vehicle); on the organizations and to air traffic maintenance (dispatching personnel on air traffic maintenance, operators of aviation stations, personnel on search and rescue, on radio engineering flight servicing and aviation radio communication, personnel on operation of the radio-radar equipment and communication, personnel on the organization of meteorological flight servicing); on flight servicing (personnel on land flight servicing at the airports, airfields, helidromes and helipads of the aviation located on sea installations, personnel on electrolighting flight servicing of the airports, the employee on ensuring flights / the flight dispatcher, heads of the organizations civil);

2) aviafuel and lubricants – the general name of fuels, oils, lubricant and special liquids of all brands applied in case of operation of aviation engineering;

3) aviation fuel supply – the complex of actions providing acceptance, storage, intra warehouse transfers, accounting, issue and filling of air vehicles with aviation fuel as in pure form, and in mix with antiwater crystallizational additives; control of quantity and quality characteristics of aviation fuel and antiwater crystallizational additives;

4) civil aviation – the aircraft which is not part of experimental and state aircraft, used for the purpose of, stipulated in Item 3 articles 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About use of airspace of the Republic of Kazakhstan and activities of aircraft";

5) service of fuels and lubricants (service fuel and lubricants) – structural division of civil aviation organization or the independent legal entity - the organization for providing with fuels and lubricants;

3. In this professional standard the following reducings are applied:

1) AF – the air vehicle;

2) KS – the job evaluation catalog;

3) ETKS – single wage rate book;

4) fuel and lubricants – fuels and lubricants;

5) VLP – the spring and summer period;

6) OZP – the autumn and winter period;

7) RK – the Republic of Kazakhstan;

8) TsZS – centralized filling system;

9) the ORK – industry frame of qualifications;

10) TMTs – inventory items;

11) OKED – the general qualifier of types of economic activity;

12) the runway – landing strip.

Chapter 2. Passport of the professional standard

4. Name of the professional standard: Aviation fuel supply of flights of air vehicles.

5. Code of the professional standard: H51101090.

6. Instruction of section, the Section, group, class and subclass agrees OKED:

H Transport and warehousing;

51 Activities of air transport;

51.1 Activities of air passenger transport;

51.10 Activities of air passenger transport;

51.10.1 Activities of the air passenger transport submitting to the schedule;

7. Short description of the professional standard: includes the activities of aeronautical personnel directed to provision of qualified services in the field of aviation fuel supply, connected with safe flight servicing of air vehicles.

8. List of cards of professions:

1) the Head (managing director) of specialized air transport divisions – the 7th ORK level;

2) the Manager of the station of fuelling – the 6th ORK level;

3) the fuels and lubricants Engineer – the 6th ORK level;

4) the fuels and lubricants Engineer – the 5th ORK level;

5) the Chief of laboratory (on transport) – the 5th ORK level;

6) the Aviation technician on fuels and lubricants – the 4th ORK level;

7) the Technician on accounting (petrols, oil, lubricants and others) – the 4th ORK level;

8) The warehouse officer (fuels and lubricants, cargo, material, etc.) – the 4th ORK level;

9) the Operator of fuel stations – the 3rd ORK level.

Chapter 3. Cards of professions

9. Profession card "Head (managing director) of specialized air transport divisions":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Head (managing director) of specialized air transport divisions

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Level of professional education:

Education level:

postgraduate education (magistracy, residency)


Engineering and engineering



Education level:

the higher education (bachelor degree, specialist programme, internship)


Engineering and engineering



Requirements to work experience:

The higher education (preferably professional) and length of service at least 3 years on aviation fuel supply of flights of air vehicles.

Communication with informal and informalny education:

The certificate on passing of rate of initial preparation and/or advanced training on aviation fuel supply of flights according to requirements of standard programs of professional training of the aeronautical personnel participating in safety-of-life function. Passing of training and receipt of admissions to independent work according to the acquired profession.

Other possible names of profession:

1325-4-001 - Commander of platoon of fuel filling

Main objective of activities:

Organization and managements of all actions for the organization of work of service fuel and lubricants. Direct accomplishment of range of tasks on the organization and ensuring effective and high-quality acceptance, storage, intra warehouse transfers, accounting, issue and filling of air vehicles with aviation fuel; control of quantity and quality characteristics of aviation fuel, and antiwater crystallizational additives, providing with special liquids.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. The common directorship activities of service fuel and lubricants, development of the planning documents, interaction with other services.

2. Organization of acceptance, storage, intra warehouse transfers, accounting, issue and filling of air vehicles with aviation fuel and special liquids

3. Control of providing service fuel and lubricants with effective and high-quality activities

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

The common directorship activities of service fuel and lubricants, development of the planning documents, interaction with other services.

Skill 1:

Management of activities of service fuel and lubricants.


1. Perform the organization and management of works on providing AF of aviafuel and lubricants.

2. Control accomplishment of technology of acceptance, storage, transfer, issue and gas station of the aviafuel and lubricants air vehicles, technical condition of means of gas station.

3. Exercise control of respect for technological discipline.

4. Give classes with specialists of service fuel and lubricants and other divisions of the airport in questions of aviation fuel supply of flights.

5. Perform vendor interaction of aviafuel and lubricants in questions of aviation fuel supply of flights.

6. Exercise control of utilization of the fulfilled fuel and lubricants.

7. Direct service.

8. Perform interaction with the controlling state bodies and external audit of consumers of services.

9. Analyze the reasons of delays of departures of AF and incidents.


1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About Use of Airspace of RK and Activities of Aircraft".

2. Requirements of industrial safety.

3. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

4. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

5. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

6. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

7. The international and national regulatory legal acts on aviation fuel supply of flights.

8. Organizational structure of the company.

9. Orders, orders of the director.

10. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

11. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not required

Skill 2:

Development of the planning documents, interaction with other services


1. Develop the planning documents.

2. Constitute reports and reports.

3. Organize interaction with services of the airport in questions of aviation fuel supply of flights.

4. Prepare necessary documents on ensuring compliance of service fuel and lubricants to certified requirements.

5. Prepare documents for certification of service fuel and lubricants. Constitute annual requisitions on providing with material resources.

6. Constitute annual and quarter plans of content and repair of fixed assets of service fuel and lubricants.

7. Develop annual requisitions on purchase of aviafuel and lubricants.


1. Perspective production plans of the company.

2. Procedures and forms of creation of the manufacturing documentation.

3. Safety requirements of flights of civil aviation.

4. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

5. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

6. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

7. The international and national regulatory legal acts on aviation fuel supply of flights.

8. Organizational structure of the company.

9. Orders, orders of the director.

10. Bases of the economy, production organizations, work and management.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Labor function 2:

Organization of acceptance, storage, intra warehouse transfers, accounting, issue and filling of air vehicles with aviation fuel and special liquids

Skill 1:

Organization of acceptance, storage, intra warehouse transfers, accounting of aviafuel and lubricants


1. Direct work of service on acceptance, storage and leave of aviafuel and lubricants, on their placement taking into account the most rational use of warehouse reservoirs and rooms.

2. Ensure safety of the warehoused aviafuel and lubricants, observance of the modes of storage, rules of registration and delivery of credit and debit documents, creation of the established reporting.

3. Control availability and operability of fire-proof means, condition of reservoirs, rooms, the equipment and stock in warehouse, and also to control ensuring their timely repair.

4. Organize carrying out handling works in warehouse with observance of regulations, rules and instructions for labor protection, requirements of flammability control.

5. Provide collection, storage and timely supplier return of loading detail.

6. Carry out inventory count of entrusted TMTs.

7. Control accounting of warehouse operations, the established reporting.

8. Develop and perform actions for increase in overall performance of service fuel and lubricants, expense reduction on transportation and storage of TMTs, to implementation and the organization of warehouse economy of the current technologies.

9. Constitute requests for aviafuel and lubricants, prepare agreements on their delivery.

10. Interact with suppliers concerning deliveries, control accomplishment of the delivery plan, in case of violation by suppliers of tying commitments to take part in execution of claims.

11. Control availability and timely replenishment of the minimum warehouse stock of aviafuel and lubricants.

12. Develop measures for maintenance of procedure and purity in service fuel and lubricants.

13. Check compliance delivered aivagsm declared in documents to the nomenclature, assortments and to quality.

14. Carry out acceptance on warehouse and leave of aviafuel and lubricants from warehouse.

15. Control compliance of remaining balance of warehouse to goods and goods issue slips.

16. Accept and lease warehouse reservoirs and rooms under protection.


1. Types, brands, grade, nomenclature, assortment and other characteristics of TMTs, and also regulation of their expense.

2. Rules and procedure for carrying out inventory count of TMTs.

3. Procedure for the conclusion and condition of delivery agreements fuel and lubricants.

4. Service regulations office equipment, means of communication and communication.

Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

5. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

6. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

7. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

8. Bases of the labor law, rule and regulation of labor protection, safe engineering, fire protection and production sanitation.

Possibility of recognition of skill:


Skill 2:

Organization of issue and filling of air vehicles with aviation fuel


1. Direct work of service on leave of aviafuel and lubricants taking into account the most rational use of warehouse reservoirs, rooms, refueling vehicles.

2. Provide functioning of the established reporting.

3. Control availability and operability of fire-proof means, condition of reservoirs, rooms, the equipment and stock in warehouse, and also to control ensuring their timely repair.

4. Organize carrying out handling works in warehouse with observance of regulations, rules and instructions for labor protection, requirements of flammability control.

5. Carry out inventory count of entrusted TMTs.

6. Control accounting of warehouse operations, the established reporting.

7. Develop measures for maintenance of procedure and purity in service fuel and lubricants.

8. Carry out acceptance on warehouse and leave of fuel and lubricants from warehouse.

9. Control compliance of remaining balance of warehouse to goods and goods issue slips.


1. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

2. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

3. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

4. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

5. Types, brands, grade, nomenclature, assortment and other characteristics of TMTs, and also regulation of their expense.

6. Rules and procedure for carrying out inventory count of TMTs.

7. Procedure for the conclusion and condition of delivery agreements fuel and lubricants.

8. Service regulations office equipment, means of communication and communication.

9. Bases of the economy, production organizations, work and management.

Possibility of recognition of skill:


Labor function 3:

Control of providing service fuel and lubricants with effective and high-quality activities

Skill 1:

Organization by effective activities of service


1. Direct work of service on acceptance, storage and leave of fuel and lubricants, on their placement taking into account the most rational use of warehouse reservoirs and rooms.

2. Ensure safety of the warehoused fuel and lubricants, observance of the modes of storage, rules of registration and delivery of credit and debit documents, creation of the established reporting.

3. Control availability and operability of fire-proof means, condition of reservoirs, rooms, the equipment and stock in warehouse, and also to control ensuring their timely repair.

4. Organize carrying out handling works in warehouse with observance of regulations, rules and instructions for labor protection, requirements of flammability control.

5. Provide collection, storage and timely supplier return of loading detail.

6. Carry out inventory count of entrusted TMTs.

7. Control accounting of warehouse operations, the established reporting.

8. Develop and perform actions for increase in overall performance of service fuel and lubricants, expense reduction on transportation and storage of TMTs, to implementation and the organization of warehouse economy of the current technologies.

9. Constitute requests for fuel and lubricants, prepare agreements on their delivery.

10. Interact with suppliers concerning deliveries, control accomplishment of the delivery plan, in case of violation by suppliers of tying commitments to take part in execution of claims.

11. Control availability and timely replenishment of the minimum warehouse stock of fuel and lubricants.

12. Develop measures for maintenance of procedure and purity in service fuel and lubricants.

13. Check compliance of deliverable fuel and lubricants declared in documents to the nomenclature, assortments and to quality.

14. Carry out acceptance on warehouse and leave of fuel and lubricants from warehouse.

15. Control compliance of remaining balance of warehouse to goods and goods issue slips.

16. Accept and lease warehouse reservoirs and rooms under protection.


1. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

2. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

3. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

4. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

5. Types, brands, grade, nomenclature, assortment and other characteristics of TMTs, and also regulation of their expense.

6. Rules and procedure for carrying out inventory count of TMTs.

7. Procedure for the conclusion and condition of delivery agreements fuel and lubricants.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not required

Skill 2:

Providing service fuel and lubricants with high-quality activities


1. Direct work of service on acceptance, storage and leave of fuel and lubricants, on their placement taking into account the most rational use of warehouse reservoirs, rooms, refueling vehicles.

2. Ensure safety of fuel and lubricants, control accounting of warehouse operations, the established reporting.

3. Control availability and operability of fire-proof means, condition of reservoirs, rooms, the equipment and stock in warehouse, and also to control ensuring their timely repair.

4. Organize laboratory quality control of fuel and lubricants.

5. Develop and perform actions for increase in overall performance of service fuel and lubricants, expense reduction on transportation and storage of TMTs, to implementation and the organization of warehouse economy of the current technologies.

6. Interact with suppliers concerning quality of delivered goods, control accomplishment of the delivery plan, in case of violation by suppliers of tying commitments to take part in execution of claims.

7. Control availability and timely replenishment of the minimum warehouse stock of fuel and lubricants.

8. Develop measures for maintenance of procedure and purity in service fuel and lubricants.

9. Check compliance of deliverable fuel and lubricants declared in documents to the nomenclature, assortments and to quality.

10. Carry out acceptance on warehouse and leave of fuel and lubricants from warehouse.

11. Control compliance of remaining balance of warehouse to goods and goods issue slips.

12. Accept and lease warehouse reservoirs and rooms under protection.


1. Quality management system of the company.

2. Personnel management.

3. Financial accounting and reporting.

4. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

5. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

6. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

7. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

8. Types, brands, grade, nomenclature, assortment and other characteristics of TMTs, and also regulation of their expense.

9. Rules and procedure for carrying out inventory count of TMTs.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not required

Requirements to personal competences:

Communicativeness, capability to work individually and in team, determination of conduct from known on the basis of knowledge and practical experience, adoption of timely decisions. Orientation on result, detailed approach to work, skills of personnel management, professionalism.

Use of the professional knowledge, skills and abilities received when training and in the course of professional activity.

Responsibility for results of accomplishment of daily tasks, quality of attended operation, the high organization and punctuality in observance of requirements of documentation, rules and the procedures adopted in civil aviation.

Sense of duty, accuracy, attentiveness, self-discipline, responsibility, resistance to stress, capabilities to studying of languages, learnability, communicativeness, motivation to development.

Analytical thinking. Computer literacy. Leadership skills. It is effective to work as team member, accuracy in accomplishment of tasks. Ability to quickly make the decision, capability independently to develop professional qualifications and abilities.

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. The fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of March 26, 2015 No. 324. 2. The rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 190. 3. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on the filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 191. 4. The requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles approved the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 188.

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


First heads of organizations, organizations and companies

10. Profession card "Manager of the station of fuelling":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Manager of the station of fuelling

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

The job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees the Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of RK of December 30, 2020 No. 553 "About approval of the Job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees". No. 22003 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of RK on December 31, 2020.

Paragraph 94. Shop manager (site)

Level of professional education:

Education level:

the higher education (bachelor degree, specialist programme, internship)


Engineering and engineering



Requirements to work experience:

Years of service at least three years on aviation fuel supply of flights of air vehicles

Communication with informal and informalny education:

Passings of training and receipt of admissions to independent work according to the acquired profession and qualification in service.

Other possible names of profession:

1324-0-026 - Assistant warehouse manager (fuels and lubricants, cargo, material, etc.)

Main objective of activities:

Organization and managements of all actions for the organization of work of service fuel and lubricants.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Performs the organization and management of works on providing AF of fuel and lubricants.

2. Controls accomplishment of technology of acceptance, storage, transfer, issue and gas station of the aviafuel and lubricants air vehicles, technical condition of means of gas station

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Performs the organization and management of works on providing AF of fuel and lubricants.

Skill 1:

Management on the organization of work of change of service fuel and lubricants.


1. Direct work of subordinate divisions (change) on acceptance, storage and leave of aviafuel and lubricants, on their placement taking into account the most rational use of warehouse reservoirs, rooms, refueling vehicles.

2. Organize and control performance of works on pipeline binding of constructions, repair and adjustment of production equipment, means of transfer and dosing of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids.

3. Analyze cases of equipment failures and gages and to take measures for their prevention and elimination.

4. Develop plans and constitute maintenance diagrams and repair of constructions, production equipment, test instruments and means of automatic equipment of objects. Organize and control their accomplishment.

5. Provide the correct and economical expenditure of material means and fuel and energy resources.

6. Make recommendations about expenditure priority of aviafuel and lubricants, constitutes plans of replacement of the stored inventories.

7. Be involved in the investigation of violations of engineering procedures of storage and aviafuel and lubricants gas station allowed by maintenance personnel of service.

8. Take part in studying and implementation of the best practices of operation and maintenance of the equipment in service fuel and lubricants, consideration of improvement suggestions and inventions, implementation of the new equipment and technology, means of mechanization and automation, implementation of the organizational and technical actions directed to work performance improvement, cost reduction on maintenance of the equipment and accomplishment of technical and economic indicators of work of service.


1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About Use of Airspace of RK and Activities of Aircraft".

2. Requirements of industrial safety.

3. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

4. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

5. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

6. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

7. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Personnel management


1. Prepare materials on employee assessment of service fuel and lubricants, including basic and the attached laboratories.

2. Be involved in the investigation of violations of engineering procedures of storage and aviafuel and lubricants gas station allowed by maintenance personnel of service.

3. Take part in studying and implementation of the best practices of operation and maintenance of the equipment in service fuel and lubricants, consideration of improvement suggestions and inventions, implementation of the new equipment and technology, means of mechanization and automation, implementation of the organizational and technical actions directed to work performance improvement, cost reduction on maintenance of the equipment and accomplishment of technical and economic indicators of work of service.


1. Rules and procedure for professional training of specialists of service fuel and lubricants.

2. Design and service regulations of the equipment of service fuel and lubricants.

3. Characteristic equipment failures of service fuel and lubricants.

4. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

5. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

6. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

7. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

8. Methods of fault recovery of fixed assets of service fuel and lubricants.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Labor function 2:

Controls accomplishment of technology of acceptance, storage, transfer, issue and gas station of the aviafuel and lubricants air vehicles, technical condition of means of gas station

Skill 1:

General organization of performance of works for content of material resources


1. Analyze cases of equipment failures and gages and to take measures for their prevention and elimination.

2. Provide at the scheduled time metrological checking of gage devices, the correct and economical expenditure of material means and fuel and energy resources.

3. Organize, perform management and control of work

the equipment, reservoirs and personnel on operation of fixed assets of service fuel and lubricants.

4. Introduce the corresponding restriction or prohibition on operation of the equipment, the equipment in case of discrepancy to requirements for safe work.

5. Organize and control quality and regularity of check of technical condition of the equipment by personnel of service before works.

6. Plan work on timely updating of the equipment.

7. Organize accomplishment of actions for training of personnel, the equipment, buildings and constructions of service to work in OZP and VLP.

8. Provide storage, technical readiness and strict observance of maintenance diagrams of the equipment, timely check of test instruments, fire appliances.

9. Generalize and extend the best practices of operation and maintenance of the equipment.

10. Organize development and implementation of the new equipment and technology.


1. Operating manuals of the equipment.

2. Requirements for ensuring unity of measurements.

3. Requirements of industrial safety.

4. Procedure for production planning according to perspective plans of the company.

5. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

6. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

7. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

8. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Organization of works of personnel of service (change)


1. Provide smooth operations on aviation fuel supply of flights.

2. Organize and control passing by personnel of service (change) of in-plant training and advanced training.

3. Messages sheet of accounting of on-duty time of personnel.

4. Make arrangement of specialists and workers in compliance with their qualification and the available admission to operation of certain types of the equipment.

5. Establish working schedules and rest of personnel.

6. Provide timely accomplishment of shop orders by personnel.


1. Qualification requirements to personnel of service fuel and lubricants.

2. Regulation of laborious works on company sites.

3. Rules of the labor schedule.

4. Requirements of industrial safety.

5. Personnel management methods.

6. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

7. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

8. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

9. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Requirements to personal competences:

Responsibility for results of accomplishment of daily tasks, quality of attended operation, the high organization and punctuality in observance of requirements of documentation, rules and the procedures adopted in civil aviation.

Sense of duty, accuracy, attentiveness, self-discipline, responsibility, resistance to stress, learnability, communicativeness, motivation to development.

Analytical thinking. Computer literacy. Leadership skills. It is effective to work as team member, accuracy in accomplishment of tasks.

Ability to quickly make the decision, capability to independently develop professional qualifications and abilities.

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. The fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of March 26, 2015 No. 324. 2. The rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 190. 3. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on the filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 191. 4. The requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles approved the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 188.

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Heads (managing directors) of specialized air transport divisions


Fuels and lubricants engineer

11. Profession card "Fuels and lubricants engineer":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Fuels and lubricants engineer

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

The job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees the Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of RK of December 30, 2020 No. 553 "About approval of the Job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees". No. 22003 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of RK on December 31, 2020.

Paragraph 38. Repair engineer

Level of professional education:

Education level:

the higher education (bachelor degree, specialist programme, internship)


Engineering and engineering



Requirements to work experience:

Practical experience of work in industry of civil aviation at least 1 year.

Communication with informal and informalny education:

The certificate on passing of rate of initial preparation and/or advanced training on aviation fuel supply of flights according to requirements of Standard programs of professional training of the aeronautical personnel participating in safety-of-life function. Passings of training and receipt of admissions to independent work according to the acquired profession.

Other possible names of profession:

1324-0-020 - Warehouse officer (fuels and lubricants, cargo, material, etc.)

Main objective of activities:

Prevention of cases of violations of technologies of works of service fuel and lubricants through systematic identification of potential hazards of safety, the analysis of the reasons and factors promoting their origin and development of measures for their elimination or minimization.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Quality management

2. Works monitoring

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Quality management

Skill 1:

Risk analysis


1. Work with national and international sources of information.

2. Carry out the analysis and processing of requests, collection, systematization and the analysis of the arriving information.

3. Develop risk management system, implementation of actions on their management.

4. Determine procedures of identification of variations from policy and standards.

5. Control execution in service of requirements of regulating documents, information on aviation safety.

6. Be involved in the investigation of violations of engineering procedures of storage and fuel and lubricants gas station allowed by maintenance personnel of service.

7. Organize and control performance of works on pipeline binding of constructions, repair and adjustment of production equipment, means of transfer and dosing of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids.

8. Analyze cases of equipment failures and gages and takes measures for their prevention and elimination.

9. Develop plans and constitute maintenance diagrams and repair of constructions, production equipment, test instruments and means of automatic equipment of objects. Will organize and controls their accomplishment.

10. Provide at the scheduled time metrological checking of gage devices, the correct and economical expenditure of material means and fuel and energy resources.

11. Participate in studying and implementation of the best practices of operation and maintenance of the equipment in service fuel and lubricants, consideration of improvement suggestions and inventions, implementation of the new equipment and technology, means of mechanization and automation, implementation of the organizational and technical actions directed to work performance improvement, cost reduction on maintenance of the equipment and accomplishment of technical and economic indicators of work of service.


1. Requirements of international standards to aviation fuel supply of flights of AF.

2. Design and service regulations of the equipment.

3. Risk management system.

4. Rules of investigation of cases of violations of engineering procedures of storage and fuel and lubricants gas station.

5. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

6. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

7. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

8. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Management of the quality system


1. Develop quality management system.

2. Implement quality management system.

3. Develop and analyze regulating documents and standards in the field of quality management and aviation safety.

4. Interact with the state regulatory bodies and the international aviation organizations.

5. Provide functioning of system of voluntary messages.


1. The international and national standards on quality management.

2. Quality management system of the company.

3. To the politician in the field of quality of the company.

4. Systems of identification and risk management.

5. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

6. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

7. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

8. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Labor function 2:

Works monitoring

Skill 1:

Process of investigation of cases of violations of technology of aviation fuel supply, service regulations of the equipment


1. Make technical investigations of cases of violations of technology of aviation fuel supply, service regulations of the equipment.

2. Determine the reasons of cases of violations of technology of aviation fuel supply, service regulations of the equipment.

3. Develop recommendations about prevention of similar cases in the future.


1. Design and service regulations of the equipment.

2. The international and national regulatory legal acts on managements of aviation safety.

3. Influence of the Human factor on production processes.

4. Origins of characteristic equipment failures.

5. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

6. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

7. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

8. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Monitoring and audit of security systems


1. Book audit and inspection for check of compliance of security systems to the established standards and regulations.

2. Carry out monitoring of efficiency of management systems of safety.

3. Conduct research and implementation of the new technologies, the equipment and the practician directed to safety increase of flights.


1. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

2. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

3. Orders, orders of the director.

4. Rules of the labor schedule.

5. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

6. The international and national regulatory legal acts on managements of aviation safety.

7. Organizational structure of the company.

8. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Requirements to personal competences:

Analytical thinking. Computer literacy. Leadership skills. It is effective to work as team member, accuracy in accomplishment of tasks. Ability to quickly make the decision, capability independently to develop professional qualifications and abilities.

Tranquility and determination, responsibility, discipline and severity

Communicativeness, capability to work individually and in team, determination of conduct from known on the basis of knowledge and practical experience, adoption of timely decisions.

Use of the professional knowledge, skills and abilities received when training and in the course of professional activity.

Responsibility for results of accomplishment of daily tasks, quality of attended operation, the high organization and punctuality in observance of requirements of documentation, rules and the procedures adopted in civil aviation.

Sense of duty, accuracy, attentiveness, self-discipline, responsibility, resistance to stress, capabilities to studying of languages, learnability, communicativeness, motivation to development.

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. The fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of March 26, 2015 No. 324. 2. The rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 190. 3. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on the filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 191. 4. The requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles approved the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 188.

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Heads (managing directors) of specialized air transport divisions


Manager of the station of fuelling

12. Profession card "Fuels and lubricants engineer":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Fuels and lubricants engineer

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

The job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees the Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of RK of December 30, 2020 No. 553 "About approval of the Job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees". No. 22003 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of RK on December 31, 2020.

Paragraph 38. Repair engineer

Level of professional education:

Education level:

postsecondary education (applied bachelor degree)


Chemical technology and production (by types)


Requirements to work experience:

Postsecondary education, (applied bachelor degree), practical experience; or at least two years of training in bachelor degree or three years of development of programs of vocational higher education, practical experience. Length of service at least 1 year on aviation fuel supply of flights.

Communication with informal and informalny education:

The certificate on passing of rate of initial preparation and/or advanced training on aviation fuel supply of flights according to requirements of Standard programs of professional training of the aeronautical personnel participating in safety-of-life function. Passings of training and receipt of admissions to independent work according to the acquired profession and qualification

Other possible names of profession:

1420-0-010 - Manager of the station of fuelling

Main objective of activities:

Organization and managements of change of service fuel and lubricants.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Control of equipment condition.

2. Qualitative and safe operational content of production equipment, means of transfer and dosing of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids.

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Control of equipment condition.

Skill 1:

Perform daily line inspections.


1. Control accomplishment of technology of acceptance, storage, transfer, issue and gas station of the aviafuel and lubricants air vehicles, technical condition of means of gas station.

2. Perform management and control of operation of the equipment and personnel of change.

3. Check equipment condition.

4. Make the analysis on the revealed defects their compliance to maximum permissible values for the purpose of determination of suitability of the equipment to operation.

5. Be involved in the investigation of violations of engineering procedures of storage and aviafuel and lubricants gas station allowed by maintenance personnel of service.

6. Discharge the equipment which is not conforming to safety requirements of application.

7. Introduce the corresponding restriction or prohibition on operation of the defective equipment.


1. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation aviafuel and lubricants.

2. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

3. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

4. Requirements of industrial safety.

5. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

6. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

7. Organizational structure of the company.

8. Orders, orders of the director.

9. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Perform inspections.


1. Check condition of pipeline binding of constructions, production equipment, means of transfer and dosing of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids regarding operability, hermeticity.

2. Develop technology of repair of the defective equipment.

3. Discharge the equipment which is not conforming to safety requirements of application.

4. Introduce the corresponding restriction or prohibition on operation of the defective equipment.


1. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

2. Orders, orders of the director.

3. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

4. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

5. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

6. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Labor function 2:

Qualitative and safe operational content of production equipment, means of transfer and dosing of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids.

Skill 1:

Ensuring maintenance and running repair of production equipment, means of transfer and dosing of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids.


1. Carry out surveys/check of production equipment, means of transfer and dosing of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids.

2. Coordinate repair and scheduled works with the head of change.

3. Provide timely servicing and running repair of production equipment, means of transfer and dosing of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids.

4. Make scheduled and unscheduled repairs of production equipment, means of transfer and dosing of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids with observance of security measures.

5. Make, updating of marking and marking signs of equipment components.


1. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

2. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

3. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

4. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

5. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Ensuring maintenance and repair of production equipment, means of transfer and dosing of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids.


1. Carry out surveys/check of production equipment, means of transfer and dosing of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids.

2. Determine amount and method of repair of production equipment, means of transfer and dosing of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids based on assessment of their technical condition.

3. Coordinate repair and scheduled works with the head of change.

4. Provide control of the organization which is carrying out repair.

5. Make repairs of production equipment, means of transfer and dosing of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids with observance of security measures.


1. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

2. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

3. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

4. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

5. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Requirements to personal competences:

Communicativeness, capability to work individually and in team, determination of conduct from known on the basis of knowledge and practical experience, adoption of timely decisions.

Use of the professional knowledge, skills and abilities received when training and in the course of professional activity.

Responsibility for results of accomplishment of daily tasks, quality of attended operation, the high organization and punctuality in observance of requirements of documentation, rules and the procedures adopted in civil aviation.

Sense of duty, accuracy, attentiveness, self-discipline, responsibility, resistance to stress, capabilities to studying of languages, learnability, communicativeness, motivation to development.

Analytical thinking. Computer literacy. Leadership skills. It is effective to work as team member, accuracy in accomplishment of tasks.

Ability to quickly make the decision, capability to independently develop professional qualifications and abilities.

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. The fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of March 26, 2015 No. 324. 2. The rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 190. 3. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on the filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 191. 4. The requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles approved the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 188.

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Manager of the station of fuelling


Fuels and lubricants engineer

13. Profession card "The chief of laboratory (on transport)":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

The chief of laboratory (on transport)

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

The job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees the Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of RK of December 30, 2020 No. 553 "About approval of the Job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees". No. 22003 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of RK on December 31, 2020.

Paragraph 75. The chief of production laboratory (on production control)

Level of professional education:

Education level:

postsecondary education (applied bachelor degree)


Laboratory technology


Requirements to work experience:

Postsecondary education, (applied bachelor degree), practical experience; or at least two years of training in bachelor degree or three years of development of programs of vocational higher education, practical experience, length of service at least 1 year on aviation fuel supply of flights.

Communication with informal and informalny education:

The certificate on passing of rate of initial preparation and/or advanced training on aviation fuel supply of flights according to requirements of Standard programs of professional training of the aeronautical personnel participating in safety-of-life function. Passings of training and receipt of admissions to independent work according to the acquired profession and qualification

Other possible names of profession:

1329-1-008 - The head of the laboratory (in other industries)

Main objective of activities:

Organization and management of fuel and lubricants laboratory.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Will organize and controls in laboratory and in airfield work on quality control of aviafuel and lubricants.

2. Ensures the correct technical operation and smooth operation of the equipment and gages.

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Will organize and controls in laboratory and in airfield work on quality control of aviafuel and lubricants.

Skill 1:

Organization of works on quality control of fuel and lubricants.


1. Organize work of change of fuel and lubricants laboratory.

2. Direct work on sampling of aviafuel and lubricants.

3. Organize and control accomplishment of actions for quality assurance of fuel in case of its acceptance, storage and issue it agrees.

4. Carry out analyses of tests of fuel according to the list of figure of merits.

5. Check and record the quality of the fuel arriving, which is kept and issued on gas station of aviation engineering;

6. Control observance of storage precautions of fuel.

7. Control quality of the collected waste oils.

8. Check purity of reservoirs, cistern and truck tanks, container before filling with their fuel.

9. Calibrate the reservoirs filled with fuel regarding lack of water and mechanical impurities.

10. Organize preparation and sending tests of fuel to third-party laboratories for check of those indicators which cannot be determined in laboratory of the company.

11. Control technical condition of the special equipment of means of gas station, transportation and filtering of fuel.

12. Organize and hold training of technicians-laboratory assistants.

13. Keep records.


1. Chemical, physical properties of aviafuel and lubricants.

2. Control procedures of quality of aviafuel and lubricants.

Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

3. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

4. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

5. Requirements of industrial safety.

6. Safety requirements of flights of air vehicles of civil aviation.

7. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Perform control quality checks of aviafuel and lubricants.


1. Carry out quality control of fuel and lubricants and special liquids, purity of reservoirs, cistern cars, reservoirs of refueling vehicles, truck tanks and other production equipment.

2. Direct work on sampling of fuel and lubricants and special liquids.

3. Control observance of standard test methods, correctness of records and calculations for analysis results.

4. Record high-quality condition of fuel and lubricants and special liquids, controls observance of preservation measures of their quality in case of acceptance, storage, issue and filling of air vehicles.

5. Organize carrying out check analyses, check of their reproducibility.

6. Constitute requests for the equipment, devices, devices, tools, spare parts, chemical ware, reactants and other required materials.

7. Control maintaining the operating documentation and creation of the planned reporting, to check and sign passports of fuel and lubricants.

9. Carry out physical and chemical analyses of tests of fuel and lubricants and special liquids, to prepare the conclusion on analysis results.

10. Perform acceptance, accounting, storage, packaging and sending to other laboratories of tests of aviafuel and lubricants and special liquids, control of technical condition of installations, devices, the tool and other laboratory equipment, carries out simple adjustment and elimination of minor failures.

11. Master new methods of carrying out analyses.


1. Procedure for the organization of works on carrying out analyses of aviafuel and lubricants and special liquids.

2. Procedures of preparation of the conclusions for analysis results of aviafuel and lubricants.

3. Rules of inventory count of aviafuel and lubricants.

4. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

5. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

6. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

7. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

8. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Labor function 2:

Ensures the correct technical operation and smooth operation of the equipment and gages.

Skill 1:

Ensuring proper functioning of the equipment of laboratory of service fuel and lubricants


1. Organize work of change of fuel and lubricants laboratory.

2. Direct work on sampling of fuel and lubricants and special liquids.

3. Control observance of standard test methods, correctness of records and calculations for analysis results.

4. Record high-quality condition of fuel and lubricants and special liquids, to control observance of preservation measures of their quality in case of acceptance, storage, issue and filling of air vehicles.

5. Organize carrying out check analyses, check of their reproducibility.

6. Constitute requests for the equipment, devices, devices, tools, spare parts, chemical ware, reactants and other required materials.

7. Organize and hold training of technicians-laboratory assistants.

8. Control maintaining the operating documentation and creation of the planned reporting, checks and signs passports of aviafuel and lubricants.

9. Carry out physical and chemical analyses of tests of aviafuel and lubricants and special liquids, to prepare the conclusion on analysis results.

10. Take part in checks of accomplishment of airfield quality control of aviafuel and lubricants and special liquids, purity of reservoirs, cistern cars, reservoirs of refueling vehicles, truck tanks and other production equipment.

11. Perform acceptance, accounting, storage, packaging and sending to other laboratories of tests of aviafuel and lubricants and special liquids.

12. Control technical condition of installations, devices, the tool and other laboratory equipment, to carry out simple adjustment and elimination of minor failures.

13. Master new methods of carrying out analyses.


1. Requirements to security measures when filling the aviafuel and lubricants air vehicles in airfield.

2. Design and service regulations of installations, devices, tool and other laboratory equipment.

3. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

4. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

5. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

6. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

7. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Ensuring operability of the equipment of laboratory


1. Perform operability and operability of the equipment of laboratory.

2. Determine amount and method of repair of the equipment based on assessment of their technical condition.

3. Approve repair and scheduled maintenance with the head of service fuel and lubricants.

4. Provide control of the organization which is carrying out repair.

5. Make repairs of the equipment of laboratory with observance of security measures.


1. Procedures of checks, testing of installations, devices, tool and other laboratory equipment.

2. Technology of repair of the equipment of service fuel and lubricants.

3. Procedure for acceptance of works after repair and/or scheduled maintenance.

4. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

5. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

6. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

7. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Requirements to personal competences:

Communicativeness, capability to work individually and in team, determination of conduct from known on the basis of knowledge and practical experience, adoption of timely decisions.

Use of the professional knowledge, skills and abilities received when training and in the course of professional activity.

Responsibility for results of accomplishment of daily tasks, quality of attended operation, the high organization and punctuality in observance of requirements of documentation, rules and the procedures adopted in civil aviation.

Sense of duty, accuracy, attentiveness, discipline, responsibility, capabilities to studying of languages, learnability, communicativeness, motivation to development.

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. The fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of March 26, 2015 No. 324. 2. The rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 190. 3. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on the filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 191. 4. The requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles approved the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 188.

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Engineer of service fuel and lubricants


Technician-laboratory assistant of service fuel and lubricants

14. Profession card "The aviation technician on fuels and lubricants":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

The aviation technician on fuels and lubricants

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Release 53. The order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of RK of June 15, 2022 No. 201 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (release 52)". No. 28475 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of RK on June 16, 2022.

Paragraph 19. The aviation technician on fuels and lubricants, the 6th discharge

Level of professional education:

Education level:

TIPO (specialist of average link)


Ground handling operations of air vehicles


Education level:

main secondary education





Requirements to work experience:

General secondary education and TIPO (specialist of average link) or general secondary education and practical experience of work at least 1 year.

Communication with informal and informalny education:

The certificate on passing of rate of initial preparation and/or advanced training on aviation fuel supply of flights according to requirements of Standard programs of professional training of the aeronautical personnel participating in safety-of-life function. Passings of training and receipt of admissions to independent work according to the acquired profession and qualification

Other possible names of profession:

2144-4 - Aviation engineering engineers

Main objective of activities:

Maintenance, repair and operation of production equipment.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Maintenance and operation of production equipment

2. Elimination of difficult defects and adjusting works of means of preparation of aviafuel and lubricants, measuring means of accounting and figure of merits of aviafuel and lubricants.

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Maintenance and operation of production equipment

Skill 1:

Operation of production equipment


6th discharge

1. Operate production equipment in automatic mode, including mechanical, electric, electric air and pneumomechanical devices.

2. Perform quality check of aviation fuel in case of issue it on AF gas station.

3. Direct work of aviation technicians on fuels and lubricants of lower qualification.

4. Messages working documentation and to constitute schedules of carrying out scheduled works of the production and special equipment of objects of aviation fuel supply.

5. With joint participation of several workers to perform technologically connected works in case of operation and technical maintenance of production equipment.

6. Carry out maintenance and operation of production equipment of the import high-automated and domestic high automated capacity systems of single-point fueling of airplanes cubic aviation fuel with a productivity over 200 meters an hour.

7. Operate systems of automatic filtering fuel and department of water.

8. Operate systems of adjustment of fuel usage in pumping point of TsZS.

9. Eliminate difficult defects and perform adjusting works of means of preparation of aviation fuel and lubricant, measuring means of accounting and figure of merits of aviation fuel and lubricant.

10. Operate production equipment of the high-automated high capacity systems of single-point fueling of airplanes aviation fuel.


1. Design of technological objects of service fuel and lubricants, means of preparation of filtering, dosage, storage and transportation of aviafuel and lubricants and special liquids.

2. Rules of adjustment, setup and functional check of technological objects of service fuel and lubricants and procedure for correction of their characteristic defects.

3. Technology of acceptance, preparation, storage and issue on aviafuel and lubricants gas station and special liquids.

4. Characteristic signs of quality degradation of aviafuel and lubricants in the course of their acceptance, storage and transportation.

5. Organization of quality control of aviafuel and lubricants and control and registration documentation on quality of aviafuel and lubricants.

6. The organization of accounting in service fuel and lubricants, checks of purity, dosage and density of aviafuel and lubricants.

7. Rules of maintaining control and registration documentation on technological parameters of work of technological objects of service fuel and lubricants.

8. The device, principal and mounting diagrams of the serviced equipment and devices of objects of aviation fuel supply, the semi-automated systems of single-point fueling of the air vehicle.

9. Technologies and types of carrying out scheduled works on maintenance.

10. Fault recovery methods in operation of filters, pumping units, the locking equipment.

11. Procedure for sampling and main brands of aviation fuel, oils and special liquids.

12. Methods of determination of availability of water, mechanical impurities and density of aviation fuel and lubricant, additive dosage.

13. Accounting treatment and technique of check by measuring means of quality of aviation fuel and lubricant.

14. Procedure on safety and labor protection, production sanitation and fire safety.

15. Procedure for use of individual protection equipment.

16. Requirements imposed to quality of attended operations (services).

17. Requirements for rational labor organization on workplace.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Maintenance and repair of production equipment


1. Check work, perform adjustment and testing of the mechanical, electric, electric air and pneumomechanical devices ensuring functioning of production equipment in automatic mode.

2. Perform adjustment and testing of systems of adjustment of fuel usage in pumping point of TsZS.

3. Perform rescue and recovery operations.

4. Carry out maintenance and operation of devices of objects of aviation fuel supply and the automated systems of single-point fueling of the air vehicle aviation fuel.

5. Check work, perform adjustment and testing of systems of automatic filtering fuel and department of water.

6. Carry out testing and adjustment of operation of the dosers intended for addition of anti-crystallizational liquid in aviation kerosene, hydrant regulators and connecting columns of the automated systems of single-point fueling of the air vehicle by cubic aviation fuel with a productivity up to 200 meters an hour.

7. Carry out maintenance of production equipment of the high-automated high capacity systems of single-point fueling of airplanes aviation fuel.


1. The device, specifications, principal and mounting diagrams of the equipment and the automated systems of single-point fueling of airplanes aviation fuel;

2. Regulations and technology of maintenance of all types of fuel and oil providing.

3. Methods of recovery of worn-out nodes and details.

4. Interchangeability of domestic and foreign brands of aviation fuel and oils for aviation engineering.

5. The operational procedure with new brands of aviation fuel and lubricant and their property.

6. Procedure for sampling from the emergency and refused aviation engineering.

7. Consumption rates of aviation fuel and special liquids on the air vehicle.

8. Error extent of gage devices of figure of merits and accounting of aviation fuel and lubricant.

9. Procedure on safety and labor protection, production sanitation and fire safety.

10. Procedure for use of individual protection equipment.

11. Requirements imposed to quality of attended operations (services).

12. Requirements for rational labor organization on workplace.

13. Design of technological objects of service fuel and lubricants, means of preparation of filtering, dosage, storage and transportation of aviafuel and lubricants and special liquids.

14. Rules of adjustment, setup and functional check of technological objects of service fuel and lubricants and procedure for correction of their characteristic defects.

15. Technology of acceptance, preparation, storage and issue on aviafuel and lubricants gas station and special liquids.

16. Characteristic signs of quality degradation of aviafuel and lubricants in the course of their acceptance, storage and transportation.

17. Organization of quality control of aviafuel and lubricants and control and registration documentation on quality of aviafuel and lubricants.

18. The organization of accounting in service fuel and lubricants, checks of purity, dosage and density of aviafuel and lubricants.

19. Rules of maintaining control and registration documentation on technological parameters of work of technological objects of service fuel and lubricants.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Labor function 2:

Elimination of difficult defects and adjusting works of means of preparation of aviafuel and lubricants, measuring means of accounting and figure of merits of aviafuel and lubricants.

Skill 1:

Elimination of difficult defects.


1. Perform works of pipelines, shutoff valves, distributing cranes, breather and pressure-relief valves of reservoirs, devices of the lower draining of aviation fuel of hydro-shock-absorbers of objects of aviation fuel supply, stationary and portable means of filling of the air vehicle with aviation fuel, hydrant regulators and connecting columns of the semi-automated systems of single-point fueling of the air vehicle and objects of providing aviation fuel and lubricant.

2. Determine the potential reasons and possible effects of defects.

3. Organize repair with attraction, if necessary

subordinate personnel.

4. Use tools, devices and fuels and lubricants in case of accomplishment of all types of complex works.

5. Apply repair materials.

6. Make all records about the fault recovery course.


1. Rules of adjustment, setup and functional check of technological objects of service fuel and lubricants and procedure for correction of their characteristic defects.

2. Organization of quality control of aviafuel and lubricants and control and registration documentation on quality of aviafuel and lubricants.

3. Rules of maintaining control and registration documentation on technological parameters of work of technological objects of service fuel and lubricants.

4. Characteristics of quality degradation of aviation fuel and lubricant in the course of their acceptance, storage and transportation, preparation and issue on gas station of the air vehicle or on demand.

5. Organization of quality control of aviation fuel and lubricant and control and registration documentation on quality of aviation fuel and lubricant.

6. The organization of check of purity, dosage and density of aviation fuel and lubricant, accounting in service fuel and lubricants.

7. Procedure for maintaining control and registration documentation on technological parameters of work of technological objects of service fuel and lubricants.

8. Procedure on safety and labor protection, production sanitation and fire safety.

9. Procedure for use of individual protection equipment.

10. Requirements imposed to quality of attended operations (services).

11. Requirements for rational labor organization on workplace.

12. Design of technological objects of service fuel and lubricants, means of preparation of filtering, dosage, storage and transportation of aviafuel and lubricants and special liquids.

13. Designs of technological objects of service of fuel and lubricant, means of preparation of filtering, dosage, storage and transportation of aviation fuel and lubricant and special liquids.

14. Technology of acceptance, preparation, storage and issue on aviafuel and lubricants gas station and special liquids.

15. Characteristic signs of quality degradation of aviafuel and lubricants in the course of their acceptance, storage and transportation.

16. Characteristic defects of technological objects of service of fuel and lubricant, procedure for their correction, adjustment, setup and functional check.

17. The organization of accounting in service fuel and lubricants, checks of purity, dosage and density of aviafuel and lubricants.

18. Technology of acceptance, preparation, storage and issue on gas station of aviation fuel and lubricant and special liquids.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Adjusting works of means of preparation of aviafuel and lubricants, measuring means of accounting and figure of merits of aviafuel and lubricants


1. Check work, regulate and test the mechanical, electric, electric air and pneumomechanical devices ensuring functioning of production equipment in automatic mode.

2. Check work, regulate and test systems of automatic filtering fuel and department of water.

3. Make adjustments and test systems of adjustment of fuel usage in pumping point of TsZS.

4. Organize work on quality check of aviation fuel in case of issue it on AF gas station.

5. Make adjustment, setup and functional check of technological objects of service fuel and lubricants and procedure for correction of their characteristic defects.

6. Keep records.


1. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

2. Rules of the labor schedule.

3. The organization of accounting in service fuel and lubricants, checks of purity, dosage and density of aviafuel and lubricants.

4. Characteristic signs of quality degradation of aviafuel and lubricants in the course of their acceptance, storage and transportation.

5. Organization of quality control of aviafuel and lubricants and control and registration documentation on quality of aviafuel and lubricants.

6. Technology of acceptance, preparation, storage and issue on aviafuel and lubricants gas station and special liquids.

7. Rules of maintaining control and registration documentation on technological parameters of work of technological objects of service fuel and lubricants.

8. Design of technological objects of service fuel and lubricants, means of preparation of filtering, dosage, storage and transportation of aviafuel and lubricants and special liquids.

9. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

10. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

11. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

12. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

13. Orders, orders of the director.

14. Rules of adjustment, setup and functional check of technological objects of service fuel and lubricants and procedure for correction of their characteristic defects.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Requirements to personal competences:

Sense of duty, accuracy, attentiveness, discipline, diligence, responsibility, learnability, communicativeness flexibility, adaptivity and self-motivation.

Punctuality in observance of requirements of documentation, rules and the procedures adopted in civil aviation.

Skill to communicate, diligence, discipline.

Use of the professional knowledge, skills and abilities received when training and in the course of professional activity.

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. The fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of March 26, 2015 No. 324. 2. The rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 190. 3. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on the filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 191. 4. The requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles approved the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 188.

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Fuels and lubricants engineer

15. Profession card "The technician on accounting (petrols, oil, lubricants and others)":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

The technician on accounting (petrols, oil, lubricants and others)

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

The job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees the Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of RK of December 30, 2020 No. 553 "About approval of the Job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees". No. 22003 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of RK on December 31, 2020.

Paragraph 105. Technician

Level of professional education:

Education level:

TIPO (specialist of average link)


Operation and technical maintenance of machines and the equipment (on industries)


Education level:

main secondary education





Requirements to work experience:

General secondary education, technical and professional education (specialist of average link) and practical experience

Communication with informal and informalny education:

Passings of training and receipt of admissions to independent work according to the acquired profession and qualification in service.

Other possible names of profession:

3112-1-002 - Technician (general profile)

Main objective of activities:

Accounting of fuel and lubricants and special liquids

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Record fuel and lubricants

2. Issue of fuel and lubricants.

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Record fuel and lubricants

Skill 1:

Control of amount of fuel and lubricants


1. Perform acceptance, accounting, storage, issue of fuel and lubricants and special liquids.

2. Control safety of aviafuel and lubricants in case of storage by regular control of amount of aviafuel and lubricants.

3. Check the admission of aviafuel and lubricants to issue for gas station.

4. Record quantitative condition of fuel and lubricants and special liquids, controls observance of measures for their preserving in case of acceptance, storage, issue and filling of air vehicles.

5. Participate in carrying out check analyses, check of their reproducibility.


1. Technology of acceptance, storage, issue of aviafuel and lubricants.

2. Aviafuel and lubricants physical and chemical properties.

3. Quality check technique of aviafuel and lubricants.

4. Rules of accounting, measure of preserving aviafuel and lubricants in case of their acceptance, storage, issue.

5. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

6. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

7. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Messages documentation of accounting of fuel and lubricants


1. Keep records about movement of aviafuel and lubricants and special liquids.

2. Draw up documentation on acceptance, accounting, storage, issue of fuel and lubricants and special liquids.

3. Check the admission of aviafuel and lubricants to issue for gas station.

4. Record quantitative condition of fuel and lubricants and special liquids, controls observance of measures for their preserving in case of acceptance, storage, issue and filling of air vehicles.

5. Participate in carrying out check analyses, check of their reproducibility.


1. Forms and rules of conducting records about movement of aviafuel and lubricants.

2. Rules of accounting and reporting on acceptance, storage and issue of aviafuel and lubricants.

3. Aviafuel and lubricants physical and chemical properties.

4. Rules of carrying out check analyses of aviafuel and lubricants.

5. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

6. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

7. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Labor function 2:

Issue of fuel and lubricants.

Skill 1:

Respect for technology of issue of fuel and lubricants.


1. Perform issue of fuel and lubricants and special liquids.

2. Control safety of aviafuel and lubricants by regular control of amount of aviafuel and lubricants.

3. Check the admission of aviafuel and lubricants to issue for gas station.

4. Record quantitative condition of fuel and lubricants and special liquids, to control observance of measures for their preserving in case of movement of fuel and lubricants.

5. Participate in carrying out check analyses, check of their reproducibility.


1. Procedures of issue of aviafuel and lubricants for requests of services and organizations.

2. Rules of ensuring control of amount of aviafuel and lubricants.

3. Orders, orders of the director.

4. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

5. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

6. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Management of consumption of fuel and lubricants.


1. Record about movement of aviafuel and lubricants and special liquids.

2. Draw up documentation on acceptance, accounting, storage, issue of fuel and lubricants and special liquids.

3. Check the admission of aviafuel and lubricants to issue for gas station.

4. Record quantitative condition of fuel and lubricants and special liquids on reservoirs, reservoirs, storage locations.

5. Organize expenditure of fuel and lubricants and special liquids for the purpose of rational use of reservoirs, storage locations.


1. Main consumers of fuel and lubricants and form of their requests.

2. Accounting procedures of fuel and lubricants.

3. Providing accounts department with information on movement of fuel and lubricants.

4. Procedure for registration excess or shortages of fuel and lubricants.

5. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

6. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

7. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Requirements to personal competences:

Sense of duty, accuracy, attentiveness, discipline, diligence, responsibility, learnability, communicativeness.

Punctuality in observance of requirements of documentation, rules and the procedures adopted in civil aviation.

Skill to communicate, diligence, discipline.

Use of the professional knowledge, skills and abilities received when training and in the course of professional activity.

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. The fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of March 26, 2015 No. 324. 2. The rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 190. 3. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on the filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 191. 4. The requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles approved the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 188.

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


The aviation technician on fuels and lubricants


Fuels and lubricants engineer

16. Profession card "Warehouse officer (fuels and lubricants, cargo, material, etc.)":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Warehouse officer (fuels and lubricants, cargo, material, etc.)

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Level of professional education:

Education level:

TIPO (specialist of average link)


Ground handling operations of air vehicles


Requirements to work experience:

General secondary education, technical and professional education (specialist of average link) and practical experience

Communication with informal and informalny education:

Passings of training and receipt of admissions to independent work according to the acquired profession and qualification in service.

Other possible names of profession:

9629-9-004 - Storekeeper

Main objective of activities:

Operation of warehouse of fuels and lubricants

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Performance of works on content of reservoirs, reservoirs, aviafuel and lubricants storage locations.

2. Organization of works on maintenance (current, periodic and repair) reservoirs, reservoirs, storage locations, pipeline binding of constructions, to repair and adjustment of production equipment, means of transfer and dosing of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids.

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Performance of works on content of reservoirs, reservoirs, aviafuel and lubricants storage locations.

Skill 1:

Control of technical condition


1. Develop plans and constitute schedules of inspections of technical condition of constructions, production equipment, test instruments and means of automatic equipment of objects.

2. Organize and control performance of works on inspections of technical condition of pipeline binding of constructions, repair and adjustment of production equipment, means of transfer and dosing of aviafuel and lubricants.

3. Analyze cases of equipment failures and gages and takes measures for their prevention and elimination.

4. Provide at the scheduled time metrological checking of gage devices, the correct and economical expenditure of material means and fuel and energy resources.

5. Make recommendations about expenditure priority of aviafuel and lubricants.


1. Requirements to technical condition of the equipment of service fuel and lubricants.

2. Planning methods of scheduled and repair work on the equipment of service fuel and lubricants.

3. Procedures of execution of requests for carrying out scheduled and repair work.

4. Procedure for acceptance of works, quality control.

5. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

6. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Job evaluation on content of reservoirs, reservoirs, aviafuel and lubricants storage locations.


1. Perform works on creation of work plans on routine maintenance of constructions, production equipment, test instruments and means of automatic equipment of objects.

2. Develop the estimated cost and labor input of works on routine maintenance of production equipment.

3. Attract third parties to performance of works on routine maintenance of production equipment and constructions.

4. Apply reference materials in case of performance of works on routine maintenance of production equipment and constructions.


1. Orders, orders of the director concerning operation and content of fixed assets of the company.

2. Bases of the economy and procedures of production planning.

3. Rules of creation, approval and conclusion of agreements.

4. Properties of construction materials.

5. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

6. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Labor function 2:

Organization of works on maintenance (current, periodic and repair) reservoirs, reservoirs, storage locations, pipeline binding of constructions, to repair and adjustment of production equipment, means of transfer and dosing of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids.

Skill 1:

Organization of works on the running, periodic maintenance of reservoirs, reservoirs, storage locations, pipeline binding of constructions, repair and adjustment of production equipment, means of transfer and dosing of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids.


1. Determine the number of required materials for works on the running, periodic maintenance of reservoirs, reservoirs, storage locations.

2. Protect zones of works on the running, periodic maintenance of reservoirs, reservoirs, storage locations.

3. Determine scopes of work by cleaning of reservoirs, reservoirs.

4. Inform the head on the violations of engineering procedure found during operating time.

5. Apply reference materials in case of performance of works on the running, periodic maintenance of reservoirs, reservoirs, storage locations.

6. Work with repair materials, reagents, the tool and equipment.

7. Apply reference materials in case of accomplishment of all types of complex works on the running, periodic maintenance of reservoirs, reservoirs, storage locations, pipeline binding of constructions.


1. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

2. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

3. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

4. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

5. Orders, orders of the director.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Running, periodic maintenance of reservoirs, reservoirs, storage locations, pipeline binding of constructions, to repair and adjustment of production equipment, means of transfer and dosing of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids.


1. Determine the number of required materials for repair of reservoirs, reservoirs, storage locations, pipeline binding of constructions.

2. Apply reference materials in case of accomplishment of all types of complex works on repair of reservoirs, reservoirs, storage locations, pipeline binding of constructions.

3. Organize works on repair of reservoirs, reservoirs, storage locations, pipeline binding of constructions.

4. Process all documents and records about the carried-out works.


1. Orders, orders of the director.

2. Fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK.

3. Requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles.

4. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK.

5. Rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Requirements to personal competences:

Sense of duty, accuracy, attentiveness, discipline, diligence, responsibility, learnability, communicativeness.

Punctuality in observance of requirements of documentation, rules and the procedures adopted in civil aviation.

Skill to communicate, diligence, discipline.

Use of the professional knowledge, skills and abilities received when training and in the course of professional activity.

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. The fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of March 26, 2015 No. 324. 2. The rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 190. 3. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on the filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 191. 4. The requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles approved the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 188.

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


The aviation technician on fuels and lubricants


Fuels and lubricants engineer

17. Profession card "Operator of fuel stations":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Operator of fuel stations

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Release 1. The order of the Deputy prime minister - the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of RK of September 1, 2023 No. 364 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (release 1)". No. 33389 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of RK on September 7, 2023.

Paragraph 254. Operator of fuel stations, 2,3,4,5 discharges

Level of professional education:

Education level:

TIPO (working professions)


Operation and technical maintenance of machines and the equipment (on industries)


Education level:

main secondary education





Requirements to work experience:

The main secondary education, technical and professional education (the increased level) or general secondary education and practical experience and/or professional training (rates based on the organization of education for programs of professional training up to one year or training at the company).

Communication with informal and informalny education:

Passings of training and receipt of admissions to independent work according to the acquired profession and qualification in service.

Other possible names of profession:

1420-0-010 - Manager of the station of fuelling

Main objective of activities:

Gas station of the fuel and lubricants air vehicles.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Servicing of system of AF gas station fuel with check of accuracy and control of issue of fuel refueling column.

2. Gas station of air vehicles.

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Servicing of system of AF gas station fuel with check of accuracy and control of issue of fuel refueling column.

Skill 1:

Servicing of system of AF gas station fuel.


2nd discharge

1. Perform gas station combustible and greases (gasoline, kerosene, oil and other) air vehicles, and also cars, motor-transport, tractors, various installations, courts and other vehicles manually and by means of fuel and distributing columns.

2. Perform leave of fuel and lubricants to transport drivers.

3. Check air pressure in tires.

4. Release the oil products which are packed up in small tare.

5. Perform sale of spare parts;

6. Perform acceptance of oil products and greases.

7. Perform sampling for carrying out laboratory analyses.

8. Process documents to the accepted and realized products.

9. Constitute reports for change.

10. Service automated fueling systems.

11. Check accuracy and control fuel issue.

12. Control correctness of information on board, other indicators.

13. Perform adjustment of the serviced equipment in the course of work.

14. Take part under repair and replacement of defective parts and nodes of system.


1. Principle of operation of the serviced fueling equipment.

2. Assignment and external differences of oil products.

3. Names, brands and grades of the released oil products.

4. Name and conditions of use of test instruments.

5. Procedure for execution of documentation on the accepted and realized oil products.

6. Procedure for storage and leave of oil products.

7. Service regulations of reservoirs, process pipelines, fuel-dispensing equipment and electronic automatic system of management.

8. Schemes of fuel and oil systems of flight vehicles.

9. Device and service regulations of fixed systems of single-point fueling of airplanes fuel.

10. Rules of carrying out operational and airfield quality control of aviation fuels and lubricants on content of water and mechanical impurities by means of automatic and chemical methods.

11. Equipment operational regulations.

12. Procedure for installation on workplace of the fuel-oil transfer equipment.

13. Procedure for preparation and engine start-up of internal combustion.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Check of accuracy and control of fuel issue by refueling column


3rd discharge

1. Perform gas station combustible and greases (gasoline, kerosene, oil and other) air vehicles, and also cars, motor-transport, tractors, flight vehicles, courts and other vehicles by means of mechanical and semi-automatic means of gas station.

2. Perform gas station of flight vehicles by means of portable means of gas station with a productivity up to 500 liters a minute.

3. Perform water replenishment in radiators and filling of battery solution.

4. Submit requests for carrying out repair of the equipment and its acceptance from repair.

5. Submit requests for delivery of oil products to Items of gas station.

6. Perform maintaining material and reporting documentation.

7. Provide control of check intervals of the metering equipment and devices.

8. Perform elimination of minor failures, cleaning and greasing of the serviced equipment.

9. Determine amount of the fuel filled in the air vehicle by means of the automated fueling system.

10. Control fuel issue accuracy.

11. Control correctness of information on board, other indicators.

12. Perform adjustment of the serviced equipment in the course of work.

13. Take part under repair and replacement of defective parts and nodes of system.


1. The device of the serviced fueling equipment, test instruments.

2. Physical and chemical properties of oil products.

3. The name, brands and grades of all oil products applied to gas station of vehicles in winter and summertime.

4. Procedure for execution of requests and material and reporting documentation.

5. Check intervals of the metering equipment and devices.

6. Service regulations of reservoirs, process pipelines, fuel-dispensing equipment and electronic automatic system of management.

7. Schemes of fuel and oil systems of flight vehicles.

8. Device and service regulations of fixed systems of single-point fueling of airplanes fuel.

9. Rules of carrying out operational and airfield quality control of aviation fuels and lubricants on content of water and mechanical impurities by means of automatic and chemical methods.

10. Equipment operational regulations.

11. Procedure for installation on workplace of the fuel-oil transfer equipment.

12. Procedure for preparation and engine start-up of internal combustion.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Labor function 2:

Gas station of air vehicles

Skill 1:

Fuel quality check


4th discharge

1. Perform gas station combustible and greases (gasoline, kerosene, oil and other) air vehicles, and also cars, motor-transport, tractors, flight vehicles, courts and other vehicles by means of automatic and mechanical means of remote-operated gas station.

2. Perform gas station of flight vehicles by means of portable means of gas station with a productivity over 500 liters a minute.

3. Check operability fuel - and the maslorazdatochny equipment, automatic equipment of management and electrodistribution panels.

4. Exercise control of terms of representation to check of fuel-dispensing columns and measuring devices.

5. Submit requests for carrying out repair of the equipment and its acceptance from repair.

6. Connect portable gas stations to power sources.

7. Perform reduction in operating condition of the petrolelectric aggregate with the internal combustion engine, the generator and electric board of management.

8. Perform elimination of minor failures in automatic equipment of distant control of means of gas station.

9. Check fuel by carrying out operational and airfield quality control of aviation fuels and lubricants for content of water and mechanical impurities by means of automatic and chemical methods.

10. Check operability of reservoirs for acceptance, storage, issue of fuel, pumping units, filters, pipe manifolds and filling aggregates.

11. Control terms of representation to check of measuring devices.

12. Perform elimination of minor failures in automatic equipment of distant control of means of gas station.


1. Method of operation of reservoirs, process pipelines, fuel-dispensing equipment and electronic automatic system of management.

2. Schemes of fuel and oil systems of flight vehicles.

3. Device and method of operation of fixed systems of single-point fueling of airplanes fuel.

4. Procedure for carrying out operational and airfield quality control of aviation fuels and lubricants on content of water and mechanical impurities by means of automatic and chemical methods.

5. Procedure for technical operation of the equipment of portable gas station with the starter petrolelectric unit and the internal combustion engine and electric board.

6. Procedure for installation on workplace of the fuel-oil transfer equipment.

7. Procedure for preparation and engine start-up of internal combustion.

8. Service regulations of reservoirs, process pipelines, fuel-dispensing equipment and electronic automatic system of management.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Skill 2:

Issue of fuel on gas station of air vehicles


5th discharge

1. Perform servicing of the automated system of gas station combustible and greases on credit cards with the electronic input device and displays of information, the hardware block and the perforator.

2. Perform check of accuracy and control of fuel issue by refueling column.

3. Exercise control of correctness of information on board, indicator lamps of the input device and record on punched tape.

4. Perform removal of punched tape with information, replacement of cartridges, implementation of record in the memory unit.

5. Perform adjustment of the serviced equipment in the course of work.

6. Take part under repair and replacement of defective parts and nodes of system.

7. Perform gas station of air vehicles by means of automatic and mechanical means of gas station.

8. Perform filling of flight vehicles by means of systems of single-point fueling of airplanes with fuel.

9. Check operability of the fuel-dispensing equipment, automatic equipment of management and electrodistribution panels.

10. Control terms of representation to check of the fuelling equipment and measuring devices.

11. Submit requests for carrying out repair of the equipment and its acceptance from repair.

12. Eliminate minor failures of the fuelling equipment.


1. Design and method of operation of the automated system of leave of oil products on credit cards.

2. The main methods of preparation and information input in the memory unit.

3. The checklist on the accuracy and adjustments of nodes of system.

4. The sequence of conducting process of gas station of vehicles on credit cards.

5. The instruction about procedure for leave and payment of oil products on credit cards.

6. Service regulations of reservoirs, process pipelines, fuel-dispensing equipment and electronic automatic system of management.

7. Schemes of fuel and oil systems of flight vehicles.

8. Device and service regulations of fixed systems of single-point fueling of airplanes fuel.

9. Rules of carrying out operational and airfield quality control of aviation fuels and lubricants on content of water and mechanical impurities by means of automatic and chemical methods.

10. Procedure for installation on workplace of the fuel-oil transfer equipment.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not required

Requirements to personal competences:

Sense of duty, accuracy, attentiveness, discipline, diligence, responsibility, learnability, communicativeness.

Punctuality in observance of requirements of documentation, rules and the procedures adopted in civil aviation.

Skill to communicate, diligence, discipline.

Use of the professional knowledge, skills and abilities received when training and in the course of professional activity.

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. The fire safety regulations in civil aviation of RK approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of March 26, 2015 No. 324. 2. The rules of providing civil air vehicles with aviation fuel and lubricants approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 190. 3. Storage precautions, preparation for issue on the filling and monitoring procedures of quality of aviation fuel and lubricants and special liquids in civil aviation organizations of RK approved by the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 191. 4. The requirements to the organizations for providing fuel and lubricants of civil air vehicles approved the order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of February 24, 2015 No. 188.

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


The aviation technician on fuels and lubricants


Fuels and lubricants engineer

Chapter 4. Specifications of the professional standard

18. Name of state body: Ministry of transport of RK.

Contractor: Myrzagaliyev Erbakyt Oryngaliyevich, +7 (717) 257 21 91,

19. The organizations (company) participating in development: JSC Academy of Civil Aviation.

Project manager: Zhakupov Kayrat Bolatovich,, +7 (701) 158 54 52.

Contractor: Bitenov Almas Badanovich,, +7 701 513 8441.

20. Industry council on professional qualifications: November 8, 2024.

21. National authority on professional qualifications: November 19, 2024.

22. National chamber of entrepreneurs of RK "Atameken": December 4, 2024.

23. Number of the version and year of manufacture: version 1, 2024.

24. Date of approximate review: December 31, 2027.

Appendix 2

to the Order of the acting minister of transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 19, 2024 No. 418

Professional standard: "Airfield flight servicing of air vehicles"

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. Field of application of the professional standard: The professional standard "Airfield Flight Servicing of Air Vehicles" is developed according to article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications", establishes requirements to forming of educational programs, including personnel trainings at the companies, recognitions of professional qualification of workers and graduates of the organizations of education and solutions of wide range of tasks in the field of airfield flight servicing in civil aviation organizations.

2. In this professional standard the following terms and determinations are applied:

1) aeronautical personnel – the physical persons having special and (or) professional training, and performing activities: on air traffic maintenance (dispatching personnel on the organization and air traffic maintenance, operators of aviation stations, the specialist); on land flight servicing in airfield (personnel, the specialist); on management of industry of civil aviation of the companies and aviation training centers;

2) civil aviation – the aircraft which is not part of experimental and state aircraft, used for the purpose of, stipulated in Item 3 articles 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About use of airspace of the Republic of Kazakhstan and activities of aircraft";

3) airfield is part of airfield on which one or several landing strips, pedestrian walkways, platforms and zones of special purpose are located;

4) airfield providing is complex of actions for maintenance of airfield of airfield (landing strips (further – the runway), taxiways (further – RD), platforms and stalls of air vehicles) in permanent operational readiness for take-off, landing, taxing and the parking of air vehicles;

5) airfield service – the structural division of the airport (civil aviation organization) intended for ensuring safe operation, content, repair of objects of airfield (helidrome), the airport;

6) obstacle – all not mobile (temporary or permanent) mobile objects or parts them which are placed in the zone intended for movement of air vehicles on surface or which tower over the certain surface intended for safety control of air vehicles in flight;

7) the instructor – person performing direct activities for professional training and check of skills at aeronautical personnel according to the qualification;

8) the platform – the certain area of overland airfield intended for placement of air vehicles for the purpose of landing or disembarkation of passengers, loading and unloading of mailings and loads of gas station, the parking or maintenance;

9) airfield – part of airfield on which one or several flying strips, taxiways, platforms and platforms of special purpose are located.

3. In this professional standard the following reducings are applied:

1) SAI – aeronautical information service;

2) AF – the air vehicle;

3) the EXPERT – airfield service;

4) Department of Internal Affairs – air traffic management;

5) KS – the job evaluation catalog;

6) ETKS – single wage rate book;

7) ICAO – International Civil Aviation Organization;

8) PK – Republic of Kazakhstan;

9) the ORK – industry frame of qualifications;

10) TIPO – technical and professional education;

11) OKED – the general qualifier of types of economic activity;

12) the runway – landing strip;

13) GRF – global format of data presentation about runway condition;

14) RCR – the report on condition vzletno - landing strip;

15) SNOWTAM – NOTAM of special series containing information on snow, slush, ice or dead water on the runway of airfields;

16) to NOTES – the notice to flight personnel (NOTAM is abbreviation – NOtice To Air Missions. Instead of the English abbreviation the following writing – NOTAM is used).

Chapter 2. Passport of the professional standard

4. Name of the professional standard: Airfield flight servicing of air vehicles.

5. Code of the professional standard: H51101072.

6. Instruction of section, the Section, group, class and subclass agrees OKED:

H Transport and warehousing;

51 Activities of air transport;

51.1 Activities of air passenger transport;

51.10 Activities of air passenger transport;

51.10.1 Activities of the air passenger transport submitting to the schedule;

H Transport and warehousing;

51 Activities of air transport;

51.1 Activities of air passenger transport;

51.10 Activities of air passenger transport;

51.10.2 Activities of the air passenger transport which is not submitting to the schedule;

H Transport and warehousing;

51 Activities of air transport;

51.2 Activities of air load carrying transport and space transport;

51.21 Activities of load air carrying transport;

51.21.1 Activities of the load air carrying transport subordinating to the schedule

H Transport and warehousing;

51 Activities of air transport;

51.2 Activities of air load carrying transport and space transport;

51.21eyatelnost load air carrying transport;

51.21.2 Activities of the load air carrying transport which is not subordinating to the schedule.

7. Short description of the professional standard: includes the activities of aeronautical personnel directed to provision of the qualified services in the field of airfield providing connected with safe flight servicing of airplanes and helicopters on airfields.

8. List of cards of professions:

1) the First heads of organizations, organizations and companies – the 8th ORK level;

2) the Chief of airfield service – the 7th ORK level;

3) the Chief of airfield service – the 6th ORK level;

4) the Inspection engineer on aviation safety – the 6th ORK level;

5) the Operating engineer of airfields – the 6th ORK level;

6) the Technician of airfield service – the 4th ORK level;

7) the Airfield worker – the 2nd ORK level;

8) The driver of the motorized equipment at the airport – the 2nd ORK level.

Chapter 3. Cards of professions

9. Profession card "First heads of organizations, organizations and companies":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

First heads of organizations, organizations and companies

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

The job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees the Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of RK of December 30, 2020 No. 553 "About approval of the Job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees". No. 22003 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of RK on December 31, 2020.

Paragraph 91. Director (CEO, Chief executive, President, Chairman of the board, Managing director) of the organization

Level of professional education:

Education level:

postgraduate education (PhD doctoral studies, academic degree of the doctor of PhD, degree of the doctor of PhD on profile, the candidate of science, the doctor of science)


Transport services



Requirements to work experience:

Practical experience in the specialty, or managerial work experience at least 3 years.

Communication with informal and informalny education:

Additional professional education is recommended: - programs of advanced training at least once in three years.

Other possible names of profession:

1210-0-012 - CEO of management (agency) of civil aviation

Main objective of activities:

Management of organization activity and responsibility for accomplishment of tasks. Coordination and organization of work on the customer service delivery, monitoring and performance monitoring of actions of employees, solution of questions of resource allocation and personnel management.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Forming of mission, values, cultures, politicians and strategy.

2. Plant management (organization).

3. Implementation of monitoring and assessment of activities.

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Forming of mission, values, cultures, politicians and strategy.

Skill 1:

Development and approval of mission, purposes, policy and strategy of the company (organization).


1. Determine policy, the business strategy of the organization and the mechanism of their realization.

2. Organize work and effective interaction of all structural divisions, aims their activities at the development and enhancement of flexible and mobile production of the goods and services which are quickly reacting to innovations and change of market situation taking into account social and market priorities.

3. Provide increase in overall performance of the organization, increase arrived.

4. Take measures for providing the organization by qualified personnel, rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, creation safe and favorable for life and health of working conditions, to observance of requirements of the legislation on environmental protection, forming of the favorable psychological atmosphere in collective.

5. Provide combination of economic and administrative management approaches, discussion and the solution of production and other questions, material and moral incentives of increase in production efficiency.


1. The legislative, other regulatory legal acts and acts of state bodies regulating production and economic and financial and economic organization activity.

2. The methodical and other materials of other bodies concerning organization activity.

3. Profile, specialization and features of structure of the organization.

4. Production capacities and personnel resources of the organization.

5. Production technology of products of the organization.

6. Tax legislation.

7. Procedure for creation and approval of business plans of production and economic and financial and economic organization activity.

8. Modern methods of managing and management of the organization

9. Strategic planning, the market - external and internal environment (the sector and interconnected with it), competitors, suppliers and consumers.

10. Scientific and technical achievements both advanced domestic and foreign.

11. Experience of the corresponding type of activity and experience of activities of the best similar organizations.

12. Procedure for the conclusion and execution of economic and financial contracts.

13. Procedure for development and conclusion of industry agreements, collective agreements and regulation of the social and labor relations.

14. Management of economy and finance of the organization, production organization and work.

15. The labor law, procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of flammability control.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Labor function 2:

Plant management (organization).

Skill 1:

Development of organizational structure and resource allocation.


1. Direct according to the legislation production, economic and financial and economic organization activity.

2. Provide execution of the made decisions, safety and effective use of the property of the organization containing on its balance and also financial and economic results of its activities.

3. Sign agreements, make transactions, transactions with third parties or other legal entities, to publish orders, orders, to represent the organization at business meetings.

4. Provide accomplishment by the organization of obligations to the government budget, accumulation pension and insurance funds, suppliers, customers and creditors, including banks, and also accomplishment of economic and employment contracts (contracts), indicators of indicative plans and business plans.

5. Provide development, the conclusion and accomplishment of the collective agreement, respect for labor and production discipline on the basis of the principles of social partnership, promotes development of labor motivation, initiative and activity of workers.

6. Resolve the issues concerning financial and economic and production economic activity of the organization within the rights granted to it by the legislation, maintaining separate activities charges to other service employees, deputy directors, heads of branches, and also functional and production divisions.


1. The legislative, other regulatory legal acts and acts of state bodies regulating production and economic and financial and economic organization activity.

2. The methodical and other materials of other bodies concerning organization activity.

3. Profile, specialization and features of structure of the organization.

4. Production capacities and personnel resources of the organization.

5. Production technology of products of the organization.

6. Tax legislation.

7. Procedure for creation and approval of business plans of production and economic and financial and economic organization activity.

8. Modern methods of managing and management of the organization

9. Strategic planning, the market - external and internal environment (the sector and interconnected with it), competitors, suppliers and consumers.

10. Scientific and technical achievements both advanced domestic and foreign.

11. Experience of the corresponding type of activity and experience of activities of the best similar organizations.

12. Procedure for the conclusion and execution of economic and financial contracts.

13. Procedure for development and conclusion of industry agreements, collective agreements and regulation of the social and labor relations.

14. Management of economy and finance of the organization, production organization and work.

15. The labor law, procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of flammability control.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

It is not recommended

Labor function 3:

Implementation of monitoring and assessment of activities.

Skill 1:

Carrying out monitoring and assessment of activities.


1. Provide execution of the made decisions, safety and effective use of the property of the organization containing on its balance and also financial and economic results of its activities.

2. Organize work and effective interaction of all structural divisions, carry out assessment their activities.

3. Provide increase in overall performance of the organization, analyze results of work.

4. Take measures for providing the organization by qualified personnel, increase their skill level, evaluate results of their activities.

5. Provide combination of economic and administrative management approaches, discussion and the solution of production and other questions, material and moral incentives of increase in production efficiency.

6. Develop actions for enhancement of work of the company, perform monitoring of the made changes.


1. The legislative, other regulatory legal acts and acts of state bodies regulating production and economic and financial and economic organization activity.

2. The methodical and other materials of other bodies concerning organization activity.

3. Profile, specialization and features of structure of the organization.

4. Production capacities and personnel resources of the organization.

5. Production technology of products of the organization.

6. Tax legislation.

7. Procedure for creation and approval of business plans of production and economic and financial and economic organization activity.

8. Modern methods of managing and management of the organization

9. Strategic planning, the market - external and internal environment (the sector and interconnected with it), competitors, suppliers and consumers.

10. Scientific and technical achievements both advanced domestic and foreign.

11. Experience of the corresponding type of activity and experience of activities of the best similar organizations.

12. Procedure for the conclusion and execution of economic and financial contracts.

13. Procedure for development and conclusion of industry agreements, collective agreements and regulation of the social and labor relations.

14. Management of economy and finance of the organization, production organization and work.

15. The labor law, procedure for the internal labor schedule, on safety and labor protection, production sanitation, the requirement of flammability control.

Possibility of recognition of skill:


Requirements to personal competences:


Understanding of business


Independence and responsibility

Systems thinking

Strategic thinking

Resistance to stress

Ability to quickly make decisions

Ability to work in team

Change management


Emotional intelligence

Analytical thinking

Endurance and diligence

Skill of negotiating

Project thinking

Creativity and creativity

Multiculturalism and openness



List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About Use of Airspace of RK and Activities of Aircraft"; 2. The order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of RK of September 28, 2013 No. 764 "About approval of Standard programs of professional training of the aeronautical personnel participating in safety-of-life function".

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Chief of airfield service

10. Profession card "Chief of airfield service":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Chief of airfield service

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

The order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of October 7, 2015 No. 978. "About approval of Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation", the CHAPTER 2, item 10

Chief of airfield service

Level of professional education:

Education level:

postgraduate education (magistracy, residency)


Transport services



Requirements to work experience:

Length of service at least 3 years on airfield flight servicing.

Communication with informal and informalny education:

The certificate on passing of rate of initial preparation and/or advanced training on airfield flight servicing according to requirements of Standard programs of professional training of the aeronautical personnel participating in safety-of-life function. Passings of training and receipt of admissions to independent work according to the acquired profession.

Other possible names of profession:

2142-9-005 - Operating engineer of airfields

Main objective of activities:

Organization and managements of all actions for the organization of work of airfield service. Direct accomplishment of range of tasks on the organization and providing effective and qualitative content, control and repair of airfield, helidrome, landing site for safe and effective implementation of flights on airfields.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. The common directorship activities of airfield service, development of the planning documents, interaction with other services.

2. Control of the organization of performance of works for content and repair of artificial coverings and soil parts of airfield, helidrome, landing site.

3. Control of aerodrome environs condition.

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

The common directorship activities of airfield service, development of the planning documents, interaction with other services.

Skill 1:

Management of activities of airfield service.


1. Exercise control of respect for technological discipline.

2. Give classes with specialists of airfield service and other divisions of the airport in questions of airfield technical support of flights.

3. Perform interaction with regional authorities in questions of construction of facilities and on change of ornithological situation in airfield on in case of the airfield territory.

4. Exercise control of construction of facilities and condition of obstacles.

5. Direct service.

6. Work as a part of operational staff and administration of the aviation organization when holding actions for settlement of emergency situations.

7. Analyze the reasons of delays of departures of AF and incidents with participation of AS.


1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About Use of Airspace of RK and Activities of Aircraft".

2. Requirements of industrial safety.

3. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

4. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

5. Instructions of surveys of working area.

6. Rules of conducting radio exchange.

7. Rules on ornithological flight servicing in civil aviation.

8. Rules of issue of operating authorities which can pose safety hazard of flights of air vehicles.

9. Local regulations on the organization of movement of special motor transport and means of mechanization.

10. The international and national regulatory legal acts on airfield flight servicing.

11. Organizational structure of the company.

12. Orders, orders of the director.

13. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 2:

Development of the planning documents, interaction with other services.


1. Develop the planning documents.

2. Constitute reports and reports.

3. Organize interaction with services of the airport in questions of airfield technical support of flights.

4. Prepare necessary documents on ensuring compliance of airfields to certified requirements.

5. Prepare documents for certification of airfield. Constitute annual requisitions on providing with material resources.

6. Constitute annual and quarter plans of content and repair of airfield.

7. Develop schemes for airfield service.


1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About Use of Airspace of RK and Activities of Aircraft".

2. Requirements of industrial safety.

3. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

4. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

5. Rules on ornithological flight servicing in civil aviation.

6. Rules of issue of operating authorities which can pose safety hazard of flights of air vehicles.

7. Local regulations on the organization of movement of special motor transport and means of mechanization.

8. The international and national regulatory legal acts on airfield flight servicing.

9. Organizational structure of the company.

10. Orders, orders of the director.

11. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Labor function 2:

Control of the organization of performance of works for content and repair of artificial coverings and soil parts of airfield, helidrome, landing site.

Skill 1:

Organization of performance of works for content of airfield.


1. Organize and carry out surveys/check of working area and the aerodrome facilities.

2. Organize, perform management and control of work of personnel on content of airfield

and to its maintenance in permanent operational readiness.

3. Perform management and control of work of airfield special equipment and personnel of change.

4. Perform management behind check condition of artificial coverings and unpoved runways, airfield elements with use of vehicles.

5. Analyze on the revealed defects their compliance to maximum permissible values for the purpose of determination of suitability of elements of airfield to operation.

6. Perform management behind timely cleaning of the runway of pollutants.

7. Carry out monitoring of radio communication between personnel of airfield service and body of Department of Internal Affairs during the work on the maneuvering area.

8. Check use of gages of airfield service, including for measurement of friction coefficient on artificial landing strip.

9. Perform management behind ornithological situation in airfield.

10. It is necessary introduce the corresponding restriction or prohibition on operation of the corresponding elements of airfield in case of detection of the defects covering exceeding maximum permissible regulations before elimination of discrepancies.


1. Instructions of surveys of working area.

2. Rules of conducting radio exchange.

3. Requirements of industrial safety.

4. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

5. Rules of management of the dangers created by birds and other animals to flights of civil air vehicles.

6. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

7. Rules and technologies of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome and landing site.

8. The international and national regulatory legal acts on content of airfield.

9. Organizational structure of the company.

10. Orders, orders of the director.

11. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 2:

Organization of performance of works for repair of airfield.


1. Perform management behind timely servicing and running repair of airfield and its equipment.

2. Exercise control when carrying out major repair of surface of the runway and aerodrome facilities with observance of security measures.

3. Check approval of operating department and SAI about works on the runway and about airfield condition.

4. Exercise control of maintaining radio communication with operating department using aviation phraseology and rules of radio exchange.

5. Approve with the flight operations director and inform SAI the repair and scheduled maintenance connected with closing of airfield.

6. Exercise control for timely servicing and running repair of airfield and its equipment.

7. Organize scheduled and unexpected repair of surface and aerodrome facilities with observance of security measures.

8. Perform management behind updating of marking and marking signs of elements of airfield in process of depreciation.

9. Check accomplishment of the procedure for closing of airfield and the notification of the organizations involved in the airport.


1. Rules of conducting radio exchange.

2. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

3. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About Architectural, Town-planning and Construction Activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan".

4. Rules and technologies of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome and landing site.

5. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

6. The procedures connected with closing of airfield.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Labor function 3:

Control of aerodrome environs condition.

Skill 1:

Monitoring (accounting) of obstacles, not navigation lights posing safety hazard of flights, carrying out construction works and activities in airfield.


1. Create and exercise control of work of airport committee on control of activities which can provide safety hazard of flights.

2. Organize monitoring in airfield of activities which can provide safety hazard of flights.

3. Exercise control of construction of facilities and condition of obstacles.

4. Exercise control when survey/checking aerodrome movement area on availability of temporary obstacles, including the standing air vehicles.

5. Exercise control when carrying out visual survey of airfield for check of lack of objects which mention any protective surfaces, in particular, in approach zones and departure of all runways.

6. Perform management when carrying out survey of condition of lighting and marking of the permitted obstacles in airfield.


1. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

2. Rules and technologies of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome and landing site.

3. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

4. Requirements of the order of the Government RK of May 12, 2011 No. 504.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 2:

Monitoring (accounting) of obstacles, not navigation lights posing safety hazard of flights, carrying out construction works and activities on aerodrome environs.


1. Create and exercise control of work of airport committee on control of activities which can provide safety hazard of flights.

2. Organize monitoring on aerodrome environs of activities which can provide safety hazard of flights.

3. Exercise control of construction of facilities and condition of obstacles.

4. Exercise control when carrying out visual survey of aerodrome environs for check of lack of objects which mention any protective surfaces, in particular, in approach zones and departure of all runways.

5. Exercise control when carrying out survey of condition of lighting and marking of the permitted obstacles, construction works on aerodrome environs.


1. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

2. Rules and technologies of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome and landing site.

3. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

4. Requirements of the order of the Government RK of May 12, 2011 No. 504.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:

Strategic thinking

Resistance to stress

Ability to quickly make decisions

Ability to work in team

Change management



Analytical thinking

Endurance and diligence

Oral communicative skills

Written communicative skills


Capability to training and self-training

Logical reasoning

Multiculturalism and openness

Computer literacy

Critical thinking


List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. The order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of October 7, 2015 No. 978 "About approval of Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation". 2. The order of the Minister of investments and development of RK of March 31, 2015 No. 381 "About approval of regulations of serviceability of airfields (helidromes) of civil aviation". 3. The order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of March 26, 2015 No. 327 "Rules on the organization of work of special transport at the RK airports". 4. The order of the Minister of investments and development of RK of June 30, 2017 No. 420 "Rules of providing with aeronautical information in civil aviation". 5. The order of the Government RK of May 12, 2011 No. 504 of "Rules of issue of operating authorities which can pose safety hazard of flights of air vehicles". 6. The order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of RK of September 28, 2013 No. 764 "Standard programs of professional training of the aeronautical personnel participating in safety-of-life function". 7. Appendix of 14 ICAO, Airfields, Tom 1, Designing and operation of airfields. 8. DOC, 9981 ICAO, Airfields. 9. DOC, 9157 ICAO, the Management on aerodrome planning.

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


First heads of organizations, organizations and companies

11. Profession card "Chief of airfield service":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Chief of airfield service

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

The order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of October 7, 2015 No. 978. "About approval of Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation", the CHAPTER 2, item 10

Chief of airfield service

Level of professional education:

Education level:

the higher education (bachelor degree, specialist programme, internship)


Transport services



Requirements to work experience:

Length of service at least 3 years on airfield flight servicing.

Communication with informal and informalny education:

Passings of training and receipt of admissions to independent work according to the acquired profession and qualification in service.

Other possible names of profession:

2142-9-005 - Operating engineer of airfields

Main objective of activities:

Organization and managements of all actions for the organization of work of airfield special equipment.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. The common directorship on the organization of work of special equipment of airfield service, development of the planning documents, interaction with other services.

2. Accomplishment of functions of the responsible head of airfield special equipment.

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

The common directorship on the organization of work of special equipment of airfield service, development of the planning documents, interaction with other services.

Skill 1:

Management of activities for the organization of work of special equipment of airfield service.


1. Exercise control of respect for technological discipline.

2. Direct service.

3. Organize work of personnel on content of airfield special equipment.

4. Perform management and control of work of airfield mechanization and personnel of change.

5. Give classes with specialists of airfield service and other divisions of the airport in questions of airfield technical support of flights.

6. Work as a part of operational staff and administration of the aviation organization when holding actions for settlement of emergency situations.

7. Analyze the reasons of delays of departures of AF and incidents with participation of AS.


1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About Use of Airspace of RK and Activities of Aircraft".

2. Requirements of industrial safety.

3. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

4. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

5. Rules of conducting radio exchange.

6. Local regulations on the organization of movement of special motor transport and means of mechanization.

7. The international and national regulatory legal acts on content of airfield special equipment.

8. The international and national regulatory legal acts on airfield flight servicing.

9. Organizational structure of the company.

10. Orders, orders of the director

11. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 2:

Development of the planning documents, interaction with other services.


1. Develop the planning documents.

2. Constitute reports and reports.

3. Organize interaction with services of the airport in questions of airfield technical support of flights.

4. Prepare necessary documents on ensuring compliance of airfields to certified requirements.

5. Prepare documents for certification of airfield. Constitute annual requisitions on providing with material resources.

6. Constitute annual and quarter plans of content and repair of airfield special equipment.

7. Develop traffic patterns of airfield special equipment in airfield.


1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About Use of Airspace of RK and Activities of Aircraft".

2. Requirements of industrial safety.

3. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

4. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

5. Local regulations on the organization of movement of special motor transport and means of mechanization.

6. The international and national regulatory legal acts on airfield flight servicing.

7. Organizational structure of the company.

8. Orders, orders of the director.

9. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Labor function 2:

Accomplishment of functions of the responsible head of airfield special equipment.

Skill 1:

General organization of performance of works of special equipment for content of airfield.


1. Organize works of special equipment for survey/check of working area and the aerodrome facilities.

2. Organize, perform management and control of work

special equipment and drivers on content of airfield.

3. Perform management and control of work of airfield special equipment and personnel of change.

4. Perform management behind rational use of technical means in case of timely cleaning of the runway of pollutants.

5. Perform radio station established on airfield special equipment.

6. Introduce the corresponding restriction or prohibition on operation of airfield special equipment in case of discrepancy to requirements for work on airfield.

7. Organize and control quality and regularity of check of technical condition and exterior of special vehicles by mechanics of the site (foremen) and driver's structure before departure to the line.

8. Plan work of the site on updating of special equipment and timely write-off and realization.

9. Organize accomplishment of actions for training of staff, special vehicles and means of mechanization, and also buildings and constructions to work during the spring and summer and spring and summer period.

10. Provide storage, technical readiness and strict observance of maintenance diagrams of special vehicles, timely check of test instruments, radio station and fire extinguishers established on special vehicles.

11. Generalize and extend the best practices of operation and maintenance of special vehicles, to try to obtain interchangeability of drivers on different types of special vehicles.

12. Organize development and implementation of the new equipment.


1. Instructions of surveys of working area.

2. Rules of conducting radio exchange.

3. Requirements of industrial safety.

4. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

6. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

7. Local regulations on the organization of movement of special motor transport and means of mechanization.

8. Rules and technologies of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome and landing site.

9. The international and national regulatory legal acts on content of airfield.

10. Organizational structure of the company.

11. Orders, orders of the director.

12. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 2:

Organization of works of driver's structure for repair of airfield.


1. Provide planned release to the line and operation technically of the operational and completed special vehicles as directed of management of AS, their accident-free movement and work in airfield.

2. Organize and control passing by drivers of medical examination before the beginning and upon termination of change.

3. Messages sheet of accounting of on-duty time of driver's structure.

4. Make arrangement of driver's structure in compliance with their qualification and the available admission to operation of certain types of special vehicles.

5. Establish working schedules and rest of driver's structure.

6. Provide timely accomplishment of shop orders by staff.


1. Organizational structure of the company.

2. Orders, orders of the director.

3. Rules of the labor schedule.

4. Requirements of industrial safety.

5. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

6. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

7. Local regulations on the organization of movement of special motor transport and means of mechanization.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:

Resistance to stress


Ability to quickly make decisions

Ability to work in team




Analytical thinking


Endurance and diligence

Oral communicative skills

Written communicative skills

Capability to training and self-training

Computer literacy


List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. The order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of October 7, 2015 No. 978 "About approval of Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation". 2. The order of the Minister of investments and development of RK of March 31, 2015 No. 381 "About approval of regulations of serviceability of airfields (helidromes) of civil aviation". 3. The order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of March 26, 2015 No. 327 "Rules on the organization of work of special transport at the RK airports". 4. The order of the Minister of investments and development of RK of June 30, 2017 No. 420 "Rules of providing with aeronautical information in civil aviation". 5. Appendix of 14 ICAO, Airfields, Tom 1, Designing and operation of airfields. 6. DOC, 9981 ICAO, Airfields. 7. DOC, 9157 ICAO, the Management on aerodrome planning.

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Chief of airfield service

12. Profession card "Inspection engineer on aviation safety":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

The inspection engineer on aviation safety

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Doc of 9859 ICAO Control directive aviation safety of the CHAPTER 9, item 9. 3. 6. 6 Inspection engineer on aviation safety

Level of professional education:

Education level:

the higher education (bachelor degree, specialist programme, internship)


Transport services



Requirements to work experience:

Practical experience of work in industry of civil aviation at least 5 years

Communication with informal and informalny education:

The certificate on passing of rate of initial preparation and/or advanced training on safety management system of flights and investigation of aviation incidents and incidents according to requirements of Standard programs of professional training of the aeronautical personnel participating in safety-of-life function. Passings of training and receipt of admissions to independent work.

Other possible names of profession:

Main objective of activities:

Prevention of aviation incidents and incidents through systematic identification of potential hazards of safety, the analysis of the reasons and factors promoting their origin and development of measures for their elimination or minimization.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Safety management of flights.

2. Investigation of aviation incidents and incidents, monitoring and audit of security systems.

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Safety management of flights.

Skill 1:

Risk analysis and safety management of flights.


1. Work with national and international sources of information.

2. Carry out the analysis and processing of requests, collection, systematization and the analysis of the arriving information.

3. Develop risk management system, implementation of actions on their management.

4 Determine procedures of identification of variations from policy and standards.

5. Control execution in structural divisions of requirements of regulating documents of civil aviation, information on aviation safety and the actions directed to maintenance of high level of aviation safety.

6. Be involved in investigation of aviation events.

7. Carry out monitoring of events, both aviation incidents, and potentially dangerous events, their identification and the analysis.

8. Control accomplishment of estimates of risks/threats and develop measures for decrease in the risks/threats connected with aviation safety.

9. Exercise control of carrying out the corrective actions on remedial action found during inspection checks of authorized organization.

10. Exercise control of carrying out the corrective actions on remedial action revealed during inspection checks of structural divisions of airline.


1. The international and national regulatory legal acts on managements of aviation safety.

2. Organizational structure of the company.

3. Orders, orders of the director.

4. Rules of the labor schedule.

5. Rules of carrying out inspection audits.

6. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 2:

Safety management system of flights.


1. Develop safety management system of flights.

2. Implement safety management system.

3. Develop and analyze regulating documents and standards in the field of aviation safety.

4. Interact with the state regulatory bodies and the international aviation organizations.

5. Provide functioning of system of voluntary messages.


1. The international and national regulatory legal acts on managements of aviation safety.

2. Organizational structure of the company.

3. Orders, orders of the director.

4. Rules of the labor schedule.

5. Rules of carrying out inspection audits.

6. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Labor function 2:

Investigation of aviation incidents and incidents, monitoring and audit of security systems.

Skill 1:

Process of investigation of aviation incidents and incidents.


1. Carry out technical investigations after the aviation incidents and incidents.

2. Determine the reasons of aviation incidents and incidents.

3. Develop recommendations about prevention of similar cases in the future.


1. The international and national regulatory legal acts on managements of aviation safety.

2. Organizational structure of the company.

3. Orders, orders of the director.

4. Rules of the labor schedule.

5. Rules of carrying out inspection audits.

6. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 2:

Monitoring and audit of security systems.


1. Book audit and inspection for check of compliance of security systems to the established standards and regulations.

2. Carry out monitoring of efficiency of management systems of safety.

3. Conduct research and implementation of the new technologies, the equipment and the practician directed to safety increase of flights.


1. The international and national regulatory legal acts on managements of aviation safety.

2. Organizational structure of the company.

3. Orders, orders of the director.

4. Rules of the labor schedule.

5. Rules of carrying out inspection audits.

6. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:

Strategic thinking

Resistance to stress

Flexibility of thinking

Ability to quickly make decisions

Ability to work in team




Analytical thinking

Endurance and diligence

Oral communicative skills

Written communicative skills


Search and information analysis


Capability to training and self-training

Holding polls and researches

Computer literacy

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About Use of Airspace of RK and Activities of Aircraft". 2. Control directive aviation safety, DOC 9859. 3. Management on investigation of aviation incidents and incidents: policy and procedures, DOC 9962. 4. The order of the Minister of investments and development of RK of July 27, 2017 No. 505. "About approval of Rules of investigation of aviation incidents and incidents in civil and experimental aviation".

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Chief of airfield service

13. Profession card "Operating engineer of airfields":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Operating engineer of airfields

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

The order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of October 7, 2015 No. 978 "About approval of Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation", the CHAPTER 2, the item 10 Operating Engineer of Airfields

Level of professional education:

Education level:

the higher education (bachelor degree, specialist programme, internship)


Transport services



Requirements to work experience:

Length of service at least 3 years on airfield flight servicing.

Communication with informal and informalny education:

The certificate on passing of rate of initial preparation and/or advanced training on airfield flight servicing according to requirements of Standard programs of professional training of the aeronautical personnel participating in safety-of-life function. Passings of training and receipt of admissions to independent work according to the acquired profession.

Other possible names of profession:

3155-0-006 - Technician of airfield service

Main objective of activities:

Organization and managements of change of airfield service.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Control of condition of elements of airfield.

2. Ensuring qualitative and safe operational content, and preparation of airfield for flights of air vehicles.

3. Submission of reliable and timely information to air traffic control service and aeronautical information service.

Additional labor functions:

1. Control of aerodrome environs condition.

Labor function 1:

Control of condition of elements of airfield.

Skill 1:

Carrying out daily line inspections.


1. Organize work of change of airfield service.

2. Perform management and control of work of airfield special equipment and personnel of change.

3. Check condition of artificial coverings and unpoved runways, airfield elements with use of vehicles.

4. Carry out the analysis on the revealed defects their compliance to maximum permissible values for the purpose of determination of suitability of elements of airfield to operation.

5. Establish radio communication before departure with body of Department of Internal Affairs and get permissions to survey of the maneuvering area.

6. Perform inspection with use of checklists (the check of sheets) where it is necessary to specify the place and to designate the revealed problems.

7. Apply gages of airfield service, including to measurement of friction coefficient on artificial landing strip.

8. Check ornithological situation in airfield.

9. Prohibit departure on the runway of special equipment and airfield mechanization of the vehicles which are not equipped with clearance and flashing (pulse) lights, radio stations, or transceivers of station-keeping equipment and towing devices.

10. It is necessary introduce the corresponding restriction or prohibition on operation of the corresponding elements of airfield in case of detection of the defects covering exceeding maximum permissible regulations before elimination of discrepancies.

11. Notify bodies of Department of Internal Affairs on survey completion and make the log entry of condition of airfield.


1. Instructions of surveys of working area.

2. Rules of conducting radio exchange.

3. Requirements of industrial safety.

4. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

5. Rules of management of the dangers created by birds and other animals to flights of civil air vehicles.

6. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

7. Rules and technologies of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome and landing site.

8. The international and national regulatory legal acts on content of airfield.

9. Organizational structure of the company.

10. Orders, orders of the director.

11. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 2:

Carrying out inspection.


1. Check condition of aerodrome movement area regarding availability of foreign objects.

2. Examine with interval no more than three hours, in case of break in flights more than three hours before renewal of flights (before each take off and landing of the air vehicle).

3. Establish radio communication before departure with body of Department of Internal Affairs and get permissions to survey of the maneuvering area.

4. Examine and by results to take measures for operational cleaning airfield coverings from foreign objects.

5. Apply gages of airfield service, including to measurement of friction coefficient on artificial landing strip.

6. Notify bodies of Department of Internal Affairs on survey completion and make the log entry of condition of airfield.


1. Instructions of surveys of working area

2. Rules of conducting radio exchange.

3. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

4. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

5. Rules and technologies of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome and landing site.

6. The international and national regulatory legal acts on content of airfield.

7. Organizational structure of the company.

8. Orders, orders of the director.

9. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 3:

Perform planned and unscheduled inspections.


1. Check condition of aerodrome movement area during preparation for work the autumn and winter and spring and summer period, also after loss of intensive rainfall, gale-force winds, natural disasters or impact for airfield of other adverse natural factors.

2. Establish radio communication before departure with body of Department of Internal Affairs and get permissions to survey of the maneuvering area.

3. Examine and by results to draw up the statement of defects and constitute plans for elimination of the revealed defects.

4. Notify bodies of Department of Internal Affairs on survey completion and make the log entry of condition of airfield.


1. Instructions of surveys of working area.

2. Rules of conducting radio exchange.

3. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

4. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

5. Rules and technologies of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome and landing site.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Labor function 2:

Ensuring qualitative and safe operational content, and preparation of airfield for flights of air vehicles.

Skill 1:

Ensuring maintenance and running repair of airfield.


1. Carry out surveys/check of working area, the equipment and soil elements of airfield.

2. Approve with the flight operations director and inform SAI the repair and scheduled maintenance connected with closing of airfield.

3. Provide timely servicing and running repair of airfield and its equipment.

4. Make scheduled and unexpected repair of surface and aerodrome facilities with observance of security measures.

5. Carry out, updating of marking and marking signs of elements of airfield in process of depreciation.

6. Perform inspection of drainage and drainage systems in airfield.

7. Perform procedures for closing of airfield and the notification of the organizations involved in the airport.


1. Rules of conducting radio exchange.

2. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

3. Rules and technologies of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome and landing site.

4. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

5. The procedures connected with closing of airfield.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 2:

Ensuring maintenance and major repair of airfield.


1. Carry out surveys/check of working area, the equipment and soil elements of airfield.

2. Determine amount and method of major repair of airfield coverings based on assessment of their technical condition by plans of defect.

3. Approve with the flight operations director and inform SAI the repair and scheduled maintenance connected with closing of airfield.

4. Provide control of the construction organization the carrying-out major repair.

5. Make major repair of surface and aerodrome facilities with observance of security measures.

6. Perform procedures for closing of airfield and the notification of the organizations involved in the airport.


1. Rules of conducting radio exchange.

2. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

3. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About Architectural, Town-planning and Construction Activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan".

4. Rules and technologies of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome and landing site.

5. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

6. The procedures connected with closing of airfield.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Labor function 3:

Submission of reliable and timely information to air traffic control service and aeronautical information service.

Skill 1:

Runway surface condition assessment.


1. Check condition of artificial coverings and unpoved runways, airfield elements with use of vehicles.

2. Determine the area of covering and type of pollutants on the runway.

3. Organize operation of airfield the winter and summer periods.

4. Apply gages of airfield service, including to measurement of friction coefficient on artificial landing strip on the GRF system.

5. Prepare to transfer the report on condition of the runway (RCR).


1. Rules of conducting radio exchange.

2. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

3. Rules and technologies of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome and landing site.

4. Rules of providing with aeronautical information in civil aviation.

5. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 2:

Provision of reliable information to service Department of Internal Affairs and SAI


1. Bring the prepared report on runway condition the specialist of AS to SAI for publication of SNOWTAM and body of Department of Internal Affairs.

2. Observe requirements of Rules of phraseology of radio exchange in case of information transfer to airfield body of Department of Internal Affairs by means of radio communication

3. Notify bodies of Department of Internal Affairs on survey completion and make the log entry of condition of airfield.


1. Rules of conducting radio exchange.

2. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

3. Rules and technologies of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome and landing site.

4. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

5. Rules of providing with aeronautical information in civil aviation.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Additional labor function 1:

Control of aerodrome environs condition.

Skill 1:

Monitoring (accounting) of obstacles, not navigation lights posing safety hazard of flights, carrying out construction works and activities in airfield.


1. Carry out surveys/check of aerodrome movement area on availability of temporary obstacles, including the standing air vehicles.

2. Perform visual inspection of airfield for check of lack of objects which mention any protective surfaces, in particular, in approach zones and departure of all runways.

3. Perform inspection of condition of lighting and marking of the permitted obstacles in airfield.


1. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

2. Rules and technologies of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome and landing site.

3. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

4. Requirements of the order of the Government RK of May 12, 2011 No. 504.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 2:

Monitoring (accounting) of obstacles, not navigation lights posing safety hazard of flights, carrying out construction works and activities on aerodrome environs.


1. Perform visual inspection of aerodrome environs for check of lack of objects which mention any protective surfaces, in particular, in approach zones and departure of all runways.

2. Perform inspection of condition of lighting and marking of the permitted obstacles, construction works on aerodrome environs.


1. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

2. Rules and technologies of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome and landing site.

3. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

4. Requirements of the order of the Government RK of May 12, 2011 No. 504

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:

Cooperation and interaction

Resistance to stress

Flexibility of thinking

Ability to quickly make decisions

Ability to work in team



Analytical thinking

Endurance and diligence

Oral communicative skills

Written communicative skills


Capability to training and self-training

Control of working processes

Computer literacy

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. The order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of October 7, 2015 No. 978. "About approval of Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation". 2. The order of the Minister of investments and development of RK of March 31, 2015 No. 381 "About approval of regulations of serviceability of airfields (helidromes) of civil aviation". 3. The order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of March 26, 2015 No. 327 "Rules on the organization of work of special transport at the RK airports". 4. The order of the Minister of investments and development of RK of June 30, 2017 No. 420 "Rules of providing with aeronautical information in civil aviation". 5. The order of the Government RK of May 12, 2011 No. 504 of "Rules of issue of operating authorities which can pose safety hazard of flights of air vehicles". 6. The order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of RK of September 28, 2013 No. 764 "Standard programs of professional training of the aeronautical personnel participating in safety-of-life function". 7. Appendix of 14 ICAO, Airfields, Tom 1, Designing and operation of airfields. 8. DOC, 9981 ICAO, Airfields. 9. DOC, 9157 ICAO, the Management on aerodrome planning.

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Chief of airfield service

14. Profession card "Technician of airfield service":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Technician of airfield service

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

The order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of October 7, 2015 No. 978. "About approval of Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation", the CHAPTER 2, item 10

Technician of airfield service

Level of professional education:

Education level:

TIPO (specialist of average link)


Ground handling operations of air vehicles



Education level:

main secondary education





Requirements to work experience:

Practical experience of work at least 1 year.

Communication with informal and informalny education:

The certificate on passing of rate of initial preparation and/or advanced training on airfield flight servicing according to requirements of Standard programs of professional training of the aeronautical personnel participating in safety-of-life function. Passings of training and receipt of admissions to independent work according to the acquired profession.

Other possible names of profession:

Main objective of activities:

Organization and managements of daily work of airfield service and helipad.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Control of condition of artificial coverings and soil elements of airfield, helidrome, landing site.

2. Qualitative and safe operational content of airfield to flights of air vehicles.

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Control of condition of artificial coverings and soil elements of airfield, helidrome, landing site.

Skill 1:

Control of artificial coverings of airfield.


1. Check condition of aerodrome movement area regarding availability of foreign objects.

2. Examine with interval no more than three hours, in case of break in flights more than three hours before renewal of flights (before each take off and landing of the air vehicle).

3. Establish radio communication before departure with body of Department of Internal Affairs and get permissions to survey of the maneuvering area.

4. Examine and by results to take measures for operational cleaning airfield coverings from foreign objects.

5. Notify bodies of Department of Internal Affairs on survey completion and make the log entry of condition of airfield.

6. Organize cleaning of airfield, the helidrome, landing site and vodostochno-drainage network, the station square and sidings necessary for traffic and taxing of air vehicles.

7. Inform the head on the violations of engineering procedure found during operating time.

8. Apply reference materials in case of accomplishment of all types of complex works on repair of airfield.

9. Use communicating device.


1. Instructions of surveys of working area.

2. Rules of conducting radio exchange.

3. Requirements of management system of aviation safety.

4. Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation.

5. Rules and technologies of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome and landing site.

6. Features of content of airfield in different season.

7. Requirements of regulatory legal acts imposed to the airfields, helidromes, landing sites intended for take-off, landing, taxing and the parking of civil air vehicles.

8. Organizational structure of the company.

9. Orders, orders of the director.

10. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 2:

Control of soil elements of airfield.


1. Organize work of workers of airfield service.

2. Perform management and control of work of personnel.

3. Determine the number of required materials for repair of soil parts of airfield, helidrome, landing site.

4. Organize consolidation of soil in case of optimum humidity.

5. Organize planning works, liquidate track and roll surfaces of soil airfield and mow grass.

6. Use communicating device.

7. Apply reference materials in case of accomplishment of all types of complex works on repair of soil parts of airfield of airfield, helidrome, landing site.


1. Fire safety regulations.

2. Features of content of airfield, helidrome, landing site in different season.

3. Rules of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome, landing site.

4. Requirements of safety management system of flights.

5. Rules of conducting radio exchange.

6. Requirements of labor protection.

7. Requirements of environmental protection.

8. Organizational structure of the company.

9. Orders, orders of the director.

10. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Labor function 2:

Qualitative and safe operational content of airfield to flights of air vehicles.

Skill 1:

Ensuring maintenance and running repair of airfield


1. Organize work of workers of airfield service.

2. Perform management and control of work of personnel.

3. Organize repair and content of airfield, helidrome, landing site, vodostochno-drainage systems.

4. Organize complex of actions for interaction of the services performing works in airfield, helidrome, landing site.

5. Use tools, devices and fuels and lubricants in case of accomplishment of all types of complex works.

6. Work with repair materials, mastics and reagents.


1. Technology of performance of works for repair of airfield coverings.

2. Requirements of industrial safety.

3. Technology of performance of works for cleaning of airfield coverings and the light-signal equipment from snow and ice, foreign objects.

4. Fire safety regulations.

5. Rules of conducting radio exchange.

6. Requirements of environmental protection.

7. Requirements of labor protection.

8. Requirements of safety management system of flights.

9. Technology of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome, landing site.

10. Organizational structure of the company.

11. Orders, orders of the director.

12. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 2:

Control for drainage and the water taking away systems and marking of artificial coverings.


1. Organize work of workers of airfield service.

2. Perform management and control of work of personnel.

3. Organize check and cleaning of vodostochno-drainage system of airfield.

4. Organize marking of airfield coverings.

5. Inform the head on the violations of engineering procedure found during operating time.

6. Use communicating device.


1. Rules and technologies of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome, landing site.

2. Rules and technologies of accomplishment of preparatory work on content of artificial coverings and soil parts of airfield, helidrome, landing site.

3. Fire safety regulations.

4. Rules of accomplishment of marking of airfield coverings.

5. Requirements of safety management system of flights.

6. Rules of conducting radio exchange.

7. Features of content of airfield, helidrome, landing site in different season.

8. Requirements of labor protection.

9. Requirements of environmental protection.

10. Organizational structure of the company.

11. Orders, orders of the director.

12. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:

Resistance to stress


Ability to work in team



Endurance and diligence

Oral communicative skills



Capability to training and self-training

Computer literacy

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. The order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of October 7, 2015 No. 978 "About approval of Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation". 2. The order of the Minister of investments and development of RK of March 31, 2015 No. 381 "About approval of regulations of serviceability of airfields (helidromes) of civil aviation". 3. The order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of March 26, 2015 No. 327 "Rules on the organization of work of special transport at the RK airports". 4. The order of the Minister of investments and development of RK of June 30, 2017 No. 420 "Rules of providing with aeronautical information in civil aviation" 5. Appendix of 14 ICAO, Airfields, Tom 1, Designing and operation of airfields. 6. DOC, 9981 ICAO, Airfields. 7. DOC, 9157 ICAO, the Management on aerodrome planning.

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Master of airfield service

15. Profession card "The airfield worker":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Airfield worker

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (release 53). The order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of RK of December 29, 2021 No. 513, the Paragraphs 8,9,10

Airfield worker, 2nd discharge, 3rd discharge, 4th discharge

Level of professional education:

Education level:

main secondary education





Education level:






Requirements to work experience:

Practical experience and\or professional training (short-term rates based on the organization of education or training at the company, the established level)

Communication with informal and informalny education:

Passings of training and receipt of admissions to independent work according to the acquired profession and qualification in service.

Other possible names of profession:

Main objective of activities:

Content and cleaning of airfield.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Performance of works on content of artificial coverings and soil parts of airfield, helidrome, landing site.

2. Work on maintenance (current, periodic and repair) airfield, landing strip, taxi and main paths, drainage drainage systems, intra airport roads and station squares.

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Performance of works on content of artificial coverings and soil parts of airfield, helidrome, landing site.

Skill 1:

Preparation of artificial airfield coverings for acceptance and release of air vehicles.


2 discharge

1. Perform preparatory auxiliary work on content of airfield.

2. Clean the platform and the territory near the station, protect dangerous points in airfield.

3. Clear aerodrome pavements, helidrome, landing site of foreign objects and garbage.

4. Perform works on purification manually of light-signal fires, light indicators on landing strip, taxiways, grounding devices and anchor fixtures on stalls of air vehicles.

5. Inform the head on the violations of engineering procedure found during operating time.

3 discharge

1. Perform preparatory auxiliary work on content of airfield.

2. Perform works on care of airfield surface, its artificial and unpaved surfaces.

3. Clear aerodrome pavements, helidrome, landing site of foreign objects and garbage.

4. Perform works on cleaning of airfield coverings and the light-signal equipment from snow and ice, foreign objects with use of mechanisms.

5. Inform the head on the violations of engineering procedure found during operating time.

4 discharge

1. Perform preparatory auxiliary work on content of airfield.

2. Carry out cleaning of landing strips by means of the corresponding mechanisms.

3. Use and contain as appropriate and operability of the used airfield and farm vehicles.

4. Perform works on cleaning of airfield coverings and the light-signal equipment from snow and ice, foreign objects with use of mechanisms.

5. Inform the head on the violations of engineering procedure found during operating time.


2 discharge

1. Airfield method of operation in different season, the acoustic and light alarm.

2. Procedure for movement of the air vehicle and transport in airfield.

3. Use the machines and mechanisms used when cleaning the territory and in case of running repair of airfield, procedure for the treatment of them.

4. Sequence and technology of performance of works for running repair of airfield coverings.

5. Sequence and technology of performance of works for cleaning of airfield coverings of snow and ice.

6. Procedure on safety and labor protection, production sanitation and fire safety.

7. Procedure for use of individual protection equipment.

8. Requirements imposed to quality of attended operations (services).

9. Requirements for rational labor organization on workplace

3 discharge

1. Types and features of artificial and natural coverings of airfield.

2. Technology of repair of airfield coverings and processing of snow cover.

3. Elementary data on agrotechnology and geodesy.

4. Specification on design of airfield machines and mechanisms and procedure for their operation.

5. Method of operation of radio station.

6. Procedure on safety and labor protection, production sanitation and fire safety.

7. Procedure for use of individual protection equipment.

8. Requirements imposed to quality of attended operations (services).

9. Production alarm system.

10. Requirements for rational labor organization on workplace.

4 discharge

1. Assignment, principle of operation and method of operation of all used airfield and farm vehicles, mechanisms and aggregates used in case of repair and care of airfield coverings.

2. Physicomechanical properties of all types of coverings of landing strips, in necessary amount of the data on metrology.

3. Rules and technologies of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome, landing site.

4. Rules and technologies of accomplishment of preparatory work on cleaning of artificial coverings and soil parts of airfield, helidrome, landing site and the light-signal equipment from snow and ice, foreign objects.

5. Requirements of safety management system of flights.

6. Procedure for movement of the air vehicle and transport in airfield.

7. Features of content of airfield, helidrome, landing site in different season.

8. Requirements of labor protection.

9. Requirements of environmental protection.

10. Internal documents of the company, order, orders of the director.

11. Rules of the labor schedule.

12. Procedure for use of individual protection equipment.

13. Requirements imposed to quality of attended operations (services)

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 2:

Cleaning of the drainage and water taking away systems, marking of artificial coverings and the equipment.


2 discharge

1. Check operability of drainage system of airfield.

2. Clear drainage systems and running repair of soil part of airfield under the leadership of the worker of higher qualification.

3. Prepare paints and varnishes.

4. Fill paints and varnishes in marking mechanisms.

5. Perform works on marking of airfield coverings.

6. Perform works on loading and unloading of breakbulk, piece and packaged, liquid and loose goods and inert materials.

7. Update marking of airfield coverings by the mechanized method.

8. Inform the head on the violations of engineering procedure found during operating time.

9. Use paints and varnishes, tools, devices in case of performance of works on content of surface and care of surface of airfield of airfield, helidrome, landing site with observance of safety requirements of flights, labor protection and flammability control.

10. Use communicating device.

3 discharge

1. Carry out works on running repair of airfield and its coverings.

2. Carry out cleaning and inspection of operability of drainage system of airfield.

3. Prepare prayner, cold mastic, warming up of hot mastics in stationary (portable) boiler.

4. Carry out cleaning and elimination of minor failures of airfield mechanisms and machines.

5. Clear drainage systems and running repair of soil part of airfield.

6. Perform works on marking of airfield coverings.

7. Update marking of airfield coverings by the mechanized method.

8. Inform the head on the violations of engineering procedure found during operating time.

4 discharge

1. Perform works on making of tray routes to water-collecting wells on the horizons.

2. Determine the number of required materials for carrying out repair work.

3. Use and content as appropriate and operability of the used airfield and farm vehicles.

4. Perform works on marking of airfield coverings.

5. Update marking of airfield coverings by the mechanized method.

6. Inform the head on the violations of engineering procedure found during operating time.


2 discharge

1. Airfield method of operation in different season, the acoustic and light alarm.

2. Procedure for movement of the air vehicle and transport in airfield.

3. Use the machines and mechanisms used when cleaning of the drainage and water taking away systems, marking artificial coverings, procedure for the treatment of them.

4. The sequence and technology of performance of works for cleaning of the drainage and water taking away systems.

5. Procedure on safety and labor protection, production sanitation and fire safety.

6. Procedure for use of individual protection equipment.

7. Requirements imposed to quality of attended operations (services).

8. Requirements for rational labor organization on workplace

3 discharge

1. Types and features of drainage and drainage systems of airfield.

2. Technology of marking of airfield coverings and drainage and drainage systems

3. Elementary data on agrotechnology and geodesy.

4. Specification on design of airfield machines and mechanisms and procedure for their operation.

5. Method of operation of radio station.

6. Procedure on safety and labor protection, production sanitation and fire safety.

7. Procedure for use of individual protection equipment.

8. Requirements imposed to quality of attended operations (services).

9. Production alarm system.

10. Requirements for rational labor organization on workplace.

4 discharge

1. Procedure on safety and labor protection, production sanitation and fire safety

2. Procedure for use of individual protection equipment.

3. Requirements imposed to quality of attended operations (services);

4. Requirements for rational labor organization on workplace

5. Rules and technologies of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome, landing site.

6. Rules and technologies of accomplishment of preparatory work on cleaning of artificial coverings and soil parts of airfield, helidrome, landing site and the light-signal equipment from snow and ice, foreign objects.

7. Rules of accomplishment of marking of airfield coverings.

8. Requirements of safety management system of flights.

9. Rules of conducting radio exchange.

10. Requirements of environmental protection.

11. Internal documents of the company, order, orders of the director.

12. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Labor function 2:

Work on maintenance (current, periodic and repair) airfield, landing strip, taxi and main paths, drainage drainage systems, intra airport roads and station squares.

Skill 1:

Running, periodic maintenance of elements of artificial covering of airfield.


2 discharge

1. Protect zones of works on repair of artificial aerodrome pavements, helidrome, landing site and dangerous points in airfield, helidrome, landing site with installation of figurative marking signs.

2. Constitute mixes from the materials applied in case of repair of aerodrome pavements, helidrome, landing site.

3. Warm mastic in stationary (portable) boiler.

4. Correct expansion joints in airfield, helidrome, landing site with use of simple airfield mechanisms.

5. Clear seams and cracks on airfield.

6. Prepare prayner, cold mastic.

7. Perform works on cleaning, filling of seams as mastic and correction of expansion joints with use of simple airfield mechanisms and handling works of breakbulk, piece and packaged and loose goods.

8. Impregnate artificial aerodrome pavement, helidrome, landing site with special protective structures.

9. Inform the head on the violations of engineering procedure found during operating time.

10. Use tools, devices and fuels and lubricants in case of accomplishment of all types of complex works on repair of artificial aerodrome pavements, helidrome, landing site.

11. Use communicating device.

12. Work with repair materials, mastics and reagents.

13. Carry out works on support of herbage of the established height according to requirements of local regulations.

3 discharge

1. Perform works on preparation of prayner, cold mastic, warming up of hot mastics in stationary (portable) boiler.

2. Carry out cleaning and elimination of minor failures of airfield mechanisms and machines.

3. Perform works on care of airfield surface, its artificial and unpaved surfaces.

4. Perform works on running repair of airfield and its coverings.

5. Perform works on preparation of prayner, cold mastic, warming up of hot mastics in stationary (portable) boiler.

4 discharge

1. Determine the number of required materials for carrying out repair work.

2. Carry out all types of complex works on repair of airfield and artificial coverings of landing strips, taxiways, aircraft parking places and platforms.

3. Constitute mixes from the materials (concrete, asphalt and other) which are applied in case of repair of airfield coverings.

4. Clear landing strips by means of the corresponding mechanisms.

5. Use and contain as appropriate and operability of the used airfield and farm vehicles.

6. Apply reference materials in case of accomplishment of all types of complex works on repair of artificial coverings of airfield of airfield, helidrome, landing site.


2 discharge

1. Airfield method of operation in different season, the acoustic and light alarm.

2. Procedure for movement of the air vehicle and transport in airfield.

3. Use the machines and mechanisms used in case of repair of artificial coverings, procedure for the treatment of them.

4. Sequence and technology of performance of works for cleaning of airfield.

5. Procedure on safety and labor protection, production sanitation and fire safety.

6. Procedure for use of individual protection equipment.

7. Requirements imposed to quality of attended operations (services).

8. Requirements for rational labor organization on workplace

3 discharge

1. Types of mastics, technology of their preparation.

2. Technology of filling of seams different types of mastics.

3. Method of operation of radio station.

4. Procedure on safety and labor protection, production sanitation and fire safety.

5. Procedure for use of individual protection equipment.

6. Requirements imposed to quality of attended operations (services).

7. Production alarm system.

8. Requirements for rational labor organization on workplace.

4 discharge

1. Assignment, principle of operation and method of operation of all used airfield and farm vehicles, mechanisms and aggregates used in case of repair and care of airfield coverings.

2. Procedure for use of radio communication.

3. Physicomechanical properties of all types of coverings of landing strips, in necessary amount of the data on metrology.

4. Procedure on safety and labor protection, production sanitation and fire safety.

5. Procedure for use of individual protection equipment.

6. Requirements imposed to quality of attended operations (services).

7. Production alarm system.

8. Requirements for rational labor organization on workplace.

9. Features of content of airfield, helidrome, landing site in different season.

10. Rules of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome, landing site.

11. Rules of performance of works on repair of airfield coverings.

12. Requirements of safety management system of flights.

13. Requirements of environmental protection.

14. Internal documents of the company, order, orders of the director.

15. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 2:

Running periodic maintenance of elements of soil airfield.


2 discharge

1. Determine the number of required materials for repair of soil parts of airfield, helidrome, landing site.

2. Protect zones of works on repair of soil parts of airfield, helidrome, landing site and dangerous points in airfield, helidrome, landing site with installation of figurative marking signs.

3. Carry out works on crops of herbs on soil part of airfield.

4. Carry out consolidation of soil in case of optimum humidity.

5. Carry out planning works, liquidate track and roll surfaces of soil airfield and mow grass.

6. Use communicating device.

7. Use tools, devices and fuels and lubricants in case of accomplishment of all types of complex works on repair of soil parts of airfield, helidrome, landing site.

3 discharge

1. Carry out cleaning and elimination of minor failures of airfield mechanisms and machines.

2. Perform works on care of surface of soil airfield.

3. Perform works on repair of soil airfield.

4. Determine the number of required materials for carrying out repair work.

5. Use communicating device.

4 discharge

1. Determine the number of required materials for carrying out repair work.

2. Carry out all types of complex works on repair of airfield.

3. Use and contain as appropriate and operability of the used airfield and farm vehicles.

4. Clear landing strips by means of the corresponding mechanisms.

5. Use and contain as appropriate and operability of the used airfield and farm vehicles.

6. Apply reference materials in case of accomplishment of all types of complex works on repair of soil parts of airfield of airfield, helidrome, landing site.


2 discharge

1. Airfield method of operation in different season.

2. Procedure for movement of the air vehicle and transport in airfield.

3. Use the machines and mechanisms used in case of repair of soil airfield, procedure for the treatment of them.

4. Sequence and technology of performance of works for cleaning of soil airfield.

5. Procedure on safety and labor protection, production sanitation and fire safety.

6. Procedure for use of individual protection equipment.

7. Requirements imposed to quality of attended operations (services).

8. Requirements for rational labor organization on workplace

3 discharge

1. Technology of repair and charge of soil airfield.

2. Method of operation of radio station.

3. Procedure on safety and labor protection, production sanitation and fire safety.

4. Procedure for use of individual protection equipment.

5. Requirements imposed to quality of attended operations (services).

6. Production alarm system.

7. Requirements for rational labor organization on workplace.

4 discharge

1. Fire safety regulations.

2. Features of content of airfield, helidrome, landing site in different season.

3. Rules of interaction of airfield service with the operating department and terrestrial services providing flights in airfield, helidrome, landing site.

4. Requirements of safety management system of flights.

5. Rules of conducting radio exchange.

6. Requirements of labor protection.

7. Requirements of environmental protection.

8. Internal documents of the company, order, orders of the director.

9. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:



Resistance to stress


Ability to work in team



Endurance and diligence



Capability to training and self-training

Ecological culture

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. The order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of October 7, 2015 No. 978. "About approval of Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation". 2. The order of the Minister of investments and development of RK of March 31, 2015 No. 381 "About approval of regulations of serviceability of airfields (helidromes) of civil aviation". 3. The order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of March 26, 2015 No. 327 "Rules on the organization of work of special transport at the RK airports". 4. The order of the Minister of investments and development of RK of June 30, 2017 No. 420 "Rules of providing with aeronautical information in civil aviation". 5. The order of the Government RK of May 12, 2011 No. 504 of "Rules of issue of operating authorities which can pose safety hazard of flights of air vehicles". 6. The order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of RK of September 28, 2013 No. 764 "Standard programs of professional training of the aeronautical personnel participating in safety-of-life function".

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Technician of airfield service

16. Profession card "The driver of the motorized equipment at the airport":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

The driver of the motorized equipment at the airport

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

The order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of March 26, 2015 No. 327 "Rules on the organization of work of special transport at the RK airports", the CHAPTER 5, item 32

The driver of the motorized equipment at the airport

Level of professional education:

Education level:

main secondary education





Requirements to work experience:

Practical experience and\or professional training (short-term rates based on the organization of education or training at the company, the established level).

Communication with informal and informalny education:

Passings of training and receipt of admissions to independent work according to the acquired profession and qualification in service.

Other possible names of profession:

Main objective of activities:

Content and cleaning of airfield.

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Preparation and checkup of the car before change.

2. Work on maintenance (the running, periodic and major repair) of airfield, take-off landing strip, taxi and main paths, drainage drainage systems, intra airport roads and station squares and transfer of special transport after the end of change.

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Preparation and checkup of the car before change.

Skill 1:

Preparation of the car.


1. Service the vehicle fuel, oil, special liquids and water.

2. Check technical operability of the machine, its completeness and eliminate the revealed defects.

3. Inspect the machine outside and check its exterior, be convinced of absence of damage, check condition of operating equipment, the engine of the basic landing gear and engine of the drive of operating equipment, details of transmission, undercarriage and driver's cab, to be convinced of lack of leaking of fuel, oil, special liquids and waters.

4. Check completeness of the machine the fire extinguishing equipment, the medical first-aid kit, towing rope.

5. Check condition of towing devices of the special vehicle: hooks or towing fork with shkvorny on front bumper of the machine and traction hook on turnbuckle. Hooks on front bumper and traction hook on turnbuckle shall be factory production and conform to requirements to regulating documents on standardization.

6. Check operation of the light-signal equipment: headlights, clearance lights, signals of turn, stoplight, flashing (pulse) light of the warning marking.

7. Check work of means of radio communication. Based on results of external examination and functional check to determine condition of radio station.

8. Check air pressure in pneumatic tires of wheels of the special vehicle.

9. Check oil level in crankcases of the basic landing gear and engine of the drive of operating equipment.

10. Inspect survey meters and indexes on instrument panel in special vehicle cabin, controls by machine and operating equipment.

11. Start the engine and check its work "aurally" on different turnovers.

12. Check operability of action of operating equipment (rise, lowering, turns, rotation).


1. The corresponding theoretical and practical preparation, knowledge of technical characteristics, principle of operation and design exploited technicians and separate aggregates, operational modes, the set restrictions, features of operation during the spring and summer and autumn and winter periods, and also in particular cases.

2. Know the device of cars, their nodes and aggregates, influence on safety of control of the vehicle and working capacity.

3. Be able to fill and control fillings of the specifications and technical documentation and keep the report on them.

4. Internal documents of the company, order, orders of the director.

5. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 2:

Preparation for the beginning of working shift.


1. Have medical examination before work in change (crew) performed by medical staff of civil aviation organization and receive mark about the admission to work in the route sheet, the control medical book or the special magazine of the driver.

2. Prepare special transport for release to the line.

3. Draw up the established documentation.

4. Observe vehicle traffic route on airfield.

5. Self-checking and introspection of correctness of control of motor transport along the line (the choice of motion speed and operational modes depending on road surfacing and weather conditions), not road traffic offense, etc.

6. Have skills of control of the vehicle in different weather conditions (fog, ice, rain, snow, etc.) and on roads with different covering.

7. Undergo instructing on workplace in airfield service


1. Vehicle traffic route on airfield.

2. Traffic rules in different weather conditions and on roads with different covering.

3. The program of instructing on workplace in airfield service.

4. Bases of dokumentoobrazovaniye, creation of the specifications and technical documentation and reporting under them.

5. Internal documents of the company, order, orders of the director.

6. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Labor function 2:

Work on maintenance (the running, periodic and major repair) of airfield, take-off landing strip, taxi and main paths, drainage drainage systems, intra airport roads and station squares and transfer of special transport after the end of change.

Skill 1:

Cleaning of airfield of foreign objects. Repair work on airfield.


1. Request permission to crossing of flying strip from the dispatcher of starting control office before crossing of flying strip, without reaching to side band of safety (border of critical zone of radio beacon landing system).

2. Cross and leave on airfield and taxiways after permission of the dispatcher of starting control office and only by the machines equipped with flashing and clearance lights, towing devices and radio stations.

3. Leave on airfield and taxiways for servicing of airfield coverings and landing facilities.

4. Support continuous stable radio communication with the dispatcher of starting control office and every 15 minutes makes control check of radio communication in the course of performance of works on airfield and taxiways.

5. Report on the dispatcher of starting control office and takes urgent measures for removal of the defective equipment to the established place out of limits of critical zone of radio beacon system in case of exit of the working equipment out of operation.

6. Equip all special transport working at airfield and taxiways, the clearance and flashing lights included in operating time irrespective of time of day and also means of intra airport communication with the flight operations director and the dispatcher of starting control office.

7. Watch during operating time on airfield luminous and sound signals and teams on the radio set.

8. Report on the dispatcher of starting control office on its release after crossing of flying strip. The flying strip is considered free if special transport left side band of safety (border of critical zone of radio beacon landing system).

9. Undergo additional medical examination at the end of change.


1. Rules of maintaining intra airport radio communication.

2. Vehicle traffic route on airfield.

3. Traffic rules in different weather conditions and on roads with different covering.

4. The program of instructing on workplace in airfield service.

5. Bases of dokumentoobrazovaniye, creation of the specifications and technical documentation and reporting under them.

6. Internal documents of the company, order, orders of the director.

7. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Skill 2:

Transfer of special transport after the end of change.


1. Check operability of the basic landing gear and special equipment.

2. Put down in the route sheet of the indication of speedometer and time of return of special transport from the line (change transfer).

3. Organize statement of special transport in repair for elimination of the revealed defects and draw up the request in repair zone.

4. Certify the fact of acceptance of special transport from the line (change transfer) by the signature of the route sheet to report on all defects of special transport and the special equipment on the chief of column and makes the log entry of reception-transmission of change.


1. Bases of dokumentoobrazovaniye, creation of the specifications and technical documentation and reporting under them.

2. The corresponding theoretical and practical preparation, knowledge of technical characteristics, principle of operation and design exploited technicians and separate aggregates, operational modes, the set restrictions, features of operation during the spring and summer and autumn and winter periods, and also in particular cases.

3. Device of cars, their nodes and aggregates, influence on safety of control of the vehicle and working capacity.

4. Internal documents of the company, order, orders of the director.

5. Rules of the labor schedule.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not recommended

Requirements to personal competences:



Resistance to stress


Ability to quickly make decisions



Endurance and diligence

Oral communicative skills

Concentration and management of attention



List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. The order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of October 7, 2015 No. 978. "About approval of Rules of airfield providing in civil aviation". 2. The order of the Minister of investments and development of RK of March 31, 2015 No. 381 "About approval of regulations of serviceability of airfields (helidromes) of civil aviation". 3. The order of the acting minister on investments and development of RK of March 26, 2015 No. 327 "Rules on the organization of work of special transport at the RK airports". 4. The order of the Minister of investments and development of RK of June 30, 2017 No. 420 "Rules of providing with aeronautical information in civil aviation".

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Technician of airfield service

Chapter 4. Specifications of the professional standard

17. Name of state body: Ministry of transport of RK.

Contractor: Myrzagaliyev Erbakyt Oryngaliyevich, +7 (717) 257 21 91,

18. The organizations (company) participating in development: JSC Academy of Civil Aviation.

Project manager: Zhakupov Kayrat Bolatovich,, +7 (701) 158 54 52.

Contractor: Shinzhirbekov M.Sh.,, +7 (705) 224 35 00.

19. Industry council on professional qualifications: November 8, 2024.

20. National authority on professional qualifications: October 29, 2024.

21. National chamber of entrepreneurs of RK "Atameken": December 4, 2024.

22. Number of the version and year of manufacture: version 1, 2024.

23. Date of approximate review: December 31, 2027.

Appendix 3

to the Order of the acting minister of transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 19, 2024 No. 418

Professional standard: "Ground handling operations of air vehicles"

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. Field of application of the professional standard: The professional standard "Ground Handling Operations of Air Vehicles" is developed according to article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About professional qualifications", establishes requirements to forming of educational programs, including personnel trainings at the companies, recognitions of professional qualification of workers and graduates of the organizations of education and solutions of wide range of tasks in the field of personnel management in the organizations and at the companies. The professional standard is developed for use in civil aviation at the companies which are engaged in ground handling operations of air vehicles.

2. In this professional standard the following terms and determinations are applied:

1) airline – the legal entity having the air operator certificate of civil air vehicles;

2) conditions of airline – condition, instructions and technologies established by airline which are applied in case of airborne transportations of passengers, baggage, loads and mails, and also conditions of application of rates, standards, installations on servicing of passengers and baggage, the appeal of passengers to airline;

3) airport activities – the activities performed by physical and (or) legal entities at the airports, connected with ensuring airborne transportations, aerial works, aviation safety and aviation safety;

4) management on servicing at the airport (Airport Handling Manual) – the recommendation of international association of air transport (International Air Transport Association) (further – IATA), according to the standards and the equipment used in case of accomplishment of technological transactions in the course of ground handling operations of the air vehicle;

5) the operator of the airport (airfield) – the legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also foreign state according to the international treaties ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan which uses the airport on the property right or other legal causes;

6) baggage – the personal belongings of passengers or crew transported onboard the air vehicle;

7) ground handling operations – the servicing necessary in case of arrival of the air vehicle in the airport (airfield) or departure of the air vehicle from the airport (airfield) which is not including air traffic maintenance;

8) the passenger – the physical person which is not part of crew and transported on the air vehicle according to the air transport agreement or on other legal causes;

9) load – any property transported onboard the air vehicle, except for mails, stores and baggage;

10) dangerous goods – the products or substances creating threat of life and to health, safety and property of the person or the environment, specified in the list of the dangerous goods determined by technical instructions by safe transportation of dangerous goods by air of International Civil Aviation Organization (IKAO);

11) safety of flight – the condition in case of which the risk of damnification of life or to human health or drawings damage to property is reduced to acceptable level and is supported at this or more low level by means of continuous process of identification of sources of danger and control of risk factors;

12) safety management system of flights – system approach to safety management of flights, including organizational structure, hierarchy of responsibility, obligation, guidelines and procedures;

13) International Civil Aviation Organization (IKAO) – the specialized agency of the United Nations establishing the international standards necessary for safety control, reliability and efficiency of air service, and performing coordination of international cooperation in all areas connected with civil aviation; obligations, guidelines and procedures.

3. In this professional standard the following reducings are applied:

1) HECTARE – civil aviation;

2) AF – the air vehicle;

3) KS – the job evaluation catalog;

4) ETKS – single wage rate book;

5) LNG – unit load devices;

6) IATA (IATA) – international association of air transport;

7) RK – the Republic of Kazakhstan;

8) The ORK – the Industry frame of qualifications;

9) OKED – the general qualifier of types of economic activity;

10) SUBP – safety management system of flights (Safety Management System, the SMS);

11) RK – the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Chapter 2. Passport of the professional standard

4. Name of the professional standard: Ground handling operations of air vehicles.

5. Code of the professional standard: H52232097.

6. Instruction of section, the Section, group, class and subclass agrees OKED:

H Transport and warehousing;

52 Warehousing of loads and auxiliary transport activities;

52.2 Auxiliary transport activities;

52.23 Auxiliary activities of air transport;

52.23.2 Activities of the airports.

7. Short description of the professional standard: The professional standard "Ground Handling Operations of Air Vehicles" determines requirements to qualification, competences and skills of the specialists who are engaged in ground handling operations of air vehicles of civil aviation. The professional standard covers all aspects of works connected with preparation of air vehicles for runs: safety control when servicing AF, complete service cycle of AF, loading control, control of aviation safety on the platform. It is aimed at safety control, qualities and efficiency of ground operations, and also forms basis for training and certification of workers, conforming to requirements of the international and national standards.

8. List of cards of professions:

1) Loaders at the airport – the 2nd ORK level;

2) the Washerman of air vehicles – the 2nd ORK level;

3) Drivers of the motorized equipment at the airport and tow trucks – the 3rd ORK level;

4) the Balance data supervisor – the 4th ORK level;

5) the air transportation Specialist – the 4th ORK level;

6) the lining Coordinator – the 5th ORK level;

7) Heads (managing directors) of specialized air transport divisions – the 6th ORK level;

8) The engineer on the organization of movement of special motor transport – the 6th ORK level;

9) Heads (managing directors) of specialized air transport divisions – the 7th ORK level.

Chapter 3. Cards of professions

9. Profession card "Loaders at the airport":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Loaders at the airport

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Release 1. The order of the Deputy prime minister - the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of RK of September 1, 2023 No. 364 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (release 1)". No. 33389 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of RK on September 7, 2023.

Paragraph 133. Loader, 3rd discharge

Level of professional education:

Education level:

main secondary education





Requirements to work experience:

Communication with informal and informalny education:

Other possible names of profession:

9333-1-001 - Loader

9333-3-002 - Sorter of baggage

Main objective of activities:

Production of handling works on AF

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Processing of baggage

2. Load handling

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Processing of baggage

Skill 1:

Processing of the sent baggage


3 discharge

1. Make baggage dispensing in the directions.

3. Process special baggage.

3. Stack baggage in the vehicle or in LNG.

4. Ensure safety of baggage when transporting to AF.

5. Ensure safety in case of installation of the luggage trolley to cargo hatch or conveyor tape.

6. Ensure safety of baggage on conveyor tape.

7. Place baggage in cargo sections of AF taking into account compactness and compatibility.

8. Use the equipment of cargo section for loading fixture.

9. Load LNG into AF.

10. Fill in the luggage sheet.


3 discharge

1. Processing rules of the sent baggage.

2. Types and purpose of baggage tags.

3. Rules of filling of the luggage sheet.

4. Configuration of cargo sections.

5. Principles of control of loading of AF.

6. Technological schedules of commercial preparation of airplanes on the platform.

7. Schemes of entrance, departure of special vehicles to air vehicles in case of technical and commercial servicing.

8. Rules of bringing and installation of means of mechanization on the platform.

9. Service regulations of LNG.

10. Requirements of labor protection, safe engineering, production sanitation and fire protection.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not required

Skill 2:

Processing of the arrived baggage


3 discharge

1. Unload not packaged baggage.

2. Allocate special baggage.

3. Draw up defect of baggage.

4. Place baggage on conveyor belt, ensuring its safety.

5. Stack baggage on the vehicle, providing its stability.

6. Ensure safety of baggage when transporting in issue zone.

7. Place baggage on tape of luggage roundabout.


3 discharge

1. Processing rules of the arrived baggage.

2. Types of defects of baggage.

3. Responsibility for safety and operability of baggage.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not required

Labor function 2:

Load handling

Skill 1:

Processing of outward cargoes and mail


3 discharge

1. Accept load and mail according to data of the freight manifest: check marking, packaging, seating capacity compliance.

2. Ensure safety of load and mail when transporting to AF.

3. Ensure safety of load and mail when loading in AF.

4. Process dangerous and other particular loads.

5. Stack load and mail in the vehicle or in LNG.

6. Ensure safety of load when loading in AF.

7. Place load and mail in cargo sections of AF taking into account compactness and compatibility.

8. Use the equipment of cargo section for loading fixture.


3 discharge

1. Rules of cargo hauling.

2. Principles of acceptance of transfer of load and mail.

3. Types and purpose of shipping marks.

4. Danger signs.

5. Configuration of cargo sections.

6. Principles of control of loading of AF.

7. Technological schedules of commercial preparation of airplanes on the platform.

8. Schemes of entrance, departure of special vehicles to air vehicles in case of technical and commercial servicing.

9. Rules of bringing and installation of means of mechanization on the platform.

10. Service regulations of LNG.

11. Purpose of delivery leaf, cargo of the manifesto, instruction for loading of AF.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not required

Skill 2:

Processing of the arrived loads


3 discharge

1. Unload not package cargo and mail.

2. Allocate particular dangerous and particular load.

3. Unload LNG from AF.

4. Draw up defect of load and mail.

5. Ensure safety when unloading and transporting.

6. Transfer mail to the post site.

7. Transfer load to commercial warehouse.

8. Fill in documents of reception-transmission of loads and mail.


3 discharge

1. Procedure for unloading of loads and mail from AF.

2. Procedure for reception-transmission of commercial loading.

3. Types and purposes of shipping marks.

4. LNG storage precautions

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not required

Requirements to personal competences:



Resistance to stress

Ability to work in team


Endurance and diligence

Concentration and management of attention

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. Rules of implementation of ground handling operations at the airports. The order of the Minister of the industry and infrastructure development of RK of October 2, 2019 No. 750. 2. Rules of public conveyance, baggage and loads on air transport. The order of the Minister of investments and development of RK of April 30, 2015 No. 540. 3. Labor code RK.

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Air transportation specialist

10. Profession card "Washerman of air vehicles":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Washerman of air vehicles

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Release 53. The order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of RK of June 15, 2022 No. 201 "About approval of the Single wage rate book of works and professions of workers (release 52)". No. 28475 is registered in the Ministry of Justice of RK on June 16, 2022.

Paragraph 12. Washerman of air vehicles

Level of professional education:

Education level:

main secondary education





Requirements to work experience:

Communication with informal and informalny education:

Other possible names of profession:

9117-0-001 - The cleaner in the airplane

Main objective of activities:

Accomplishment of internal cleaning of AF, washing and cleaning of outside skin of the air vehicle

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Accomplishment of outside washing of AF

2. Accomplishment of internal cleaning of AF

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Accomplishment of outside washing of AF

Skill 1:

Washing and cleaning of outside skin of the air vehicle.


1 discharge:

1. Make washing and cleaning of outside skin of AF of the IV class.

2. Make washing of all AF types by all types of scheduled works, except the air vehicle I-II of classes on periodic forms of the maintenance schedule.

2 discharge:

1. Make washing and cleaning of outside skin of AF of I-Sh of classes and widebody air vehicles by all types of scheduled works using washing aggregates and the equipment.

2. Eliminate obstacles and slippery sites.

3. Apply specially provided step-ladders and platforms intended for AF of this type to washing of the high-located parts.

4. Provide convenient access to tools and materials.

5. Apply the technical and operating documentation.

6. Fill in reporting documentation.


1. Types of the serviced air vehicles.

2. Technology of washing and cleaning of outside skin of the air vehicle, including in the conditions of low temperatures.

3. Composition (dosage) of solutions (emulsions) washing liquids.

4. Requirements of labor protection, safe engineering, production sanitation and fire protection.

5. Procedure for use of individual protection equipment.

6. Requirements imposed to quality of attended operations (services).

7. Dangerous and harmful production factors.

8. Service regulations of the special equipment.

9. Rules of the organization of workplace on stalls of AF.

10. Instructions for safe handling of the equipment of AF and chemicals.

11. Rules of wearing overalls.

12. Rules of first-aid treatment and use of the medical first-aid kit.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not required

Labor function 2:

Accomplishment of internal cleaning of AF

Skill 1:

Accomplishment of cleaning of cabin of pilots, passenger cab, kitchen, lobbies and clothes


1 discharge:

1. Wash, clear and mop toilet rooms, floors, chairs, window light filters AF using chemical means.

2. Prepare detergents for work.

3. Draw up the established documentation.

2 discharge:

1. Make cleaning and washing using the special machine for complex washing and cleaning in the air vehicle I-II of classes in case of maintenance in periodic forms of the maintenance schedule.

2. Make replacement of means of comfort (curtains, carpets, covers and other).

3. Remove receivers of tanks of the toilet rooms on the air vehicle which are not equipped with centralized system of draining and washing, their cleaning of content.

4. Connect and disconnect receiving and distributing sleeves and closing of drain hatches of receiver tanks of toilet rooms of the air vehicle.


1. Types of the serviced air vehicles.

2. Procedure for the address with paint coatings and internal finishing of the air vehicle when washing and their cleaning of pollution.

3. Precautionary measures when washing and cleaning in cabin of pilots, near emergency exits of the air vehicle.

4. Composition (dosage) of solutions (emulsions) washing liquids.

5. Procedure for preparation of detergents and treatment of them.

6. Properties of the applied solutions and solvents.

7. Requirements of labor protection, safe engineering, production sanitation and fire protection.

8. Requirements imposed to quality of attended operations (services).

9. Requirements for rational labor organization on workplace.

10. Features and technology of washing of the modern synthetic fabrics applied on the air vehicle.

11. Device and method of operation of the special equipment of machines and mechanisms for complex wash and cleaning of the air vehicle.

12. General information about configuration of passenger cabs, flight decks, luggage sections, bathrooms.

13. Device and features of design of the buffet cooking apparatus, systems of the sewerage and water supply of the air vehicle.

14. Features of cleaning of flight decks and passenger cabs.

15. Procedure for use of individual protection equipment.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not required

Skill 2:

Cleaning of cargo sections and unit load device


1 discharge

1. Scavenge.

2. Wash panels, the floor.

3. Clear cargo containers and pallets.


1 discharge

1. Assignment and the rules of application washing and disinfectants.

2. Methods of cleaning and acceptances of washing.

3. Special requirements of cleaning, after transportation of animal and dangerous goods.

4. Requirements of labor protection, safe engineering, production sanitation and fire protection.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not required

Requirements to personal competences:


Ability to work in team


Endurance and diligence

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. Rules of implementation of ground handling operations at the airports. The order of the Minister of the industry and infrastructure development of RK of October 2, 2019 No. 750. 2. The inventory, works, services of airdrome and ground handling operations which are part of airport activities. Order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic 3. Labor code RK.

Communication with other professions within ORK:

ORK level:

Name of profession:


Driver of telescopic walkways

11. Profession card "Drivers of the motorized equipment at the airport and tow trucks":

Group code:


Code of the name of occupation:


Name of profession:

Drivers of the motorized equipment at the airport and tow trucks

Skill level on ORK:


qualification subtotal on ORK:

Skill level on ETKC, KC and other standard qualification characteristics:

Level of professional education:

Education level:

TIPO (working professions)


Organization of airborne transportations


Education level:

main secondary education





Requirements to work experience:

Communication with informal and informalny education:

Other possible names of profession:

8343-9-016 - Operator of overloaders

8332-5-004 - Driver of telescopic walkways

Main objective of activities:

Ensuring the mechanized handling works on AF and landing and disembarkation of passengers

Description of labor functions

List of labor functions:

Obligatory labor functions:

1. Ensuring LOC ARM of operation of the motorized equipment

2. Control of the motorized equipment

Additional labor functions:

Labor function 1:

Ensuring LOC ARM of operation of the motorized equipment

Skill 1:

Maintenance of operating condition of special equipment


1. Make careful check of technical condition of special vehicles in case of change acceptance.

2. Perform necessary complex of works on preparation of special vehicles for transfer to other change.

3. Before departure to check technical condition of special vehicles, the equipment according to requirements of the operating manual for the line.

4. Watch during operating time technical condition of the machine and equipment, operability of rudder control, brakes, flashing light, radio stations, depreciation devices, devices of lighting, window wipers and aggregates of special equipment.

5. Watch condition of accumulators and fuel levels.

6. Determine defects in work of auto-loader, its mechanisms and their elimination.

7. Draw up requests for repair of auto-loader.


1. Hardware and the special equipment, features of operation to perform complex of works on TO and repair of all special vehicles fixed to it.

2. Regulations on service.

3. Requirements of labor protection, safe engineering, production sanitation and fire protection.

4. Bases of the labor law RK.

5. Rules of wearing overalls, individual and collective remedies.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not required

Labor function 2:

Control of the motorized equipment

Skill 1:

Control of special equipment during movement on airfield


1. Be attentive when driving special transport on airfield, to immediately stop special transport upon the demand of persons responsible for the organization and traffic security in airfield.

2. Manage the special vehicle at night, in fog, in case of ice, snowfall, and also in case of insufficient lighting of platforms and places of parking of AF, observing extra care.

3. Consider movement of other vehicles and air vehicles to avoid collisions.


1. Traffic rules on airfield.

2. The plan of airfield, including limited zones and zones with the increased danger.

3. The basic rules and procedures of safety in airfield.

4. The scheme of arrangement and the organization of movement of air vehicles, special transport and means of mechanization on the platform.

5. Influence of weather conditions

on traffic security.

6. Operations procedure in emergency situations.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not required

Skill 2:

Control of special equipment when servicing AF on the parking


1. Give the special vehicle to place of employment.

2. Exclude possibility of movement of special equipment in the absence of the operator.

3. Participate in loading/unloading of baggage, load, mail on specifying of the responsible service employee.

4. Take measures the excluding premises of damage of AF by special transport and the road accident.

5. Consider all dangers which are directly connected with performance of work.


1. Values of airfield signals and signs which regulate movement and work in the territory.

2. Technological schedules of servicing of AF on arrival and departure.

3. The scheme of entrance, departure and maneuvering of special vehicles when servicing the airplane.

4. Quality requirements of performance of works, safety control for and people around, with the minimum environmental effect and rational use of natural resources and energy resources.

Possibility of recognition of skill:

it is not required

Requirements to personal competences:



Ability to work in team



Endurance and diligence

Concentration and management of attention

List of technical regulations and national standards:

1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About Use of Airspace of RK and Activities of Aircraft". 2. Rules on the organization of work of special transport at the RK airports. The order of the Government RK of March 11, 2016 No. 136. 2. Labor code RK.


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